I'm sure she is aware that VP go Hunting in Texas....along with X-VPS
who can't shoot straight. Most of the time their discussion is most likely about Oil Profits and their gains.....which are disclosed to them and the Public while their in Office. Damn is she were a Blonde we might have to call her Ellie May Clampet.
I just got sent a list of Palin quotes in an email that were supposedly posted on MSNBC. Anyone have a link for these? The one about dinosaurs is my favorite thing ever.....
Below are some actual quotes by Governor Palin during a series of interviews by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006 when she was running for Governor...
On Creationism:
The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God's creation and not evolution is the source of all life. How could something as oddly shaped and silly looking as a moose evolve through so-called 'natural selection?' Is evolution a committee? There is nothing natural about a dorky moose! Only God could have made a moose and given it huge antlers to fight off his predatory enemies. God has a well known sense of humor, I mean He made the platypus too.
On oil exploration and drilling in the ANWR:
God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.
Now, as to the ANWR, Todd and I often enjoying caribou hunting and one year we shot up a herd big time, I mean I personally slaughtered around 40 of them with my new, at the time, custom Austrian hunting rifle. And guess what? That caribou herd is still around and even bigger than ever. Caribou herds actually need culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!
On Alaskans serving overseas in Iraq:
Well, God bless them, and I mean God and Jesus because without Jesus we'd be Muslims too or Jewish, which would be a little better because of the superior Israeli Air Force.
We had a block party this weekend, and because the neighborhood is a mix of views, we didn't discuss politics TOO much, but one thing we all agreed on: we are all dreading the next 60 days.
yikes. they really need to get her in front of cameras and off-script. and not charlie gibson, either. they're like bushisms, except worse, since they're not slip-ups or misreads, they're coherently-expressed insanity. yikes.
well, true. and well i'll be damned if people have been looking all over creation for a creator...if i had only looked at the moose and platypus, there's my proof right there!
her use of the word "proof" is especially hilarious there, coming from someone who seems to dismiss it when it's coming from a science textbook instead of a bible.
she is so dumb. i liked it better when i had never heard of her.
Sarah personaly attacked every secular person in the world and Omaba first.
in her logic it is about win/loose
even if we are win win , that she is a form of extremist who wants to endanger the freedom of everybody under the system we currently are under , we must take the fight back to her and use protective force in the name of life against those taking cruel and tragic strategies that would effect us all.
I listened to the phone conversation this evening on the net and was amazed that the conversation lasted some 20 plus minutes:
"The complaint focuses on Palin aide Frank Bailey, who in February called a trooper commander on a recorded phone line and said the governor and her husband, Todd, were wondering why Wooten was "still representing the department."
On the recording, Bailey makes reference to Wooten "lying on his application," and also possibly making a false workers' compensation claim.
The trooper commander, Lt. Rodney Dial, replied to Bailey: "Frank, where did you get that information from?" Dial added that such information "a lot of times is extremely confidential."
Bailey replied: "Well, I'm a little bit reluctant to say ... ."
Palin has said Bailey's phone call was wrong and that he wasn't directed to make it. She has suspended Bailey with pay."
Mr. Bailey did seem to have an agenda in this conversation, it was extremely disturbing. Turns out the Police Union has filed a law suit
regarding this phone conversation. Damn suspended with Pay....I can imagine he is working on his tan in Hawaii.....as this went to press.
I was just thinking, now that I know my Cousing who happens to live in the same town as Sarah Palin has canceled my vote out in the next election, what the hell can I do to make a difference. How do I know this information for a fact....well there she sat in a CNN photo with her big button and her husband spoke of working under the grand lady as a National Guardsman. So I need to get people out to make a difference. I'm damn sure Connecticut will do the right thing... they quit listening to Liberman a long time ago. So I have to reach out to all those states in flux. What needs to be done to convince people Mcain/Palin is the wrong choice.
