
Joe Biden is a racist


The following is from a recent Washington Times article:

---One of our current running mates has had a similarly sad week, and it wasn't Sarah Palin. Joe Biden continues to entertain everybody but persuade few. The man who boasted that Delaware was a slave state and fought on the wrong side in the War Between the States, who famously described the first black presidential candidate as "bright, clean and articulate," who prescribes using "a slight Indian accent" for anyone seeking a snack at Dunkin' Donuts or a 7-Eleven in Delaware, this week enthusiastically urged a paraplegic state senator in Missouri to "stand up and let the people see you." Once he saw that the man couldn't, he blushed deep red and said: "Oh, God love ya. What am I talking about?" ---

This shows that Obama lacks core values and will do anything to win this election. Biden is a classic good ole' boy who can't seem to let anything intelligent come out of his mouth. Palin is a far more attractive prospect, which is exactly why McCain is surging in recent polls.

Why would Barack, a proponent of change, choose a racist as a running mate? I'd love to hear an Obama supporter counter this.

I'm all ears...

Sep 12, 08 11:50 am

The Washington Times is one of the biggest rags and biggest jokes of a "newspaper" in the world.

No one can ever take them seriously.

Sep 12, 08 11:54 am  · 

i know you're a troll but i guess i'll feed you

Sep 12, 08 11:56 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

^ that 'sambo' story is fake

Sep 12, 08 12:09 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

and the joe biden quotes are just stupid. not really racist or anything to get outraged about.

Sep 12, 08 12:11 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

daily kos has erased the 'sambo' story, but it's already out there so their job is done

Sep 12, 08 12:14 pm  · 

fair apologies for spreading a false story...but i agreed with frac...insensitive maybe, but if some of those comments are racist than i think we've really expanded the definition

Sep 12, 08 12:20 pm  · 

Produce something legit if you're going to rebuttle. I didn't utter those quotes in the Times article, Joe Biden did. The Times isn't the only source that quotes him as saying such.

"and the joe biden quotes are just stupid. not really racist or anything to get outraged about.'

The above quote is exactly why racism towards african americans still exists in our country. White folks think it's cute and spin it as "just stupid. not really racist or anything...".

Check out this YouTube video of Biden displaying his genius

Sep 12, 08 12:27 pm  · 

She looks, talks, and sounds like a total bitch.

And because of that I wouldn't be surprised if McCain/Palin won the election. I confident that America hasn't grown up after the appalling failures of the Bush Administration.

Sep 12, 08 12:29 pm  · 

There is no need to rebuttal the fact the the "Times" is indeed one of the biggest jokes.

It's okay though. You're in good company because most of the people who actually read that shit are absolute jokes too.

Sep 12, 08 12:31 pm  · 

Actually, this is why so many Americans are saying NOBAMA. No one can seem to find an accomplishment to pin on his lapel, aside from publishing to books about how great he is.

Archmed- Review Obama's tax plan and tell me you agree with it. I dare you.

Sep 12, 08 12:32 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

rebuttle: the joe biden quotes are true, but that doesn't make him a 'racist'

Sep 12, 08 12:33 pm  · 

Another vid for you...whoops, forgot to prepare a speech for this one.

Sep 12, 08 12:33 pm  · 

Why don't you hold Palin to the standard you profess to hold Biden?

typicaly hypocritcal nonsense coming from the right, Palin is simply not qualified in any mode whatsoever, she's a pretty face to trick voters into voting AGAINST THEIR INTERESTS

Sep 12, 08 12:34 pm  · 
won and done williams

conservative nonsense. i suggest we leave the troll to his stewing.

Sep 12, 08 12:38 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

and scribble you should link the entire washington times opinion:
PRUDEN: A bad week for a running mate

no where does wesley pruden say 'SEE!?!? BIDEN'S A RACIST!' he just points out biden says some stupid things and it may cause obama to lose this november.

if you want to attack biden then ask why he was against the first gulf war but voted for the iraq war. if this guy is supposed to add foreign policy experience then i would question his past judgement.

