
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


head's up, just got the Penn MLA call.

Mar 20, 09 12:46 pm  · 

import - i haven't received any financial info from yale either. i was admitted to m.arch. i.

Mar 20, 09 1:00 pm  · 

cognac and 10, thanks for your responses. that old archinect thread seems like a good start to begin my exploration of cambridge housing through my internet portal... like a few ppl that posted on that page, I am also thinking that living as close to the school as possible is something i won't regret

i can't wait to start paying up the hoo-ha for a place i barely occupy. yes!

Mar 20, 09 1:03 pm  · 

@Fleuron did you get an email from Penn yesterday asking for your phone number?

Mar 20, 09 1:22 pm  · 

ckmca -

no, i didn't get the phone number email and was bummed about that. i don't think that the email went to everybody. maybe just people with more than one phone number or location listed on their app. good luck!

Mar 20, 09 1:25 pm  · 

Has anyone else still not heard from UT Austin?

Mar 20, 09 1:49 pm  · 

do you know what time the syracuse thing starts? theres a cheap amtrak train from chicago that gets in there at 11 AM that day but im not sure if that would be early enough.

Mar 20, 09 2:00 pm  · 


Did you gen an email on ends of February requesting finantial aids form?

Mar 20, 09 2:12 pm  · 

does anyone know if MIT and pratt are done with sending out notifications?

Mar 20, 09 2:20 pm  · 
wes thomas


I haven't. The status check still says "We have received all credentials..."

Mar 20, 09 2:24 pm  · 
Mark Faulkner

Stacksofpaper - I visited last week, took a tour with a 3rd year undergrad student, and briefly chatted with Vidler. He emphasized that the M.Arch II students are responsible for shaping their own interests. So you would be free to really research and pursue the topics your interested in, with the guidance of the faculty. What are your thoughts on the program? What other schools did you apply too?

Mar 20, 09 2:25 pm  · 

in at cincinnati! via email. open house april 3rd/deposit by april 6th! why do they do that? anyway final tally (except for aa kinda):

AA london - In but switching to Diploma (2yrs)
Parsons - In + $$ (3yrs)
Cincinnati - In + $ (3yrs)
UWmilwaukee - In (2yrs)
Umichigan - waitlisted

gpa 3.3 and a shoddy transcript overall
GRE 520v 800q 4.5w
good recs i think
generic/poor letter of intent

Mar 20, 09 2:42 pm  · 

those who just received UCLA rejections:

was it via e-mail or postal? After y'alls posts, I'm dreading driving back to my college address to check the mail from over spring break.

That is annoying that the message was dated Feb 26 and just now got to you. Cruel and annoying.

Hey la_la, do you know of anyone that has heard from USC yet? waiting more optimistically for them.

Mar 20, 09 2:48 pm  · 

archimomo - i DID get the fafsa email in february. still not sure if that meant anything, but it just seemed cruel to send it to people that would later get rejected. i actually replied to the email asking if it meant I was accepted and never got a response.

i love how much we all overanalyze everything :)

Mar 20, 09 2:52 pm  · 

I'm an M.Arch I applicant, and I've been reading this board obsessively, and now: Final tally, finally!

Parsons: IN with 12K/year, plus summer program requirement
Columbia: IN
Pratt: In
City College: In with a laptop offer
Princeton: Out

My background is in psychology (B.A., Ph.D.), and I did Columbia's summer program in 2005. I'm thrilled to have such a positive rate of response -- this _transition_ is really happening!

I only applied to NYC area schools, as I am staying put here with my spouse and his job. In this regard, rejection from Princeton had a silver lining: at least I didn't have to agonize about uprooting myself / doing the impossible commute.

I don't think Pratt is a good fit for me, so while it's nice to be accepted, I am not leaning that way.

Surprised to hear that City College is accredited now (apparently, as of last summer), but that's what Brad Horn told me on the phone. They are not hosting an official open house, but will meet up to do a tour on request. It's sweet of them to offer a laptop, too.

To decide between Columbia (cool and established), Parsons (warm and fuzzy and growing) and City (cheap!) is stressing me out. The money is a serious issue, but having gone through the cuny system (and having taken a couple of courses there, as well as meeting some profs in the arch.dept), I am a little reserved. I've heard great things about Brad Horn's management of the program, so I'm still considering it seriously. Shepard Hall is depressing, though.