I see Mcain as the wrong choice for a number of reasons. I will always go back to the early years of Mcain. He was a congressman
before a Senator. People fail to remember that.....When he decided to run for Senate, his father inlaw helped him purchase a home not in his district but in the adjoining district. Well I don't know for a fact it was the case. Mrs. Mcain might have kicked in a few bucks. He jumped districts because he knew there was no way in hell that he could defeat Moe Udal [teddy roosevelt] of the latter part of the century. Something never sat right with me with him from then on.
His POW thing...well....who knows ...you can't bash a guy cause he was there and you weren't, but what I have read is not the same story he has to say.
His treatment of families of POW....is right in the gutter......truely right in the Gutter. It is eough of a reason not to vote for him.
His Maveric Mode...shot from the hip....I don't buy it. The guy is a calculating as the next politician. This is evident in his last year of voting....whem infact he has missed many a vote....{but those which
have counted he has} ....He voted with the party, cause he wanted to soften his maveric look.
His Friend Joe Lieberman....well I see him as a Benedict Arnold of the Democratic Party....and I say that a a voting democrat from Connecticut. The guy grabbed the Fairfield County vote of big money to keep his seat in the Senate. Go away Joe!
His selection of Palin, a woman as careless as Mcain. I find it hard to believe a woman who is the Govenor of a State would board a plane in her condition for a trip from Texas to Alaska. I find it hard to believe, because it the danger she inflicted on an unborn child. A child she may have lost knowing the fact that the child had downs syndrom. I think she was in denial then and is still to this day inregard to her own son and to the state of her own daughter.
She is ruthless, and tells alot of little lies which apparently don't count.
If MCanin and Palin win the election I'm not running to Canada or some other Foreign Soil....I'm here for the battle. I will continue on to make sure people understand this Hall of Mirrors is just what it is and America is a Greater Nation than what they would have us believe. We are not a nation which bans books from Libraries. We are not a Nation which depends upon Good Buddy Hanouts. We are America a people determined, focused to bring better to this country even if we are lead by unworthy political people.
We will continue to work at the community level to make life better for the weak and the down trodden. We will as religious people...do our tasks silently in affirming ourbeliefs. Knowing that no one is any closer to god than yourself. Understanding that no one has the inside track on what is is to be religious. It is a basic premise of
American Democracy the freedom of Religion. So we must go forth
and protect this freedom at the voting box, inorder to keep this country free.
I want no person remotely near the White House who has ask for a ban on books in her local Library. One who seriously pursued a ban of books in a small town library. She was defeated in this ban on a Local Level but she did everything she could to make people suffer in her community. She wanted to take away a basic right of written
expression. This is not a person fit to serve this country on a national level. The small town Library is the torche of light for our next intellectuals, thinkers, architects, doctors, actors, engineers... so it is scared ground for the intellect. Don't let this ticket of Mcain/Palin
succeed in there effort to put their Stamp on America. Go Vote and get other people to Vote.
Yeah, what mfrech said: we can all fantasize about becoming ex-pats as some kind of "political statement" but the fact is: if you believe in Obama's vision of a better country, then leaving it when things are bad is contrary to everything he's been saying in this campaign. Man up and stay to try to fix it.
Hopefully it won't come to that.
Agreed, LB. I'm actually a dual citizen, born in the States, grew up in Canada and got my citizenship there a couple years ago...
Legally, I can move there and live and work and vote at anytime... At times, I get down on the direction things have been taking here the last few years, and the thought does cross my mind to move back to Canada... But I won't. Because I just don't think when things are bad, it is reason to walk away from it... When things are bad, all the more reason to stand up and change things. Don't move away, stay and step up and stand with your neighbours to make things better, because it's our country, as long as we stand strong, we make a difference...
Like Biden quoting Lincoln said, "Be sure to put your feet in the right place and stand firm."
Asking her church to pray that "companies build an oil pipeline" and, quote:
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving do to what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for -- that there is a plan, and that plan is God's plan."
