
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


ps, CAD mangler - i got my official acceptance letter from ASU today in the mail.

Feb 16, 09 6:43 pm  · 

(or at least i think so-
the letter got sent to my parents' house, so i had my mother open it for me, and english is not her first language...)

Feb 16, 09 6:47 pm  · 


Feb 16, 09 7:01 pm  · 

man, i wish i had applied to ASU now. at least then i'd have something to read while waiting waiting months for sci-arc and cal-poly pomona to answer.

Feb 16, 09 7:26 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

hobopajamas - I got a letter too. But it didn't really say any more than the email. It was just a single page letter that says I'm admitted, and check the website for more info. Because it didn't really say what to do next, I'm assuming they will send a more complete packet of info later on.

Feb 16, 09 11:39 pm  · 

i received an email back from the admissions office regarding finacial aid (after i sent them an email) and they said they are not putting together finacial aid packages yet..... wth does that mean. i need to know if i got cash coming in and if not then i need to start selling dirt or something to make this happen.

i'm employed now and trying to deal with the other co-worker b.s... i'm hoping that i can freelance/contract for this company after the fact. thats the goal at least.

hey hobo, that screen name sounds like a stand up comedy act... congrats on admittance also... same with the other folks...

Feb 16, 09 11:46 pm  · 

Hello anybody!

I use to be here last year. Just tell you: GOOD LUCK ALL!

Feb 17, 09 1:25 am  · 

Cognac-Sorry I'm a little late to answer your question... I work full-time in a university math tutoring lab right now, but it's an unusual position and not guaranteed for the summer. I intend to apply to work for Kaplan or whatever test prep service is local. I might take the LSAT too, just so I can get paid to tutor it, if it seems like there are openings for LSAT tutors.

Feb 17, 09 8:50 am  · 

is anyone an international student??? do you know anything about financial aid for international students in general? i'm under the impression that they can't get aid, but perhaps assistantships?

Feb 17, 09 11:33 am  · 

Has anyone applying to WashU Stl heard anything or had anything updated on the web page? I realize I am not supposed to worry, but I sent everything in over a month ago and nothing has changed on my status. Just looking for comfort.

Feb 17, 09 1:43 pm  · 

So today it is exactly three weeks till the 10th, when people started finding out last year at the programs I applied to.

Feb 17, 09 1:51 pm  · 
lost in stress

I just talked to a faculty member at my school and told him how some schools have sent out decision letters. He told me that they had sent a couple out to the students they really wanted. So to those of you that have been admitted, that's probably because they really wanted you in their program. Congrats!

Feb 17, 09 1:53 pm  · 

Still no status update on all of my WashU stuff either.

Feb 17, 09 1:55 pm  · 

Lost in stress - what school are you at?

Feb 17, 09 2:15 pm  · 

Nevermind - I found it.

Feb 17, 09 2:18 pm  · 

I was just accepted to UI-Chicago.

Advanced standing.

Letter via snail mail.

Feb 17, 09 4:14 pm  · 

I should also note that I was expecting to hear anything so soon and am now I'm worried that I'm going to agonize the next few weeks until I hear back from the other schools. F word.

Feb 17, 09 4:15 pm  · 
vado retro

F'in A N______________!

Feb 17, 09 4:20 pm  · 

wow, congrats n_!!!

Feb 17, 09 4:33 pm  · 

Congrats n_!!!

Also... doing some research on grad cafe, the earliest posted UI-Chicago acceptance last year was Feb 22. And CAD Mangler's ASU acceptance was also earlier than last year's earliest (posted) acceptance.

Kinda counter-intuitive, since we know a lot of schools are reporting record high #s of applicants, even over last year's stats, but ... does anyone think this might be a trend? Like, maybe after last year's exceptionally large application pool the schools found a way to streamline the process?

Or it may just be wishful thinking...

Feb 17, 09 4:51 pm  · 

Congrats n_! I have loved my UIC experience as an undergrad and if you so choose, I'm sure your grad experience will be just as rewarding.

This is weeks earlier than I planned on getting nervous, hopefully good new is on its way over the next couple of weeks.

Feb 17, 09 5:12 pm  · 

Hey guys, i just got a call from NYIT saying that I got accepted to their MArch/Urban Regional Design program. I am so thrilled!

I still have to wait for 2 more schools... I wish all of us great news!

Feb 17, 09 5:57 pm  · 

awesome, congratulations!

Feb 17, 09 6:01 pm  · 

This seems so early! i hope its a sign of things to come... and hopefully there's a letter from UIC in my mailbox tonite too:
i thought i had another week of not running home... guess not. :P

congrats everyone!

Feb 17, 09 6:15 pm  · 

... maybe you should get a mailbox-cam

Feb 17, 09 7:20 pm  · 

Just got my UIC letter with money. Congrats everyone!

Feb 17, 09 7:31 pm  · 

wow. i am so excited for all of you UIC peeps. congrats!

Feb 17, 09 7:54 pm  · 

congrats notanarchitect!!!

Feb 17, 09 8:12 pm  · 
lost in stress

I just got my acceptance letter from UIC as well, also with a scholarship. One down three more to go!

Feb 17, 09 9:01 pm  · 

jealous! only waiting to hear from two places and i doubt i'll be hearing early, so to speak.

Feb 17, 09 9:07 pm  · 

congrats everyone!! AWESOME!

