
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


is everyone staying under berkeley's 12 page minimum? i currently have 13 pages and am finding it very difficult to get rid of one more.

ballyhoo- sorry for the late response to your portfolio post.
by the way, i think you used "me" very well. esp in all caps.
it's good that you've shown a lot of process, it reveals that you put a lot of thought behind your work. i think it's awesome that you included your psychology study; it's interesting and i think it might make you stand out.

Dec 17, 08 1:53 pm  · 

my only criticism would be to maybe include more skteches (esp if you're going to end your portfolio with that section).

Dec 17, 08 1:55 pm  · 

ok, so no one who submitted for just MARCH has gotten an email allowing them access to the arch candidate website yet, correct?

Dec 17, 08 2:15 pm  · 

Hi all-

In response to questions about UCB arch candidate website:

Like you guys, I have not received yet received an email from UCB, but I was able to login by following the link included on the M.Arch Admissions page:

Dec 17, 08 2:39 pm  · 

nice work ballyhoo - your portfolio layout is simple and concise, shows good process as well as representational hotness and seems just the right length to leave readers wanting more. i had a similar reaction to helvetica at the end (what, no more sketches?), but you've clearly demonstrated your facility for hand-drawing throughout, so i think that's a good impression to leave. love the places where you've combined digital illustration and diagramming with hand-drawing.

to those still tearing their hair out over tardy letters of recommendation: i know it's easier said than done, but don't worry about it too much. all schools know you have a very limited amount of control over when those are submitted, and if everything else is submitted on time, they will cut you some slack. a new m.arch classmate of mine got a call from our school in early march to inform her that they were "very strongly considering" her application, but that she was still missing one letter. in march. it turned out her boss had never written the thing. she had to send them something thrown together that very day, and she still got in. no school is going to intentionally rule you out because of something that's outside of your control.

Dec 17, 08 3:10 pm  · 

snarkitekt - thats so funny cuz I was doing exactly that (tearing out hairs) when you answered my silent cry with your post. there's still hope!

and WOW. what a terrible boss your friend was unfortunate enough to have.

Dec 17, 08 3:17 pm  · 
Workshop B

just received the email from berkeley

Dec 17, 08 3:23 pm  · 

So no takers on critiquing my portfolio? It has purty pictures and line drawings!

Dec 17, 08 3:24 pm  · 

Anyone have file compression tips using Scribus and Gimp (Linux-based 0pen source InDesign and Photoshop)?

Dec 17, 08 3:35 pm  · 

I don't remember you posting your portfolio kungapa...did I miss something.

Ballyhoo- I think your portfolio is excellent. The design is well thought out, clear and concise. Really good work.

Dec 17, 08 3:58 pm  · 

I don't remember you posting your portfolio kungapa...did I miss something.

Ballyhoo- I think your portfolio is excellent. The design is well thought out, clear and concise. Really good work.

Dec 17, 08 3:58 pm  · 

Musik - I don't want to post it publicly, but I did send you a link with it.

Dec 17, 08 4:57 pm  · 

Thanks everyone for your critical eyes and kind words. I think I have a good idea now of where to take the portfolio to give it more resolve.

For anyone mulling over fonts, in my experience, Helvetica seemed to jump off the page when I printed the portfolio on some crisp, white matte paper. It was scary. It's a nice font to look at on screen, but freaking brilliant to look at in print. Just adjust the kerning/tracking and you have a winner.

Good luck to all those applying!

Dec 17, 08 6:48 pm  · 

Another quick comment on late recommendations:

I had one of my recommendations turned in last year in February, no big deal, it was still considered.

Dec 17, 08 7:36 pm  · 

12 fucking pages. no way. bah humbug!

Dec 17, 08 10:49 pm  · 

first post here.

i'm interested in seeing some portfolio samples of applicants with a 5 year B. Arch degree. A lot of the portfolios seem to be for outsiders looking to get a Masters in arch, and I am curious to see what like myself with a B.Arch are submitting.

I personally left all my purely creative art (sketches, paintings, etc) off and only have studio projects and other architecture related stuff. just wondering to see what other people have.


what's the deal with the gpa calculator thing for berkeley? I think that is totally arbitrary. Why should a Nutrition course I took as a Senior be more important than a Psychology course I took as a Freshman? And why are my upper level courses I took within my major my Sophomore year not calculated? anyone else frustrated with that? Is the GPA thing absolutely necessary? My overall GPA (after 5 years) was not great, but a 3.25.

Dec 18, 08 2:58 am  · 

well here's my portfolio, not sure if i did it totally wrong, should have read more archinect as in last years thread.... is supercool for putting up a pdf and sharing it,....

as always would love to hear what people think!!!!

