"The lovely Heart sisters are pissed that the Repubs used Barracuda, but would have been just as pissed about Magic Man too, it sounds like!"
1977. repugs are using songs from the last gasp of the "hippie" generation? that precedes palin time, because she would've been about 13. and she's not actually "young". she's middle aged. (just as obama is really middle aged).
iirc, b clinton campaign used fleetwood mac (also mid 70's) as background for some celebration thing, after his first election... ~16 years ago... yet the "conservative revolutionaries" of "change" are still stuck in the hippie generation.
vr(relayed) & lig(elaboration):
"Jesus was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor."
fine snuffback. (if they steal enough rope, they'll hang themselves.)
Well, if you really want to get picky, Heart and Fleetwood Mack were really part of the 70's arena band thing, led by the Stones and Zeppelin. Although spawned by the 60s, they had little to do with the hippy era, which was pretty much dead by the time of the Altamont concert.
"arena band thing"
yeah, something like that.
"spawned by the 60s, they had little to do with the hippy era, which was pretty much dead by the time of the Altamont concert."
afaik, hippies were around only during the "summer of love", then gone.
I've found it funny that conservative culture is frozen in the 70's (the 80's metal bands are also still of the 60's generation, even when actual members are younger.) c&w, "xian rock", etc.
Antisthenes : "Her daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel.Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a per diem allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business."
there you go again, you liberals with your class warfare. always envious of a strong woman who's a successful business person, earning wealth the old fashioned american patriotic way. you phony americans shall sting from the wrath of true red state patriots on election day!
yeah..i'm not a fan of palin..but antisthenes...if you read the article it kind of seems to justify her actions as being ok...and that she actually spent a lot less than her predecessor..at least on flights.
well, yeah... since the oil barons funded her plane after she sold her predecessors (but not on ebay, and not for more than the taxpayers paid for it, herr mcsame)
e909, who are you calling liberal? i am the furthest thing from it, shows your judgment, or lack their of, and the fact that you do how lacking of higher intelligence you are, as observation free of is the highest.
liberal and conservative are both an unproductive trap just as the left and the right, as long as people classify them selfs and others as these sideist categories we will never have peace, something we all need.
prisoners in AZ are in tents and work gangs in 120 degree heat, it is a form of torture conducted there.
The Republican Party can't be called conservative anymore. They abandoned conservative principles like small government and rule of law. They aren't even conservative in the sense of careful or traditional. Republicans want to radically change America to help mega-corporations, mega-churches, and the mega-rich.
Slick Sarah is a typical Republican. She lied about supporting the Bridge to Nowhere. She hasn't made history. Geraldine Ferraro did.
What does McCain stand for? He used to oppose religious political extremists like Slick Sarah. Now he supports them. Flip Flop!
McCain voted with the Republicans for an amendment that would "rescind any congressionally directed spending item for the City of Berkeley, California, and any entities located in such city, and transfer such funds to the Marine Corps." Obama voted against it.
When Palin took over Wasilla, the town had no long-term debt. By the time she was done, debt service had increased by 69 percent, the town had close to $19 million in long-term debt, making the debt around $3000 per capita. And the Mccain campaign is asking us - seriously - to consider her a fiscal conservative. She is a Bush-Cheney fiscal conservative: low taxes, unprecedented new spending, utter incompetence, endemic cronyism and massive debt.
I had lunch today with a business acquaintance who is becoming a friend. She likes Sarah Palin. We didn't go to deeply into it, as I think she saw my entire body tense when she mentioned this, but at the end of lunch I felt surprisingly calm.
This friend of mine is not insane, she's not self-righteous and judgmental, she's not an asshole. The election brings out the worst, most egregious offenders on both sides and puts them on TV and the internet, but the vast majority of people voting are for the most part perfectly normal decent people. If her side wins the election, it will be hard, but I'm pretty sure we'll all be OK.
I still want Obama to win, because he rocks (the Letterman clip I saw today was awesome and yes, sexy).
John McCain running mate Sarah Palin sought Thursday to defend her qualifications but struggled with foreign policy, unable to describe President Bush's doctrine of pre-emptive strikes against threatening nations and acknowledging she's never met a foreign head of state.
The Republican vice presidential nominee told Charles Gibson of ABC News in her first televised interview since being named to the GOP ticket that "I'm ready" to be president if called upon. However, she sidestepped on whether she had the national security credentials needed to be commander in chief.
