
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


F2: judging from my gpa they accept well below 3.0. This was for the post-professional degree.

Also, I believe some schools accept and notify based on the specific course of study, for example: all the MArch I's are determined, then the MArch II's, etc.

Good Luck!

Feb 27, 09 1:08 am  · 

Newport I believe my cumulative was in the low to mid 2.7 range. I had two undergrad degrees and had significant improvement in the second. Also, both undergrad degrees are related, (Civil Engineering & Architecture), and I wrote a statement of purpose generally geared for research topics that cover both disciplines.

Feb 27, 09 1:12 am  · 

Cricket + Hobopajamas,

Congrats. I'm excited for you guys. I have not received said email. Bummer. UOregon is a sweet program. If you don't wanna go, please reject. Alright, go Ducks.

Feb 27, 09 4:06 am  · 

N312: I didn't. the gf did and i was just wondering because I know nothing about their program and was wondering if anyone else knew anything.

Feb 27, 09 7:36 am  · 

rationalization begins:

missmeer is IN texas. so now I'm thinking they send out acceptances to in state applicants first. sigh. lets hope.

Feb 27, 09 11:40 am  · 

hahah - local email is faster! the wires from UT to my apartment are very short. ;)

Feb 27, 09 11:46 am  · 

10 - that wasn't a pencil, but a pen (well that's what I got, anyway) and yeah, I use it (even though it's a bit crappy) b/c I'm superstitious like that.

So, is anyone else re-reading the 2008 thread? I'm reading it at the same time that I'm reading this one...but I couldn't hold back and I'm up to their March 16th entries: you know, past where they got their GSD, Yale and GSAPP acceptances. It's very strange reading them because it's almost an alternate universe, like something out of Ray Bradbury...they are going through the same emotions, same worries, same school concerns...but they don't exist anymore! (well, not in the application sense). But yet you feel like you know them. I highly recommend it, especially when this thread gets slow.

Anyone on here from last year (besides me)?

Feb 27, 09 11:59 am  · 

I followed the 2008 thread a bit last year when I had considered applying. I started some apps but aborted midway though. I think it was a very good decision in hindsight. I'm tempted to read through the 2008 threads for umich data... I'm going nuts over that whole, "you're in!" "whoops! that was a secret!" "oh and you might not be! can't confirm!"

Feb 27, 09 12:02 pm  · 

I read all of last years too, it is what inspired me to be an architect.

did you not get into your top school and decided to have another go at it? I admire that resolve, and may end up down the same road myself.

I use the Princeton pencil to study the math I need to take calc. Every time I sharpen it, it gets shorter. If I get rejected, my heart will stop bleeding after I sharpen it down the ferrule.

I also got a Princeton gym/tote/book bag that I will never wear (unless I become deranged and wander the streets as a hobo). Currently my cat uses it for auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Feb 27, 09 12:05 pm  · 

hahaha - tooo funny. I had the same thought about local emails and how ridiculous it sounds. :) But these thoughts are the only way I can close the archinect browser window and go back to work these days.

Oh and by the way, congratulations on getting in to both of the schools you applied to missmeer!!!

As Tim and Eric would say "Great Job!"

Feb 27, 09 12:09 pm  · 
meowkytekt're hilarious.
Yes, last year I applied to only one was a last minute application to the school I love, but needless to say, it didn't work out. This year I applied to 7, and expect much better news, damn it.

Feb 27, 09 12:30 pm  · 

I'm debating calling ubc to ask..... someone talk some sense into me, good idea? horrible idea? I'm not sure i can take another weekend of not knowing.

Feb 27, 09 12:31 pm  · 

Thanks andimdone! At least I hope I'm into Michigan! Do tell the origin of your alias? I always have a damned hard time spelling it ;)

Feb 27, 09 12:32 pm  · 

missmeer: I completely agree, I think in some way it really does take a year to get ready to apply and apply well...though this theory—especially as it applies to me—will be tested shortly. Check with me in 3 weeks.

Feb 27, 09 12:35 pm  · 

I just got an acceptance via email to IIT's MArch program 2. No word on scholarship/funding...

Feb 27, 09 12:37 pm  · 

Hey, I just got an acceptance email from IIT, though it was "conditional." I still need to fulfill my physics (and possibly math) requirements this summer.

Congrats to everyone else! For those who haven't heard from anyone, hang in there! I'm still waiting on U Washington, UIC, and others, even though they've let people in already!