WTF... The Iraq war is a "task from God??" That is some scary shit she's saying... Okay... Not to dig on her religious beliefs or anything, she has a right to believe what she wants but... Not only does she regularly lie through her teeth on the campaign trail, but she prays for an oil pipeline... Uh... riiight... I know she's a former hockey mom and everything, but... Lets better think twice about hiring her for the job that is one step away from nuclear powers and the power to send our nation to war...
if only that video could be broadcast at primetime, say, during the 'entertainment tonight' timeslot, we'd at least know that a good chunk of the population knew where she's coming from. if they still elect the mccain/palin ticket, the rest of us know where we stand.....
If the Dem's don't blast the country with the "...God..." crap, then we are all screwed. I am sure it'll be twisted around and they'll claim Barrack is a muslim, but the world has to see that straight from her lips.
fyi - Yahoo did have that on their cover last week with direct quotes.
You gotta believe that would turn the stomachs of 99% of the country. If it doesn't, then the US deserves to go down, and fast.
"we can all fantasize about becoming ex-pats as some kind of "political statement" but the fact is:"
Canada's next on the conservatives' bombing list after Iran and France.
'i love how conservatives have never relinquished the myth of "the good ol' days."'
you'll sing a different tune after 400 hours straight of The Best of the Liberty Singers at 112db. It's off to the nukuler reeducation camp for you.
<hr style=color:blue;background-color:blue;>
The biggest pitfall about parodying conservatives is that no matter how ridiculously extreme your efforts, it's almost impossible to prevent some of it seeming to be real. For example, I can usually workout what bush is trying to say, based on what he would want to say. but *sometimes* his "statements" are completely incoherent (resembling the screwiest jumbled subject line on bulk spam, or the mumbling that dribbles from one of those guys who lives at the back of the bus.) IOW, the following could be a serious statement by (some) conservatives: "d8oo347tv8x2723vgvgfhevrj7ft!!!!!"
at least once a month i read|hear one of limbot's d!kkheads repeating one of limbot's throwaway jokes as if it's a serious "thinking point".
According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, McCain/Palin presently leads Obama/Biden 53 to 41 percent among white women voters...so the white women of this country have mostly taken the bait it seems.
I'm not leaving for Canada, but I think I'm going to puke.......
more myths/lies from bloggers. maybe obama can help palin set up one of those 'fight the smears' sites; because this is really disgusting and both sides are doing it.
both sides? the media is not obama, although im sure you'd like to equate the two. the difference here is the lies, attacks and spins are coming directly from palin's mouth. tell us about that bridge to nowhere again sarah.
Sorry, free, I personally think the quotes in that article are what she's really like (also based on other stuff I've read).
I can at least have some respect for McCain's political record and personality, but I think she's just fucking vile (and has no business anywhere near the White House).
you have go to admit this Trollop really knows how to game the system.
Palin billed Alaskan taxpayers for nights she spent at home
The governor charged a per diem allowance meant to cover meals while traveling on state business. Her daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel.Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a per diem allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business. http://newscloud.com/browse/story/132751/
Sarah Palin???
I'm sure she is aware that VP go Hunting in Texas....along with X-VPS
who can't shoot straight. Most of the time their discussion is most likely about Oil Profits and their gains.....which are disclosed to them and the Public while their in Office. Damn is she were a Blonde we might have to call her Ellie May Clampet.
I just got sent a list of Palin quotes in an email that were supposedly posted on MSNBC. Anyone have a link for these? The one about dinosaurs is my favorite thing ever.....
Below are some actual quotes by Governor Palin during a series of interviews by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006 when she was running for Governor...
On Creationism:
The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God's creation and not evolution is the source of all life. How could something as oddly shaped and silly looking as a moose evolve through so-called 'natural selection?' Is evolution a committee? There is nothing natural about a dorky moose! Only God could have made a moose and given it huge antlers to fight off his predatory enemies. God has a well known sense of humor, I mean He made the platypus too.
On oil exploration and drilling in the ANWR:
God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.
Now, as to the ANWR, Todd and I often enjoying caribou hunting and one year we shot up a herd big time, I mean I personally slaughtered around 40 of them with my new, at the time, custom Austrian hunting rifle. And guess what? That caribou herd is still around and even bigger than ever. Caribou herds actually need culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!