Palin, 44, has been Alaska's governor for less than two years and before that was a small-town mayor. She was McCain's surprise selection for the No. 2 slot on the ticket, raising questions about her readiness to serve in the White House, particularly during wartime.
McCain has defended her qualifications, citing her command of the Alaska National Guard and Alaska's proximity to Russia.
Asked whether those were sufficient credentials, Palin said: "It is about reform of government and it's about putting government back on the side of the people, and that has much to do with foreign policy and national security issues." She said she brings expertise in making the country energy independent as a former chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
She acknowledged that national security encompasses more than energy but said: "I want you to not lose sight of the fact that energy is a foundation of national security."
Palin said other than a trip to visit soldiers in Kuwait and Germany last year — "a trip of a lifetime" that "changed my life" — her only other foreign travel was to Mexico and Canada. She also said she had never met a head of state and added: "If you go back in history and if you ask that question of many vice presidents, they may have the same answer that I just gave you."
Pressed about what insights into recent Russian actions she gained by living in Alaska, Palin answered: "They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
Foreign policy questions dominated the first of three interviews Palin was giving Gibson over two days.
In the interview Thursday, Palin:
_Appeared unsure of the Bush doctrine — essentially that the United States must help spread democracy to stop terrorism and that the nation will act pre-emptively to stop potential foes.
Asked whether she agreed with that, Palin said: "In what respect, Charlie?" Gibson pressed her for an interpretation of it. She said: "His world view." That prompted Gibson to say "no, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war" and describe it to her.
"I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation," Palin said, though added "there have been mistakes made."
Pressed repeatedly on whether the United States could attack terrorist hideouts in Pakistan without the country's permission, she said: "If there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend."
_Said nuclear weapons in Iran's hands are dangerous, and said "we've got to put the pressure on Iran." Asked three times what her position would be if Israel felt threatened enough to attack Iranian nuclear facilities, Palin repeatedly said the United States shouldn't "second guess" Israel's steps to secure itself.
_Called for Georgia and the Ukraine to be included in NATO, a treaty that requires the U.S. to defend them militarily. She also said Russia's attack into Georgia last month was "unprovoked." Asked to clarify that she'd support going to war over Georgia, she said: "Perhaps so."
"I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help," she said.
_Said she "didn't hesitate" when McCain asked her to be his running mate. "I answered him 'yes' because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate."
_Contradicted an assertion she made at her former church that "our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Asked whether she thought the United States was fighting a holy war, she said she meant to convey that she agreed with Abraham Lincoln's quote that "I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words."
ms. walsh mentions one very heated issue in my eyes and that is elections have become popularity contests. the idea of someone liking a candidate because they feel "they are just like me". i just want to bang my head against a wall.
this is in the hopes that John Mc Cain and his minions of retards read this, uh, well they can't read, but i digress.
being a VP is not a final exam you can study for, your soulless halfwit was chosen - and i use that word chosen, carefully - she was not voted on, through a presidential primary/caucus. she is not capable of anything but fucking up the world, and "gods plan."
So what are peoples responses to Palin's interview with Gibson?
Did anyone feel like she did a good job?
Did anyone cringe/feel bad for her when she was unable to recognize or comment on the concept of the 'bush doctrine' and his notion that america has the right to preemptive military action?
Palin's responses to Gibson were so rehearsed and contrived and made absolutely no sense... Want to know why she was struggling and not making any sense? It's because the reason why she hasn't been talking to the press for the last two weeks is that she has, for the last two weeks, been intensely memorizing a series of rehearsed responses fed to her by the republican campaign strategists. She knows nothing. She is only like a robot remembering lines she was told to memorize. That's why none of her responses addressed the actual questions. It's because she was trying to fit completely unrelated responses to the questions that were asked. She is not capable of articulating her own opinions because she doesn't really understand her own views, and they made absolutely no sense. It's like somebody who crammed overnight for a test only to discover that the questions were not exactly what she had studied for.
