
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


MIT reject just showed on thegrad cafe. anyone here? did you email the people?

Mar 23, 09 3:37 pm  · 

Hi I got into both the GSD and Yale SOA...Any thoughts on the pros and cons of the two programs?

Mar 23, 09 3:38 pm  · 

Congrads!! kungapa. Where are you located????

Mar 23, 09 3:47 pm  · 

I got in at Kansas. I like what I have read about the program, especially the Studio 804 Design/Build work. Does anyone know any more about the program/ have any experiences with U of Kansas?

I got waitlisted to U of M so congrats to all those admitted! Hopefully some of you have even better choices to consider.

Also, has anyone heard from Sci-Arc???

Mar 23, 09 3:51 pm  · 

I went to check the mail to see if Penn had sent my letter yet (i live in Seattle). No news, and I was bummed. I opened up the email I received a few weeks ago from Penn to get there number to call them and gmail updated with a new message to the in!

Yale: No
Princeton: No
Ucla: Yes!
Penn: Yes!
UBC: No response yet

At this point I am thinking Penn is definitely the best choice for me. I have planned to go to UCLA this weekend for the open house but may not if i can change my airfare to Philly.

Any thoughts on UCLA or UPenn?

Mar 23, 09 4:04 pm  · 

I'd rent something with a short term lease and then consider the option of purchasing a home.

It will give you time to investigate the different neighborhoods and most importantly time to find a good deal. People generally pay more than is necessary when they are rushing to find something!

Also, it will allow you the option of getting a fixer and since you already have a short term rental, you won't have to live in the mess, and you can put your design talent to good use!

Mar 23, 09 4:05 pm  · 

skotchtape - Denmark

Mar 23, 09 4:34 pm  · 

Hi folks, still waiting on a few programs, but thought I'd weigh in:

MIT: ?
Yale: out
UPenn: in
UToronto: ?
UW: waitlisted
UMass: in

Looks like MIT is done with acceptances, but any word on Toronto yet?

Mar 23, 09 4:38 pm  · 

No word from SciArc.

Mar 23, 09 4:44 pm  · 
juan moment

Haven't heard anything from UCLA or Toronto.

Mar 23, 09 4:51 pm  · 

in at penn

weird... UT-Austin still hasn't processed my application... My status check still reads "We have received all credentials required to process your application. Your file has been forwarded to the Graduate Committee for review. " This is getting ridiculous... If I'm waitlisted, just tell me. Don't actually make me wait.... I've gotten in to a few other really good schools with money in tow, so the texas as an option is growing slimmer and slimmer the longer they make me wait like this.....

Mar 23, 09 6:22 pm  · 

I just got a letter from university of washington in seattle - they put me on the wait-list
Here's the problem

Waitlisted for the 3year M.Arch Program there and could possibly not hear till late may.
Already accepted to the 2 year M.Arch Program At University of Oregon(only school accepted to so far) in Portland and have booked a flight to the open house next week - not leaving any room for a quick jaunt to the north

and still waiting on berkeley......

Mar 23, 09 6:26 pm  · 

pablodiablo :
my grandparents taught there for 20 something years.... I went on a summer abroad trip with KU a few years ago.
They have a pretty solid program for what they emphasize. Strongly value buildability over conceptual design. Will definitely prepare you to work in a firm. Be prepared to worship Nouvel and Piano as gods. Studio 804 is pretty impressive and gives you alot of good experience. Rockhill really knows his stuff. The faculty is pretty good as well. Prof. Lesnikowski was a friend of my grandfather's and is a very smart/ talented dude. Prof. Grabow is very interesting as well and can def. teach history very well. Not sure if the other profs I know are still there, but yeah. Congrats and good luck!

Mar 23, 09 6:28 pm  · 

to those wondering, SCI-Arc probably won't come until April

Mar 23, 09 6:34 pm  · 

Final tally, sort of:

WashU-politely rejected
Pratt-abruptly rejected
UWM-constructively rejected
MiamiU-wait list (update coming soon)
U of Minnesota-wait list (the wait is until after April 15)

Still no closure but the suspense has subsided for a few weeks.

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted! I am so jealous, but you all deserve it.

Mar 23, 09 6:58 pm  · 

After all those days refreshing gmail 100x and checking commiserate thread and gradcafe 100x, heard from my last school today...

princeton OUT
gsapp IN
cornell IN
upenn IN
gsd IN - class of 2011, will be attending this fall with AP

Congrats to all.
Thank you fellow archinectors!

