The Guardian's Jonathan Glancey praises Will Alsop's new Fawood Children's Centre in London. Read
Will Alsop's new children's centre has its own 'big top', water garden and outdoor stage. It's a ray of light in a dark corner of London, says Jonathan Glancey
Monday December 13, 2004
The Guardian
There is a part of Professor William Alsop OBE RA, chairman of the Architecture Foundation, that is a big, bear-like, occasionally bumptious child. Alsop happens to be very good with children: they know he is a mischievous fellow, the sort who might collude with them against the world of authoritative adult strictures. His bold, colourful, blobby architecture might not be to everyone's taste; yet, at their best, his buildings are hugely enjoyable, collectively a kind of two-fingers-up to conventional notions of good taste and polite, late-flowering modernism.
Here, in Harlesden, north-west London, he is doing what he does best: working for mostly poor children on a tight budget in a down-at-heel inner-city suburb, infamous for gun crime as well as poor exam results, and blighted by the Stonebridge Estate, one of the nastiest concrete structures of its kind in Europe. The Fawood Children's Centre, in the grounds of the condemned housing estate, is a special thing, a kind of giant metal circus tent adorned with decorative mesh walls that cover and protect open-air play areas, as well as nurseries and classrooms that have been converted from old sea containers.
Fawood is unlike any other local authority nursery building in Britain. These are normally single-storey affairs, surrounded by open-air playgrounds unusable on all too many days of the rain-sodden year. "They suffer from what I call pumped-up bungalow syndrome," says Alsop, "as if carefully designed to stifle the childhood imagination." Fawood shows how an architect can work happily in league with the youngest clients without being patronising, while creating a new type of building.
You might not want to see such a bold children's centre in every town and city, yet here in run-down Harlesden it is a ray of light - especially at dusk, when the building is illuminated in a glow of rainbow colours. It reminds me of the big-tops of the Chinese and Russian state circuses. Here, under the prefabricated tent-like roof, children can eat picnic lunches in a "piazza", chase one another through a "willow tunnel", climb into a tree house, act on an outdoor stage, splash about in a water garden or swing from a climbing frame. It doesn't matter if it rains: these play areas are protected by the steel-mesh walls hanging from the frame. These, in turn, are enlivened with brightly coloured, elliptical acrylic lozenges that twist and turn gently with the wind, casting ever-changing patterns of colour and shadow across the floor of the nursery when the sun shines. The east- and west-facing walls will soon be covered in clematis and vines, to provide further shade, colour and shelter.
Inside, below the centre of the "big top" roof, are three three-storey clusters of brightly coloured sea containers arranged to resemble giant building blocks. Like the roof structure, they are cheap and cheerful, but they are also robust and will need little maintenance. The containers - which have their own lifts, stairs, underfloor heating and projecting balconies - are connected by walkways. "This combination of built and adapted internal environments has permitted a rapid construction programme," says Alsop. "It allows flexibility, and for low-cost change in any future internal layout of the building."
Fascinating in itself, the Fawood Children's Centre also plays a complex role in the surrounding cityscape. It has been completed even as the surrounding tower blocks of the Stonebridge Estate are due for demolition, and the area it stands in is completely transformed. So it will have to be an enduring bright spot in a landscape that will look and feel like a mess for some time yet. Eventually, Fawood will be part of a new urban park, complete with nature trails and adventure play areas, surrounded by new homes and joined by a health and community centre, also designed by Alsop.
The centre replaces and expands existing community facilities on the estate by providing, under one roof, a nursery for three-to-five-year-olds, nursery facilities for autistic and special needs children, and a base for community education workers and consultation services. It has been funded by the Housing Action Trust, the London Borough of Brent and the government's Sure Start and New Opportunities funding programmes, and cost £2.3m - which, in nearby Kensington and Chelsea, would just about buy you a three-bedroom house.
"With a tiny budget, we had to stretch our imaginations," says Alsop. "We decided to buy the biggest, cheapest and most robust structure we could find, which is effectively a standard portal-frame mass-produced for farm buildings. This has allowed us to cover as much space as possible - in fact, the entire site - for little money, leaving the rest to create spaces that, hopefully, will shape the children's imagination. They already think of themselves as being at sea when they're inside the sea containers, and they like to hear stories told inside the yurt, which is a far cosier and more magical space than a conventional classroom can ever be.
"There is a darker side to the project, and one that brings home the reality of the adult world around the centre. The mesh walls might look decorative, but in fact they are a security cage designed to keep people that are a danger to children away from them. And there's no getting away from the fact that Harlesden is a tough area."
Despite that, Alsop's generally upbeat take on inner-city architecture sends out optimistic messages. But how effective can it ever be? It was, remember, in the shadow of Alsop's fine new public library in Peckham, south London, that Damilola Taylor was stabbed to death. But architects have to be optimists, dreaming of a better world in which buildings play a key role in enhancing life.
Local skateboarders told me that they call Harlesden the "west Bronx of London". Not that they have been to the Bronx, but you understand what they're saying. Might the Fawood centre soften Harlesden's hard-bitten image? Maybe; maybe not. But it might offer children here a chance to escape into a world of happy play and make-believe that, one day, will raise their sights and spirits far above the cancerous concrete walls of the Stonebridge Estate.
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