Lew Rockwell. Again, a climate change denier informed more by a dogmatic political perspective than by science. I and any other rational person will refuse to believe someone prejudging climate science through the filter of a political doctrine.
In fact, almost every climate change denier that zoolander and Jack Knlompus have quoted here have been motivated by politics, not science. Why would we ever believe these people?
First off, your not reading the links because if you had you would see prominent scientists, including IPCC members and department chairs at Ivy League Universities standing on the skeptical side.
I think it is the knee jerk reacting climate change cheerleaders on this site who are motivated by politics and refuse to even harbor the thought they may be wrong. Maybe it doesn’t go with your cool eco-lifestyles and fantasy land, maybe you were brainwashed as children. But as someone who has watched this from the early days of the living Gaia movement I am telling you the green movement has gone from a force of good, and real change in the world, which has cleaned up our environment tremendously already, to a force of political dictatorship akin to religious fervor hell bent on squashing dissention.
No one here is a climate scientist (although my cousin does work for NOAA and is also a skeptic) but everyone here has taken some physics or chemistry. If CO2 is only .03% of the atmosphere do you really think it's the prime ingredient for warming? Not water vapor or methane or Nitrogen?
Almost everything you so is polar opposite to what is actually happening. You couldn't be more wrong.
The climate change agenda is a political agenda with 'science' used as an 'objective' means to back up the claims of the elites in their desire to control us.
Im all for a lot more science on this topic, and a lot less politics.
(This would show that man made climate change is not happening)
We have seen from the leaked emails that the scientists are really struggling to provide believable data to back up a non-existant problem, hence they have to use 'tricks', as mentioned in the emails.
They politicians are giving this lot millions in grants, they are not impartial.
Who pays the piper calls the tune.
Climate change is a scam, you people are calling for your own chains and will look back with great regret when this whole episode play out till its logical conclusion.
On a slightly related topic, did anyone see the outing of Gretchen Carlson's dumbing down on the daily show? - High school valedictorian, stanford and oxford grad with honors, classical violinist, and a deer in headlights when the cameras are on.
This is a relatively new phenomenon that is wrought with irony. I find it very interesting.
"This would show that man made climate change is not happening"
If that is your hypothesis before you do the research, than well you don't need the science any more do you.
But what about the FACTS from the past, when there had been a proven rise of temperature that strangely enough ALWAYS coincided with an increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere. So when the level of CO2 in the atmosphere at this moment is rising, which is another FACT (whether or not caused by man) what do you think WILL happen??? Those FACTS have nothing to do with who picks up the tab for the research, it's about the results. So maybe man did not cause the increase of CO2, but if we now know what happened in the past with elevated levels of CO2, we at least CAN do something to bring the levels of CO2 back to acceptable levels. What´s the harm in having solar panels, wind turbines and taking your bike instead of your Hummer?
Zoolander, you must take your movie character way too serious:
"Words can only hurt you if you try to read them. Don't play their game."
The IPCC report as well as other claims in the past 5 years has simply said that anthropogenic climate change is "very likely."
A conclusion of "very likely" means that they are basically 80% that is the truth.
I have yet to see anyone in a formal academic study say "Yes, 100% true."
Correlation is not causation. This was never an actual scientific conclusion and the wording was carefully written in a way to have that backdoor.
Also, only because 0.03% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide does not necessarily mean it is evenly distributed.
I know that the readings are primarily at ground level, blah blah. But consider this, if it was 0.03 across the entire atmosphere... then we must consider the thin layer of the atmosphere it fucks up.
In total, our atmosphere is about 110 miles thick. But 3/4ths of its weight is in the first 11 miles. Most greenhouse gases occupy the stratosphere which is less than 25% of the total volume of the atmosphere.
So, in reality, the concentration of greenhouses gasses in the stratosphere is closer to 0.2%.
Hur dur, atmospheric stacking!
Without the %0.05 of trace gases in the atmosphere, the temperature of earth would fall 56 degrees!
So, don't give me any of this crap that 0.01% doesn't really matter.
And you are a Atmospheric Scientist? Some estimates floating around say that man is responsible for 5% of the increase in CO2.
So of that .03%, thats 3/100s of a percent, the overall increase is estimated at 5-10% over the 50 year span, of which we are 5%, so all in all the Evil Western Cultures will be responsible for .00015%.
If you had a .00015% chance of dying on your way to work would you quit your job?
If you had a .00015% chance of getting struck by lightening would you stop going outside?