Feb 27, 09 12:38 pm  · 

Oh and I still get to be antsy until I hear of any financial awards etc. I have parents that paid for undergrad but have now left me to fend for myself! I live in a place they own and my mother *loves* collecting my rent check.

Feb 27, 09 12:38 pm  · 

Oh and I still get to be antsy until I hear of any financial awards etc. I have parents that paid for undergrad but have now left me to fend for myself! I live in a place they own and my mother *loves* collecting my rent check.

Feb 27, 09 12:38 pm  · 

lesov: call. You have nothing to lose... and a peace of mind to gain. It's not as if they are going to deny you admission b/c they thought you shouldn't have called.

Feb 27, 09 12:40 pm  · 

Damn double posts. I'm blaming the iphone.

Meow, I just felt no direction when doing apps during senior year of ugrad. Big help to have spent the last 8 months working for a firm. I do marketing but the opportunity to eavesdrop etc has been great!

Feb 27, 09 12:41 pm  · 

andimdone = AND I'M DONE

Feb 27, 09 12:43 pm  · 

lesov - I'm in the same boat. I feel like I just want to call them and get it over with. Don't want to wait anymore. But on the other hand ... I don't think I can take the rejection over the phone... that's too hardcore for me.

I'd wait ... this is too early for all the panicking.

Feb 27, 09 12:44 pm  · 

hey IIT accepted people--congrats, that's great!! would you mind giving your stats here? i know it's silly, but would like to compare all that objective stuff anyway..

Feb 27, 09 12:44 pm  · 

I appear to be back in at umich! View decision link appeared this time! Let's hope it doesn't play peekaboo again. Looking forward to a no nonsense hard copy LOL.

Feb 27, 09 12:47 pm  · 

Andimdone! Haha I'll never have trouble typing that again

Feb 27, 09 12:48 pm  · 

missmeer and meow--
I also agree. I think it takes a FULL year to get everything in order to apply. I started thinking about it last spring. I visited a few schools over the summer [not the best timing i know, but I was in these cities anyway]. I solicited advice on where to apply in the early fall from professors, colleagues and friends. I lined up my recommendation writers in late Oct, wrote my personal statements in December, and worked on my portfolio throughout. I definitely felt there was SO much to do in November, December and January. Granted I'm also working full time, but its a lot to juggle. 2010 folks, start early! Start now!

Also, congrats to all on the acceptances!

Feb 27, 09 1:19 pm  · 

Agreed, agreed gs11. I think having my recommendations lined-up and completed with ample time before the deadline eliminated a lot of needless stress.

I felt like I paced myself well up until the printing of my portfolio. I thought it would be easy-peasy to have it wire (coil) bound. Not so!

Feb 27, 09 1:25 pm  · 

Regarding portfolios, UT Austin people, did you all actually put yours in a binder, like they preferred? That seemed like a ridiculous preference to me, and it screwed with my design, so I just sent a coil bound cardstock version, like the others. It was very un-cumbersome, more so than the binder even. Any thoughts? Did I screw myself?

Feb 27, 09 1:33 pm  · 

Oco, I definitely did not do the binder thing. I threw caution to the wind on that. I did submit it though in an envelope with the info they requested be on the front of the binder... but I highly doubt they'd toss you for something like that.

Feb 27, 09 1:35 pm  · 

hey n312 and lesov, schools are not allowed to reject you over the phone. admittance might be a diff story. this is what i was told by all the schools i ever applied to but maybe canada works differently.

Feb 27, 09 1:54 pm  · 
lost in stress

missmeer, just checked my UMich too and the "view decision" link re-appeared... I'm back in. Congrats to all that have received acceptances so far!

Feb 27, 09 2:03 pm  · 

I totally ignored the austin binder requirement. whoops.

Feb 27, 09 2:29 pm  · 

just checked Michigan and I'm in!! I just hope its for real this time!

Feb 27, 09 2:31 pm  · 

shit. do you think schools are less likely to accept applicants who haven't fulfilled the calc/physics requirements already b/c in the past they have had bad experience with people not fulfilling them in time for school to begin. Why oh why can't I take those classes at their school this summer or first semester? Why don't schools make it easy for you?

Feb 27, 09 2:48 pm  · 

hey andimdone, from what i learned from speaking with 14 schools & peers that have graduated from them, not having calculus and physics will NOT effect your chances of getting in, in any shape or form. if you do not have c & phys., they will simply give you a conditional acceptance letter, assuming you will of course meet them during the summer.