Dec 18, 08 5:49 am  · 

j'aime - I assume you are aplying either for an M.Arch. 1 or 2, and not for jobs.

As such, I would consider leaving your resume separately, as well as your experience with various computer programs.

Also, your role in the various professional projects is very vague. I would premier your own creative work over that of your professional work, and also specify what you actually did there, as well as what images and models were produced by you versus others.

Some of your own work is very interesting, especially the school project, and should be emphasized over the professional work.

Dec 18, 08 9:19 am  · 

is anyone applying to yale??i just realized that you can now submit the application online......was that there before???cause i could only see the paper submission two days ago when i sent my portfolio.....

Dec 18, 08 11:12 am  · 

yeah, it went online mid november

Dec 18, 08 11:20 am  · 

really?i only saw it today....oh well they will have to do with the paper application i guess...u think i can submit the online application as well??or would that complicate things???

Dec 18, 08 11:26 am  · 

I'd pick one or the other, the online one doesn't take long to fill out, but I'm sure they won't mind having the paper one either

Dec 18, 08 11:32 am  · 


and good luck to everyone!

Dec 18, 08 11:34 am  · 


I partially agree with kungapa. I think you should illustrate very specifically what your role was in your professional projects. I think you should definitely keep all of your professional projects in your portfolio. JDS is a great name to have in your portfolio for grad school.

I agree that your resume should be kept seperate from the graphic portfolio. Also, it might be better illustrated if you emphasize the difference between professional work and academic work (bold chapter division).

Looks like interesting work! Good luck!

Dec 18, 08 12:17 pm  · 

I have a BA in Arch [4 years of studio] so I am applying to MArch2 programs. I did the same as you leaving out most sketches/paintings/etc because I have a number of developed projects and professional work. I did include one spread of sketches/drawings just to showcase a few of my best pieces and they know that I've had those experiences in addition to architecture studio.

As for Berkeley, does anyone know how they view your portfolio? On a computer screen I assume? I haven't asked.

Dec 18, 08 2:02 pm  · 
never nude

someone previously called and said berkeley views portfolios on screen.
also, i don't know if anyone else had the 'application/force-download' error with uploading pdfs, but try doing it with internet explorer. firefox wasn't working for me.

Dec 18, 08 2:36 pm  · 

Kungapa and admiller4: I agree with everything you guys said, the file I had on last was for jobs, hence the resume, but anyway applying for M.arch at GSD, GSAPP, SciArc, and the Diploma program at the AA, London. I've already applied to GSD, GSAPP, and will send the other two early january.

I think my application has strengths and weaknesses, so the outcome is extremely unpredictable, I think my portfolio, references (from JDS,KPF, Zaha and UCD), essay, work experience are extremely strong.

I have a weak GRE (700q 420v 4.0) and extremely weak GPA. That said alot of problems with my GPA are due to a disability with no lie there, since surgery I have much improved and will be looking for higher grades in the future.

The verbal Gre score is below that of minimum requirement for GSAPP (450) I have always been an A student in maths, physics, sciences etc, and a weaker student in english, although sometimes i get lucky with a high mark in english, not this time though!!

Anyway thank you so much Kungapa and admiller, appreciate the feedback, here is an updated portfolio....still feedback appreciated.

Updated portfolio

Dec 20, 08 6:19 am  · 

Hello all...
Here is my portfolio.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I am in a bit of an odd position. I have a non-arch undergrad degree, but have had 1.5 years of MArch at a school I am leaving now.

Dec 20, 08 11:13 am  · 

never nude -- I had the same problem with the Berkeley website. When I used Firefox it was not working. Safari worked for me though.

Dec 21, 08 5:38 pm  · 

So for Berkeley, do you just upload the files and that's it? No final "submit button?" Because I'm not seeing one if there is.

Also, for anyone doing the M.Arch/DCRP concurrent degree, where are you loading the DCRP supplement. I just put it in the miscellaneous, and I'll also email them a copy at dcrpgrad I guess.

Dec 22, 08 5:36 pm  · 

NotAnArchitect.yet - yah i think you just leave it as is

Dec 22, 08 9:53 pm  · 

I have been browsing these extremely helpful threads for quite some time and am finally singing up to join in.

After having the benefit of seeing so many members' portfolios over the past few months, I thought I would share mine. As always, I would love to hear any comments or suggestions anyone's got.n


Dec 23, 08 12:56 pm  · 

entasis applitect, what are your other application details like? gre, gpa etc...

just wondering how different your grading system is in america, if i got 65% in a subject, i would be one of the best in the class, if i got 50% that would be fairly normal, and between 40 and 50, still fairly normal, and then below 40 is fail, they like to give marks that are around 45-55....if one was get to 80 which i have never seen, it would be saying your already better than every architect in the world......what grades are you used to? in high school i got everything in the 90's, i.e. a staright a student, but now we all had to get used to all grades between 30-60% as the maximum extremes....i wonder how the admissions comittee will deal with issue, would they be used to it?