If you had a .00015% chance of warming the earth 2,3 degrees would you spend 24trillion dollars and reduce your standard of living and income potential?
It is hard to determine the exact amount of CO2 man is responsible for... especially over the course of the last 1000 years when advances in metallurgy and alchemy let us drastically increase deforestation.
In fact, the rediscovery of steel in the 16th and 17th centuries lead to the near entire deforestation of Europe.
Hell, selenium poisoning in deep water lakes have lead to mass degassings. An attribute of that is purely anthropogenic is cause. Various mining, geotechnical and ocean dredging activities have also release incredible amounts of CO2 over a rapid time.
Are people trying down every single event like this? Are people cataloging every piece of garbage, bags of yard waste, every alpine tree cut down, every forest fire and all other forms of carbon degassing?
Are people considering that human related activities not only inadvertently release huge amounts of carbon but also damage the planets ability to absorb such carbon?
How much carbon has been inadvertently release from draining millions of acres of swamp to combat malaria?
How much carbon has been release from dredging freshwater lakes?
How much carbon is released by humans breathing?
Also, a 0.00015% chance is actually greater than the chance of being struck by lightening.
And people seem to be getting struck by lightening with great frequency.
I was making a point about correlation. Climate change is a correlate-able phenomenon. But it certainly hasn't reached statistical importance to be considered causation.
I'm not a climate scientist... but I have taken about 24 credit hours in the environmental sciences. My dad is a wildlife and climate specialist for the US Department of Forestry. My cousin-in-law is an entomologist who studies flora and fauna in alpine island environments (regions severely affected by minute climate variations). Oh yeah and my other cousin is an actual climate scientist.
the most recent ice survey - undertaken by sleds on the ice, with ice core measurements (not aerial survey which can not accurately detect ice thickness) document that the thickness of arctic is thinning.
New data, released today (15.10.09) by the Catlin Arctic Survey and WWF, provides further evidence that the Arctic Ocean sea ice is thinning, supporting the emerging thinking that the Ocean will be largely ice-free during summer within a decade.
The Catlin Arctic Survey, completed earlier this year, provides the latest ice thickness record, drawn from the only survey capturing surface measurements conducted during winter and spring 2009.
The data, collected by manual drilling and observations on a 450-kilometre route across the northern part of the Beaufort Sea, suggests the survey area is comprised almost exclusively of first-year ice.
This is a significant finding because the region has traditionally contained older, thicker multi-year ice. The average thickness of the ice-floes measured 1.8 metres, a depth considered too thin to survive the next summer’s ice melt.
These findings have been analysed by the Polar Ocean Physics Group at the University of Cambridge, led by Professor Peter Wadhams, one of the world’s leading experts on sea ice cover in the North Pole region.
“With a larger part of the region now first year ice, it is clearly more vulnerable,” said Professor Wadhams. “The area is now more likely to become open water each summer, bringing forward the potential date when the summer sea ice will be completely gone.”
Wadhams continued: “The Catlin Arctic Survey data supports the new consensus view -- based on seasonal variation of ice extent and thickness, changes in temperatures, winds and especially ice composition -- that the Arctic will be ice-free in summer within about 20 years, and that much of the decrease will be happening within 10 years.”
“That means you’ll be able to treat the Arctic as if it were essentially an open sea in the summer and have transport across the Arctic Ocean.”
According to the scientists who have studied the data, the technique used by the explorers to take measurements on the surface of the ice has the potential to help ice modellers to refine predictions about the future survival or decline of the ice.
Catlin Arctic Survey expedition leader Pen Hadow commented: “This is the kind of scientific work we always wanted to support by getting to places in the Arctic which are otherwise nearly impossible to reach for research purposes. It’s what modern exploration should be doing. Our on-the-ice techniques are helping scientists to understand better what is going on in this fragile ecosystem.”
At the unveiling of the results in London, Dr. Martin Sommerkorn from WWF International Arctic Programme, which partnered with the Survey, said: “The Arctic sea ice holds a central position in our Earth’s climate system. Take it out of the equation and we are left with a dramatically warmer world.”
“Such a loss of Arctic sea ice cover has recently been assessed to set in motion powerful climate feedbacks which will have an impact far beyond the Arctic itself – self perpetuating cycles, amplifying and accelerating the consequences of global warming. This could lead to flooding affecting one-quarter of the world’s population, substantial increases in greenhouse gas emissions from massive carbon pools and extreme global weather changes" Dr. Sommerkorn said.