Sep 12, 08 12:39 pm  · 

Since Bush is obviously one of the worst Presidents in the history of the United States of America, McCain will just extend that legacy for four more years.

No matter how much you "convince" me I won't be voting for McCain. We talk about terrorism and security and international affairs, every one of Bush's policies have been a monumental failure of epic proportions:

Iraq: Fail
Afghanistan: Fail
Russia: Fail
Lebanon: Fail
Europe: Fail
Israel/Palestine: FAIL
Venezuela: Fail
Pakistan: Fail
N. Korea: Fail
Iran: Fail

Libya: Well we we got them to abandon their WMDs and what do we get in return? Relations with one of Africa's longest standing and most brutal despots.

Sep 12, 08 12:40 pm  · 

Palin now wants sanctions on Russia!

Perfect example of how naive, reactionary, and woefully unqualified she is.

Keep going.

Sep 12, 08 12:41 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

border security: Fail

Sep 12, 08 12:41 pm  · 

Archmed... McCain has mentioned imposing sanctions on Russia as well... shes merely following suit

Sep 12, 08 12:46 pm  · 

Well in any case, just a tribute to how low our expectations are when it comes to the impending catastrophic failures of McCain/Palin.

Sep 12, 08 12:48 pm  · 

seriously scribble. is this all you have? a wt article and some you tube videos? from what i can tell, you're asking for a rebuttal to an argument that doesn't exist. i suggest you try again. this time with more feeling and less stupidity.

Sep 12, 08 12:51 pm  · 

Ether, they are running out of things to not look like total hypocrites about.

First it's all about "Christian/Moral" values. Well that was thrown out of the window when the clusterbomb erupted that Palin's underage daughter was pregnant out of wedlock.

Then I thought it was funny that Dick Chenny condemned the attack on Georgia From Russia as "A wholesale invasion on a countries sovereignty." Well, dick, what about Iraq and Lebanon?

Sep 12, 08 12:55 pm  · 

This question doesn't really fall into this thread so much but b/c we are talking about national security,

Would 9/11 happened if something as simple as non accessible cockpits been in place?

It seems like so much of what is going on in this country is traced back to that event and it seems like it wouldn't of taken rocket scientists to prevent it. It has created such an atmosphere of terror that seems way overblown.

Please just shoot me if I am way off base.

Sep 12, 08 12:56 pm  · 

actually this is a racist statement: I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live.

not only did your main squeeze, McBush, use a racial epitaph, but he also said he hates an entire group based on their race. Now, that's racism we can believe in!

Sep 12, 08 12:58 pm  · 
won and done williams

archmed, i love how conservatives get all enraged about the liberal media attacking palin's daughter. "you can't attack a 17-year old girl."

i'm sorry, but your idiotic party has been tossing around "family values" for the last twenty damn years. i think i can see where palin's family values are.

as legendary coach bo schembechler once said, "to hell with the republicans."

Sep 12, 08 1:00 pm  · 

Exactly Jafinder. None of us are attacking Palin's daughter.

We are attacking Palin herself as being supposedly one of the pillars of conservative America that (among many others) bandies all day long about Christian fundamentals, values, and morals and in the end of the day she can't even get her asinine message out to her own family.

If she can't even keep her house in order, she is supposed to straighten America out?

Sep 12, 08 1:04 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

come on, FLM, he was referring to his prison captors. it's absolutely wrong to use that word, but understandable in his case.

he never said he 'hates an entire group based on their race'.

this is the objectivity i was talking about with regard to obama's greek temple design. both republicans and democrats have lost the ability to think critically about the two 'teams'.

Sep 12, 08 1:08 pm  · 

Sarah Palin thinks we should attack Russia if they invade Georgia. That's nuts. McCain's senior foreign policy advisor has taken thousands from the government of Georgia.

Is this promise from Palin payback?

Sep 12, 08 1:15 pm  · 

didn't she say 'perhaps so', make? i don't think that amounts to she 'thinks we should'.

Sep 12, 08 1:16 pm  · 

"Perhaps" in foreign policy speak means that we will consider it. It is meant as a deterrent.

Georgia is not in our strategic interest. Randy Scheuneman has been paid big $ to get this.