Dec 23, 08 3:05 pm  · 

GRE 730v/740q/5.0
GPA 3.3
B.A. in political science at McGill University, out of school for about 4 years

J'aime - curious to hear what you've heard about the AA diploma program. Not exactly architecture straight up, but have you also checked out the Bartlett's M.Arch in Urban Design or others?

Dec 23, 08 8:17 pm  · 

j'aime- so glad you mentioned the grading system in the uk...i finished from the university of bath...and my grades are similar to what you describe....i like to believe that they know that the uk grading system is different!

merry xmas to everyone!

Dec 24, 08 1:56 am  · 
Andreas AT

Let's see how they treat my Danish grades..:/

Merry x-mas guys! ..and girls(?)

Hopefully I'll meet some of you next fall:D


Dec 24, 08 3:37 am  · 

J'aime - regarding your new portfolio:

I still think you should move your academic work to the front. Your two projects are much more interesting than all the professional projects combined.

Most schools are looking for process, and few of your professional projects show that. The first jds projects show some process, but nothing compared to your school and library. By putting the school work last, you are giving primacy to your wok experience.

That might very well be how you feel - but the engagement in the professional projects doesn't come across as well as the engagement in the academic projects.

Also, I would consider reworking some of the pictures you have taken of models - some of them seem to have large whitebalance issues, and very distracting backgrounds. Try and crop the images differently, perhaps editing out everything that is not actually in the model.

Dec 24, 08 5:36 am  · 

there's alot about the AA diploma on their website, i really love the AA, done two summer workshops there..and worked in london for a while on aa's doorstep.. if i was going to bartlett, i would be applying to diploma program, not masters....i know they have a masters in something like adaptive architecture and compuation which i would find very interesting.
i haven't finished my 5 year bachelor of architecture, just the 3 years of it and have a which isn't worth much on its applying M.arch 1 and we'll see how it goes...

andreas...i love denmark, and your cycle lanes, and tuborg julebrygge! (not sure spelling!)

merry christmas...and there'll be archinecters parties i'm sure for those who get in!!!!!!

Dec 24, 08 5:50 am  · 

for those of you who are applying to columbia gsapp...

how are you completing your scholarship/financial aid applications without the necessary 2008 IRS forms (1040)? Is everyone just using 2007 forms and predictions in order to make the jan. 15 deadline?

Dec 24, 08 1:28 pm  · 

kungapa, thx, prob agree to put theacademic first for the reason 'm applying to an academic course..

would it be possible to see your portfolio?

Dec 26, 08 5:37 am  · 

university of kentucky?

Dec 26, 08 10:32 am  · 

Helvetica, I'm using my 2008 info straight from my last paycheck stub and just doing estimates for my 2008 1040. I think that's all they expect for now, and will probably ask for more official information if you get accepted.

Dec 26, 08 10:51 am  · 

j'aime - check this thread out:

I have not posted mine online yet.

Dec 26, 08 11:25 am  · 

oh crap... I just printed my portfolio and realized that my name was somehow deleted off of every single page (except the cover, thank god). Now, this is only important for GSD, which requires that it be on each page. My situation is that it's kind of impossible to go to the printers and reprint it... do you guys think that the requirement is absolutely necessary? Do all of you have your name on every page?

Thanks! Hope you're all having a good holiday!

Dec 27, 08 5:41 pm  · 

oh no. I forgot about this requirement as well.

Dec 27, 08 5:56 pm  · 

hmmm...and I just noticed that I forgot to put the name of my previous school on the front cover. oh man oh man :(

by the way, does anyone by chance know the email address for Columbia's arch dept? they seem to have only put online their phone number...

Dec 28, 08 8:47 am  · 

My uni just set up new reqirement which I won’t be able to fulfil - to name all the teachers involved in each studio project. Don’t have time to reprint((

Dec 28, 08 9:12 am  · 
Andreas AT

J'aime, perfect spelling almost: julebryg.
Happens to be one of my favorites:D

Dec 28, 08 8:30 pm  · 

Hey does anyone know the acceptance rate for GSAPP, M.Arch 1? Or a web-site that has acceptance rates for several schools?

Dec 29, 08 12:06 am  · 

Sam, why don't you take a look here, under the heading Morningside Professional:

sorry, it doesn't differentiate between MArch 1 and 2.

Dec 29, 08 1:01 am  · 

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