“Today’s findings provide yet another urgent call for action to world leaders ahead of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen this December to rapidly and effectively curb global greenhouse gas emissions, with rich countries committing to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020.”
Gore lies:http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/climategate_gore_falsifies_the_record
You lot here talk about hypothesis and the scientific method as if you had a white coat in your own wardrobe without seeing the obvious fact that the government dont give a damm about the science and only care about implementing global changes on the back of a sham environmental agenda.
The fact that you lot resort to name calling and sillyness shows that you have lost the argument, much like Brown calling people who question this scam 'flat earthers'.
The science has been exposed as being 'tricked' up, yet the governments still go ahead with copenhagen.
I bet that are having a great few days over there, 7 course meals, the best drink, plenty of good looking birds. Sure their hangovers will be on the mend while they sleep through the 'conference', just in time for thats nights festivities.
I'd love to have my finger in the pie of a carbon trading business, the soaring energy prices wouldnt cause me to bat an eyelid, the introduction of carbon taxes baby, i'd be all for it!
so, you cite a china daily, china where forced population control was the soup dejour, and you extrapolate that the world is going to force sterilize the world population?? a long way to go, to make a crazy point. most sane people realize two things; forced sterilization is wrong, and population control is good. it's patently obvious that the earth can only sustain a certain population unless you have plans for undersea dwelling, like genetically engineered food, or like getting your sustenance from i.v. bags.
you clearly have a hard time thinking things through.
Concidering Canada just anounced it would be best to have a replacemenr rate of 1 that shows the lunacy on their side. Replacement rate of one means halving the population.
This isnt the begining of a new age, this is the end of a long painful age of anti Americanism gone rampant starting in the 60's. Industry is bad, business is bad, America is bad, cars are bad, airplanes are bad - everything is bad. I personally think its a deeper psychological issue in which those who werent as successful in a time of great prosperity, or those who dont think they got enough, choose to tear down the system for a greater good as they say to justify their lot in life.
Lovely - the wicked have no shame...tax, tax, tax, fuck them
NEW YORK - A story emerging out of Britain suggests "follow the money" may explain the enthusiasm of the United Nations to pursue caps on carbon emissions, despite doubts surfacing in the scientific community about the validity of the underlying global warming hypothesis. A Mumbai-based Indian multinational conglomerate with business ties to Rajendra K. Pachauri, the chairman since 2002 of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stands to make several hundred million dollars in European Union carbon credits simply by closing a steel production facility in Britain with the loss of 1,700 jobs. The Tata Group headquartered in Mumbai anticipates receiving windfall profits of up to nearly $2 billion from closing the Corus Redcar steelmaking plant in Britain, with about half of the savings expected to result from cashing in on carbon credits granted the steelmaker by the European Union under the EU's emissions trading scheme, or ETS.
Everyone should be very worried, not calling out for more legislation and laws. Not that the governments actually listen to the people anyway, they are following their agenda regardless.
Concidering Canada just anounced it would be best to have a replacemenr rate of 1 that shows the lunacy on their side. Replacement rate of one means halving the population.
I mean Holy jesus christ where did you learn math?? And youre the resident number-cruncher on this bullshit?
This isnt the beginning of a new age, this is the end of a long painful age of anti Americanism gone rampant starting in the 60's. Industry is bad, business is bad, America is bad, cars are bad, airplanes are bad - everything is bad. I personally think its a deeper psychological issue in which those who werent as successful in a time of great prosperity, or those who dont think they got enough, choose to tear down the system for a greater good as they say to justify their lot in life.
Right. That. Or, most people dont like mercury in their drinking water. Its a fucking balance man. Yknow who uses a third the per-capita energy of americans? The Japanese. Thank god dont have to endure the economic implosion theyve seen in the last 30 years! Thank god we havent had manditory sterilization and black-helicopter death-squads rounding up and gassing half the population like they have! Oh wait. THAT DIDNT FUCKING HAPPEN.
I could give a fuck if you believe it. Its pretty obvious you havent a goddamned clue what youre talking about, and worse, have no interest whatsoever in forming anything resembling a rational opinion on this. But the rest of us think maybe its a good idea for everybody not to have global famines and flooded cities in the next 50-100 years. If you wanna go all paranoid-schizophrenic on this one, yknow, have at it. Thats what the founding fathers fought for I guess. But please, spare us the empty threats and hyperbolic indignation.
whoa, dude... your hatred of al gore is retarded. i think you've been worshipping glenn beck a little too much of late. you might want a dose of reality to wash off that putrid scent.
actually, you remind me of this lunatic anti-science denier and major asshole, the viscount monckton of brenchley calling protestors, some of whom happen to be jewish, nazis and hitler youth. repeatedly. even when informed one happs to be jewish.
what a classy ball of shit.
in related news, innovative science is happily tackling the issues of dealing with a world of surplus carbon, as a team of researchers from UCLA are turning CO2 into liquid fuel...