Saying this is crazy. Watch for Russian military maneuvers with Venezuela as retaliation and our tax dollars being spent on more stupid BS that is completely avoidable.

Sep 12, 08 1:21 pm  · 
won and done williams

please, steven, don't mince words. in her bumbling idiocy, she was inadvertantly saber-rattling towards russia - a fine indication of what foriegn policy would look like under a mccain-palin administration.

Sep 12, 08 1:23 pm  · 

Archmed, your arguements are spurious and your labeling of policies and events over the last 8 years as failures flies in the face of history, present day fact and many insider opinions of the future.

For example, you label the Iraq war as a failure, but ther eis no metric you refer to. In a typical leftist way, you think war=failure, or at least that is implied in your post. You don't consider that the number of casualties in this conflict has been drastically lower than any war, ever. You do not consider that there is wide-spread peace and stability in the majority of Iraq and violence in the country has dropped precipitously. Lastly, you do not consider the drop-off in killings of innocent civilians at the hands of Hussein's death squads and inhis jails and under his experiments with chemical weapons.

Oh, and Palin has more executive experience than, say, Obama, who had poor attendance in session, a poor voting record and a hare-brained tax scheme.

Sep 12, 08 1:44 pm  · 

FRaC, i'm not the one who started this argument about who's racist, just as Democrats weren't the ones who started the argument about inexperience. but you start arguments that you can't win, and end up being wrong on. McCain can't argue that experience is paramount, then select a woefully inexperienced vp. even if Obama and Palin were comparable in terms of experience (and they're not), it is McCain and the Right making the argument. Obama never said "I'm experienced, and experience matters." Quite the opposite, so they can call McCain out on his shit--saying one thing and doing another without undermining their argument. similarly, when you call someone who has long supported civil rights legislation and equality a racist, and the candidate you support uses racial epitaphs, votes against MLK holidays, and so forth, well, you end up looking like someone who reads the Washington Times. No, of course John McCain isn't a racist, but certainly neither is Joe Biden and you know it. So when you bring up these stupid things that you should know better than to, you open yourself and your guy up to the same treatment. The Right loves to namecall--oh, he's a racist, or he's unpatriotic, or any of these stupid things--because on policy, they are against both public opinion and public interest. So grow up, have a real debate, and stop being an ass, because when you bring up a few choice quotes from Joe Biden, you'll find much worse ones from John McCain, and a record to back them up.

Sep 12, 08 1:44 pm  · 
You do not consider that there is wide-spread peace and stability in the majority of Iraq and violence in the country has dropped precipitously.

Oh really? I'd love to see a source other than the Republican Party that says this.

And how's this for the metric upon which the war in Iraq can be accessed a failure: the reason given for invading Iraq was to find weapons of mass destruction. Well, we haven't found any, so I'd say we've failed. Now, you can go and change the reason for our being there and the definition of "success" all you want (and the Repubs have), but it doesn't change the fact that while "the number of casualties in this conflict has been drastically lower than any war, ever" (also not completely true, ever) there was no fucking reason for our being there.

Sep 12, 08 1:47 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

FLM are you serious?

re-read my posts in this thread and you'll see i do nothing but defend joe biden and say he is NOT a racist

my critique of joe biden is that while he has a lot of foreign policy experience, i think he has made some bad decisions (vote against 1st gulf war, vote for iraq war)

Sep 12, 08 1:50 pm  · 

FRaC, you're right.. I'm sorry, I was reading scribble's post and saw your name further down and got them mixed up. I was trying to rebut scribble. Sorry!

Sep 12, 08 1:53 pm  · 

now i'm the real ass

Sep 12, 08 1:54 pm  · 

jafidler, i'm as bumfuzzled as anyone why nobody's calling her out on a lot of actual untruths and mis-speaks, but i'm not ready to pounce when words are being put in her mouth. a little to close to the 'lipstick' scenario.

Sep 12, 08 1:56 pm  · 

I'm guaranteeing you right now McCain (along with Palin) is preparing for a war against Iran a country they know absolutely nothing about.

The talk of sanctions against Russia is the first step since Americans are completely clamoring for that.

