Acclaimed Italian-British architect, Richard Rogers, has passed away at the age of 88. As the NYT reports, news of his passing was confirmed by his son Roo, without a cause of death specified.
A little over a year ago Rogers announced his retirement from his namesake architecture firm, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners.
More to follow in coming days...
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It's like every time I hear about one of these, I am immediately brought back to my grad school days perusing periodicals in the library.
My condolences to the Rogers family. Your reminiscence made me think about what kids must be doing at the library today. My guess is with the computer not much they couldn't do anywhere else . Not the same as paper in your hand as I remember it, but hopefully still good.
"Kids these days don't know what real research is!" he blindly speculated.
Sorry if I caused offence, the older one gets, the younger people look. Just a speculation if one gets the same from a screen as from paper.
Paper didn't go away.
good to know ;)
He was an outstanding force of true brilliance — and will be missed. RIP.
is that real? If so, amazing. He had dyslexia so it makes sense that he struggled with school. Very curious to know how he went from that review to completing 5th year and then going to Yale for a MArch after that. Very glad that he made it, either way. He was, and remains, an inspiring figure.
A brilliant architect with a great sense of colour, just look at that pink shirt, orange suspenders and that green wrist band!
As with his buildings!
There's a very fine line between late-modernist whimsy and postmodernist irony, and few walked that line more gracefully or successfully than Rogers.
well put.
While I wouldn't recommend exposing the innards of a build to the outside, what was great about his work is that it was visually engaging. Now if we could do this without creating so many functional issues...
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