I know that there are alot of exaggerated and dirty smears happening against Sarah Palin on the web, but these videos are *REAL*... THIS STUFF IS STRAIGHT FROM THE PITT BULL'S MOUTH... I have nothing against this woman, she seems like a perfectly nice right wing christian woman, I don't agree with her views, but she does seem silly, it is perfectly entitled to her views, but she hasn't shown that she has what it takes to be president... Sorry, she just hasn't... She doesn't have the life experience and education and knowledge and judgment to be President. Unless we see something more that proves otherwise, lets all agree on that... Because I'll only believe it when I see it. All of you people who are claiming how she is ready, SHOW me, don't just say it... HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THIS... When 2 weeks ago, you didn't know a thing about her??
yeah, people always feel bad for lame candidates... they felt so bad for bush when he was getting destroyed in debate after debate against al gore... and they felt bad for him when he could barely struggle to read the teleprompter or barely deliver his rehearsed bullet points during debates against kerry...
but people will feel even worse when mccain/palin actually win... come on people... sorry... we shouldn't vote for president based on who you want to invite over to your barbecue...
i can feel sorry for her inadequacy, i can even find her likable as a person, views aside, and i can admire her determination and dedication to serve her party, and maybe she genuinely believes that she is doing whats best for the country, and i can excuse her blatant lies during her stump speaches since they were anyway written by karl rove, but that doesn't mean that i want her to be the first hockey mom president of the united states... she really needs to be able to show up to bat and give us something more substantiative regarding some in depth knowledge of policy issues, some sense of her intelligent analytical reasoning and logic behind her policy stances, show us that she is well informed enough on important issues, beyond broad and dangerous generalizations like as a nato ally, we should go to war against russia if they invade georgia... wtf??
Sorry, I think it's relevant and important to watch this. This is not a smear. These are her own words, just earlier this year, and it is relevant. This is not a sound bite.
Sorry... I can like her as a person, and give her the benefit of the doubt as a person, and even feel sorry for her getting killed by the media blitz, but I can't give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to electing her... That's just ridiculous.
I watched the SP interview with CG last night and if there is one thing I pulled away from it is this: the media shit storm that has followed the introduction of SP was obviously planned and anticipated by our humble Carl Rove.
Can we please move on to more important issues? Seriously people this is what they want. I'm just as guilty as the next person but from this moment forward, I'm choosing to do something better with my time.
PLEASE MOVE ON, no matter what else gets posted here (and in other political threads not debating real issues. Stop feeding trolls, stop arguing with people who obviously do not have any interest in seeing things a different way. Please stop giving people who post one liner jabs an audience.
All the old guys said this remaining campaign was shaping up to be the biggest circus since the 60s.
I've mostly been posting one-liners any more because these posts (and their titles) have mostly become one-liners themselves, so what's more fitting? But seeing the political ads now and sensing what the final leg of this campaign is turning into, and echoing PM's statement, I'll let one of my favorite philosophers say it better than I could:
"They're selling postcards of the hanging
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town"
"privileged minority with way too radical left leanings"
That's a really laughable Fox News talking point with no basis in fact. Michelle Obama went to Whitney Young HIgh School, the only magnet high school in Chicago at the time, and was admitted to Princeton based upon her grades and her test scores. She's smart and works hard. She graduated in 4 years from Princeton.
She did not take 6 years, go to 5 schools and receive a degree in communications, which is a joke.
Those old military guys should be more concerned about having a president that has stretched US troops to the breaking point. McCain is more of the same. Remember he voted against Jim Webb's GI Bill because it was "too generous."
The military people I know respect Obama and trust him. They want a change, not 4 more years of Bush.
hey the local news station in their hardhitting investigative journalistic manner did a story on sarah palin's glasses and where you can get them in town! they're on back order though...
this is a good video of what mccain was thinking when he introduced palin
when i saw that, him looking constantly at her ass and touching his wedding ring, i thought the same as the video voice, but this is way better put together :)
listened to a story this morning about the alaska governor office's refusal to allow staff or palin's husband todd to respond to subpoenas in the firing of the trooper for which she's under investigation. contempt of court - so be it!
'choice', knowing that under normal situations refusal to cooperate means you'd be subject to fines and/or jail time for contempt of court. who'd choose jail unless they knew that a judiciary favorably disposed toward ms palin would let it go....?
i'm no conspiracy theorist so, say the judiciary handles mr palin like a normal guy who refuses a subpoena and does send him to jail for a few days. how interesting would THAT make this election?
at least maybe that would take some of the recent 'extreme liberal' heat off of ms obama.