Mar 23, 09 7:08 pm  · 

cognac -

also probably going to attend GSD this fall with AP. You going to the open house?

Mar 23, 09 7:15 pm  · 

yes, i plan to. but im not going to that oma receptions thing. wont be able to make it timewise and a little bit nerve-wrecking.. How about you?

Mar 23, 09 7:22 pm  · 

yeah i was thinking the same thing about the oma thing. i currently live in nyc, so i would feel sort of bad if i missed out on it, but the intimidation factor is high.

Mar 23, 09 7:31 pm  · 

man, finally received my MIT (M.ARCH I AP) financial package by mail today.

MIT: 28k fellowship+stipend
GSD: 15k grant
Yale: ??

The decision is getting more and more difficult...

Mar 23, 09 7:35 pm  · 

you should go! im from intimidates me. oma reception terrifies me. id probably sht my pants

Mar 23, 09 7:35 pm  · 

where in the midwest are you from? i was born and raised in michigan and went to U of M undergrad. NYC isnt all that bad once you get out here, but I was intimidated as well when i first came. doesnt mean that the oma reception doesnt terrify me still.

Mar 23, 09 7:40 pm  · 

ettrubrute -

i have heard MIT's program is 7 semesters, similar to GSD. Does the AP track bypass some of those semesters? That is a great fellowship offer from them by the way it seems. What is their tuition cost in comparison to the other schools?

Mar 23, 09 7:42 pm  · 

I received an invitation from the GSD about a Student of Color Mixer for newly admitted Harvard graduate students on Saturday, April 4, but I haven't received any other letter whether from acceptation or rejection. Anyone received this email??

Mar 23, 09 7:48 pm  · 

for the future archinectors I provide my stats....just so you guys won't stress out about GRE's or thinks it's all about the portfolio!

BSc in Arch- I studied in the UK
GPA: I would guess aprox. a 3.3 in US grading system
about a year internships in arch. offices

GRE (v):450(I'm greek)
GRE (q):690

Columbia: IN
Yale: OUT
Parsons: IN with $12 and AP (two years instead of three)
Pratt: IN with $9

So, that's me...thanks to everyone for all your help- it's been good having someone to share all this stess!!and good luck with everything!


Mar 23, 09 7:53 pm  · 

Hey - Does anyone know what Columbia's acceptance rate is by any chance? Anyone get into some schools, but not get into Columbia? Also, if I have not heard back from GSD and Berkeley, I assume that means the worst..... Any insight?

Mar 23, 09 7:58 pm  · 

Ettubrute - I thought MIT didn't do AP? Did you get AP at the GSD as well?

Mar 23, 09 8:00 pm  · 

odear, kungapa -

I'm in AP at GSD as well. MIT's program is 7 semesters, and I passed out of the 1st yr studios (plus some other courses), so it's shortened to 5 semesters (2.5yrs), which is the same, length-wise, as GSD's AP program - although MIT doesn't make that separate "AP" distinction as GSD does.

MIT's tuition is comparable to GSD's, 37.5k/yr (MIT also wrote that the tuition increases 4% a yr). GSD's is 36k/yr. GSD's health insurance is ~3k/yr, and MIT doesn't say. anyway you look at it it's an insane amount of money for a person w/o a boatload of wealth. sigh, c'est la vie.

Mar 23, 09 8:51 pm  · 

abababa, i heard columbia's at 27% acceptance rate

Mar 23, 09 9:07 pm  · 

final tally for me, (no answer from MIT,so.)

AA DRL: in
The Bartlett ACA: in
Pratt March II: in
UPenn March II: in
UCLA March II: in
MIT SMarchS: no answer

Congrats to everyone! time to make a decision

Mar 23, 09 9:20 pm  · 

I notice lots of people apply to pratt and no one to parsons...any reason? I know their undergrad is ranked high but I didn't think their grad was especially competitive...and I hate that subway ride (although its better than the 1 train to CCNY)

Mar 23, 09 9:33 pm  · 

...I should have said: few apply to parsons, and many apply to pratt.

