
Can any women here answer a question about menstrual cycle prediction?

I'm trying to find some information for my brother - here's the deal: He's getting ready to propose to his girlfriend and he wants to figure out how to best estimate when his wife will be on her menstrual cycle so he doesn't suggest or agree to a wedding date that will make the honeymoon overlap with it. He's a real fumble most of the time with dates, planning, etc, but somehow he came upon this idea that he could chart it all out in, are you ready for this, MS Project, which he barely knows how to use, and let it fill in dates through the summer of 2009 so he can know exactly when to avoid a wedding day and honeymoon.

I've never heard of anyone trying that or even thinking it was something they could predict. He's too embarrassed to just ask his girlfriend, he's always looking to be sneaky but completely botches stuff. For example, he woke her up while trying to measure her ring finger with some cut out paper ring ruler he found in Cosmopolitan magazine, and God only knows that she figured out what he was doing while half asleep. Some surprise that ring is going to be now.

So if anyone here, any archinect women members could give any tips on this that would be really nice of you. Is this really something that can be predicted?

Aug 29, 08 2:24 am

Let me get this straight... he is going to PROPOSE to someone he can't/won't talk to about a simple issue like a menstrual cycle? Seriously?

Aug 29, 08 3:07 am  · 

Your cracking me up! Funny way to start the day.

Aug 29, 08 4:55 am  · 

clearly he has a problem. i mean how long has he known this woman? is she a russian mail order bride? if you live with or know a woman long enough, you can figure out how her cycle works. perhaps he's still a virgin though? in any event, he should not get married, urge him to reconsider.

Aug 29, 08 5:34 am  · 

is this for real?? if so i am shocked.

Aug 29, 08 5:48 am  · 

To answer the question:

For some women, yes it can be roughly predicted, especially if she is on birth control medication.
For other women, it can't. Some are wildly irregular.
If this is an issue for them, they can purchase an ovulation calendar and start keeping track for a year or so.

As I understand it, one can purchase a setting and stone, and then exchange the setting or have it sized down if it does not fit the hand of the betrothed. Better to pick too large than too small.


1) the point that rodgerT just made. If you can't discuss reproductive health with someone you intend to marry, you have a problem.

2) Why is he so afraid of the menstrual cycle? Intimacy during menstruation is perfectly safe/healthy, so long as the menstruatOR isn't annoyed/pained by it. If your brother is repulsed by this, please buy him the most recent edition of "Our Bodies, Ourselves" and inform his immature misogynist ass of the existence of shower sex & dark bedsheets.

3) Why did you post this HERE? A medical or dating advice forum would be better.

4) "So I have this friend who..." YEAH RIGHT!

Aug 29, 08 8:57 am  · 

Oh, and the most important info:

When a woman is about to menstruate, you can tell, because the tiny dragon that lives in her uterus will start blowing smoke out of its nostrils. When you see telltale smoke coming out of there, the volcano is about to blow.

Aug 29, 08 8:59 am  · 

surface is right, about the dragon that is, i've seen it...

Aug 29, 08 9:13 am  · 

Yeah, that dragon can be a real sneaky bastard, tried to bite my cock off once.

With me, discussions of a woman's cycle typically occurs immediately after I forget to pull-out.

Aug 29, 08 9:22 am  · 

check the trash can in the bathroom periodically

Aug 29, 08 9:49 am  · 
liberty bell

Surfaces covered everything perfectly. Including the dragon and the misogyny.

But I'll add this, to anyone considering marriage: Committing to spend your life with someone means you may someday be wiping their butt for them (or vice versa): incapacity after a car crash, for instance, or if you're lucky the simple infirmity that comes with age. When considering if you want to marry someone, ask yourself "Is this someone I trust enough to care for my body if I need them to? Do I love this person enough to care for their body when that responsibility falls to me?"

Marriage isn't all diamond rings and roses. That's why "in sickness and in health" is part of most wedding vows.

Aug 29, 08 10:17 am  · 

...forget the smoke, watch out for those teeth

[movie is weird as hell] ...obviously

Aug 29, 08 10:20 am  · 

that movie looked funny as hell

Aug 29, 08 10:22 am  · 

SurfaceS - LOL - tiny dragon.

and I'm sure charting his GF's cycle in MS project is going to go over extremely well.

Aug 29, 08 10:26 am  · 

better yet - why not use one of these ovulation predictors?

Aug 29, 08 2:01 pm  · 

are you serious?! is a period a big enough deal to schedule a honeymoon AROUND it?! If she's on the pill already, she can probably just juggle with the pill to get her period to avoid any important dates. That said, if this is something SHE actually cares that much about, then she'll probably pick a honeymoon date that works for her to begin with.

In summary, your brother is either a fool or an ass.

Aug 29, 08 2:15 pm  · 

Also, I <3 SurfaceS.

