


wouldn't happen. we'd rather just leave for denmark or germany

Oct 8, 08 10:14 am  · 

Free Ramos in the O train, that is undeniable proof that we are 3 months away from inaugurating President Obama.

He hit it out of the park last night,

the visuals: vitality vs. the past
issues: engaged understanding vs. lost at times
the temperament: cool vs. dismissive

Too early to call it, but it feels like it is just within Obama's grip.

Oct 8, 08 10:59 am  · 

well it's still october...just in time for an october surprise.

i'm optimistic, but i'm not getting too comfortable, even though we are in the final stretch -- they can still steal this thing!

Oct 8, 08 11:05 am  · 

yeah, there is still time for the october surprise.

i wonder what it'll be... mccain finds bin laden? palin finds bin laden? palin turns out to be bin laden!?

Oct 8, 08 11:07 am  · 
liberty bell

Well I've been tiptoeing around the idea of Obama being sexy, because I don't think we should be talking about politicians that way, really, and I don't want people voting for Caribou Barbie because she's cute so how can I support or even state that Obama is sexy without being a hypocrite?

But this webpage of Obama holding tons of random babies confirms it: the man is hot.

Yes We Can (Hold Babies)

Oct 8, 08 12:52 pm  · 

October surprise will be Bush suspends the elections

Guests being interviewed on Democracy Now yesterday laid it out.

Oct 8, 08 1:10 pm  · 

well, hopefully bush suspending elections will be as effective as mccain suspending his campaign.

Oct 8, 08 1:13 pm  · 

i was curious as to whether or not our military was on the move - in our own country. things are getting precarious.

Oct 8, 08 1:14 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i will guarantee bush will NOT suspend elections this november

he is a complete failure but he's not a dictator

Oct 8, 08 1:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Cheney is the dictator. Bush is merely the puppet.

Oct 8, 08 1:26 pm  · 
Oct 9, 08 11:17 am  · 


I am beginning to freak out that Obama is going to lose this thing. Every pundit I listen to says Obama almost has it in the bag, except that he is black. It is an ugly truth, but I am afraid that it is probably true.

Can this country really do something so nasty?

I live in a cultural bubble where no one thinks or talks that way, what are you all hearing in your hoods? Is anyone else freaked out?

Exit Question: How can How can I keep sane in these next 25 days?

Oct 9, 08 9:54 pm  · 

Liberty -- last year Obama's mouth was disturbingly (to me) purple. This year it isn't. Cosmetics ? Surgery ? Mass hypnosis ? What gives. . .

Otherwise, he was hot. Now, there's no problem. Win-win !

Oct 9, 08 10:01 pm  · 

he quit smoking

Oct 9, 08 10:12 pm  · 

Really -- this past year ? While running a campaign -- that's pretty good, what with the stress and all. So, I wonder if that could have affected his appearance. Ask Michelle, I guess ? Thanks for the news. (I'm the last to learn everything.)

Oct 9, 08 11:07 pm  · 

hopefully the bradley effect won't take place.

it would be a convenient cover for republicans should they try to muck up the works in a swing state version 3.0.

Oct 9, 08 11:17 pm  · 

Obama will win more than 50% of the popular vote. Clinton never did that. Perot got a sizable percentage of the vote. This is exciting!

Oct 10, 08 10:25 am  · 

the right wing people freak out more every day, they are really losing their shit.

Oct 10, 08 11:20 am  · 
"It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that's not what we need right now in the United States."

-Barack Obama 10-10-08

Oct 10, 08 11:26 am  · 

Look, were doing well, no doubt, but theres a debate left and a whole lot of time for bullshit. Absolutely no one should be fooled that this thing is anywhere near 'in the bag'. I campaigned in NH during the primary, Hill let out one little tear and I had to watch in dismay as those numbers just never hit 50%. But I dont think we should be too freaked out about the race thing either. I mean its a hurdle, a big one even, but its not at all insurmountable.

We just have to work our asses off, thats all.

but yea. The psychos freak me out. It does seem as though the steadily unhinging mccain campaign has finally topped its new-lows-every-fuckin-day-streak.

Oct 10, 08 6:31 pm  · 

republicans are getting so desperate at this point, and it's despicable that they're deliberately inciting hatred at their rallies. But, they're only creating further division and essentially preaching to the choir.. the type of people going to these rallies and yelling things like 'treason' and 'terrorist' are not likely the type that would've ever voted democrat anyway. By conducting their campaign the way they are right now, they're only serving to scare away and disgust independents. Exactly not what they need to do to win this election. Ah well, sucks to be them.

needless to say i can't wait for this election to be over, and obama/biden to be in the white house. i know we don't have it in the bag yet, but... keeping my fingers crossed..

Oct 10, 08 6:48 pm  · 

Just wanted to celebrate that Obama is now at 50.0% (50-43) even in the real clear politics 'poll of polls'. That is even though RCP seems top have a right wing bias. CNN also has him at 50-42 averaging the polls.

It is awesome, but this thing will tighten, minds will change and 3rd parties will probably begin to go hard at Obama (infanticide?, are they seriously going to charge him with that smear?).

This election may be about HOPE, but it will be won with work.