Mar 23, 09 9:51 pm  · 

hey watanabe, it's great that you're thinking ahead and it's def logical what you're trying to do, want to buy something when the housing market is on its way up from the rock bottom. we don't know for sure if it's the "rock" bottom yet, some say we have about 2 yrs. to go... however close we seem to be, we're not at the ROCK bottom yet, i assure you. you should be buying something as soon as it hits that point and is juuust starting to pick up on that curve. so i think whoever suggested that you rent short-term to check out your hood, etc. hit it on the nail :) good luck and congrats to everyone else who's been accepted!

Mar 23, 09 10:08 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

watanabe - I've been thinking the same thing (about buying a house). I guess the attitude is that either I can spend my savings on a down payment, or wait for grad school to take it away from me. On the other hand, depending on the wife's income alone to pay a mortgage is kind of scary. And I'm not sure about the chances of getting a loan while a student. (Anybody know about that?)

Mar 23, 09 10:31 pm  · 

Does anyone know about grades once you're IN architecture school? One of the schools that I've been accepted to offered me a scholarship that is tied to my GPA. I'm a little wary since this is the first mention I've seen anywhere of grades in architecture school, and the requisite GPA seems high.

Mar 23, 09 11:13 pm  · 


Mar 24, 09 12:28 am  · 

hey bartleby- you have to maintain min of 3.0 for Grad.
Once you're out of school GPA doesn't matter for firms hiring. They mainly look at your portfolio/skill, PERSONALITY, work ethics, reference, thought process, etc.

Mar 24, 09 8:28 am  · 

Just set up a UT Austin MArch 1 admit thread for admitted people accepting, wholly rejecting, and everything in between in order to discuss UT stuff.

Mar 24, 09 10:06 am  · 

wholly rejecting makes it sound more animosity-ridden than it is ;)

but for those still waiting -- i just threw a m.arch I spot at UT back in the pot! in the words of my boss, "she's got the boyfriend and money at michigan."

3Gers, do chirp if i can expect you at michigan in june!

Mar 24, 09 10:20 am  · 

wow, michigan threw a boyfriend into the aid package? that's forward-thinking, dammit.

Mar 24, 09 10:27 am  · 

and a law student to boot ;) they are definitely thinking ahead regarding my financial situation as an architect!

Mar 24, 09 10:31 am  · 

In terms of financial aid & relationships: Everyone should be warned that most schools will re-evaluate your financial aid packet (often decreasing it) if you get married while you are in school. Something to think about as you plan your future. This likely depends on what your spouse makes, so I guess if you marry an architect you'll be fine!

Mar 24, 09 11:31 am  · 

hey guys, this is totally off tangent but i know some of you will be going to nyc schools. i am trying to move near my family so i'm offering a 6 months sublet for my place or a 12 month lease take over. this apt. is 1,000 sq.ft., path train a few steps and ferry right outside the door. this place is big enough for a roommate and still have TONS of space left for a common area. river views from lv. room and bd. room, 3 miles of river walk just outside the door, pet friendly, they're so cool about that, dog run, retail, restaurants all within the area you can stroll to, huge walk in closet, tons and tons of storage just everywhere, etc. also, this place would be so ideal especially for parsons peeps, it's only 15 mins. from here. i used to work in union square so i used to do this
everyday....please email if you can, i need to be out of here by end of next month. thanks so much and so sorry if this came off inappropriate....
i will email you pix if interested.

Mar 24, 09 11:41 am  · 

one more thing, you can also set this place up to be a true 2 bedroom and get a roommate too and still have ample space left over. the layout is really spread out to accommodate this. thanks

Mar 24, 09 11:42 am  · 

just got waitlisted at penn for m.archI. what to do now?? still waiting for mit and gsd but it doesnt' look good at this point.

Mar 24, 09 1:14 pm  · 

FInally heard from Berkeley - Rejected

Now I just have to get off the University of Washington waitlist for better or worse and decide about university of oregon.

How does one decide between a two year program (UO) vs. a three year (UW)?

Mar 24, 09 1:36 pm  · 

Rejected - M. Arch (2-year) UC Berkeley (2 minutes ago) via email. Adios San Francisco!

Mar 24, 09 1:38 pm  · 

Rejected via email.. Berkeley
M. Arch, Option 3.

Looks like I'll be going to CCA! Good luck to everyone else!

Mar 24, 09 1:51 pm  · 

lmnop15, after a UT visit next week, I will likely be pulling out from UW, so there's hope!

Mar 24, 09 2:01 pm  · 

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