Aug 29, 08 2:16 pm  · 

Tell your brother it cannot be projected in any reliable manner that far ahead. Just tell him when he suggests dates and she has a different suggestion then to heed it.

That would be the best advice for him.

Aug 29, 08 2:19 pm  · 
el jeffe

get some Annuale, and a hat.

but msproject and menstruation tracking?

i'll go out on a limb and predict a restraining order in the future!

Aug 29, 08 2:35 pm  · 

Can he track flow amounts in MSproject as well?

Aug 29, 08 2:41 pm  · 

Hi, my name's Dave Foley, and, uh, something you might not know about me is that .. I have a good attitude towards menstruation. That's right, I'm the guy! The guy with a good attitude towards menstruation!

[]entire monologue[/url]

Aug 29, 08 2:46 pm  · 
Aug 29, 08 2:46 pm  · 

ROFLs @ Postal!

Aug 29, 08 2:57 pm  · 


just tell him to man up and earn his red wings!

Aug 29, 08 3:01 pm  · 

dude's brother must be a Project Engineer or something lame like that. And her response is again why I think Surfaces is so flipping cool!! Thanks for putting a cheesy grin on this rain/stormed in face

Aug 29, 08 4:36 pm  · 

Postal - ROTFL - I was just picturing a tiny Frenchman paddling upstream in a tiny canoe going to battle the tiny dragon...

Aug 29, 08 4:48 pm  · 

^Someone needs to make a cartoon of that, now.

Aug 29, 08 5:00 pm  · 

ha ha ha, he's totally a Project Engineer. Spot on, techno!

Everyone knows you just buy the ring you want and go get it sized together afterward. Nobody can size a ring properly without actually having it sized, with woman present and participating.

Aug 29, 08 7:33 pm  · 

It's common to delay or skip the period that coincides with the honeymoon by discussing this with one's doctor and getting extra birth control pills to take during that week. In other words she just skips the week when she'd usually take the row of pills that let her get her period, and goes right into the next month's pills. This is harmless, and not unusual.

Aug 31, 08 4:23 pm  · 
Once a year. Period.
Aug 31, 08 4:39 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

i very much like what libery bell had to say. its a beautiful image in age: two wrinkling, drooping, sagging, shitting bodies taking care of each other, what more understanding is there in the world? contrast this to the temporary dip-in-the-pool of one night stands. a furtive snatching of youth, smooth on smooth.

and i liked the SurfaceS-liberty bell electromagnetic shield facing the pink torpedo.

Sep 1, 08 5:13 am  · 
chatter of clouds

well, why contrast. maybe its care of another kind?

Sep 1, 08 5:45 am  · 

electromagnetism in the body

the human heart is effectively an electromagnet, and thus the area of concentrated electromagnetism within the body.

we all know that the heart is a pump of blood, but rarely is it stated that what the heart pumps is precisely what makes the heart pump. for this reason alone the heart is the most perfect of all (electrical) machines.

compare the definitions of the heart and the definition of electromagnet in Webster's Third International Dictionary and you will be struck by the fundamental sameness.

so where exactly is the electricity and the magnetism within the heart? where else but in the blood, the pumps fuel.

blood contains sodium chloride (salt) which is composed of sodium and chloride ions, electrically charges atoms.

blood contains iron, a ferrous material whose properties include the ability to spontaneously magnetize.

[no doubt, we each contain nature at its best.]

three practical examples:

strenuous labor, especially work under heated conditions, can cause (so-called) sun stroke. the remedy for sun stroke is salt tablets, which work simply because they replenish the electricity that pours from the body when we sweat.

people with high blood pressure are advised to refrain from salt in their diets. essentially it is dangerous to increase the corporal "charge" when the pressure is already high.

women, through their menstrual periods, lose quantities of blood. women are advised to take iron supplements as part of their diet. It is during their periods that women lose a measurable (but still necessary) portion of their magnetism.

Marriage isn't the only form of long term commitment of one person to another.

Sep 1, 08 7:37 am  · 
chatter of clouds

the heart undone

Sep 1, 08 7:54 am  · 

Thanks all for the replies. I've talked with him over the weekend and tried to get him to just talk to her, but lo and behold, it went in one ear and out the other the second he started asking about any "similar manufacturing or product planning cycles," (whatever that means) that he can build his MS Project period calendar under the guise of, since he only has the software program on his work laptop and doesn't want to get caught using it for something personal.

I love the guy and he is my brother, but this is just one of many odd offshoots of a rather lengthy history of trying to get a leg up on common logic and normal everyday occurrences that he experiences - that EVERYONE experiences. This is a man who once placed a laptop connected with an external thermometer inside his kitchen refrigerator to track the descent of temperatures when he unplugged it. Wanted to see exactly how long it would take to drop to temperatures that cold spoil food, and likewise, how quickly the temps. could rise when plugged back in. Then, once he had this all charted out, he got some kind of wall outlet timer to control when the refrigerator was on and off based on his calculations. All in an effort to lower his electric bill. It makes my head hurt.