As her spouse, can't he refuse to testify against his wife? I really thought anybody could refuse to testify. The judiciary system can force you to talk?
I th ink this only applies to Mr. Palin, and the other people would be screwed.
From Wikipedia..
The spousal testimonial privilege (a.k.a. "spousal immunity") can be used to prevent any party in a criminal case from calling the defendant's spouse to testify against the defendant about any topic. Under the U.S. Federal Rules of Evidence, this privilege attaches to the witness spouse; that is, the defendant's spouse can refuse to testify against the defendant, but the defendant may not prevent his spouse from testifying against him or her.
This privilege does not survive the marriage; that is, after divorce, there is no right to refuse to testify against a defendant ex-spouse. This privilege may be restricted to testimony about events that occurred after the marriage, although in some jurisdictions it may apply to testimony about events occurring prior to the marriage (giving rise to a questionable incentive for an individual to marry a potential witness in order to prevent the potential witness from testifying against the individual). A marriage having such a motivation was depicted by Agatha Christie in a detective novel.
Sarah Palin???
"The lovely Heart sisters are pissed that the Repubs used Barracuda, but would have been just as pissed about Magic Man too, it sounds like!"
1977. repugs are using songs from the last gasp of the "hippie" generation? that precedes palin time, because she would've been about 13. and she's not actually "young". she's middle aged. (just as obama is really middle aged).
iirc, b clinton campaign used fleetwood mac (also mid 70's) as background for some celebration thing, after his first election... ~16 years ago... yet the "conservative revolutionaries" of "change" are still stuck in the hippie generation.
vr(relayed) & lig(elaboration):
"Jesus was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor."
fine snuffback. (if they steal enough rope, they'll hang themselves.)
Well, if you really want to get picky, Heart and Fleetwood Mack were really part of the 70's arena band thing, led by the Stones and Zeppelin. Although spawned by the 60s, they had little to do with the hippy era, which was pretty much dead by the time of the Altamont concert.
wow...an unusual archinect reference to Altamount!
"arena band thing"
yeah, something like that.
"spawned by the 60s, they had little to do with the hippy era, which was pretty much dead by the time of the Altamont concert."
afaik, hippies were around only during the "summer of love", then gone.
I've found it funny that conservative culture is frozen in the 70's (the 80's metal bands are also still of the 60's generation, even when actual members are younger.) c&w, "xian rock", etc.
you know, as an nonamerican, i would like to say that this sarah palin topic is one of the most boring trinkets to have sat on the archinect shelf.
Antisthenes : "Her daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel.Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a per diem allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business."
there you go again, you liberals with your class warfare. always envious of a strong woman who's a successful business person, earning wealth the old fashioned american patriotic way. you phony americans shall sting from the wrath of true red state patriots on election day!
(hmmm, i guess this stuff is "true". links in: http://jusiper.blogspot.com/2008/09/43490.html)
"sarah palin topic is one of the most boring trinkets to have sat on the archinect shelf"
democracy = entertainment. don't you have hilarious politics in your locality?
yeah..i'm not a fan of palin..but antisthenes...if you read the article it kind of seems to justify her actions as being ok...and that she actually spent a lot less than her predecessor..at least on flights.
"at least on flights"
well, yeah... since the oil barons funded her plane after she sold her predecessors (but not on ebay, and not for more than the taxpayers paid for it, herr mcsame)
what did they do w/ the prisoners the plane was also used to transport to outsourced prisons in AZ?
e909, who are you calling liberal? i am the furthest thing from it, shows your judgment, or lack their of, and the fact that you do how lacking of higher intelligence you are, as observation free of is the highest.
liberal and conservative are both an unproductive trap just as the left and the right, as long as people classify them selfs and others as these sideist categories we will never have peace, something we all need.
prisoners in AZ are in tents and work gangs in 120 degree heat, it is a form of torture conducted there.
it's Antisth-Per-enes
The Republican Party can't be called conservative anymore. They abandoned conservative principles like small government and rule of law. They aren't even conservative in the sense of careful or traditional. Republicans want to radically change America to help mega-corporations, mega-churches, and the mega-rich.
Slick Sarah is a typical Republican. She lied about supporting the Bridge to Nowhere. She hasn't made history. Geraldine Ferraro did.
What does McCain stand for? He used to oppose religious political extremists like Slick Sarah. Now he supports them. Flip Flop!
