
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


It says N or no score or something. I can't remember exactly. Almost everyone I know skipped the writing because most grad programs don't count it and it just tires you out before the important stuff starts. I mostly know math grad students, but I seem to remember that most neuroscience programs did not require it either when I was looking into that. I only know one person who needed the writing section, and that was for vet school at UC Davis a few years ago.

Feb 2, 09 10:10 am  · 

I don't know about other schools, but the GSD and MIT websites explicitly state in the FAQ's that they require a GRE analytical writing score. Can't imagine these are the only two that ask for it...

Feb 2, 09 11:03 am  · 

di-c - That's good to note. Maybe most architecture schools require it after all, or maybe the best schools always require it, regardless of the program.

Feb 2, 09 11:43 am  · 

Actually, I never heard that they don't require the writing score... where did you hear this?

Feb 2, 09 12:08 pm  · 

most top programs require at least a 4 or 4.5 writing score.

IMHO, if you score lower than a 4 you should either retake the test, or get some writing help (or if you have a disability, get extra time). If you lack basic language skills you aren't going to get very far in this profession, no matter how awesome your drawing skills. being able to form a logical argument and communicate that argument in writing relates directly to your ability to form and communicate that same argument or idea visually. That's why people who have a degree in something that required a lot of writing tend to do well in MArch I programs. They've already developed good communication skills.

the verbal section, though... that only tests knowledge of the definition of obscure academic vocabulary. I can't think of any time I've used or seen "antediluvian" or "lugubrious" outside of the GRE.

Feb 2, 09 1:08 pm  · 

Ha, yeah true. I think the best thing for me about the GRE verbal studying was, when it came time to write my application essays, I felt I had the vocabulary to write at a grad school level. Also, it made for lots of bombastically funny conversations with my GRE taking peers. Too bad I havent been able to keep it up.

And, I concur, landshark, I've never heard of schools asking for only the verbal and quant portions of the test and NOT the analytical writing section. Even my brother, who's in chemistry, had to take the writing section.

Feb 2, 09 1:41 pm  · 

I know that UF states on their grad school site under admission requirements that the analytical writing section is not required :

"The total of your verbal and quantitative Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, of which 1000 is the expected minimum. (The analytical score is not counted.)"

This is the only time I've ever seen a school state that it is not necessary. And of course, I did best on that section :(

Feb 2, 09 2:41 pm  · 

Hey guys I'll be taking the GRE this summer, jsut to make sure before sign up, does anyone have an opinion on paper-based vs. computer-based test taking? is either one less stressful or less prone to making errors on?

Feb 2, 09 2:52 pm  · 

I took the computer one, and have no idea which on is easier, but the computer test has a lot of strategic quirks that I'd imagine can make it both easier and harder in certain regards. The thing that I found most frustrating about the computer test is that if you have a hard time with an answer, you cant come back to it later, you must answer everything sequentially.

Feb 2, 09 3:16 pm  · 

hey not applying this year. but will be for '10 admissions. I applied already last year, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on the longevity of GRE scores. three years sounds right to me, but im not sure. Im sure i could look it up but im FAR too lazy for that. thanks.

Feb 2, 09 3:19 pm  · 

well that settles it for me, I go back too often, So I will give the paper one a go, thanks!

Feb 2, 09 3:21 pm  · 

And-probably the biggest benefit, for me, of the computer test was being able to type the analytical writing section. I'm a much better typist than hand-writer, and you can also do things like copy/paste, and for me this was a huge advantage of the computer test.

Feb 2, 09 3:25 pm  · 

I've heard GRE scores are good for 5 years, but that individual schools may have different requirements.

Feb 2, 09 3:25 pm  · 

I was mistaken about the GRE writing section. It's a coincidence that neither I nor most people who I know needed it. MIT's philosophy program does not require the GRE at all.

Feb 2, 09 8:54 pm  · 

anybody else getting duplicate emails from umich telling you what your UMID is and how to get to wolverine access?

i got one about 3 weeks ago when they received all my stuff, but have since gotten two more in the last couple of days...

