
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Well, now that we're all waiting, does anyone want to share their portfolio?

Feb 12, 09 5:45 pm  · 

when did majority of you guys apply? last time i applied for fall semester, i didn't hear back until beginning of march from all the schools and i would say that i applied somewhere in the midpoint.

Feb 12, 09 5:50 pm  · 

the programs i applied to did not act on a rolling basis; the deadline is the deadline and they view all applications after it.

Feb 12, 09 6:01 pm  · 

hey missmeer, all the schools i applied last time were NOT on a rolling basis either, the usual once a year sept. enrollment like any other schools and got all my letters both rejection and acceptance letters in early march.

Feb 12, 09 6:15 pm  · 

i think i am going to hold out on showing my portfolio till the rejection letters start rolling in.

Feb 12, 09 6:23 pm  · 

I'm not showing my portfolio or talk about applications to anyone so that I can be the sole witness to my shame when i don't get in anywhere. :(

Feb 12, 09 6:30 pm  · 

seriously, rejection letters suck! i'm seriously more nervous than i ever thought i'd be learning about just how much of a surge there has been on m.arch applicants. someone said yale had more than 1,000 applicants this year versus the normal 700-800 applicants? i mean....there are no jobs out there and if there were, too much competition for that one rare spot and so you decide to channel that into school and you got more competition just to just doesn't get any easier, does it! i guess all we can do is brace ourselves and do bikram yoga until then ;)

Feb 12, 09 6:34 pm  · 

Yeah I'm with you andimdone. Maybe I'm superstitious but I'm very guarded with my portfolio right now.

The frequent 'did you get in yet?' is hard. I seriously had family asking those questions as early as November. They looked super dissappointed when I told them I hadn't even finished applying yet.

Feb 12, 09 6:35 pm  · 

woops another grammatical error, i meant "of", not "on". duh. i wish there was an edit button to your post like in any other mainstream forum sites~~~

Feb 12, 09 6:36 pm  · 

hi everyone -

i'm dying to hear back, yoga is helping, cardio helps me more though- I applied last year but didn't go for $ reasons. last year I got into sci-arc and UofO:Portland, am hoping for a better fit this year. Now I seriously can't wait to get back to school [lucky to have a job in the field - unlucky that's its possibly the worst job ever, and I used to be a temp].

I applied to: UCLA, UC-Berkeley, UWash, USC, UIC, CCA.

A note on the high number of apps: what I hear from people @ UCLA is that you are competing against people from your undergrad region - if you are up against 30 people from the middle and 500 people from new york, you are still only up against 30 people from the middle.... hope this helps :)

good luck everyone! I am excited for March.

Feb 12, 09 9:49 pm  · 

I just charted all the results for the schools I applied to and I am now terrified for what my life is going to be like 2 weeks from now because that is when the bulk of acceptances are received and it coincides with my mid-review week! I love this part!!

The bulk of the decisions are sent via e-mail which is good since I can't run home every time my mom says I got something in the mail from x,y,z school. Good luck to all and congrats to those who have already been accepted!

Feb 12, 09 10:01 pm  · 

in case anyone has missed this:

Feb 13, 09 11:30 am  · 

if anyone gets into ucla, i'll be so jealous. i always wanted to go to that school but since they're fiercely loyal to their in-state applicants, i had 3% chance of getting in! good luck to you all!

Feb 13, 09 11:36 am  · 

if you get into ucla, i'm going to be so jealous but so ecstatic for you! i always wanted to go to that school but since they're fiercely loyal to their in-state applicants, i had 3% chance of getting in! i almost moved there just so that i could be considered in-state but thought that'd be ridiculous of me. good luck to you all!

Feb 13, 09 11:38 am  · 

if you get into ucla, i'm going to be so jealous but so ecstatic for you! i always wanted to go to that school but since they're fiercely loyal to their in-state applicants, i had 3% chance of getting in! i almost moved there just so that i could be considered in-state but thought that'd be ridiculous of me. good luck to you all!

Feb 13, 09 11:38 am  · 

sorry for the back to back post here but since we all don't feel comfortable sharing our portfolios at this about sharing personal statements?

i read somewhere that portfolios count 40%, personal statement 20%, rec. letters 10% each, gre & gpa 10%.

since p.statement weighs in 2nd, anyone up for sharing?

Feb 13, 09 11:58 am  · 

sorry for the back to back post here but since we all don't feel comfortable sharing our portfolios at this about sharing personal statements?

i read somewhere that your portfolio counts 40%, personal statement 20%, rec. letters 10% each, gre & gpa 10%.

since p.statement weighs in 2nd, anyone up for sharing?

