
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


So, i know there aren't many people applying to UBC, but it sounds like no one has heard from them? Has anyone had any contact since the "application complete" email?

Feb 24, 09 6:52 pm  · 
lost in stress

congrats to everyone who got a call from UW. Let's keep the good vibe going!

Feb 24, 09 6:59 pm  · 

congrats all!

Feb 24, 09 7:08 pm  · 
lauren bebry

excellent news! congrats!! I can't believe this is starting so early...!

Feb 24, 09 7:10 pm  · 

I also applied to UBC, I haven't heard anything yet

Feb 24, 09 7:23 pm  · 

wow, so many people getting responses already... can't wait anymore!!! congrats everyone!

Feb 24, 09 8:02 pm  · 

Congrats UW people!

Feb 24, 09 8:25 pm  · 

i called ubc 2 days ago and she said we'll be hearing from them via mail by mid-march. she also said by the time we get the mail notification she'll probably have updated the online status so we can find out through that too...

Feb 24, 09 8:25 pm  · 
Andreas AT

Congratulations to all of u! So happy for u!

I have not received anything except for the "your application is complete" e-mail.

Anyone heard anything from Princeton?
(as they had a quite early app.deadline)

Feb 24, 09 8:46 pm  · 

congrats to everyone who heard today! that's so exciting that UWash called :)

may I ask which option you were applying for? [i.e. 2+ year, 3+ year?]

Feb 24, 09 9:00 pm  · 

arkitect.wannabe. thank you SO much for that information! I don't have the guts to call. It's good to know i can relax... a little... at least until march arrives, haha.
Good luck to you and kanu (and me)... maybe we'll meet each other in Sept.

Feb 24, 09 9:26 pm  · 

Congratulations to you all!
I'm still waiting but it's good to hear positive news here.

Feb 24, 09 10:47 pm  · 

lesov and kanu, did you guys apply to the university of toronto?

has anyone received news from parsons?

Feb 24, 09 11:23 pm  · 


I applied to the 2+ program at

University of Washington
University of Michigan
University of British Columbia
University of Oregon

I think Im probably going to end up going to UW since its my state school. You just cant beat instate tuition.

congratulations to everyone getting in! I think the percentages of acceptances are probably higher for archinect readers.

Feb 24, 09 11:36 pm  · 

woohoo for state schools! i heard that application increase has been greater for state schools because of the in-state tuition fact and therefore, even more competitive to get into your state schools. gosh, it doesn't get easier does it?

Feb 24, 09 11:41 pm  · 

lesov: i saw a link to your portfolio in the earlier threads but it no longer works...would u be up for sharing it again? of course i'd show u mine in return...haha that sounded kinda dirty :S but u know what i mean!

...and this offer applies to anyone else who's willing to share their portfolio... :)

Feb 24, 09 11:51 pm  · 

thanks kanu!

go state schools!

Feb 25, 09 12:15 am  · 
CAD Mangler

So ... would *not* getting a call from UW today be a *bad* sign? Anyone have experience with this phone call phenomenon from previous years?

Feb 25, 09 12:24 am  · 

hi all, i've been reading this thread for awhile and guess it's about time i jump in.

i DID NOT get a call from UW today and i'm really nervous right now. definitely not coping well with this waiting part .... ugh!!!

Feb 25, 09 1:33 am  · 

Andreas AT - In 2008, Princeton started notifying on March 10th. Don't expect anything until a few days before that date.

Feb 25, 09 2:29 am  · 


I didn't get a call either :( which program did you apply for...+2, +3?

Feb 25, 09 2:31 am  · 

Andreas AT are you applying for M.Arch 1 at Princeton? Want to swap portfolios? It is my top choice for applying next year. Best of luck!

Feb 25, 09 3:12 am  · 

congrats everyone! let's keep the good news coming!

Feb 25, 09 10:44 am  · 

I applied to the the 3+ for Uwashington.

Feb 25, 09 11:52 am  · 

monarca - I applied for 2+ program at UW

congratulations everyone! and good luck to all still waiting!

Feb 25, 09 1:18 pm  · 

Not getting a call yet is not a bad sign, it's still really, cad mangler don't worry yet...I applied to 3+ program at UW

good luck to everyone!

Feb 25, 09 1:29 pm  · 

Hi all,

I am a M.Arch 1 applicant who just found this forum. I was just wondering if anyone knows what is going on with UVA decisions.

Do they call? e-mail? big letter? small letter?

I saw a few people received calls; congratulations!

However now I am extremely nervous because I haven't heard anything.

I really would appreciate any info.

Feb 25, 09 1:46 pm  · 

Hi all,

I am a M.Arch 1 applicant who just found this forum. I was just wondering if anyone knows what is going on with UVA decisions.

Do they call? e-mail? big letter? small letter?

I saw a few people received calls. Congratulations!

However now I am extremely nervous because I haven't heard anything.

I really would appreciate any info.

Feb 25, 09 1:46 pm  · 

sorry about the words of Liz Lemon:

"my internet was acting weird"

Feb 25, 09 1:54 pm  · 

So yes, I had posted my portfolio... i took it down cause i didn't want it just floating around the net... but I've put it back up. Here. I should add that the white pages with text only were printed as translucent overlays.... but I don't know how to do that digitally. a.w. would love to see yours as well.