Oct 13, 08 4:39 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?
obama prepares for debate
Oct 13, 08 5:53 pm  · 


'the short bus'

couldn't lead a fish to water'

it's not true that i don't have enough experience, ask his wife'

Oct 13, 08 8:03 pm  · 

what kind of architecture does obama enjoy?

Oct 13, 08 8:07 pm  · 


The closest I could find in:

Oct 13, 08 9:04 pm  · 

Where are the Archinect ads?

Oct 14, 08 12:44 pm  · 
Powell For The Future
Oct 19, 08 9:56 am  · 
Oct 19, 08 10:47 am  · 
Oct 19, 08 10:55 am  · 

This gives me goosebumps.

Obama raises $150 million in September

Seriously, with this kind of money, can't he just BUY Nevada and West Virginia?

Oct 19, 08 3:14 pm  · 

Obama is ahead 3 to 1 in newspaper endorsements. I saw a Yahoo article that talked about endorsements. it neglected to say this. Obama is way ahead of John Kerry who was about even with Bush.
The Obama-Biden ticket maintains its strong lead in the race for daily newspaper endorsements, by 112 to 39, a than 3-1 margin, picking up 70 or more papers in the past three days, including (see separate stories), the Detroit Free Press, Buffalo News, Cleveland's Plain Dealer, Palm Beach (Fla.) Post, New York's Daily News, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, Portland's The Oregonian, Denver Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Salt Lake Tribune, Kansas City Star, and Chicago Sun-Times.

In a real shocker, two solid Bush papers in 2004, the Houston Chronicle and Austin American-Statesman, also came out for Obama today. So did the more traditionally Democratic the News & Obsever in Raleigh and the Orlando Sentinel, both in key battleground states.

Obama's lopsided margin, including most of the major papers that have decided so far, is in stark contrast to John Kerry barely edging George W. Bush in endorsements in 2004 by 213 to 205.

Here's the article:

Oct 20, 08 4:04 pm  · 

Nice make....the most amazing newspaper endorsement, in my opinion, is the Chicago Tribune. The Tribune was founded in 1874 and has not endorsed a Democrat in its 134 years of existence - until this year, when it endorsed Barack Obama.

I'm rather impressed by the Houston Chronicle too. I'm rather impressed by all of it, actually.

Oct 20, 08 4:12 pm  · 

if this isn't remarkable, i don't know what is. montana and north dakota are now in the toss up category?

Oct 23, 08 3:58 pm  · 

^^ Well, in fairness, dude is practically from Chicago.

Oct 23, 08 5:17 pm  · 

And as a reminder to everyone, check to see if you can vote early or vote absentee in your state. Election day is gonna be an absolute madhouse, so the more of us that get our stuff in early the easier it will be for everyone else.

Oct 23, 08 5:22 pm  · 

yep. got my ballot the other day and have it almost filled out.

Oct 23, 08 5:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

I voted Tuesday, for Obama. Still trying to get vado to go do it early too, though he's resistant.

You guys will enjoy this: candid images from the campaign trail (be forewarned, IE seems to not want to show more images, Firefox and Safari have no problem). They are beautiful and left me teary. I'll admit it: I can't help but feel like Obama is real and honest; I desperately want him to be the saviour I think he can be.

Oct 23, 08 5:40 pm  · 

nice photos LB. thanks for sharing. gave me chills. my favs are the two african american boys looking up, the one of Obama in the stairwell and the one of him cleaning up after himself. such inspiration depicted in as close to an everyday person as we can get for a presidential nominee who was raised with good manners.

Oct 23, 08 6:01 pm  · 

Customizable video:

"What happened? The vote didn't even get Baracked"
Customize it and send it to friends in battleground states.


Oct 23, 08 6:09 pm  · 
vote obama, and it will count for mccain anyways:

In West Virginia's Jackson County, there were some reports that voting machines were accidentally recording the wrong vote.

"I went in there and pushed the Democrat ticket, and it jumped to the Republican ticket for president of the United States," said Calvin Thomas, an 81-year-old West Virginian

So we have space tourism, big bang re-creators, 1000mph cars, holographic tv's, but cant figure out a technology that serves one simple purpose; to record either A or B. This is very, very unsettling.

Oct 24, 08 3:29 pm  · 

fuckin voting machines. they are the worst -- the only remaining way they can steal it again. VOTE (early for) OBAMA!

Oct 24, 08 3:31 pm  · 

my parents went to vote early today (absentee ballots) in missouri and they waited in line for an hour outside, and it's freezing here today.. amazingly there was a pregnant woman in line in front of them who's due tomorrow. People are serious about voting this year. Obama volunteers were handing out hot chocolate to those in line... mccain supporters nowhere to be seen..

Oct 27, 08 6:39 pm  · 

dark chocolate or milk?

Oct 27, 08 6:48 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

OMG mccain supporters don't care about pregnant women

Oct 27, 08 6:50 pm  · 


Oct 27, 08 6:58 pm  · 

poor vegans, and cows then

Oct 27, 08 7:11 pm  · 

ARRRGGGG can't this election be done with already!!

I guess it is darkest before the light. Anyway, who's watching the Obamacast?

Oct 28, 08 11:53 pm  · 

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