Feb 13, 09 11:59 am  · 

Well I'm not too superstitious. My portfolio is posted under my profile. Naturally there's things I'd change about it now that I have some distance from it, but it's much better than it was last year when i was turned down from all my schools.

newport, I'm sure the weight will be tweaked for each school, but I'm sure that's in the right ballpark. I went to visit yale, and they had a surprisingly high emphasis on the gre scores. They said it was the only thing that translated between most different backgrounds. Go figure.

Feb 13, 09 12:14 pm  · 

What's the superstition? Should I be superstitious too, or suspicious? Are there admissions committee members reading this thread? Are they going to recognize which applicant I am and not admit me because they do not like my archinect comments?

Feb 13, 09 12:22 pm  · 

hey jhooper, they actually said that to you? even if it's true, you'd think they'd use some discretion. sounds kinda snobby to me....well my friend got into yale with 1180 gre, 3.5 gpa and a killer portfolio and seems like a lot of people on this thread are applying w/a 1200 score and killer portfolios too, so hope that's comforting :)

Feb 13, 09 12:23 pm  · 

woops, another back to back....regardless of how much statements count, just thought it'd be interesting to share our reasons/thoughts as to why we want to go into m.arch.

Feb 13, 09 12:29 pm  · 

woops, another back to back....regardless of how much statements count, just thought it'd be interesting to see what drives others to study architecture, see what their agendas are, what they're hoping to accomplish w/arch., etc.

Feb 13, 09 12:30 pm  · 

low-income housing!

Feb 13, 09 12:39 pm  · 

n400 - I said I was superstitious, I dont know why I worded it that way ... it just feels kinda like 'counting eggs before they're hatched' to display my portfolio here. Its the best work I could do, and though I'm proud of my portfolio, I don't yet want to make it public; at the very least, I want to hear from admissions committees before posting.

And sorry newport but I feel the same way about my statement of purpose-that I didnt even share w/ parents and friends, only my husband and the admissions committees have seen what I wrote. But I dont mind sharing my topics of interest:

Like missmeer, I am interested in low incoming housing/public housing. And how sustainability plays into the betterment of these types of housing. I am also really interested in architectural detailing and industrial design. I want to learn CNC milling in school, and since I started in fine arts I am interested in programs with a strong visual arts presence. I am trying to balance my desire to make pretty things with a sense of responsibility to make architecture that is useful for people of all classes. I dont know how to do this yet, but I should have 2-3.5 years to figure it out. I hope. Fingers crossed.

Feb 13, 09 1:20 pm  · 

mine is about building w/global responsibility in both contextual and cultural, helping to redefine what it is to be modern w/out succumbing to cultural assimilation which is different from country to country. that's my first focus and i would love to learn more specifically about sustainable design to build w/green responsibilities. way down the line, i would also love to learn how to build w/engineering being focus heavy in my process. unfortunately, the last part would take another heavy degree and i'm running out of time :( but if i had all the time in the world, i would've loved to have spent my studies geared to get into m.i.t. since they favor architecture w/engineering implementations throughout the whole building process. but first thing's first right? and that is learning how to build!

Feb 13, 09 1:49 pm  · 

woops, "getting into". i'm forgetting my engrish~

Feb 13, 09 1:50 pm  · 

newport-should i email it via your profile?

Feb 13, 09 2:24 pm  · 

for those interested, i just received notice from the SOA at UT that they've received all my application pieces (and of course that I can check stuff to GIAC at GIAC's website).

Feb 13, 09 2:31 pm  · 

hey n400 sure! how about you? should i email mine to your profile email link?

Feb 13, 09 2:33 pm  · 

hey missmeer, that just reminds me of a private embarrassing moment where gsd emailed their confirmation and i got all excited thinking maybe that meant something. 2 weeks later, got flatly rejected. damn them for leading me on! not that that's going to happen to you but your post just reminded me of that funny moment, i blushed w/slight silly embarrassment at the letter, even though no one was around!

Feb 13, 09 2:40 pm  · 

i just got an email from both austin and udub saying i got in!


they just emailed me to tell me they have all my application materials.


Feb 13, 09 4:44 pm  · 

lol! i have 2 friends that graduated from ut-austin and they're friggin rocking good architects, good luck!

Feb 13, 09 4:55 pm  · 

Hmmm...I wonder how UCLA will look at me since I lived in California almost all my life, went to a UC school and even did their summer program, but have lived in Chicago for the past 1.5 years.

Feb 13, 09 5:17 pm  · 

For those applying to grad school this year, have you started looking for jobs?