McCain voted with the Republicans for an amendment that would "rescind any congressionally directed spending item for the City of Berkeley, California, and any entities located in such city, and transfer such funds to the Marine Corps." Obama voted against it.
Senator Obama worked closely with Senator Coburn, to draft and ultimately pass the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act.
c'mon, lets get this sucker to 1000 posts. God Bless America!!
Anti....isn't that how the Fellowship treats it's students....living in tents in the desert....Frank was one mean Dude! Just kidding of course.
When Palin took over Wasilla, the town had no long-term debt. By the time she was done, debt service had increased by 69 percent, the town had close to $19 million in long-term debt, making the debt around $3000 per capita. And the Mccain campaign is asking us - seriously - to consider her a fiscal conservative.
She is a Bush-Cheney fiscal conservative: low taxes, unprecedented new spending, utter incompetence, endemic cronyism and massive debt.
Now here's a Palin I can get behind:
yeah too bad i suggested that on page 2!
snook_dude oh yes your right that is not the only tent city, at least they let you bring your own building supplies at Taliesin.
vado, I brought him up about 35 posts before you did, but who's counting?
but he didn't have a site with a video then...
anti...where are you in zona?
so when's this interview air? did i already miss it? i'm in the mood to be self-righteously and elitist-ly outraged.
I had lunch today with a business acquaintance who is becoming a friend. She likes Sarah Palin. We didn't go to deeply into it, as I think she saw my entire body tense when she mentioned this, but at the end of lunch I felt surprisingly calm.
This friend of mine is not insane, she's not self-righteous and judgmental, she's not an asshole. The election brings out the worst, most egregious offenders on both sides and puts them on TV and the internet, but the vast majority of people voting are for the most part perfectly normal decent people. If her side wins the election, it will be hard, but I'm pretty sure we'll all be OK.
I still want Obama to win, because he rocks (the Letterman clip I saw today was awesome and yes, sexy).
20 minutes ago
John McCain running mate Sarah Palin sought Thursday to defend her qualifications but struggled with foreign policy, unable to describe President Bush's doctrine of pre-emptive strikes against threatening nations and acknowledging she's never met a foreign head of state.
The Republican vice presidential nominee told Charles Gibson of ABC News in her first televised interview since being named to the GOP ticket that "I'm ready" to be president if called upon. However, she sidestepped on whether she had the national security credentials needed to be commander in chief.
Palin, 44, has been Alaska's governor for less than two years and before that was a small-town mayor. She was McCain's surprise selection for the No. 2 slot on the ticket, raising questions about her readiness to serve in the White House, particularly during wartime.
McCain has defended her qualifications, citing her command of the Alaska National Guard and Alaska's proximity to Russia.
Asked whether those were sufficient credentials, Palin said: "It is about reform of government and it's about putting government back on the side of the people, and that has much to do with foreign policy and national security issues." She said she brings expertise in making the country energy independent as a former chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
She acknowledged that national security encompasses more than energy but said: "I want you to not lose sight of the fact that energy is a foundation of national security."
Palin said other than a trip to visit soldiers in Kuwait and Germany last year — "a trip of a lifetime" that "changed my life" — her only other foreign travel was to Mexico and Canada. She also said she had never met a head of state and added: "If you go back in history and if you ask that question of many vice presidents, they may have the same answer that I just gave you."
Pressed about what insights into recent Russian actions she gained by living in Alaska, Palin answered: "They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
Foreign policy questions dominated the first of three interviews Palin was giving Gibson over two days.
In the interview Thursday, Palin:
_Appeared unsure of the Bush doctrine — essentially that the United States must help spread democracy to stop terrorism and that the nation will act pre-emptively to stop potential foes.
Asked whether she agreed with that, Palin said: "In what respect, Charlie?" Gibson pressed her for an interpretation of it. She said: "His world view." That prompted Gibson to say "no, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war" and describe it to her.
"I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation," Palin said, though added "there have been mistakes made."
Pressed repeatedly on whether the United States could attack terrorist hideouts in Pakistan without the country's permission, she said: "If there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend."
_Said nuclear weapons in Iran's hands are dangerous, and said "we've got to put the pressure on Iran." Asked three times what her position would be if Israel felt threatened enough to attack Iranian nuclear facilities, Palin repeatedly said the United States shouldn't "second guess" Israel's steps to secure itself.