On Alaskans serving overseas in Iraq:
Well, God bless them, and I mean God and Jesus because without Jesus we'd be Muslims too or Jewish, which would be a little better because of the superior Israeli Air Force.
Those cannot be real, they can't. They can't.
We had a block party this weekend, and because the neighborhood is a mix of views, we didn't discuss politics TOO much, but one thing we all agreed on: we are all dreading the next 60 days.
yikes. they really need to get her in front of cameras and off-script. and not charlie gibson, either. they're like bushisms, except worse, since they're not slip-ups or misreads, they're coherently-expressed insanity. yikes.
Oh come ON. I LOVE the dinosaur one....I couldn't have made up a better quote myself....
well, true. and well i'll be damned if people have been looking all over creation for a creator...if i had only looked at the moose and platypus, there's my proof right there!
her use of the word "proof" is especially hilarious there, coming from someone who seems to dismiss it when it's coming from a science textbook instead of a bible.
she is so dumb. i liked it better when i had never heard of her.
"Lizards of Satan", vado, is that a good band name?
The weird thing is, if she was saying this ironically, it'd be funny. But I think, if she said these things, she said them seriously.
lizards of Satan
you know...if maccain had picked per correll then i would have to vote for him
Those are not Sarah Palin quotes, as much as we want them to be. They were made up by this guy:
They're ingenious nonetheless, though.
'the satanic petroleum lizards' would make a smashing name for an easy listening band.
sabbo, that's why I posted them here instead of passing on the email. I didn't know if they were true or not, I couldn't find them anywhere.
And come on....lighten up. It's more funny than gossip. Satire is the only thing keeping me sane at this point. Like this....
Sarah personaly attacked every secular person in the world and Omaba first.
in her logic it is about win/loose
even if we are win win , that she is a form of extremist who wants to endanger the freedom of everybody under the system we currently are under , we must take the fight back to her and use protective force in the name of life against those taking cruel and tragic strategies that would effect us all.
I listened to the phone conversation this evening on the net and was amazed that the conversation lasted some 20 plus minutes:
"The complaint focuses on Palin aide Frank Bailey, who in February called a trooper commander on a recorded phone line and said the governor and her husband, Todd, were wondering why Wooten was "still representing the department."
On the recording, Bailey makes reference to Wooten "lying on his application," and also possibly making a false workers' compensation claim.
The trooper commander, Lt. Rodney Dial, replied to Bailey: "Frank, where did you get that information from?" Dial added that such information "a lot of times is extremely confidential."
Bailey replied: "Well, I'm a little bit reluctant to say ... ."
Palin has said Bailey's phone call was wrong and that he wasn't directed to make it. She has suspended Bailey with pay."
Mr. Bailey did seem to have an agenda in this conversation, it was extremely disturbing. Turns out the Police Union has filed a law suit
regarding this phone conversation. Damn suspended with Pay....I can imagine he is working on his tan in Hawaii.....as this went to press.
Palin totally reminds me of Racquel Welch:
I see a likeness.....but where are those designer glasses....?
I was just thinking, now that I know my Cousing who happens to live in the same town as Sarah Palin has canceled my vote out in the next election, what the hell can I do to make a difference. How do I know this information for a fact....well there she sat in a CNN photo with her big button and her husband spoke of working under the grand lady as a National Guardsman. So I need to get people out to make a difference. I'm damn sure Connecticut will do the right thing... they quit listening to Liberman a long time ago. So I have to reach out to all those states in flux. What needs to be done to convince people Mcain/Palin is the wrong choice.
I see Mcain as the wrong choice for a number of reasons. I will always go back to the early years of Mcain. He was a congressman
before a Senator. People fail to remember that.....When he decided to run for Senate, his father inlaw helped him purchase a home not in his district but in the adjoining district. Well I don't know for a fact it was the case. Mrs. Mcain might have kicked in a few bucks. He jumped districts because he knew there was no way in hell that he could defeat Moe Udal [teddy roosevelt] of the latter part of the century. Something never sat right with me with him from then on.
His POW thing...well....who knows ...you can't bash a guy cause he was there and you weren't, but what I have read is not the same story he has to say.
