
blacks in architecture



Sep 12, 04 1:30 am  · 
David Cuthbert

ahh so it was manual versus computer-aided drafting. I see you point and agree more or less. But drafting especially as we know it (line weights, consistency of lines, intersections - stylized etc) is much older than the "old and rare modern architects," as I'm sure you are aware. One but needs to look at daVinci's sketches on parchment which are more technical than my sketches would ever be.

apologies on the late post hurricane Ivan was heading for home - for once there was something a little more important that architecture. Now back to business

Sep 13, 04 3:00 pm  · 

clear sumthin up

older architects and rare modern architects as in- the rare modern archie that still uses hand drawings for presentation

Sep 13, 04 3:12 pm  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice


Denny Mann is not black.

Sep 13, 04 3:19 pm  · 

I personally haven't ever run into a black person in the architecture profession but have met many hispanic architects. Any reasons for that disparity?

Sep 13, 04 4:21 pm  · 


I am currently in community college. I will be transferring to the University of Texas at Arlington to study architecture at the end of this year. Thank you for letting me email you if I ever have any questions.

Sep 13, 04 5:13 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

UT Arlington - cool I went to Austin for pre-college. Both have very nice facilities and personal vibe. Good luck

Sep 14, 04 8:57 am  · 

Thanks Jam! I've been told not to take any arch classes while in community college. What are anyone's thoughts on that.

Sep 14, 04 6:41 pm  · 

Thanks Jam! I've been told not to take any arch classes while in community college. What are anyone's thoughts on that.

Sep 14, 04 6:43 pm  · 

Well...a lot of architecture schools don't accept other arch schools courses for credit-so it many architecture schools-not just community college. Its better to take care of the basics (math for example).

Sep 15, 04 12:39 am  · 

I just wanted to take the courses to get a feel of what it may be like. But I have been told that arch courses at a community college are a waste of time and just don't cut it.

Sep 15, 04 1:15 am  · 

well, archchick, that depends on the community college itself. i took architecture classes at my community college and they were excellent...really prepared me for transfering

Sep 15, 04 3:27 am  · 
David Cuthbert

architectural courses at community colleges tend to be very technical - believing that's what architecture is. You will find that once in architecture school - that it is very different. I would try to complete as many foundamental courses as possible, mathematics, physics, building science, etc. But that said depending on the school they may want you to take them over.

Sep 15, 04 8:17 am  · 

Hey arch-chick,
I am also a black female I have a Master in architecture and practice in florida I will be fully licensed by this time next year and NCARB certified at the beginning of next year. So know that we are out there. my experience in school was where negative response come in was because i was black, but in the profession it is both or maybe also the race. Yet school was alot of fun you will make good friends given the nature of studio and all the classes (same people usually).

But learn the game and how to best move throw it try not to take ignorant attitudes personally. This professsion is hard for all who enter and want to make it work for them.
Best thing I can say is as long as u have talent you will be fine you will struggle but you will be fine. It is a good idea to take some drafting courses in C.C. if u have the opprotunity it will only give you a better edge also if there is a Autocad course, photoshop, and some type of computer aid 3-d course take those too.. the tech type classes like the calculus, physic, wait til you get to university. you want to build your mind for the arts and design in C.C. also I would suggest interning in a firm if it is just answering the phones while u are in school is good to see what it will be like when u get out into the working world. also talk to interns in firms now that is your best resource as they are doing what u will do for at least 4 years when u are out of school... as far as what the kyll person is posting, this is good because it is alot of jokers in this profession who reason there actions and thoughts in this exact way he/she is posting... to this person they are making sense and reasonable but in reality they are ridiculously misinformed and ignorant to the nature of cultures, or the racial politics of education/working. So read what this person is saying because going off presumation, assumation, sterotypical archtypes will be a big force for many u will encounter of all races and male and female.. I wish u much luck, and self determination.

Sep 20, 04 9:46 pm  · 

Jonny V thank you for your words of truth and encouragement. How exactly would I go about interning at a firm even if it was just answering phones? I've seen a couple of firms that are very close to my house. I just wouldn't know how to go about interning there. Once again thanks for all of the great advice.

Sep 21, 04 2:11 pm  · 
curt clay

jonny v,

You raise many good points. I am going to disagree with you (kinda) on one thing you said. You stated as long as she has talent that she'll be fine. I strongly disagree with this statement. As a black female, talent will be less than half of your dilemma. You will be EXPECTED to have as much if not more talent than all of your peers. In addition, you MUST have stellar communication skills and the abilitiy to get along with everyone.

Your telnt will be the least of your worries. You see all the time, talentless people in firms move up very quickly and that is mainly because of their ability to 'get along' with everyone, garner the respect of your consultants (structural / mechanical / electrical / civil engineers) who will not only mostly be male, but will also most likely be white. (except for civil... they always seem to be the minority on the team??)

I believe this is true for really any black woman in any profession. You have to not only be extremely talented since your knowledge will be tested every step of the way, but you also have to learn how to deflect ignorant ass mofo's who will challenge you with grace and dignity.

my .02

Sep 21, 04 9:33 pm  · 

well said, curtclay!

Sep 21, 04 11:38 pm  · 

I'm new to this forum, I'm a first year Grad Architecture student. I am at a majority African-American school Morgan State University, in Baltimore, Md, It is also the only Architecture program in the Baltimore metro area.. In my first year studio the class is 50/50- black/white. The rest of the school is about 90/5- black/white.

Sep 23, 04 8:42 am  · 

This is off topic-but are any of you going to the NOMA conference in NYC?

Sep 23, 04 2:23 pm  · 

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