Sep 12, 08 2:09 pm  · 

look at the topic, somebody does not know how to use E-Prime

any statement like this is false by all merits of language and the rules of math that the universe operates on

so.. why so Emo Scribble what hurts you?

Sep 12, 08 2:26 pm  · 

lol at archeton.

I think the Iraqis themselves would disagree with you hands down on the rose-colored situation you and many like you are painting.

We went into Iraq because there were supposed to be these dreadful WMDs and regime ties to Al Qaeda (anyone in the Middle East would have laughed in your face 20 years ago at such an asinine claim). These turned out to be total falsehoods. Many of us knew all about this but our pre-1991 Amnesia was pretty strong. If you remember the embargo imposed against Iraq and the countless weapons inspections and demilitarization of Iraq that followed 1991 was hitting Iraq pretty hard and there were reports by the UN that the number of weapons were rapidly reduced. And don't forget the strikes Clinton ordered in 1998 which were also aimed at taking out additional sites where weapons were thought to be. Actually many of the strikes in 2003 were to sites that had already been hit 5 years ago. And then let's talk about Al Qaeda's supposed connection the Saddam. Well, Saddam ruled a secular police state that had a majority Shi'a Muslim population in which he was the supreme despot. The two elements Saddam saw as enemies: Islamic fundamentalists and people who were in anyway challenging his power. What Al Qaeda was against: Secularists and Shias. Besides it would have made Saddam sick to the stomach to have a religious figure in the country to challenge his rule. All of these realities were politely overlooked by the media, the politicians, and the public who also seemed to clamor for a confrontation.

Now the even more laughable thing is that these same "experts" are claiming that Al-Qaeda and Iran are in cahoots. Way too funny but very misleading to Americans who have been systematically assaulted by a downright dishonest media. We deserve better. And in reality it will be very dangerous down the stretch when politics and political media start pushing the case to go to war with Iran.

Sep 12, 08 2:28 pm  · 

in a way this is like growing up in alabama. you learned quickly at a young age which of your friends was an alabama fan and which was an auburn fan. it's actually proving to be an interesting experience to see who's a conservative and who's a liberal in these forums.

Sep 12, 08 2:51 pm  · 


You need to give some sources for your retarded (I guess I will be be politcally correct), WEAK argument. Those are some serious allegations and I would imagine that you need to provide sources.

If we are going to put unsupported stories about politicians, let's talk about Sarah Palin and how she fires people for political reason, is a hypocrite about the abortion debate, claimed that the war in Iraq was god's will and how she was a governor of a CITY!

Now, I am not going to give any background info and I am going to assume that all of this is correct because I saw it on tv. Stop watching FOX News!

I am always amazed how people like Scribble (if you are serious) can think that living next to another country gives you international experience. I guess that means that McCain has a ton of experience w/ Mexico right? I could be Vice President! I was born in raised in Minneapolis, I guess I'm an expert on Canada!

Sep 12, 08 2:54 pm  · 

archetecton, it's a good thing you're in a blue state as your vote will basically count for nothing.

Sep 12, 08 2:59 pm  · 
won and done williams

still though steven, i consider that "perhaps so" slip by palin to be the most devastating gaff by a candidate in this campaign. to even insinuate that the u.s. would attack russia is in my mind beyond reproach and a sure sign that she is not fit to be vice-president of the united states.

roll tide, ether;)

Sep 12, 08 3:00 pm  · 
vado retro

i am learning the canadian national anthem. after the repugs win i will move north and find me a left wing hockey mom...

Sep 12, 08 3:11 pm  · 

bahh. you'll learn one day, jafider!

Sep 12, 08 3:13 pm  · 

If Russia started doing military manuvers with Venezeula in our hemisphere it would be blatant disregard for the Monroe doctrine and acting like a bunch of pussies will solve nothing.

Sep 12, 08 3:22 pm  · 

^ sexism

Sep 12, 08 3:24 pm  · 

the pseudo right wing McCain camp oil industry and military industrial complex depend on people like you positive-platypus, good job, NOT

Sep 12, 08 3:26 pm  · 

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