
Openly racist and sexist: McCain with 50% indy support?!


Is this either the mainstream press lying or are the people who back McCain and the Iraq War really that many and ok with supporting a man who calls women cunts & fat and asians gooks?

Jun 17, 08 1:26 pm
drums please, Fab?
Jun 17, 08 1:30 pm  · 

It seems to me that John McCain is ready to extend the great presidency of our war-time hero, George W. Bush.

Jun 17, 08 1:34 pm  · 

the gay marriage issue is once again going to fuck things up for the dems

Jun 17, 08 1:37 pm  · 

^the dems are once again going to fuck things up for the dems

Jun 17, 08 1:38 pm  · 

Liberties; The Joke's On Him

Published: June 21, 1998
Have you heard the one about John McCain?

The famously noble politician got up at a Republican fund-raiser last week and made a now-infamously ignoble joke.

He is so revered by the press that his disgusting jape was largely nudged under the rug. ''It's like a return to the Kennedy era,'' said one magazine editor. ''He makes a gaffe, and we look the other way.''

The story of Washington is the story of why smart people do dumb things. And why pols can swing fitfully between doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing.

Mr. McCain made it through five years of torture in North Vietnam. The Arizona Senator has also been brave in Washington, inciting the wrath of his party and powerful lobbies with quixotic battles for the best causes: campaign finance reform and making Big Tobacco kick its habit of marketing to kids.

In a capital where politicians follow more than lead, Senator McCain has been an edifying exception. Even though his independent streak and quick temper have made him Republican enemies, his idealism and easy way with the press got him on the short list for 2000.

So how does such a lofty figure sink to the basement?

The joke that he thought was funny was about Chelsea Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Janet Reno.

''This is the bad boy,'' he said in a phone interview. ''It was stupid and cruel and insensitive. I've apologized. I can't take it back. I could give you a whole bunch of excuses, but there are no excuses. I was wrong, but do you want me crucified? How many days does it need to be a story?''

He said the Senator who spoke just before he did to the Republican fat cats made a tasteless joke about Viagra. ''So I got up and said, 'You think that was a tasteless joke? Listen to this one.' The minute it came out of my mouth, I thought, 'Oh no, this is a terrible mistake.' ''

But, he added, defensively, ''I will always maintain a sense of humor. Life is too short not to.''

Life is also too short for making the President's daughter the target of a junky, misogynistic crack masquerading as humor.

Mr. McCain said he wrote a letter of abject apology to the President. That's good politics. But where's the letter to Janet Reno? He says he doesn't think that such a letter is necessary.

Because the President and Mr. McCain have been working together on the campaign finance and tobacco issues, the White House response was muted. ''It takes a severe lapse in synapses to make a joke about personal things like that,'' says Clinton spokesman Michael McCurry, who has occasionally lost control of his own synapses. ''Most prominent people at one time or another have a close encounter with the distasteful.''

It is downright weird that Senator McCain would be the one to break the taboo against cheap shots at the lovely and self-possessed Chelsea. He said he thought he'd heard the joke on Jay Leno. But Mr. Leno, not one to shrink from the tasteless, protests: ''I've never, ever done a Chelsea joke nor would I. Political humor is like the Mafia -- everything's open game as long as you don't go after the families.''

Don Imus was befuddled by the blunder of one of his favorite guests. ''It's horrible, yecchhh! This guy is a genuine American hero. I don't know why they do it. Some idiotic effort to be one of the guys. Like me at the correspondents' dinner.''

I'm flummoxed. After so many politicians have humiliated themselves or ruined their careers with stupid ethnic and sex jokes, from Earl Butz's ''joke'' about blacks to Bob Kerrey's ''joke'' about lesbians to Al D'Amato's ''joke'' about Judge Ito -- why do they keep doing it?

''They can't stop,'' says Alan Dundes, a folklorist and expert in the anthropology of humor at Berkeley. ''It's part of the male arsenal of weapons to make your way in the world. If McCain is worried about being too liberal for his colleagues, this is one way of indicating that he's one of the Republican boys -- attacking the Democratic President by attacking his women. Since ancient times, you get at your male opponent by violating his women. If the women's honor is lost, the man's honor is lost. McCain was in the military. He knows you conquer enemies by feminizing the men and putting down the women.''