This new method has two advantages for the long-term, global-scale goal of achieving a cleaner and greener energy economy, the researchers say. First, it recycles carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. Second, it uses solar energy to convert the carbon dioxide into a liquid fuel that can be used in the existing energy
damn, those scary socialist-funded scientists getting your hard earned tax dollars, jack!
i mean, who wants to live in a cleaner world? well, other than climate flat-earthers and republicans...
The whole global warming propaganda has just become farcical.
Only the indoctrinated believe in global warming con, usually only the middle classes with some silly degree behind them who think they are educated buy this con.
Jack Klompus said,
"Do you know what a Racket is? Its where you collude to force someone out of business and drive that business to your choosing. This is a Global Racket to enforce restrictions and laws on one group while diverting their jobs to another.
Face it - the Green Movement was hijacked and has become a political movement instead."
You are exactly right.
Its also become a religious movement too. This morning I heard on the local Christian radio station a poem that was written and read on the air extolling the virtues of the Holy Order of the One World devotion to Nature.
zoolander you are right. These environmentalist wackos view themselves and everyone else as parasites.
Such hypocrites. If they really believe what they claim they would do themselves and everyone else a favor and go find the nearest cliff and hurl themselves off or be done with it and drink a couple gallons of bleach or whatever it takes. Its not that complicated you know. Heck, I'll gladly pay the shipping to ship all you parasitic wastes of biomass to the nearest lavapit and you can toss yourselves in (shipping would be freight to reduce the purported "carbon footprint". Better yet go make yourselves useful and WALK to the north pole and feed your sorry pathetic parasitic biomasses to the first polar bear you can find.
Just stop your kooky, self destructive subversive attacks on society at large already, and my wife.
My wife has asthma. The nutjobs in government within the last year forced the inhaler manufacturers to retool inhalers under the guise of protecting the environment and reducing the amount of CO2 or whatever that is released when the mechanism that dispenses the medication is activated. Problem is the inhalers SUCK and don't dispense the same amount of medication in the proper way and my wife is left sucking for air which the proper pre-LEED wacko nutjobs screwed up.
Talk about being blind to the larger, macroscopic system of "pollution"! What a bunch of nutjobs. Billions of people are polluting their water and atmosphere in China and India by the metric ton by the second and the nutjobs in this government are probably patting themselves on the back congratulating themselves for keeping one more puff of CO2 or whatever out of the atmosphere and that saved a bunch of polar bears. Crazy kooks!
next, diabase will likely accuse me of being geertrude AND zoolander and who knows who else...why do I get the feeling that the one"s" throwing stones are really the one"s" living in the proverbial glass house.
Climate Change Emails Hacked
damn, to be notified everytime some crazy link is posted here. must have flooded your inbox.
Excellent article above, well worth reading.
Lew Rockwell. Again, a climate change denier informed more by a dogmatic political perspective than by science. I and any other rational person will refuse to believe someone prejudging climate science through the filter of a political doctrine.
In fact, almost every climate change denier that zoolander and Jack Knlompus have quoted here have been motivated by politics, not science. Why would we ever believe these people?
First off, your not reading the links because if you had you would see prominent scientists, including IPCC members and department chairs at Ivy League Universities standing on the skeptical side.
I think it is the knee jerk reacting climate change cheerleaders on this site who are motivated by politics and refuse to even harbor the thought they may be wrong. Maybe it doesn’t go with your cool eco-lifestyles and fantasy land, maybe you were brainwashed as children. But as someone who has watched this from the early days of the living Gaia movement I am telling you the green movement has gone from a force of good, and real change in the world, which has cleaned up our environment tremendously already, to a force of political dictatorship akin to religious fervor hell bent on squashing dissention.
No one here is a climate scientist (although my cousin does work for NOAA and is also a skeptic) but everyone here has taken some physics or chemistry. If CO2 is only .03% of the atmosphere do you really think it's the prime ingredient for warming? Not water vapor or methane or Nitrogen?
You lot make me laugh.
