Laney LA

Laney LA Diversity Badge

Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Hermosa Beach, CA


SV Residence

Rooted within the mountain landscape, this 3,500 square foot residence seeks to balance rugged and refined architectural expression through incremental evolution. Stacked stone, taken from the site itself, composes the terraced, plinth base of the home. With each level, there is a progressive increase in the degree of refinement, light, and craftsmanship to be found -  the pinnacle coinciding with the gabled peak and breathtaking view of the Carson range.

In many ways, the earth acts as either the author or the inspiration for every space. At the base of the sloped site, a cavernous garage is nestled deep within the hillside. From it, a wide path of paved stone leads to the entry gallery and lounge. Ascent to the third level unfolds a quiet series of private and public spaces separated by board form concrete walls and flexible enough to be completely open to the mountain air. Evoking the memory of the client's 200-year-old mountain cabin, the blackened timber roof unifies the entire composition of concrete volumes and glass as it frames the views beyond. Ultimately, this is a residence designed to be worthy of the mountain on which it rests.

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Status: Built
Location: Truckee, CA, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Construction: In House Builders
Interiors: HSH Interiors
Visualization: Places Studio