Mr. McCain will survive. But he may have learned a lesson about the politics of virtue. The holier they come, the harder they fall.

Jun 17, 08 1:38 pm  · 


Too many words!

Jun 17, 08 1:48 pm  · 

I think the republicans are damning him with faint praise with each faction ("libertarians"/religious zealots/the rich) attempting to show this as why the other factions are morons in an attempt to pick up the power structure of whats left of the republican party. I think McCain feels it if not know it (he sure acts like he doesn't really give a damn.)

The only people around who do have not realized this, probably because they can no longer look past their own (pretty, pretty - oh so pretty) face is the press. Sure, maybe they feel like that they fixed themselves to the hip of W, the republicans and their corporate overlords (in reverse order) and so they cant leave now. Stockholm syndrome with overinflated egos and too much makeup on, or something like that.

Jun 17, 08 1:59 pm  · 

gay what? i didn't say McCain was homophobic is is actually pro gay from what i read. He is ANTI WOMAN. and states that he will never not call Asians 'gooks'. those are his words to this day.

Jun 17, 08 2:08 pm  · 


he opposes gay does Obama

Jun 17, 08 2:32 pm  · 

i support civil unions between any number of people

Jun 17, 08 2:47 pm  · 

The dems just need to learn to play as dirty as the repugs play. Why aren't they making these McCain jokes and slurs into "swift boat" type commercials? If they want to win they have to come out swinging hard. The press isn't going to help. The pundits will just laugh McCain's jokes off while they'll hang on Obama's every last word waiting for some minor slip up that they'll turn into a national crisis.

Jun 17, 08 3:58 pm  · 

I like how they just released a story today about plans for a nuclear weapon being sold to Iran. They have known about this since 2006, but have just now let the public know...because McCain can keep us safer from the evil-doers

Jun 17, 08 4:59 pm  · 

evil, as in the lie used since the myth of redemptive violence to trick people into conformity?

Jun 17, 08 5:17 pm  · 

gay marriages=less babies= lower insurance=population stablization

Jun 17, 08 5:25 pm  · 

Uh, sabbo, I think you need to get out more...

Jun 17, 08 6:44 pm  · 

even though i know of a lesbian married couple in san fran that does have a kid ....but that's another story......

Jun 17, 08 6:58 pm  · 

Which "that" are you talking about sabbo - the part about making babies or the part about gay marriage. Because if its the former my first statement stands.

if its the latter its because god said so - so long as you only read in a very select way a very select .01% of a book written down from oral history 5000-2000 years ago and considered to be the literal word of the supreme being. Well, except for the parts which deal with how its okay to own slaves, not eating bacon, that part about somehow everyone is a descendant of Cain who (offscreen) married a "mud person" which, if you want to press things means we're all 1/2 mud-person, that its okay to sell your youngest child into bondage to alleviate your debts, you should pay your taxes, you should have your daughters get you drunk and then sleep with you to preserve the human race...

Jun 18, 08 8:49 am  · 

crow, i think sabbo is pointing out that allowing same-sex marriage won't reduce the birth rate, because same-sex couples aren't conceiving, married or not. unless you believe that a significant portion of the gay population is currently getting into "straight" marriages and conceiving with those partners, but would not be entering these unions were gay marriage legal, affording homosexual americans the same legal and social rights and privileges as their hetero neighbors will have no affect on the birth rate whatsoever. as the number of legally recognized married couples increase, the proportion of those couples who have children will decrease, but the actual number and rate of production of those children will be unchanged.

legalizing same-sex marriage would, as mentioned in crizzle's initial post, significantly affect the insurance industry, just not because of any shift in the conventionally understood marriage-to-babies relationship.

Jun 18, 08 10:54 am  · 

i went camping this weekend and it rained
i washed all the mud off of me when i got home

my car is still a mess though

Jun 18, 08 10:54 am  · 

mccain: "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."

alarming because a major candidate for president publicly used a racial epithet, refused to apologize for doing so and remains a legitimate contender.

This goes a long way towards showing just how messed up Vietnam left John McCain, and why John McCain seems so willing to use racist attacks to take down Barack Obama. To McCain and the Republicans, Obama is just another "gook."