Almost everything you so is polar opposite to what is actually happening. You couldn't be more wrong.
The climate change agenda is a political agenda with 'science' used as an 'objective' means to back up the claims of the elites in their desire to control us.
Im all for a lot more science on this topic, and a lot less politics.
(This would show that man made climate change is not happening)
We have seen from the leaked emails that the scientists are really struggling to provide believable data to back up a non-existant problem, hence they have to use 'tricks', as mentioned in the emails.
They politicians are giving this lot millions in grants, they are not impartial.
Who pays the piper calls the tune.
Climate change is a scam, you people are calling for your own chains and will look back with great regret when this whole episode play out till its logical conclusion.
On a slightly related topic, did anyone see the outing of Gretchen Carlson's dumbing down on the daily show? - High school valedictorian, stanford and oxford grad with honors, classical violinist, and a deer in headlights when the cameras are on.
This is a relatively new phenomenon that is wrought with irony. I find it very interesting.
"This would show that man made climate change is not happening"
If that is your hypothesis before you do the research, than well you don't need the science any more do you.
But what about the FACTS from the past, when there had been a proven rise of temperature that strangely enough ALWAYS coincided with an increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere. So when the level of CO2 in the atmosphere at this moment is rising, which is another FACT (whether or not caused by man) what do you think WILL happen??? Those FACTS have nothing to do with who picks up the tab for the research, it's about the results. So maybe man did not cause the increase of CO2, but if we now know what happened in the past with elevated levels of CO2, we at least CAN do something to bring the levels of CO2 back to acceptable levels. What´s the harm in having solar panels, wind turbines and taking your bike instead of your Hummer?
Zoolander, you must take your movie character way too serious:
"Words can only hurt you if you try to read them. Don't play their game."
Does anyone not fucking understand English?
The IPCC report as well as other claims in the past 5 years has simply said that anthropogenic climate change is "very likely."
A conclusion of "very likely" means that they are basically 80% that is the truth.
I have yet to see anyone in a formal academic study say "Yes, 100% true."
Correlation is not causation. This was never an actual scientific conclusion and the wording was carefully written in a way to have that backdoor.
Also, only because 0.03% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide does not necessarily mean it is evenly distributed.
I know that the readings are primarily at ground level, blah blah. But consider this, if it was 0.03 across the entire atmosphere... then we must consider the thin layer of the atmosphere it fucks up.
In total, our atmosphere is about 110 miles thick. But 3/4ths of its weight is in the first 11 miles. Most greenhouse gases occupy the stratosphere which is less than 25% of the total volume of the atmosphere.
So, in reality, the concentration of greenhouses gasses in the stratosphere is closer to 0.2%.
Hur dur, atmospheric stacking!
Without the %0.05 of trace gases in the atmosphere, the temperature of earth would fall 56 degrees!
So, don't give me any of this crap that 0.01% doesn't really matter.
And you are a Atmospheric Scientist? Some estimates floating around say that man is responsible for 5% of the increase in CO2.
So of that .03%, thats 3/100s of a percent, the overall increase is estimated at 5-10% over the 50 year span, of which we are 5%, so all in all the Evil Western Cultures will be responsible for .00015%.
If you had a .00015% chance of dying on your way to work would you quit your job?
If you had a .00015% chance of getting struck by lightening would you stop going outside?
If you had a .00015% chance of warming the earth 2,3 degrees would you spend 24trillion dollars and reduce your standard of living and income potential?
Al Gore would love to be your bookie.
That's not a .00015% chance thing there buddy.
CO2 levels at toxic at 0.5% concentrations.
It is hard to determine the exact amount of CO2 man is responsible for... especially over the course of the last 1000 years when advances in metallurgy and alchemy let us drastically increase deforestation.
In fact, the rediscovery of steel in the 16th and 17th centuries lead to the near entire deforestation of Europe.
Hell, selenium poisoning in deep water lakes have lead to mass degassings. An attribute of that is purely anthropogenic is cause. Various mining, geotechnical and ocean dredging activities have also release incredible amounts of CO2 over a rapid time.
Are people trying down every single event like this? Are people cataloging every piece of garbage, bags of yard waste, every alpine tree cut down, every forest fire and all other forms of carbon degassing?
Are people considering that human related activities not only inadvertently release huge amounts of carbon but also damage the planets ability to absorb such carbon?
How much carbon has been inadvertently release from draining millions of acres of swamp to combat malaria?
How much carbon has been release from dredging freshwater lakes?
How much carbon is released by humans breathing?
