
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


lmnop15, are you march 1? do you have a strong arch background? (these are rhetorical questions to ask yourself.) I do not have an arch background, and the idea of accomplishing anything of substance in 2 years baffles me. 3+ seems the way to go.

Mar 24, 09 2:07 pm  · 

i think nyc12 has a great point. my boyfriend and i have discussed marriage but have decided to put it on hold 'til i'm done with school, to avoid having to put his financial info on my aid applications.

finB - yes, i am going to the UCLA open house,
i wouldn't miss a chance to check out the morphosis office! plus, there is a "studio lottery" on the second day that i am curious about.

Mar 24, 09 2:20 pm  · 

AHHHHHHH just got an email from berkeley, not what i was hoping for (an acceptance) or expecting (a rejection):

"Thank you for applying to the Master of Architecture program at the University of California, Berkeley. Your application is currently on hold for further review, and we will have a decision for you by April 3rd. Thank you for your interest in our program, and for your patience with the admissions process."

Mar 24, 09 2:31 pm  · 

hey hobopjs,

out of curiosity, what day is the ucla open house?

Mar 24, 09 2:36 pm  · 

hobopjs -

i got the same e-mail...what do you think it means? are we on a waitlist? ahhh this is a really annoying thing to hear...

Mar 24, 09 2:38 pm  · 

I too got the Berkeley e-jection. Whatevs.

I too will probably decline at UW after my visit to UT.

Mar 24, 09 2:40 pm  · 

UGH the non-informative berkeley email is killer. i think it's a pseudo-waitlist?

just keep swimming, just keep swimming. just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. what do we do? we swim, swim, swim.

blake smith - the UCLA open house is actually a two-day event.

sunday, march 29th
(tour of greg lynn's and thom mayne's offices, reception @ hodgetts & fung)

monday, march 30th
(info day / studio lottery)

Mar 24, 09 2:43 pm  · 

So far I'm 4/0 and two more to go. So Sad.

Mar 24, 09 3:07 pm  · 

oh my goodness that email from berkeley is so tortuous! hobo and inigo good luck!

Mar 24, 09 3:10 pm  · 


sounds like an awesome time. Greg Lynn and Thom Mayne...mmmm...too bad UCLA hasn't told me anything...

...still holding out for SCI-Arc, but it is looking like UT for this guy

Mar 24, 09 3:20 pm  · 

rejected from Berkeley as well...
inigojonesin and hobopajama, what do your e-mails say that allowed you to assume that it is pseudo-wait list?

Mar 24, 09 3:44 pm  · 

you said it, sorry about that

Mar 24, 09 3:49 pm  · 

just got the Berkeley rejection email too :(

Mar 24, 09 4:00 pm  · 

the Berkeley e-mail said that they would update me on my status by april 3, and that it is currently on hold. i suppose you could take off the "pseudo" and just call it a waitlist.

Mar 24, 09 4:25 pm  · 

what exactly is a studio lottery?

Mar 24, 09 4:27 pm  · 

what exactly is a studio lottery?

Mar 24, 09 4:27 pm  · 

not sure what the "studio lottery" is,
so i asked my boss and he thinks it is a lottery for our own personal studio spaces within perloff next year.

if that's the case, it seems a little early - 6 months in advance!? not to mention unfair to the people who can't make it.

Mar 24, 09 4:52 pm  · 

btw i just got a rice acceptance e-mail

Mar 24, 09 4:55 pm  · 

in our undergrad studios, upperclassmen participated in a studio lottery where we were presented with the following semester's studio topics/projects and we ranked our top choices. the professors then met, and pulled the "lottery" for who would be placed where, and that determined which studio we would be in (totally subjective in some cases). not sure if this is what they're referring to, since it seems unfair if not everyone can be there to participate... but thought id share.

congrats on new acceptances!

Mar 24, 09 5:05 pm  · 

Congrats on Rice inigo!
Was it a mass email, or sent just to you?