_Called for Georgia and the Ukraine to be included in NATO, a treaty that requires the U.S. to defend them militarily. She also said Russia's attack into Georgia last month was "unprovoked." Asked to clarify that she'd support going to war over Georgia, she said: "Perhaps so."
"I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help," she said.
_Said she "didn't hesitate" when McCain asked her to be his running mate. "I answered him 'yes' because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate."
_Contradicted an assertion she made at her former church that "our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Asked whether she thought the United States was fighting a holy war, she said she meant to convey that she agreed with Abraham Lincoln's quote that "I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words."
Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
it's only a matter of time before the hokey mom is outted.
ms. walsh mentions one very heated issue in my eyes and that is elections have become popularity contests. the idea of someone liking a candidate because they feel "they are just like me". i just want to bang my head against a wall.
this is in the hopes that John Mc Cain and his minions of retards read this, uh, well they can't read, but i digress.
being a VP is not a final exam you can study for, your soulless halfwit was chosen - and i use that word chosen, carefully - she was not voted on, through a presidential primary/caucus. she is not capable of anything but fucking up the world, and "gods plan."
So what are peoples responses to Palin's interview with Gibson?
Did anyone feel like she did a good job?
Did anyone cringe/feel bad for her when she was unable to recognize or comment on the concept of the 'bush doctrine' and his notion that america has the right to preemptive military action?
This is just my 2 cents on that interview...
Palin's responses to Gibson were so rehearsed and contrived and made absolutely no sense... Want to know why she was struggling and not making any sense? It's because the reason why she hasn't been talking to the press for the last two weeks is that she has, for the last two weeks, been intensely memorizing a series of rehearsed responses fed to her by the republican campaign strategists. She knows nothing. She is only like a robot remembering lines she was told to memorize. That's why none of her responses addressed the actual questions. It's because she was trying to fit completely unrelated responses to the questions that were asked. She is not capable of articulating her own opinions because she doesn't really understand her own views, and they made absolutely no sense. It's like somebody who crammed overnight for a test only to discover that the questions were not exactly what she had studied for.
matt damon is hillarious but dead on...
Sarah Palin on Bush Doctrine and PakistanThe full interview, part I
The full interview, part II
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1vPYbRB7k]Sarah Palin's speach at church...[url]
I know that there are alot of exaggerated and dirty smears happening against Sarah Palin on the web, but these videos are *REAL*... THIS STUFF IS STRAIGHT FROM THE PITT BULL'S MOUTH... I have nothing against this woman, she seems like a perfectly nice right wing christian woman, I don't agree with her views, but she does seem silly, it is perfectly entitled to her views, but she hasn't shown that she has what it takes to be president... Sorry, she just hasn't... She doesn't have the life experience and education and knowledge and judgment to be President. Unless we see something more that proves otherwise, lets all agree on that... Because I'll only believe it when I see it. All of you people who are claiming how she is ready, SHOW me, don't just say it... HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THIS... When 2 weeks ago, you didn't know a thing about her??
yeah, people always feel bad for lame candidates... they felt so bad for bush when he was getting destroyed in debate after debate against al gore... and they felt bad for him when he could barely struggle to read the teleprompter or barely deliver his rehearsed bullet points during debates against kerry...
but people will feel even worse when mccain/palin actually win... come on people... sorry... we shouldn't vote for president based on who you want to invite over to your barbecue...
i can feel sorry for her inadequacy, i can even find her likable as a person, views aside, and i can admire her determination and dedication to serve her party, and maybe she genuinely believes that she is doing whats best for the country, and i can excuse her blatant lies during her stump speaches since they were anyway written by karl rove, but that doesn't mean that i want her to be the first hockey mom president of the united states... she really needs to be able to show up to bat and give us something more substantiative regarding some in depth knowledge of policy issues, some sense of her intelligent analytical reasoning and logic behind her policy stances, show us that she is well informed enough on important issues, beyond broad and dangerous generalizations like as a nato ally, we should go to war against russia if they invade georgia... wtf??
Sorry, I think it's relevant and important to watch this. This is not a smear. These are her own words, just earlier this year, and it is relevant. This is not a sound bite.