The guy is very smart, but I have to seriously wonder how he found time to even land a date, and then keep her around for a few years long enough to be ready to propose. And now look at him - scheming to anticipate when a 5-6 day menstrual cycle will occur to plan for a honeymoon before he has even proposed.

Oh, and about that - he also told me why he's really doing all this: A coworker of his offered his families timeshare in St. Barts for the honeymoon, but there are only three nine day times when it is available next summer. If he can figure out when she'll have her period and when she won't, he can confirm one of those weeks in advance and have it booked. It's quite noble and chivalrous, but it really didn't register when I suggested that maybe he should talk to her about where they'll take a honeymoon AFTER they are engaged.

Anyhow, thanks again, the replies were great. I'll definitely let you know how things go whenever he passes news along.

Sep 9, 08 12:48 am  · 

there is always anal

Sep 9, 08 1:38 am  · 

mdler why are you so anal

Sep 9, 08 3:40 am  · 
vado retro

this is why america needs sarah palin.

Sep 9, 08 8:37 am  · 

he sounds like well meaning guy.
i agree with other replies noting that the (menstrual details) communications lack = problem. but this also leads me to wonder if the future spouse is possibly nefarious.

on the fridge experiment: i suspect the accelerated food deterioration during warm parts of temp cycle cost more than the energy savings (which would be slight). similarly, lowering the temps (with the same cyclical variation) implies freezing damage.
thermostats already have a "hi-lo" temp to prevent too-frequent compressor cycling.

seems the best way to optimize energy use is to keep the cooling coils clean. if he wanted to experiment... he could add secondary cooling to cool those coils... errrr... but fridge manufacturers have done the economics math already...
probably same is true for the idea of adding extra layer of insulation on the sides and top (without blocking air flow(s)).

the fridge manual says that some foods are supposed to have different optimal storage temps, which is why the mfr includes that crappy slider next to the meat drawer. so your brother could fiddle with that, maybe :-)

speaking of parah stalin, our savior.... storing your food on the other side of the bridge to nowhere would keep the food cool, but the commute costs... ahhhhhh

Sep 10, 08 8:11 am  · 

So anyhow, some big updates about this. About the spreadsheet: He gave up three weeks in after he started to wonder about the effects of the girlfriend's all-female bowling league, which she would be traveling with at various points in their engagement. See, something made him remember a Howard Stern interview from like 2001 about the WNBA and how the women athlete's periods started to occur at the same time. He was really frustrated with how he wouldn't be able to predict this, nor would MS Project.

About the proposal: Take a deep breath, folks: He proposed on a roller coaster by saying "Hey, will you marry me? Let's take the plunge to a life together" seconds before they made the first descent. Yes, really. You think that makes you cringe? Check this out: He didn't show her the ring when he proposed. He had it in his shorts pocket. He was going to show it to her when they pulled into the end of the ride. So he fumbled around in his pocket, and... no ring. That's when he freaked out and yelled at the ride operator to deactivate the car so he could hunt around in the car they were in in case it fell out during the ride. The ring was nowhere to be found.

Ordinarily that would be an awful thing, a huge expense lost forever. He used his "forward thinking" though to buy her a CZ instead of a diamond just in case she didn't like the stone. So he tells her this as some big moment of loving her so much that he wanted her to have exactly what she wanted and wanted her to be surprised.

She ended up saying yes, and they just got married this past summer after a long engagement. I'll have to jump back here and let you know how the wedding went - more of his awesome planning backfired in spectacular fashion.

Dec 7, 10 12:29 am  · 

is "your" friend a red carpet muncher?

Dec 7, 10 12:55 am  · 

You seem to really care about your "friends" prgress since you resurect a thread thats over 2 years old! lol

your FRIEND! Riggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht

Dec 7, 10 12:24 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I'm trying to find some information for my brother .

Good, not only are most of you humorless, you also have the reading comprehension of 8 year olds. I don't even know how any of you understand archi-babble or got into Ivy League schools,

I really need to take the GRE.

Dec 7, 10 1:23 pm  · 

Oh enlightened Unicorn. I may have the comprension of an 8 year old but at least I have a job.

Maybe if you spent a quarter of the amount of time as you did on archinect reading and spewing shit about someones menstrual cycle then maybe you would still have a job.

Dec 7, 10 2:29 pm  · 


I have missed your posts... I still remember alot of them because they were always unusual and entertaining. How is your other friend that had the issue of the 'tape'...

Dec 7, 10 3:48 pm  · 

i love this! good call. sure don't want a bloody honey. god damn i wish i could help but i'd say nature will have its way.

Dec 7, 10 9:27 pm  · 

I dont mind wading in the red river...I just never drink from it.

Dec 8, 10 2:15 pm  · 

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