My empty mailbox was like a slap in the face when I got home tonight. Nothing.Nada. Not even a piece of junk mail. It prompted the most unusual daydream.... that my husband (who works til midnight) had inexplicably come home early and picked up the mail (he doesn't have a mail key).... had found the acceptance letter, opened it because he couldn't stand the suspense and had organized my friends and family member for an impromptu surprise celebration. Imagine my chagrin when i opened the door to an empty apartment.... sigh.

seriously. this is torture. and it's getting worse.

but........ congratulations again to everyone that has heard back :)

Feb 17, 09 10:07 pm  · 

hello all. i've been reading these discussion boards for about a year now and am officially a 2009 applicant. i figured i would share my emotional meltdown with an audience as the time draws near.

anyway, here are my modest stats:
3.2 GPA
Graphic Design/Sustainable Development background

i applied to:

i haven't slept for a while now. as long as i make it to bed before sunrise... anyway, congrats to those who are getting their acceptances. here's to the next month or so of slowly losing our minds...

Feb 17, 09 10:26 pm  · 

congrats exciting

Feb 17, 09 11:02 pm  · 

I thought it would be easier, less stressful, and that time would go by faster when applying the second year in a row, but it just isn't...

Feb 17, 09 11:52 pm  · 

my mailbox was straight up empty too - no UIC letter for me today in LA - not even junkmail/bill's mail to shake out and see if my letter was stuck inside...

lesov - i have such similar daydreams, i think it's because we're optimists :)

Feb 18, 09 12:12 am  · 

Accepted to UIC!

Feb 18, 09 1:06 am  · 

just got into uic / nominated for a university fellowship!

Feb 18, 09 1:24 am  · 

I am a 2009 applicant...

I applied to:

University of Toronto
U Penn
Wash U
Va Tech

I did not get a letter from UIC yesterday :(

Nervous down here in Georgia!

Feb 18, 09 11:10 am  · 

Congrats to all the rest of you UIC people!

I hope the good news keeps pouring in!

Feb 18, 09 12:59 pm  · 

Remember - post on when you get your news.

Feb 18, 09 2:13 pm  · 

CONGRATULATIONS to all you UIC people.

manhole - hobopajamas is a reference to the incredibles.

CAD - will you be @ asu on april 1st? i'll be there, unless i happen to get an acceptance from one of the L.A. area schools first...

Feb 18, 09 6:08 pm  · 

Congrats to the UIC peoples!

Seems like UIC had the foresight to work out an efficient admissions system in anticipation of increased applicants - thereby increasing the odds of securing some quality applicants while less organized schools are still getting things together.

Does anyone know of some current or past GSD students that were unhappy with their experience? I met a few and I was wondering if the complaints were similar...

Feb 18, 09 6:08 pm  · 

Hi all,

I wasn't going to join in but I just got my first response today and I felt the need for commiseration. I feel you F2! My stats:

Currently finishing up Arch Studies/Geography at UCLA
3.8 GPA
1470/6.0 GRE

Applied to dual degree in Urban Planning + Architecture at:

I just found out I was waitlisted at Cal's urban planning program. I'm a little bummed because I was pretty sure I'd get into the west coast schools with the east coast schools being more of a reach. I'm kind of nervous about all this I hear about there being about a billion extra applicants this year with the economy and everything. Keeping my fingers crossed for MIT -- it's my top choice!

Best of luck to everyone!

Feb 18, 09 7:35 pm  · 

How did you find out about Cal's Urban Planning program?!? I applied to the concurrent MCP/MArch as well. I wasn't expecting to hear from them for another month.

I'm so anxious now!!

Feb 18, 09 7:56 pm  · 


Good luck to you! Boston is wet and snowy right now. My family is from LA and they cannot comprehend why I live here, but if you get into MIT you'll learn to love it.

Feb 18, 09 8:51 pm  · 

my UIC letter found its way to me in LA today! [yay! 1 down, 4 to go]

Feb 18, 09 9:43 pm  · 

So I'm guessing not hearing from Berkeley's Urban Planning Department by now is a bad sign... :\

Feb 18, 09 10:24 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

hobopajamas - I'm not really sure yet; I figure I've got over a month to decide, and a lot of things can change in a month.

The open house is not only on April Fools Day, but on a Wednesday to boot. As a working stiff (for now) it's tough for me to get out there from LA midweek, especially without explaining to my employer. I'm thinking maybe I would get more out of it on a non-open-house day. Then I would know I'm seeing "real life" instead of a staged event, and could stay over for the weekend and check out Phoenix.

But maybe I'll go anyway. Not sure yet.

Feb 19, 09 12:16 am  · 

CAD, you haven't told your employer that you'll be leaving for school yet? isn't that sort of risky, in a burning-future-professional-reference-bridges kind of way? granted i don't know your employment situation, but that seems like information you may want to provide pretty soon... plus if you did, they might be reasonably understanding about your taking some vacation time for open houses.

as for open houses, i can understand your concern about the "staged" element of the whole thing, but keep in mind that they aren't giving scripts to students or pinning up work that was done somewhere else - generally i think open houses are pretty genuinely useful in that they are a conveniently packaged introduction to lots of material and people in a very short allotment of time. they are not the best picture of the "day-to-day" life of the school, but i'm actually not so sure that's as important to witness firsthand as it's made out to be. you can get a good sense of the studio culture from talking to a variety of students, and the school's official presentations can often be a great glimpse into their overarching culture, pedagogy, long-term aspirations, etc. you'll also get to see a selection of the best student work, which i think gives greater insight into the direction of the school than poking your head into seminars. that's not to say that you shouldn't visit on an 'average' day if you have the chance, but i did actually find open houses very useful in getting an overall impression of the places i visited, and the value of someone handing you a map and a schedule when you first arrive is not to be underestimated.

Feb 19, 09 9:47 pm  · 

Dear Pratt,

Please stop sending me e-mails about all the other programs you offer and just let me know if I am in the M.Arch program or not. Thanks.

Feb 19, 09 10:24 pm  · 

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