Architect : Michele Arnaboldi
Co-workers : Carlo Barra, Enzo Rombolà, Nastasia Giraud
Client : City of Terre di Pedemonte, CH
Mission : Competition
Program : Sports hall (plus kitchen and bunker) - Area 1000 m
Cost : 4 000 000 CHF ex-Tax
Schedule : Schematic design 3months
The territory of Verscio is structured by three terraces limited by the mountain to the North and by the Melezza river to the South. The rst terrace is located at the bottom of the mountain perpendicularly to the highway and hosts the historical center. On the south limit of that rst terrace there is the train station and a complex with the Church and the cemetery open towards the terrace below. A diffused residential area now occupies the second terrace, which was originally an agricultural area of large vineyards. The new school built ten years ago is located on the limit of that second terrace and looks towards the river. Finally, the third terrace follows the river where there are some old infrastructures like the sport center with tennis courts and soccer elds. The project of a sports hall located on this area provides a new infrastructure which links both intermediary terraces between middle school and sport center. The pedestrian pathway beginning at the church runs along the vineyards of Carèsg street nally joining the school and continues across the new sports hall towards the Melezza river. For this reason, the sports hall is open towards the north by a terrace accessible from a footbridge through the wooded area. From this public space oriented towards the current school the stairwell reaches a large porch on the rst oor and is opened onto the woods, the river and the sport center. Around this public area we can nd all accesses and services needed for the sports hall, which mainly offers a multipurpose room for sports activities and various events.
Status: Unbuilt
Location: Verscio, CH
My Role: Project architect and Drawing of all documents (except rendering).