UBC is the only place I've applied to.... I moved to halifax for my undergrad and I don't want to move across the country again. I'm old and settled, haha. And this time around, it's not just me - hubby has a good job that he can transfer to Vancouver from Victoria, so we definitely want to utilize that. If I don't get in this year.... I might feel different next year... but will cross that bridge when I get there.

Feb 25, 09 2:57 pm  · 

haha lesov, we're in a similar boat. good luck to us all! i just found out that because of the unprecedented increase in applicants this year, my package will take 2 weeks just to get to the architecture dept. from the admissions office which translates to this friday. just shoot me~

Feb 25, 09 3:48 pm  · 

I also applied to UBC... all I know is that when I checked my application status it said they've received all my documents, though the architecture dept. never contacted me about anything... Should I be worried?

To all applied to U of Oregon - have you heard anything after the large envelope with the grad housing information?

Feb 25, 09 4:07 pm  · 

newport2009, are you talking about UBC? They won't receive our docs til Friday!?!?!? jaysus, i thought they were already in process, that sucks!

N312, I received an email from the grad app department saying that my status had changed... this was back in Jan i think... when I went (all freaked out and excited) it had only changed to 'everything received, application complete'. So, no don't worry, i haven't heard anything from the arch department either, and i doubt we will til we either hear a yay or a nay.

*off to check my status*

Feb 25, 09 4:22 pm  · 

So is anyone else on here laid off and just happens to know exactly when the mail man comes? ....he is late today

Feb 25, 09 4:28 pm  · 

I got an email on January 9th from UBC that said they'd start looking at applications in late January, and that they had about 260 to go through. They anticipated that they'd be finished by mid-March and let everyone know then.

I'm not too worried about UBC -- yet. :)

University of Washington, on the other hand: give me a call!

Feb 25, 09 4:35 pm  · 

lesov, sorry to have confused you i meant in the same boat as wanting to be situated in one place only!

wow, ubc takes about 2.5 months to go through 260? wow, they must really look at every little detail!

Feb 25, 09 5:04 pm  · 

lesov, sorry to have confused you i meant in the same boat as wanting to be situated in one place only!

Feb 25, 09 5:04 pm  · 

Does anyone have an update on UMich decisions, or heard anything else?? I know some people had decisions, but others, including myself did not on "wolverine access."

Feb 25, 09 5:23 pm  · 

ah, phew... scared me for a sec. Right, I remember now that you're in New Jersey.
i didn't get the email on Jan 9, but that was the application deadline date, so ?? anyway, good information, thanks cricket.

Feb 25, 09 5:28 pm  · 
lauren bebry

gs11 -- I applied to UMich also (MArch 3G program), and have not heard a word, nor is there even a link for "decision" on wolverine access yet...

Feb 25, 09 5:30 pm  · 

Fraggle: Yup, laid off here. I got the mail man timing down nicely, 2:30ish. So do a few others in my building, it's funny to see 3 people go get the mail at the same time (when you can't see the mailman drop mail off).

Feb 25, 09 5:34 pm  · 

In regards to UMich 2G, does anyone have an idea of the start date for the summer courses?

Also I would be curious to hear if anyone is in the process of completing prereq.s in calc or physics.

Feb 25, 09 5:35 pm  · 

Thanks for the info. That helps to calm me. I am a 2G and I have another 2G friend who also doesn't have the decision link.

UM 2G does not start in the summer. 3G does start in the summer.

Feb 25, 09 5:57 pm  · 


thanks for the link. If it starts on June 29 then perhaps I wont be able to attend that university as my summer calculus course doesn't end until July 10th. oh well, who wants to live in michigan anyway?

Feb 25, 09 6:03 pm  · 

I would just advise you all to know your audience well. For each school you are applying to you should know who is reviewing the portfolios and what their process is like. Will your portfolio even get into the reviewers hands if your gpa is low, will they recognize the names of the people you ask to write your recs? and know the other applicants. is the school aiming for a 60% foreign student class? can you bring diversity? serve them that. i also think it is very hard to have one portfolio to submit to all schools if you are applying to 10+. I also don't get why someone would apply to 10 schools. Are they all really the best fit for you? You application essays should be specific to what you can bring to a particular program and what they can bring to you. How are you uniquely suited for each other? If you are wait listed you have to follow up. Tell them the exciting work you've done since your original application and tell them that if they accept you off the wait list, you will commit to them (if you will). What else...oh, test print those portfolios early (if submitting a hard copy) and show them to people (architects, professors, the guy behind the counter at kinkos). Even if a hardcopy isn't required, I'd send one with the digital. Feedback is your friend. Good luck.

Feb 25, 09 6:36 pm  · 

has anyone heard anything from UCLA? i heard a rumor...

but i'm really gullible these days

Feb 25, 09 6:37 pm  · 

.....and, if you don't have an undergrad architecture degree, don't make a portfolio that pretends to. If you studied philosophy include your arguments, include your proofs, include pictures of you performing dance or whatever your thing is. Just represent it graphically.

Feb 25, 09 6:39 pm  · 

Has anyone ever heard stories of people matriculating without all the prerequisites??

Feb 25, 09 6:46 pm  · 

Question regarding financial aid, and forgive me if it's been asked already.

So my EFC is pretty high because I worked in 2008. However, I will not be working in 2009 or while attending school. Is there an appeal that can be done once awarded financial aid? Or anything of the sort?

Feb 25, 09 6:54 pm  · 

i think you can send the FAFSA people a letter once you leave your job and then your EFC will adjust, i've never tried it though.

Feb 25, 09 7:13 pm  · 

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