Jun 18, 08 11:20 am  · 

Senator John McCain is blocking a vote on legislation to address widespread gender-based pay inequity because he thinks women need more "education and training" instead of full equality under the law.

the networks are sitting on a tape of McCain speaking out against Woman in the Military, and making several sexist remarks about women fighting. calling hillary a bitch on his website

regularly calling his wife a cunt and a trollop

gay baiting?
"Mitt Romney thinks he can fool us. He supported abortion on demand, even allowed a law mandating taxpayer-funding for abortion. He says he changed his mind, but he still hasn't changed the law. He told gay organizers in Massachusetts he would be a stronger advocate for special rights than even Ted Kennedy. Now, it's something different."

Jun 18, 08 11:31 am  · 

having a name with "snark" in it, I would have thought you'd be better attuned to snark.

Jun 18, 08 11:33 am  · 

more more

McCain said "the national security of the United States" would be "put at grave risk" if homosexuality was openly expressed in the military.

In 2004, he said he would not support a constitutional ban on gay marriage, calling it "antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans."


Jun 18, 08 11:34 am  · 

I dont know if I would go all that far. I dont think his little outbursts are close to as offensive as the actual policies hes running on.

Jun 18, 08 11:44 am  · 

(GOP convention button)
GOP #1 weapon: Racism ?

Jun 18, 08 12:06 pm  · 


Just wow...

Jun 18, 08 12:07 pm  · 

I wouldn't go that far either, but I do remember the Daily Show coverage of the Republican Debates (remember those?) where John Stewart summed up the republican stance quite nicely with,

"The only thing worse than another terrorist attack is if a gay hero were to stop it from happening."

Jun 18, 08 12:20 pm  · 

McCain needs to be defeated BADLY. That would really be the last hope for America.

Jun 18, 08 12:24 pm  · 

Only republicans can promote a draft dodger (W/Cheney) as "tough" and then openly mock a wounded war veteran (purple heart band-aids).

Republican's (at least the ones going to the conventions) care about the fighting man as much as they do about the church-goer. Which is to say not at all.

Jun 18, 08 12:30 pm  · 

i advise them to call the convention off , the party is over

Jun 18, 08 12:36 pm  · 

Antisthenes - Is he really blocking a vote on legislation to address widespread gender-based pay inequity because he thinks women need more "education and training" instead of full equality under the law. You're shitting me right? How many countless women are there out there that have Masters and PhD's, etc. Maybe it's just me, but that seems like more education than just your average Joe. How laughable. The more I hear from/about him the more McCain scares me.

Jun 18, 08 12:40 pm  · 

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.”
Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

Jun 18, 08 12:48 pm  · 

ya women make 75% on the same dollar with the same education.

Jun 18, 08 1:32 pm  · 

Chelsea used to be ugly - but Id totaly stick in her but now.

As for the republicans being racist. Noway. Republicans are more just more independantly minded meaning they dont give a crap about your race. It doesnt mean they dont like it. It is after all the party that freed the slaves, its the party that was against the Democratic South who kept segragtion on the books until the recent past. Its the party with the highest ranking afroamerican - Condilicious Rice.

So be careful about stereo typing republicans as Southern Baptist Gay Hat'n hillbillys. A lot of folks think Dems are Pervert Commie America Hating surrender monkies. And the Dems have just as nasty an attack machine.

So be nice. John McCain is actualy a a respectable man, as is Obama.

Jun 18, 08 2:13 pm  · 

surrender monkies

i have not heard that term before

Jun 18, 08 2:18 pm  · 

Condi : Aunt Tam ?

ya this is defiantly not a generalization on all of them but very specific about Mccain and many others in this party, or seeming intolerance and bigotry.

the Parties flipped what we used to call the Republicans we now call the Democrats. i learned this in history books.

mccain is no NO way respectable. just because you are tortured does not give you carte blanche to legalize torture be a racist and a sexist and have homophobic tendencies

Jun 18, 08 2:51 pm  · 

As soon as they welcomed those same dixiecrats with open arms, they stopped being the party that freed the slaves - Lincoln's republican party is dead as the neoconservative republican party is going to be...

Condilicious? Is your real name Steve Earl evilP?

Religious republicans want to hear about hating gays and abortions. It doesn't matter that doing so requires violating the constitution and the amendments regarding equal rights, or promotes the installation of an activist judiciary, something that the libertarians don't want. So no, not all republicans aren't former dixiecrats and religious zealots, but I'd like to see a republican get elected to national office without pandering to them with that rhetoric.