His treatment of families of POW....is right in the gutter......truely right in the Gutter. It is eough of a reason not to vote for him.
His Maveric Mode...shot from the hip....I don't buy it. The guy is a calculating as the next politician. This is evident in his last year of voting....whem infact he has missed many a vote....{but those which
have counted he has} ....He voted with the party, cause he wanted to soften his maveric look.
His Friend Joe Lieberman....well I see him as a Benedict Arnold of the Democratic Party....and I say that a a voting democrat from Connecticut. The guy grabbed the Fairfield County vote of big money to keep his seat in the Senate. Go away Joe!
His selection of Palin, a woman as careless as Mcain. I find it hard to believe a woman who is the Govenor of a State would board a plane in her condition for a trip from Texas to Alaska. I find it hard to believe, because it the danger she inflicted on an unborn child. A child she may have lost knowing the fact that the child had downs syndrom. I think she was in denial then and is still to this day inregard to her own son and to the state of her own daughter.
She is ruthless, and tells alot of little lies which apparently don't count.
If MCanin and Palin win the election I'm not running to Canada or some other Foreign Soil....I'm here for the battle. I will continue on to make sure people understand this Hall of Mirrors is just what it is and America is a Greater Nation than what they would have us believe. We are not a nation which bans books from Libraries. We are not a Nation which depends upon Good Buddy Hanouts. We are America a people determined, focused to bring better to this country even if we are lead by unworthy political people.
We will continue to work at the community level to make life better for the weak and the down trodden. We will as religious people...do our tasks silently in affirming ourbeliefs. Knowing that no one is any closer to god than yourself. Understanding that no one has the inside track on what is is to be religious. It is a basic premise of
American Democracy the freedom of Religion. So we must go forth
and protect this freedom at the voting box, inorder to keep this country free.
I want no person remotely near the White House who has ask for a ban on books in her local Library. One who seriously pursued a ban of books in a small town library. She was defeated in this ban on a Local Level but she did everything she could to make people suffer in her community. She wanted to take away a basic right of written
expression. This is not a person fit to serve this country on a national level. The small town Library is the torche of light for our next intellectuals, thinkers, architects, doctors, actors, engineers... so it is scared ground for the intellect. Don't let this ticket of Mcain/Palin
succeed in there effort to put their Stamp on America. Go Vote and get other people to Vote.
The Snook Dude.
Agreed, LB. I'm actually a dual citizen, born in the States, grew up in Canada and got my citizenship there a couple years ago...
Legally, I can move there and live and work and vote at anytime... At times, I get down on the direction things have been taking here the last few years, and the thought does cross my mind to move back to Canada... But I won't. Because I just don't think when things are bad, it is reason to walk away from it... When things are bad, all the more reason to stand up and change things. Don't move away, stay and step up and stand with your neighbours to make things better, because it's our country, as long as we stand strong, we make a difference...
Like Biden quoting Lincoln said, "Be sure to put your feet in the right place and stand firm."
ha, i look at it the other way, my vote cancels out my friend's dingbat pro limbaugh vote. plus i actually donated to obama, so i'm ahead
And if we register just one of our neighbours that sees things like we do, then we're two up...
Why are we still talking about Palin? She's soooo last week. ;)
Asking her church to pray that "companies build an oil pipeline" and, quote:
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving do to what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for -- that there is a plan, and that plan is God's plan."
WTF... The Iraq war is a "task from God??" That is some scary shit she's saying... Okay... Not to dig on her religious beliefs or anything, she has a right to believe what she wants but... Not only does she regularly lie through her teeth on the campaign trail, but she prays for an oil pipeline... Uh... riiight... I know she's a former hockey mom and everything, but... Lets better think twice about hiring her for the job that is one step away from nuclear powers and the power to send our nation to war...