Mar 24, 09 5:08 pm  · 

i thought studio lottery was about you list studios that you want to get into among all studios, then they randomly select and distribute students in different studios. That prevents excessive number of students end up in one studio. It's even harder to win the lottery when starchitect happens to teach a studio in that year since everyone wants to get in.

Mar 24, 09 5:10 pm  · 

i thought studio lottery was about you list studios that you want to get into among all studios, then they randomly select and distribute students in different studios. That prevents excessive number of students end up in one studio. It's even harder to win the lottery when starchitect happens to teach a studio in that year since everyone wants to get in.

Mar 24, 09 5:11 pm  · 

sorry for double post, my internet connection sucks...

Mar 24, 09 5:12 pm  · 

maybe the continuing students are doing their studio lottery and the visiting students are just observing to see how it works and see the presentations of the different studio options for when it's their turn in the fall. just a guess.

Mar 24, 09 5:13 pm  · 

Waitlisted at UT via e-mail this afternoon. Sigh.

Web site still unchanged.

Mar 24, 09 5:14 pm  · 

in at Penn dual degree (MARCH + MLA). Also received a decent scholarship package.

VERY excited but also a bit nervous about the price tag.

Mar 24, 09 5:14 pm  · 

sourdough - the rice e-mail had my name in it, but it seemed pretty generic. i haven't seen any other postings on gradcafe yet though. btw it was for the m.arch i three year program.

Mar 24, 09 5:34 pm  · 
Cranky Pantz

does anyone know when sci arc and UW letters go out for MArch. all this waiting is killer.

Mar 24, 09 5:45 pm  · 

SCI-Arc is one of the last ones, usually end of the first week in April. I think they said in an email earlier this yea that they expect to give us all our responses by April 1, which, for them, would be early.

Mar 24, 09 5:52 pm  · 
Workshop B

Got my Berkeley rejection letter yesterday . Has any MArch II's heard from UCLA yet? I'm guessing Harvard is done with acceptances by now for MArch II's.

Mar 24, 09 9:06 pm  · 

Does anyone know what happened to Living in Gin?

Mar 24, 09 9:11 pm  · 

Hi, got in Penn for March2...with a ridiculously small scholarship.
Called GSD again and was told one more time that not all acceptances have been mailed yet for the march2.

Mar 24, 09 9:13 pm  · 

Got my letters!!!
Accepted at GSD (MAUD) & Columbia (MSAUD)!!!!!!!

Mar 24, 09 9:42 pm  · 

archca26_ i got my UCLA MArch II acceptance email on friday but still have not received the package.

Anynews from MIT SMarchS??? i was reading someone got an email?package?

Mar 24, 09 10:51 pm  · 

is MIT marchI done?? anyone waitlisted?

Mar 24, 09 10:53 pm  · 


MIT seems to be quite perplexing... I know they have already rejected some, but as far as I know, NO waitlist. Maybe we are all just waitlisted but MIT doesn't want to call it that????

GSD as well....I wonder what is going on?

Do schools think it is bad to call a waitlist what it is and just let us sit and stew instead?

Mar 24, 09 10:59 pm  · 

Sorry, my post was in regards to MArch I.

Mar 24, 09 11:01 pm  · 

As far as MIT SMarchS, I've received 2 emails: the first was from the Architecture and Urbanism Program Director on March 18 telling me I had been accepted; the second email (form letter) on March 20 was from the Graduate Coordinator informing me that I should expect my official letter in a about week.

Based on gradcafe, it seems as though they haven't sent out huge wave of acceptances or rejections.

Mar 24, 09 11:33 pm  · 

entasis, it would have to be soon right? since the open houses for gsd and mit are coming up in a few weeks. man this is discouraging.

Mar 24, 09 11:36 pm  · 

Yeah, after just looking over 2008's gradcafe listings for MIT and GSD the rejections are probably in the mail.