Jun 18, 08 2:53 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

fuck you all who generalize about 'racist' republicans

did you hear the shit coming out of west virginia and kentucky from die-hard democrats?

fuck you

and what the hell does Condi : Aunt Tam ? mean?

i do agree however, that mccain's political policies leave little to respect. he is horrible.

Jun 18, 08 3:10 pm  · 

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.”
-John McCain

That's really NASTY!

What was he thinking?

Jun 18, 08 3:36 pm  · 
So no, not all republicans aren't former dixiecrats and religious zealots, but I'd like to see a republican get elected to national office without pandering to them with that rhetoric

I give you Ronald Reagan. He ran a campaign on traditional conservatism ~ lower taxes, less gov't intereference, etc. "Government isn't the solution, it's the problem" He won in a landslide and I'm willing to bet any republican, or democrat, running on that platform will win handedly. Actually 2008 isn't so different from 1980 in many ways.

Do I agree with everything Reagan stood for? Nope. But the pandering that both McCain and Obama, as well all other professional politicians do these days is disgusting.

While McCain's joke is in bad taste, who cares? Everyone has said a stupid joke once or twice...or at least laughed at one. These people are human and quite frankly, I'd like Obama a lot more if he said a crude joke, rather than looking like Mr. Robot politician all the time.

That's why this doesn't make a lick of difference in the polls. Probably has something to do with Bush's victories as well. And when the dem's stereotype republicans as racists because of shit like this it further divides the electorate. Good job at being the "open minded" progressives.

Jun 18, 08 3:59 pm  · 

Let's really spread these McCain comments around. Forward them to anyone you know who's thinking of voting for him, especially independents, minorities, and women.

Here's a link to the "c•nt" comment:

And a reference to the "gook" comment:

Jun 18, 08 4:05 pm  · 

nobody wants to be unified with a biggot me thinks , that type of 'open mindedness' stinks more like a moral compromise and anti-life. calling out racists and sexists on their shit is important so more people continue to in droves move away from those positions that only serve to marginalize them, for their own good.

Jun 18, 08 4:11 pm  · 

Offensiveness of the Chelsea/Reno joke aside, this is just another thing that makes McCain look completely out of touch. Joking about these two is just *SO* 1992. SNL already beat the joke to death FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Last time I checked, Janet Reno was very ill with Parkinson's and Chelsea Clinton has turned out to be pretty darned attractive, which makes the joke seem all the more inappropriate, offensive, and out of touch with the current reality.

Jun 18, 08 4:25 pm  · 

Whos afraid of words here? Democrats. I use gook, cunt, spook, honkey, crackermofo, fucktard, squat logic, squish ass at least once an hour! Dont censor me damit!


Jun 18, 08 5:22 pm  · 
vado retro

hey you all wanted free speech so live with it.

Jun 18, 08 5:24 pm  · 

static labels only serve to dehumanize and point to a larger problem with the accusers projection, you have heard of the 'i'm rubber you're glue' one? once you start with this tactic the conservatives use you instantly loose your argument.

"some people say moral judgment isn't the thing to do, not me." Bush

Jun 18, 08 5:33 pm  · 

more on moralistic judgment and domination systems that require it

Jun 18, 08 5:36 pm  · 

maybe cindy mccain is a cunt

Jun 18, 08 5:48 pm  · 

Uh aqua, Ronnie's dead. Also, I'm also not willing to cede that he didn't get up with Falwell, Robertson and other evangelicals and say things at the pulpit which was pandering to the base fear and bigotry of those congregations - its just that nobody recorded it.

I should also point out that he had Pat Buchanan at his side who made it pretty clear that if you were not white, male, straight and preferably old and even more preferably rich, the republican party didn't care about you even if you did vote for them, which you should because otherwise you were a pinko commie faggot (since we're using vulgarities).

As I recall, until a cute little white boy got AIDS from a blood transfusion he was more than happy to have everyone who got AIDS to die as quickly as possible because they were San Fransisco pinko commie faggots. Does that count?

Jun 18, 08 7:25 pm  · 

sounds like a typical excuse to be violent to protect the ill gotten privilege they have.

Jun 18, 08 7:36 pm  · 

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