Feb 27, 09 3:02 pm  · 

hey andimdone, from what i learned from speaking with 14 schools & peers that have graduated from them, not having calculus and physics will NOT effect your chances of getting in, in any shape or form. if you do not have c & phys., they will simply give you a conditional acceptance letter, assuming you will of course meet them during the summer so no worries!

Feb 27, 09 3:03 pm  · 

hey andimdone, from what i learned from speaking with 14 schools & peers that have graduated from them, not having calculus and physics will NOT effect your chances of getting in, in any shape or form. if you do not have c & phys., they will simply give you a conditional acceptance letter, assuming you will of course meet them during the summer. so no worries!

Feb 27, 09 3:03 pm  · 

i must say, newport - you take the cake on the posts in triplicate ;)

Feb 27, 09 3:07 pm  · 

I enjoy reading newport's edits, but... if it seems slow going through after hitting submit, reload the page before editing and resubmitting.

Feb 27, 09 3:13 pm  · 

I just get excited when my inbox fills with post notifications and then it's Newport LOL. Of course I'm sure I just did the same thing to someone else who will find this inane post.

Feb 27, 09 3:26 pm  · 

anyone heard from UT Austin?

saw a post on gradcafe

Feb 27, 09 3:58 pm  · 

that post was mine, i believe. i heard yesterday via email and then confirmed it on the status website.

Feb 27, 09 4:00 pm  · 

WAH! yikes, so sorry, i have no idea how that happened! i only pressed the submit button once but then again, the laptop i use for emails IS like 10,000 yrs old! my bad~

Feb 27, 09 4:04 pm  · 


So I got laid off, which is not the end of the world. I qualify for unemployment, was gonna quit anyway if i got into school, have a husband who has a stable income, will have lots of time to enjoy my friends and my home before potentially moving ... etc. etc. etc.

But, the frustrating thing is-
I went into FAFSA to make a 'correction', identifying myself as what they call a 'dislocated worker' (=laid off). Unfortunately, my EFC stayed exactly the same, and it was pretty high to begin with. Yikes! I mean, I'm not gonna starve on unemployment, but I will definitely not be able to save up the kind of $$ they expect me to have!

Ah well. My EFC will probably be $0.00 by my second year...

Feb 27, 09 5:19 pm  · 

That's no fun!

My EFC is ridiculous as well thanks to the fact that I am currently working + the foresight my military grandpa had to take out a government bond for me when I was born (and let's be honest, it wouldn't cover a year of umich tuition!). When I have kids, no one's getting a dime in their name until they finish with school!

Feb 27, 09 5:25 pm  · 
lost in stress

so... I just received my first email from Penn since I applied. Basically, my application is currently under review, they also stated that they plan to send notification letters out March 23. Of course my top choice also happens to be the last one to make up their mind.

GiantClam, I wouldn't worry too much about how you're going to afford your first year of grad school. What you should worry about is how much in loans you want to take out to pay for your education. Grad plus loans cover the difference from your school's total cost of attendance minus what your aid package is. I have a bunch of grad school friends who basically said that's how they cover the difference between what the school gives them (combination of stafford loans, perkins loans, grants, scholarships, and workstudy) and what they need.

Feb 27, 09 5:39 pm  · 

sorry you'll have to wait for that Penn response - but at least it's nice to know more or less when you'll hear from them!

my boyfriend keeps saying more or less what you just said lost in stress re: paying for school. meanwhile I have my parents over my other shoulder ho-ing and humming about how i will possibly afford school. hooray!

Feb 27, 09 5:43 pm  · 

Back in at U of Mich. Yay?

That was not fun.

Feb 27, 09 5:44 pm  · 

Thanks for the responses.... Good advice about the grad plus loan.

Yeah I expect to have to take out some sort of loan my first year at least. Thankfully my husband is open-minded and understanding about the cost; if anything I am more worried about taking out loans than he is. We haven't set a budget yet, we are waiting to see what kind of options we have when there's some more definite values to discuss. There's definitely a cost-benefit battle going on in my head... and I havent even gotten in anywhere yet, ha.

Feb 27, 09 5:49 pm  · 

Oh, missmeer, my parents think I'm nuts.

Feb 27, 09 5:50 pm  · 

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