Feb 3, 09 4:30 pm  · 

this is third time around i've received that same email. no worries.

Feb 3, 09 4:32 pm  · 

I got the UMICH repeats as well. Any word on MIT...or are they still MIA?

Feb 3, 09 5:21 pm  · 

I have heard from everyone except WashU but since their deadline was Sunday I'm not concerned. Now comes the best part, the waiting...

Feb 3, 09 10:01 pm  · 

admiller, I received an email from MIT 2 weeks ago telling me that they had my portfolio, but nothing after that. I am just hoping everything is there.

Feb 4, 09 10:18 am  · 

Have not heard a single thing from MIT. Emailed them and they would not give me any info. Getting a little pissed........

Feb 4, 09 12:52 pm  · 

Anyone hear anything from UC Berkeley in a while? Like confirmation that all LOR's are there? I had one prof. do a paper letter, and it doesnt show online.

Feb 4, 09 1:19 pm  · 

I got an email from their Arch. department saying they were missing a letter. Of course the city and regional planning department had a PDF of the letter, so I told them to get it there. It was a pretty big nonevent. That's about it.

Feb 4, 09 1:23 pm  · 

thx. I hope that means, since I didnt get an email like that, that they aren't missing my letter.

Feb 4, 09 1:34 pm  · 

I spoke with MIT admissions: they said that they are still going through information and have not documented all received materials. For instance, they have not yet documented my portfolio or letters of rec. They said to wait another week or so and they will probably be sending out an electronic status to applicants. The woman I spoke with was very nice and helpful. I think their admissions office just wants applicants to wait a few more weeks for them to go through the information.

Feb 4, 09 1:39 pm  · 

I spoke with MIT admissions: they said that they are still going through information and have not documented all received materials. For instance, they have not yet documented my portfolio or letters of rec. They said to wait another week or so and they will probably be sending out an electronic status to applicants. The woman I spoke with was very nice and helpful. I think their admissions office just wants applicants to wait a few more weeks for them to go through the information.

Feb 4, 09 1:39 pm  · 

Got an email today from Parsons. I am suppose to be able to check my application status on there but they didn't give me a student id #..The website didn't help either.. anyone log on sucessfully yet?

Feb 4, 09 4:16 pm  · 

I had a paper letter of rec go to Berkeley and called them about it the other day b/c it wasn't showing up as received on the website. They took a look in my file and it was there - no worries.

Feb 4, 09 9:25 pm  · 

zero pulse

the parsons student id number is in the email they sent to inform you that you can check my application status. Look for a number in brackets in the second paragraph. Your password is mmddyy of your birthday.

I have logged on successfully and it says my app is complete, however I got an email this morning from arch admissions saying that my application is incomplete. Sigh.

Feb 5, 09 11:39 am  · 

Thanks andimdone.
I think the person sending me the email forgot to enter my ID number into the bracket.
because all I got was
To log in, enter your student ID number <ID> as your login ID and follow instructions for entering your PIN.
I thought my number got lost in the mail or something.

Feb 5, 09 12:31 pm  · 

Got an email from SCI-Arc today, letting me know my application status. In my case, incomplete-so I'm not sure if everyone, or only delinquents like me are getting this email.
(They want a transcript from an art program I attending during high school).

Feb 5, 09 2:04 pm  · 
juan moment

has anyone applied to parsons that has NOT received an e-mail? i haven't heard anything from them yet.

Feb 5, 09 2:54 pm  · 

Anyone hear from UT Austin yet? They said they would send an e-mail...

Feb 5, 09 5:21 pm  · 

Haven't heard from UT and did not even know that they'd send an email. Just know that GIAC has all my stuff.

Feb 5, 09 5:26 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

Did anyone else apply to Arizona State U (3-year first professional M.Arch)? It seems incredible to me that they reviewed the apps in less than 3 weeks, but I got a "recommended for admission, the official offer will come from the Graduate College" type of email today. I never expected to hear back so soon, but I'm happy.