Also, a 0.00015% chance is actually greater than the chance of being struck by lightening.
And people seem to be getting struck by lightening with great frequency.
I was making a point about correlation. Climate change is a correlate-able phenomenon. But it certainly hasn't reached statistical importance to be considered causation.
I'm not a climate scientist... but I have taken about 24 credit hours in the environmental sciences. My dad is a wildlife and climate specialist for the US Department of Forestry. My cousin-in-law is an entomologist who studies flora and fauna in alpine island environments (regions severely affected by minute climate variations). Oh yeah and my other cousin is an actual climate scientist.
J Klompus -
the most recent ice survey - undertaken by sleds on the ice, with ice core measurements (not aerial survey which can not accurately detect ice thickness) document that the thickness of arctic is thinning.
New data, released today (15.10.09) by the Catlin Arctic Survey and WWF, provides further evidence that the Arctic Ocean sea ice is thinning, supporting the emerging thinking that the Ocean will be largely ice-free during summer within a decade.
The Catlin Arctic Survey, completed earlier this year, provides the latest ice thickness record, drawn from the only survey capturing surface measurements conducted during winter and spring 2009.
The data, collected by manual drilling and observations on a 450-kilometre route across the northern part of the Beaufort Sea, suggests the survey area is comprised almost exclusively of first-year ice.
This is a significant finding because the region has traditionally contained older, thicker multi-year ice. The average thickness of the ice-floes measured 1.8 metres, a depth considered too thin to survive the next summer’s ice melt.
These findings have been analysed by the Polar Ocean Physics Group at the University of Cambridge, led by Professor Peter Wadhams, one of the world’s leading experts on sea ice cover in the North Pole region.
“With a larger part of the region now first year ice, it is clearly more vulnerable,” said Professor Wadhams. “The area is now more likely to become open water each summer, bringing forward the potential date when the summer sea ice will be completely gone.”
Wadhams continued: “The Catlin Arctic Survey data supports the new consensus view -- based on seasonal variation of ice extent and thickness, changes in temperatures, winds and especially ice composition -- that the Arctic will be ice-free in summer within about 20 years, and that much of the decrease will be happening within 10 years.”
“That means you’ll be able to treat the Arctic as if it were essentially an open sea in the summer and have transport across the Arctic Ocean.”
According to the scientists who have studied the data, the technique used by the explorers to take measurements on the surface of the ice has the potential to help ice modellers to refine predictions about the future survival or decline of the ice.
Catlin Arctic Survey expedition leader Pen Hadow commented: “This is the kind of scientific work we always wanted to support by getting to places in the Arctic which are otherwise nearly impossible to reach for research purposes. It’s what modern exploration should be doing. Our on-the-ice techniques are helping scientists to understand better what is going on in this fragile ecosystem.”
At the unveiling of the results in London, Dr. Martin Sommerkorn from WWF International Arctic Programme, which partnered with the Survey, said: “The Arctic sea ice holds a central position in our Earth’s climate system. Take it out of the equation and we are left with a dramatically warmer world.”
“Such a loss of Arctic sea ice cover has recently been assessed to set in motion powerful climate feedbacks which will have an impact far beyond the Arctic itself – self perpetuating cycles, amplifying and accelerating the consequences of global warming. This could lead to flooding affecting one-quarter of the world’s population, substantial increases in greenhouse gas emissions from massive carbon pools and extreme global weather changes" Dr. Sommerkorn said.
“Today’s findings provide yet another urgent call for action to world leaders ahead of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen this December to rapidly and effectively curb global greenhouse gas emissions, with rich countries committing to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020.”
facts don't matter, jackass swampass has a cousin who works at NOAA!
Gore changes his story when it suits:
Gore lies:http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/climategate_gore_falsifies_the_record
You lot here talk about hypothesis and the scientific method as if you had a white coat in your own wardrobe without seeing the obvious fact that the government dont give a damm about the science and only care about implementing global changes on the back of a sham environmental agenda.
The fact that you lot resort to name calling and sillyness shows that you have lost the argument, much like Brown calling people who question this scam 'flat earthers'.
The science has been exposed as being 'tricked' up, yet the governments still go ahead with copenhagen.
I bet that are having a great few days over there, 7 course meals, the best drink, plenty of good looking birds. Sure their hangovers will be on the mend while they sleep through the 'conference', just in time for thats nights festivities.
Climate change is a scam.