I'm definitely going to Columbia and Parsons open house events, and hope to meet some of you there.

Congratulations to all for getting close to the end of this challenging application ordeal. Now it's our turn to make a decision, let's hope it's a wise one.

Mar 20, 09 3:09 pm  · 

to those that got into the GSD, GSAPP, YSOA - do any of you have your portfolios online?

I was rejected, and I thought I had a pretty competitive application. here's my stats so far:

UCLA - in (3 yrs)

UC BERKELEY - in (2 yrs) with lots of $$$$

GSAPP - out (this was most surprising, because I got in last year, but I decided to work instead)

YSOA - out

GSD - ?? so im expecting rejection letter soon

PENN - ?? but i also got that phone number email, and I got in last year so hoping for best

SCI-ARC - ?? but i didnt hear from them until after April last year. why are they sooooo slow??

2 years professional experience
520v , 720q, 4w
3.2ish gpa
good recs (i think)
good statement (i think)
good portfolio (i think)

Mar 20, 09 3:19 pm  · 

did anyone else apply to Ohio State? Hear anything?

Mar 20, 09 3:34 pm  · 

i have two friends who were accepted to OSU a few weeks ago (can't remember if it was via website/phone/email)... they don't have any financial info yet, tho.

Mar 20, 09 4:05 pm  · 

@ andimdone & hobopajamas:
I got an email from Berkeley two weeks ago (March 6th), this is the concluding sentence:
"I am sorry that my message does not bring you better news and hope that you will be offered other opportunities to achieve your academic goals."
So far UMichigan seems to be one of those "other opportunities"!
Still waiting on a couple of others too.... sigh

Mar 20, 09 4:34 pm  · 

well i just checked the OSU website and apparently i'm in. never bothered to contact me about it...

Mar 20, 09 4:39 pm  · 

sorry nomadzilla. I feel you. I got rejected from austin and it made my heart hurt. :(

I am just waiting for my rejection letter from Berkeley to book my flight for Parsons and UW open houses. I'm wondering if my rejection didn't go in my spam mail folder and I deleted it. Maybe I should call/email them.

Mar 20, 09 4:43 pm  · 

mint waxed - i'm going to take a tour and possibly decide on monday. as of today my only other option is GSAPP - haven't heard a response from GSD or MIT so I think they're out.

i hope to speak to vidler or someone in the faculty on monday but so far i think:

cost, intimate size, faculty, emphasis on personal experimentation

unestablished as a grad program, limited course options, perhaps limited peer diversity

for my interests and way of working - i think the pros may outweigh the cons...

Mar 20, 09 4:48 pm  · 

MIT SMArchS is finally letting people know. Tally so far:

Princeton MArch II: In
GSD: ? (I guess no...)
Yale: Out

Mar 20, 09 5:18 pm  · 

Someone posted on gradcafe that they got into the University of Toronto today--by email, which is weird, cos I thought they only notified by post. I'm 1 for 2 right now and I need to knnnowwww...

Mar 20, 09 5:36 pm  · 

just got word from RISD, accepted.

as of today...






Mar 20, 09 5:58 pm  · 

anybody hear from UPENN yet?

Mar 20, 09 6:01 pm  · 

tmskin - i didnt hear anything today...still hoping the email asking for my number was a good thing.

Mar 20, 09 6:10 pm  · 

just got into USC!!! yay!

Mar 20, 09 6:13 pm  · 

hey la_la, congrats

how'd they notify you?

Mar 20, 09 7:04 pm  · 


No, I haven't received any financial aid information from UW yet. But they did send me an official letter of acceptance today (I received their package yesterday).

Mar 20, 09 7:33 pm  · 

jimmyarch - congrats on UBC! I hope I hear soon too. Just to be really annoying... has your status online has changed? thanks!

Mar 20, 09 7:41 pm  · 

melanogaster: thanks for the response, don't know why they're lagging so much!!!

Mar 20, 09 8:02 pm  · 

got the thin envelope from RISD today... was totally prepared for my rejection letter... waitlisted... f-ing reject me or accept me.... this waiting crap is for the birds...