Sorry... I can like her as a person, and give her the benefit of the doubt as a person, and even feel sorry for her getting killed by the media blitz, but I can't give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to electing her... That's just ridiculous.
part II
part III
I watched the SP interview with CG last night and if there is one thing I pulled away from it is this: the media shit storm that has followed the introduction of SP was obviously planned and anticipated by our humble Carl Rove.
Can we please move on to more important issues? Seriously people this is what they want. I'm just as guilty as the next person but from this moment forward, I'm choosing to do something better with my time.
PLEASE MOVE ON, no matter what else gets posted here (and in other political threads not debating real issues. Stop feeding trolls, stop arguing with people who obviously do not have any interest in seeing things a different way. Please stop giving people who post one liner jabs an audience.
Yahoo's polls are at 50/50.
My God America is stupid.
*puts head in hands a weeps*
I've mostly been posting one-liners any more because these posts (and their titles) have mostly become one-liners themselves, so what's more fitting? But seeing the political ads now and sensing what the final leg of this campaign is turning into, and echoing PM's statement, I'll let one of my favorite philosophers say it better than I could:
"They're selling postcards of the hanging
They're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town"
Wake me up when it's over...
I just realized the Palin pick could be perceived as affirmative action at its best (or worst).
"privileged minority with way too radical left leanings"
That's a really laughable Fox News talking point with no basis in fact. Michelle Obama went to Whitney Young HIgh School, the only magnet high school in Chicago at the time, and was admitted to Princeton based upon her grades and her test scores. She's smart and works hard. She graduated in 4 years from Princeton.
She did not take 6 years, go to 5 schools and receive a degree in communications, which is a joke.
Those old military guys should be more concerned about having a president that has stretched US troops to the breaking point. McCain is more of the same. Remember he voted against Jim Webb's GI Bill because it was "too generous."
The military people I know respect Obama and trust him. They want a change, not 4 more years of Bush.
hey the local news station in their hardhitting investigative journalistic manner did a story on sarah palin's glasses and where you can get them in town! they're on back order though...
this is a good video of what mccain was thinking when he introduced palin
when i saw that, him looking constantly at her ass and touching his wedding ring, i thought the same as the video voice, but this is way better put together :)
mooselini - haha!
listened to a story this morning about the alaska governor office's refusal to allow staff or palin's husband todd to respond to subpoenas in the firing of the trooper for which she's under investigation. contempt of court - so be it!
so much for transparency! bye bye straight talk.
Steven, the way I heard it, it was a choice, and most were choosing not to. I wonder which it is, since both have strikingly different conotations.
'choice', knowing that under normal situations refusal to cooperate means you'd be subject to fines and/or jail time for contempt of court. who'd choose jail unless they knew that a judiciary favorably disposed toward ms palin would let it go....?
i'm no conspiracy theorist so, say the judiciary handles mr palin like a normal guy who refuses a subpoena and does send him to jail for a few days. how interesting would THAT make this election?
at least maybe that would take some of the recent 'extreme liberal' heat off of ms obama.
As her spouse, can't he refuse to testify against his wife? I really thought anybody could refuse to testify. The judiciary system can force you to talk?
its talk or go to jail.
you can plead the fifth, but not until you're in court.
crooks just like Rove.
where are the judges with some balls
oh ya 800 of them are bush appointees
I was really thinking that spousal relations were protected by the court - but thats going by episodes of Law and Order.
Maybe I will look it up.
I don't know much about any of this, I actually just got my first Jury Duty summons last week, and I'm excited!
I th ink this only applies to Mr. Palin, and the other people would be screwed.
The spousal testimonial privilege (a.k.a. "spousal immunity") can be used to prevent any party in a criminal case from calling the defendant's spouse to testify against the defendant about any topic. Under the U.S. Federal Rules of Evidence, this privilege attaches to the witness spouse; that is, the defendant's spouse can refuse to testify against the defendant, but the defendant may not prevent his spouse from testifying against him or her.From Wikipedia..
This privilege does not survive the marriage; that is, after divorce, there is no right to refuse to testify against a defendant ex-spouse. This privilege may be restricted to testimony about events that occurred after the marriage, although in some jurisdictions it may apply to testimony about events occurring prior to the marriage (giving rise to a questionable incentive for an individual to marry a potential witness in order to prevent the potential witness from testifying against the individual). A marriage having such a motivation was depicted by Agatha Christie in a detective novel.
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