Noones asking you to read this thread.
killing two birds with one stone|
An Army of morons and idiots is all you find around here.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard."
it's wierd how i like steve carell MOST in anchorman. the rest of his stuff is kind of blah.
Finally, the hidden agenda is unveiled:
So there you have it.
Not you green nutters go show how much you really care for the earth and jump of a cliff, im sure al gore will lead his sheeple over the cliff.
Go on, kill yourselves, save the earth.
Scientists forced to sign petition on global warming:
derek, don't wvorry, we know you've been sterilized.
oh, i forgot, zooey is an anti-choice nutjob. THAT, explains everything.
Pro choice, pro life is derek
Lay off the insults my friend, no need for them really, and im a thoughtful person.
Any comments on the latest links derek posted? They seem to expose this scam at a new level, that of enforced depopulation.
Maybe your thinking about jumping in front of a bus? Take al gore with you. Save the world for the rest of us, please.
If you want to pay carbon taxes of your own back be my guest and that goes for the rest of you.
What isn't is a choice to pay carbon taxes?
Let those who think the world is burning put their money where their mouth is and leave the rest of us in peace.
That cuddly polar bear in the ad at the top off the screen is looking £3 a month aswell, add that to your carbon taxes.
What a scam.
MONEY MONEY MONEY, its not funny
I'd love to have my finger in the pie of a carbon trading business, the soaring energy prices wouldnt cause me to bat an eyelid, the introduction of carbon taxes baby, i'd be all for it!
so, you cite a china daily, china where forced population control was the soup dejour, and you extrapolate that the world is going to force sterilize the world population?? a long way to go, to make a crazy point. most sane people realize two things; forced sterilization is wrong, and population control is good. it's patently obvious that the earth can only sustain a certain population unless you have plans for undersea dwelling, like genetically engineered food, or like getting your sustenance from i.v. bags.
you clearly have a hard time thinking things through.
Concidering Canada just anounced it would be best to have a replacemenr rate of 1 that shows the lunacy on their side. Replacement rate of one means halving the population.
This isnt the begining of a new age, this is the end of a long painful age of anti Americanism gone rampant starting in the 60's. Industry is bad, business is bad, America is bad, cars are bad, airplanes are bad - everything is bad. I personally think its a deeper psychological issue in which those who werent as successful in a time of great prosperity, or those who dont think they got enough, choose to tear down the system for a greater good as they say to justify their lot in life.
This Beta fellow is a prime example.
Lovely - the wicked have no shame...tax, tax, tax, fuck them
NEW YORK - A story emerging out of Britain suggests "follow the money" may explain the enthusiasm of the United Nations to pursue caps on carbon emissions, despite doubts surfacing in the scientific community about the validity of the underlying global warming hypothesis. A Mumbai-based Indian multinational conglomerate with business ties to Rajendra K. Pachauri, the chairman since 2002 of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stands to make several hundred million dollars in European Union carbon credits simply by closing a steel production facility in Britain with the loss of 1,700 jobs. The Tata Group headquartered in Mumbai anticipates receiving windfall profits of up to nearly $2 billion from closing the Corus Redcar steelmaking plant in Britain, with about half of the savings expected to result from cashing in on carbon credits granted the steelmaker by the European Union under the EU's emissions trading scheme, or ETS.
Scum - theres no defending these criminals
Al Gore should be tied to a post and shot
Armed guard set on 'skeptic' journalist (or rather one of the few people who hasen't been indoctrinated.)
What about openness and transparency.
What a con.
Everyone should be very worried, not calling out for more legislation and laws. Not that the governments actually listen to the people anyway, they are following their agenda regardless.
Well worth watching this trailer, filmed by the journalist who was escorted away by armed guard at copenhagen.
Careful Zoo. They can hear all that through the chip in your head.
Al Gore should be tied to a post and shot
Holy motherfucking what?? Dude. Get a fucking grip.
I mean Holy jesus christ where did you learn math?? And youre the resident number-cruncher on this bullshit?
This isnt the beginning of a new age, this is the end of a long painful age of anti Americanism gone rampant starting in the 60's. Industry is bad, business is bad, America is bad, cars are bad, airplanes are bad - everything is bad. I personally think its a deeper psychological issue in which those who werent as successful in a time of great prosperity, or those who dont think they got enough, choose to tear down the system for a greater good as they say to justify their lot in life.
