Multiple layers of sheathing, membranes, structural and non-structural framing make-up high-performance building enclosures, resulting in assemblies between 10” and 20” thick that can prevent trapped moisture from escaping the wall assembly by diffusion. Trapped moisture poses a risk to the structure because of damage from mold growth and rot. In response, our team is developing an envelope assembly that improves upon conventional wall construction. We plan to demonstrate, through design and analysis, an innovative wall assembly that is energy-efficient and inexpensive to build.
Our goals are two fold: To develop a prototype framing
system that will demonstrate how to remove sheathing from a high-performance enclosure. In turn, we will provide a high quality of life for residents of an area in providence that are economically disadvantaged and work with local development partners and the city of Providence to achieve this. Our goal is to bring the slenderness, lightness and strength of manufactured components into the realm previously dominated by the diaphragm and compression column concept of building. We can reduce the materials used in a typical “advanced framing” wall by 50%.
Status: Competition Entry
Location: Providence, RI, US
My Role: Design Member