The lounge area of Rockefeller Library is an amenity space connected to lobby where a lot of people stay on and hang around. However, the space may seem too open and distracting to people for reading and studying. Therefore, the space has to be capable of being folded and unfolded according to the users’ need.
At sunset, excessive amount of glare penetrates through the vertical openings. This becomes quite disruptive to people who are sitting around the lounge. The existing window shades are enough to decrease the amount of glare to the satisfactory degree. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an equipment that can control the daylight.
Folding the fabric allows to create semi-enclosure while reducing the amount of glare at the same time. In result, three zones are formed diagrammatically according to the amount of light received.
Light comes into the space through skylight, and bounces on and off the reflector going deeper into the space. Once it arrives the end of the reflector, it starts to diffuse throughout the curvature of the fabric.
Status: School Project
Location: Providence, RI, US
My Role: Designer