Feb 14, 09 11:34 am  · 

cognac-I work full-time as a math tutor and hope to do some math or gre tutoring as a side job while in school.

Feb 14, 09 12:13 pm  · 

yeah but not with the same urgency I will feel after getting rejected by all of the schools I applied to.

Maybe I will join the peace core, run off to a far away tropical island where I build hospitals for the natives out of flotsam and coconut fibers. Weave a hammock from tall grasses and colorful bird feathers, string it up between two palm trees and sleep-- sleep all day-- dreaming of a phone call from Stan Allen, a cellphone in a wine bottle washed ashore by my thatchy palace, vibrating, I smash the glass on a rock and answer the phone... one question, I answer yes, then I'm in, I'm in, sweet god all mighty I'm in.

The emotional burden of a life's worth of insecurity washed away by the sweet wine and flowing champagne at the accepted students ball. the female students, a half japanese half morroccan princess winks at me from behind a 50 inch iMac screen pulsating with generative shapes from Roland Barthe's decaying imagination.

My first review, a topography unfolding Einstein's brain, a house for a rich man in a favela, disguised with rusted aluminum and mirrors. The first football game of the year, I run through the Serra naked, I'm chasing, then being chased, by an English sheepdog.

Blackness, a sickening heat. A spitting radiator wakes me from sleep and thats it. I'm in Brooklyn again. Its Valentine's day, I buy dumplings in Chinatown and eat them alone. Company would slow me down. I finish the dumplings with an extra dose of chili oil, wash it down with the drippings of an old Coke and head back to my studio.

Feb 14, 09 12:32 pm  · 

I hope you got those dumplings from New Green Bo.

Feb 14, 09 1:43 pm  · 

n400-gre tutor? is that through kaplan? i hear they pay $$$

10-beautiful prose. vivid imagery etc etc write me a book

any 09 graduates manage to find jobs in the market?

Feb 14, 09 1:52 pm  · 

10, i hope you're talking about soupy dumplings from joe's shanghai or even better, shanghai cafe, much cleaner! sssssrp!

Feb 14, 09 3:03 pm  · 

Nice writeup 10.

Well, didn't expect to get this early of an acceptance, but I got accepted into the MArch 2 program at UW-Milwaukee (my alma mater). yay!

I also got a big package from University of Oregon (thinking, wow 2 in one day) but it was just a housing application and some identification information. Still exciting!

So 1 down 7 to go.

It's also funny seeing other people writing up and making calendars when they should be hearing from schools. Glad I'm not the only one hehe.

Good luck everyone!

Feb 14, 09 4:16 pm  · 

i was informed that i was accepted to cranbrook for the 3d/id program....

now i'm selling everything just in case financial aid doesnt happen

Feb 14, 09 8:20 pm  · 

Congrats sourdough & manhole!

Feb 15, 09 2:23 pm  · 

hey manhole, what's 3d/id program?

Feb 15, 09 3:17 pm  · 

congrats btw!

Feb 15, 09 3:17 pm  · 

Three Dimensional Design & Industrial Design? is it?
well, congrats manhole!!

Feb 15, 09 11:14 pm  · 

Congrats to everyone who has gotten a response so far.
I'm so frustrated -- why does this waiting feels like forever ..
I keep checking my freakin email everyday!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone got a good suggestion to make it more bearable?

Feb 16, 09 3:22 am  · 

the 3d program is mainly focused towards industrial design type projects. cranbrook is ranked just behind art center in cali, so hopefully i wont have an issue teaching after the fact. i plan on developing a furniture line while i'm there...

still waiting to see if uncle sam wants to give me some at poverty level isnt cool anymore

also check your email filters......

Feb 16, 09 3:46 am  · 

hey manhole, that's very cool. you can do so much w/that degree. well, isn't the government pumping back some cash back into education grants? let's all cross our fingers :)

Feb 16, 09 10:37 am  · 

hey zeropulse, i think we have to do the counter-intuitive by mentally blocking out this whole situation, like it never happened. this is totally out of our hands/control so stressing over it will not make a difference, it will only make ourselves crazzzzy. so just foget about it, move on and one day your letter will magically appear in your mailbox and you'll be like, "oh...that's right! i totally forgot that i applied to this school! hm...let's see what it says..." :)

Feb 16, 09 1:09 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

Well, for anyone (like me) who is still lucky enough to be employed: I'm throwing myself into my job. Trying to catch up on stuff I let slide when I was so distracted during the app process, and things I want to get accomplished before leaving the job. It also helps that if I don't get in where I wanted, I have something to fall back on...

Feb 16, 09 4:12 pm  · 

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