Mar 20, 09 8:04 pm  · 

the glow:

yeah the earliest event is 10:30 which is an introduction to the program.

email me at aloeverrie@hotmail and i'll forward you the email i got from speranza :)

Mar 20, 09 8:53 pm  · 

Is UCLA telling you how much $$ you get in scholarships by e-mail or by mail? I m in but the email didn't mention anything about scholarship money, i guess no $$

Mar 20, 09 9:30 pm  · 

Hoping for some advice....

Accepted to Wash U

Accepted to RISD with scholarship

Any thoughts?? So torn! Thanks!

Mar 20, 09 10:32 pm  · 


No, the status on the UBC website has not changed for me. It does not say anything about being accepted.

I know it's hard, but just wait a little longer.

Mar 20, 09 11:49 pm  · 
Lian Chikako Chang

Hey! Congrats to everyone and good luck to those still waiting.

I'll be going to the GSD and Yale Open houses--please email me if you're going to one or both! I'm interested in hearing your thoughts. In particular:

-Want to check out the GSD/Yale dorms and other housing options that week, or looking for potential roommates for the fall?

-Interested in sharing a hotel in New Haven (at the Duncan, right next door to YSOA, $80 for a room with two double beds)? I'll be there from April 7-10 (3 nights).


P.S. Yale financial aid info is coming out now. I got mine today, although apparently they're still "working on" some others.

Mar 21, 09 12:26 am  · 
Lian Chikako Chang

and/or... is anyone driving back to NYC from New Haven on the Thursday evening or Friday morning after the Open House? (Or to New Haven from Boston earlier in the week?)

and/or... planning to embarrass themselves irreparably at the GSD reception?


Mar 21, 09 12:33 am  · 

To.average_american : How did you get admission result from M.I.T (Smarchs). Even though I asked admission result by e-mail, they didn't answer.. It seems rejection.....

Mar 21, 09 1:22 am  · 

I haven't heard from MIT, UW- Seattle and UBC yet. am i suppose to check my status somewhere on the admission website? or will they inform me through post/email?

Mar 21, 09 8:58 am  · 

Somebody just got into MIT M. Arch I; was notified by email, interesting that things are still going on this late.

Also Davester, was that you who just received a Fedex acceptance package from GSD? Some international student posted it as received on the 21st while it was the 20th in the states so figured it had to be someone in the far east.

I've basically moved onto planning my move/year in deferment in detroit, but I keep finding reasons to keep the smallest twinkle of hope alive that something may come through in beantown.

Mar 21, 09 9:13 am  · 

Karch: It was an email -

"Congratulations! Your application to the Master of Science in Architecture Studies program in the Department of Architecture at MIT has been accepted.

A letter containing details of our offer, including scholarship information, has been mailed today. If you have not received it by one week from today, please notify me immediately."

I checked gradcafe and I was the only person who had submitted any SMArchS info, so my guess is only a few have been notified so far. I wouldn't assume rejection yet...

Mar 21, 09 1:27 pm  · 

someone got into marchI Upenn on gradcafe.
it's starting....

Mar 21, 09 2:06 pm  · 

has anyone asked about the gsd OMA reception in ny? time? dress code? what to expect, etc.?

Mar 21, 09 2:30 pm  · 

hey 10,

how much did harvard give you? and what's your aid situation? I'm 23, and have an EFC below 5k, but haven't hear about fin. aid (it didn't come with acceptance packet)...not sure what to think/expect. I called thursday and they said they would let me know by next week.

Mar 21, 09 2:33 pm  · 

i think its going to be like a party of sorts, wouldn't worry too much about dress. Time is important to know though.

Mar 21, 09 2:36 pm  · 

OMA thing: time 6-8pm (or so it says.... could go later?) dress code-I dont know, I've been meaning to call & will let people know when I do.

Mar 21, 09 3:05 pm  · 


also accepted to UCLA, no word about $$.
you going to the two-day open house?

Mar 21, 09 3:11 pm  · 

got my yale finaid today, same as GSD.

did anyone get the letter from joel sanders forcing them to do summer school?

Mar 21, 09 3:27 pm  · 

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