Right. That. Or, most people dont like mercury in their drinking water. Its a fucking balance man. Yknow who uses a third the per-capita energy of americans? The Japanese. Thank god dont have to endure the economic implosion theyve seen in the last 30 years! Thank god we havent had manditory sterilization and black-helicopter death-squads rounding up and gassing half the population like they have! Oh wait. THAT DIDNT FUCKING HAPPEN.
I could give a fuck if you believe it. Its pretty obvious you havent a goddamned clue what youre talking about, and worse, have no interest whatsoever in forming anything resembling a rational opinion on this. But the rest of us think maybe its a good idea for everybody not to have global famines and flooded cities in the next 50-100 years. If you wanna go all paranoid-schizophrenic on this one, yknow, have at it. Thats what the founding fathers fought for I guess. But please, spare us the empty threats and hyperbolic indignation.
whoa, dude... your hatred of al gore is retarded. i think you've been worshipping glenn beck a little too much of late. you might want a dose of reality to wash off that putrid scent.
actually, you remind me of this lunatic anti-science denier and major asshole, the viscount monckton of brenchley calling protestors, some of whom happen to be jewish, nazis and hitler youth. repeatedly. even when informed one happs to be jewish.
what a classy ball of shit.
in related news, innovative science is happily tackling the issues of dealing with a world of surplus carbon, as a team of researchers from UCLA are turning CO2 into liquid fuel...
This new method has two advantages for the long-term, global-scale goal of achieving a cleaner and greener energy economy, the researchers say. First, it recycles carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. Second, it uses solar energy to convert the carbon dioxide into a liquid fuel that can be used in the existing energy
damn, those scary socialist-funded scientists getting your hard earned tax dollars, jack!
i mean, who wants to live in a cleaner world? well, other than climate flat-earthers and republicans...
flat-earth-ish climate deniers have even lost the AP...
The lead analyst of the AP research [Seth Borenstein] has a chequered reporting past, as documented here:
And this is an interesting article:
Gore lying again:
Journalist attacked by brainwashed nuts:
The whole global warming propaganda has just become farcical.
Only the indoctrinated believe in global warming con, usually only the middle classes with some silly degree behind them who think they are educated buy this con.
The government are not out to help us.
smaller words, smaller words....
Oh those silly working people with their "understanding of basic science", what will they come up with next!
Jack Klompus said,
"Do you know what a Racket is? Its where you collude to force someone out of business and drive that business to your choosing. This is a Global Racket to enforce restrictions and laws on one group while diverting their jobs to another.
Face it - the Green Movement was hijacked and has become a political movement instead."
You are exactly right.
Its also become a religious movement too. This morning I heard on the local Christian radio station a poem that was written and read on the air extolling the virtues of the Holy Order of the One World devotion to Nature.
Total crap.
diabase quotes "The lead analyst of the AP research [Seth Borenstein]"
gee...the last name is a complete surprise. no collusion, graft, or conspiracy there...
crap in-->crap out.
zoolander you are right. These environmentalist wackos view themselves and everyone else as parasites.
Such hypocrites. If they really believe what they claim they would do themselves and everyone else a favor and go find the nearest cliff and hurl themselves off or be done with it and drink a couple gallons of bleach or whatever it takes. Its not that complicated you know. Heck, I'll gladly pay the shipping to ship all you parasitic wastes of biomass to the nearest lavapit and you can toss yourselves in (shipping would be freight to reduce the purported "carbon footprint". Better yet go make yourselves useful and WALK to the north pole and feed your sorry pathetic parasitic biomasses to the first polar bear you can find.
Just stop your kooky, self destructive subversive attacks on society at large already, and my wife.
My wife has asthma. The nutjobs in government within the last year forced the inhaler manufacturers to retool inhalers under the guise of protecting the environment and reducing the amount of CO2 or whatever that is released when the mechanism that dispenses the medication is activated. Problem is the inhalers SUCK and don't dispense the same amount of medication in the proper way and my wife is left sucking for air which the proper pre-LEED wacko nutjobs screwed up.
Talk about being blind to the larger, macroscopic system of "pollution"! What a bunch of nutjobs. Billions of people are polluting their water and atmosphere in China and India by the metric ton by the second and the nutjobs in this government are probably patting themselves on the back congratulating themselves for keeping one more puff of CO2 or whatever out of the atmosphere and that saved a bunch of polar bears. Crazy kooks!
next, diabase will likely accuse me of being geertrude AND zoolander and who knows who else...why do I get the feeling that the one"s" throwing stones are really the one"s" living in the proverbial glass house.
onefella, why don't you just asphyxiate your wife and put her out of her misery?
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