Sorry... Is that video a hoax? That has to be a joke right?
i prefer "the simple yet elegantly awkward moose" as a band name, at least for a children's television program.
if only that video could be broadcast at primetime, say, during the 'entertainment tonight' timeslot, we'd at least know that a good chunk of the population knew where she's coming from. if they still elect the mccain/palin ticket, the rest of us know where we stand.....
i'm sure you've all seen this: http://sarahpalinisyournewsegway.com
if god didn't want war he wouldn't have created wmd's on the fourth day. jeesh. you liberals.
ar yes, that's the Kalashnikov way to prevent the scourge of caribou marriage.
bow to the wisdom of our betters in wasilla!
(and imo she's weak as mi1ƒ... I guess the miss alaska 3rd runner up was a polar bear.)
If the Dem's don't blast the country with the "...God..." crap, then we are all screwed. I am sure it'll be twisted around and they'll claim Barrack is a muslim, but the world has to see that straight from her lips.
fyi - Yahoo did have that on their cover last week with direct quotes.
You gotta believe that would turn the stomachs of 99% of the country. If it doesn't, then the US deserves to go down, and fast.
wow, we are exhaustively scampering towards 1000 posts like a wolf being hunted by airplane!
Dang, I go away for almost a week and this is still a hot topic.
"If it doesn't, then the US deserves to go down, and fast." ... uhh ookay
"we can all fantasize about becoming ex-pats as some kind of "political statement" but the fact is:"
Canada's next on the conservatives' bombing list after Iran and France.
'i love how conservatives have never relinquished the myth of "the good ol' days."'
you'll sing a different tune after 400 hours straight of The Best of the Liberty Singers at 112db. It's off to the nukuler reeducation camp for you.
<hr style=color:blue;background-color:blue;>
The biggest pitfall about parodying conservatives is that no matter how ridiculously extreme your efforts, it's almost impossible to prevent some of it seeming to be real. For example, I can usually workout what bush is trying to say, based on what he would want to say. but *sometimes* his "statements" are completely incoherent (resembling the screwiest jumbled subject line on bulk spam, or the mumbling that dribbles from one of those guys who lives at the back of the bus.) IOW, the following could be a serious statement by (some) conservatives: "d8oo347tv8x2723vgvgfhevrj7ft!!!!!"
at least once a month i read|hear one of limbot's d!kkheads repeating one of limbot's throwaway jokes as if it's a serious "thinking point".
yeah the good ol days. when you dint have to lock your doors cuz the cops could just round people up and beat confessions out of them...
or the good old days back before jackie robinson...
or the good old days when cigarettes tasted good like a cigarette should...
or the good old days when we overthrew democratically elected governments...
or the good old days when lobbyists effectively lobbied against horrible things such as seat belts...
or the good old days when little black girls were blown up in a church...
or the good old days when the breadlines stretched down and around the block...
or the good old days when women had to use coat hangers...
rest in peace ozzie and harriet...
the problem is that that probably sounds good to a lot of conservatives, vado.
vr for vp
Ugh, angry again, off to go write another letter to the editor....
now that would be an interesting vetting process mdler!
no need for books...
According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, McCain/Palin presently leads Obama/Biden 53 to 41 percent among white women voters...so the white women of this country have mostly taken the bait it seems.
I'm not leaving for Canada, but I think I'm going to puke.......
more myths/lies from bloggers. maybe obama can help palin set up one of those 'fight the smears' sites; because this is really disgusting and both sides are doing it.
both sides? the media is not obama, although im sure you'd like to equate the two. the difference here is the lies, attacks and spins are coming directly from palin's mouth. tell us about that bridge to nowhere again sarah.
Sorry, free, I personally think the quotes in that article are what she's really like (also based on other stuff I've read).
I can at least have some respect for McCain's political record and personality, but I think she's just fucking vile (and has no business anywhere near the White House).
can anyone make a palindrome here? i'm too lazy right now
yes based on how she presented herself and ALL the NOTHING she talked about she is worthless and does not aim to change that.
palin-drone maybe...
WonderK that is a very important article about her , thanks for that
It's important to democrats because it's a complete fabrication.
you have go to admit this Trollop really knows how to game the system.
Palin billed Alaskan taxpayers for nights she spent at home
The governor charged a per diem allowance meant to cover meals while traveling on state business. Her daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel.Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a per diem allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.
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