Not too happy about that. Oh well.

Mar 24, 09 11:39 pm  · 

If anyone is attending UCLA's open house and is interested in sharing a hotel room send me a message and let me know!

Mar 25, 09 1:52 am  · 

To those who were curious about the studio lottery (inigo, hobopjs, etc) during the UCLA open house, it's as stasis and minime described, but only for the students who get to choose which studio professor/topic they want to work with/on. I think that's how it works at most other schools as well (right?). At UCLA you only get to choose after you're done with the core sequence, which is the first 5 (of 9) quarters. So at the open house the lottery will be deciding spring quarter studios only for second and third years, not first years or accepted students. But it's still fun to watch because before the lottery, all courses, not just the option and research studios, get a short description or presentation from their professors. They're half movie trailer and half manifesto. I'm most interested in seeing what Ben Ball (of Ball-Nogues)'s tech seminar will focus on, because as a first year I might actually be able to take it; but it will also be interesting to see what Jeffrey Inaba's advanced topics studio will focus on. Those last two are if the Spring quarter schedule they posted is correct. So I'll need to cross my fingers, ha ha.

Anyway, everyone who's going to the open house: see you there.

Mar 25, 09 2:35 am  · 
CAD Mangler

Hey, is anybody else getting sticker shock at how much it costs to travel for these open houses? I dawdled too long getting my tickets L.A. -> Eugene for the U of O event, and it looks like I am screwed on the airfare. I'm going to end up dropping well over a grand on flights & lodging for the wife & me. (I figure if she's going to live there, she'd better take a good look at the place first.) Is that nuts?

I'm almost hoping I don't get any late acceptances, 'cause I can't afford any more of these visits! :)

Mar 25, 09 3:21 am  · 

I have finally received all the results from my applications this year:

PennDesign (dual with MLA)


To set a good precedent, I have decided to share my portfolio and stats. I hope many others do the same - it is a great resource for next years' applicants. Also, I am curious to see other people's portfolios from this years round of applications.

BA from Penn in architecture and a second major in economics
GPA: 3.92
GRE: 650V 790Q

Mar 25, 09 4:34 am  · 
mr. will

kungapa really nice portfolio. did you get financial aid from MIT or YSOA?

MIT is giving me half of my tuition in grants, but YSOA is only giving me loans. I was just wondering if Yale is not as generous, or just not as generous to me.

Mar 25, 09 6:10 am  · 

1) nice work kungapa. you seem to have a thing for housing, which is cool. for me - being interested in interventions in public spaces - your work with the concrete assembly was the most intriguing (is it meant to be inside or outside?)

2) so I got my Penn acceptance in the mail today. was flattered by their various scholarship offers, but still didn't add up to others I've received. what truly irked me though was all of the conditions on which I would be admitted. Summer prep studio, physics, AND calculus. all of my other offers of acceptance have been agreeable to my AP calc credit and totally legit physics course in college.

and the best part about Penn:...the summer prep course that runs just over 1.5 months comes out to be a total of $8700. seriously?!

no thank you Penn, no thank you...

3) and, sorry to bring this up again, but what's happened to MIT? I don't understand why some people get rejections by email and some (like me i assume) have to wait for postal..

Mar 25, 09 9:27 am  · 

I think the only guy who got an MIT rejection was due to the fact that he got accepted to their Masters in Landscape Architecture program and they happened to throw in a note saying he got rejected to the M.Arch program?

Mar 25, 09 9:50 am  · 

The portfolio link didn't work for me kungapa

Mar 25, 09 10:21 am  · 

kungapa - link did not work for me either - if you could please repost

Mar 25, 09 10:33 am  · 

I got into U of Toronto on Monday! Yay my first acceptance! I received an email from Yvonne. For those who might be waiting to hear from u of T; maybe try logging on to their site because they changed my status.

Mar 25, 09 11:08 am  · 

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