Their admitted student open house appears to be scheduled for April 1st--April Fools Day. Should I be worried? :)

Feb 6, 09 1:43 am  · 
Andreas AT

Congratulations dude! Good for you.

That was an early response indeed.

Feb 6, 09 4:01 am  · 
lost in stress

wow, that was very fast indeed. The earliest I was told about any notification would be late February to early March. Congratulations, lets hope as the weeks go on we'll see more and more good news appear.

Feb 6, 09 4:17 am  · 

congrats CAD! that's awesome you heard so early. i'm sure you all have heard of gradcafe, but everyone should post their acceptances etc on there as soon as you hear... i'm already checking a million times a day but its nice to know as soon as people start hearing back so we don't all drive ourselves crazy...

good luck everyone, can’t wait to hear where everyone gets in!

Feb 6, 09 10:02 am  · 

congratulations CAD! first of this thread!

Feb 6, 09 3:01 pm  · 

UT Austin, I emailed them to confirm receipt of everything, and she wrote back confirming my stuff, then the next day (maybe a week ago) I received a form email confirming my materials. That's it.

Feb 6, 09 4:02 pm  · 

Congrats CAD! You must be thrilled!

I looked back at last year, and you heard about 1 week earlier than the first ASU acceptance of their thread. I hope this becomes a trend...

Feb 8, 09 7:59 pm  · 

Has anyone been successful in contacting Parsons' admission office?? I got an email last Thursday stating that my application was incomplete, but failed to mention what the missing items were (even though I'm 100% positive everything was sent). I returned the email and tried to leave a voicemail for the admissions coordinator, but her voicemail was full. I've yet to hear anything. Argggh!

Feb 9, 09 1:41 am  · 

Same here.. voicemail full and I've email also... Just have to be patient and wait it out b/c there is prolly a few more hundred souls out there waiting on a reply from them. The email you got should also include your Parsons' ID to check on their status website I think.. The person that wrote mine forgot to insert my ID into the ID bracket.. I think we are suppose to check that to verify what they have updated our submission into the system. I sent all of my stuff together with signature confirmation via USPS so I would think its only a matter or time before they update the status.

Feb 9, 09 2:24 am  · 

Congratulations CAD! Did you apply anywhere else?

Feb 9, 09 8:40 am  · 

Oh man...I was in an odd state of calm.
All my apps were in and there was nothing more for me to do but wait.

NOW...people are hearing back already?!?!


Feb 9, 09 11:18 am  · 

CAD - i got the same email! yay. maybe i'll see you in april.

it was awesome to hear back so early, totally unexpected.

let me know when you get your "official" offer ... any idea when it's going to arrive?

Feb 9, 09 3:03 pm  · 

Congrats to CAD and hobopajamas!! That's fantastic!

Entasis - I'm with you, I was feeling quite calm and nonchalant about the whole thing. Trying to trick myself I guess, because this news has sent me into a tizzy!! Checking the online status 3 times a day and reading through all my spam emails, haha!

Just breathe and stay calm. Repeat. :)

Feb 9, 09 4:04 pm  · 

monarca and ZeroPulse
I also got that Parsons "incomplete" email despite the fact that I was 100% sure they got everything. I emailed them back and left a voicemail but the admissions lady never called/emailed back. However, I actually got someone on the phone who was nice enough to check my file and confirmed that they had everything. So, if you feel that you submitted everything they needed, I think you can safely assume that that email can be ignored.

Feb 9, 09 6:39 pm  · 

So I received an email from MIT today telling me my application is complete. It also stated that they have received 10,000 applications this year?!?!?! I have no idea what they would normally get, but that sounds totally ridiculous to me.

Feb 9, 09 7:58 pm  · 

Oh god, I bet they meant 1,000 not 10,000. A lot of schools say their average is around 500, but are getting as many as 800 - 1,000 this year. Either that or MIT got 10xs as many apps as Yale or UC Berkeley.

Feb 9, 09 8:15 pm  · 
Andreas AT

Got the MIT confirmation as well.
Stating they have received "nearly 10,000 pieces of mail",
but no application number mentioned.

Feb 9, 09 8:30 pm  · 

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