
What brought you to Archinect?


Do you remember what brought you to Archinect? how you heard of Archinect?

I remember, since it was only under a year ago.

I was in a CAD LAB, there was a HOT chick sitting next to me who was always on archinect. I asked what are you doing? she said I am Archinector.......

Thats what brought me to this world......of archinect

Aug 7, 07 12:13 pm
liberty bell

So who's the girl, FIX?

I have Adam Greenfield on to thank (blame) for alerting me to the existence of Archinect.

Aug 7, 07 12:16 pm  · 
JMBarquero/squirrelly I am more interested in what happened btwn you and the HOT chick????

I think I was looking for a place online to get info on a case study....and naturally found the site.

It was quite useful as there are alot of smarties in the peanut gallery!

Aug 7, 07 12:16 pm  · 

I came to Archinect to try to get worked!!!!

Thanks Archinect

Aug 7, 07 12:18 pm  · 

Actually, I worked with a guy in New York who had a web site development company ( )

he had a shout out to Paul and Archinect on his site

Aug 7, 07 12:21 pm  · 

I never got her Username...

It was a three day course..

But I do remeber her name...Michelle..

Dam was she hot....

anyways...whoever you are here on Archinectville, thank you and no thanx...

now I might not post alot, but i read alot...and It seems to take to much of my time....

so again thank you...

Aug 7, 07 12:22 pm  · 

came and went sporadically from 2001-2004 (not sure how i found it the first time)...became a v2.0 member in late 2004 in order to participate in the schoolblog project.

Aug 7, 07 12:35 pm  · 

A friend sent me a link to the feature on Transmaterial Research, that a studio professor had sent her.

Aug 7, 07 12:38 pm  · 

think i found version 1.0 right around graduation or so...
not entirely sure..but i definitely was reading at work in the late
90s. joined officially in 2004 and started posting and reading
daily at that point.

i think i may have found a link to here from deathbyarchitecture
since i was looking for competitions back in the day.

Aug 7, 07 12:40 pm  · 

Lonesome studio

Aug 7, 07 12:59 pm  · 

the promise of fame fortune and a new pair of dockers

Aug 7, 07 1:09 pm  · 

I think I started visiting version v.01 regularly -only the forums, I didn't know there was a news section until much later- in spring 2000 -maybe I visited it occasionally in fall/winter 1999-... just when I first had internet at home.

I'm not sure how I found about it.. probably doing a Yahoo search on something arch-related -did Google exist back then?-... I thought the cynicism of the old anonymous forum was funny and that I could learn some pretentious architectural jargon in english, so I could understand what those Texas Erasmus in my school were talking about when doing weird scale models with bicycle wheels...

Aug 7, 07 1:10 pm  · 

i bumped into archinect while doing some research 3 years back. been an archinector ever since, but oft kept changing monikers.

Aug 7, 07 1:13 pm  · 

i meant to type in but got

i got tired of staring at hurting women in my studio and needed a fix

Aug 7, 07 1:23 pm  · 

I was lured by by the chance to make more money from home in such fields as dental technician, tv/vcr repair, archinecting and gun smithing

Aug 7, 07 1:29 pm  · 

can't remember exactly but should be like 4 or 5 years ago.. i think either my professor or studio-mates mentioned about it in studio..

Aug 7, 07 1:31 pm  · 

haha.. talk about newbies researching grad schools

Aug 7, 07 1:41 pm  · 

superbeatledud a couple years ago

Aug 7, 07 1:43 pm  · 

got bored at work one day back in '04 and stumbled across it googling

Aug 7, 07 1:48 pm  · 

I found it while researching how to rebuild a 'Glide... was looking for a higher ratio first and, BAM, here it was. Some yocal with a bronc was lighten the hemi while floaten the Queen. I said, yow, carnage bro!

Aug 7, 07 1:49 pm  · 

like rationalist... I found the transmaterial page after doing some material research online. I lurked for about a year and then finally joined to participate in a discussion about Bill Massie (I think). Still continue to spend the majority of my time lurking.

Aug 7, 07 1:53 pm  · 

I've been coming since 2002 and signed up for an account back then, I cannot even remember how, maybe I asked Jeeves? In mid 2004 I was wondering why I stopped getting email so I came to check out v2.0 and began lurking. I really started posting and getting involved in 2005. By 2020 I hope to continue posting on archinect hologram v2.2 from a bunker in the depths of the Charles River vigilantly watching as the robot rebellion from MIT gains on us. I will most likely be following the LOL'dings thread.

Aug 7, 07 1:57 pm  · 

"Your Name" Rocks!

Aug 7, 07 1:58 pm  · 

A friend sent me a link to one of the school blogs in late 2005. I was instantly hooked and would read them almost exclusively over the span of 3-4 weeks. Slowly I would venture into the discussions pages and lurked around for 2-3 months before I began posting.

Now, I stop by and read at least twice a day.

Aug 7, 07 1:59 pm  · 

wow, it's been so long (2001), i don't even remember.

probably just stumbled across it while googling "architecture" as i was a wet behind the ears student.

i'm no longer a student, but i'm still pretty wet behind the ears, so it's good to see what people are talking about.

Aug 7, 07 2:07 pm  · 

I've lurked behind the scenes for quite a while - a member since 05 but I've been reading off and on since 2002ish... I'm sure I heard about the site in a particular studio that I was in during my 2nd year in 2002. I started posting about a year ago when I began the process of applying to graduate school.

Aug 7, 07 2:19 pm  · 

Captain Louis Renault: What on earth brought you to archinect?

Rick Blaine: My health. I came to archinect for the waters.

Captain Louis Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert.

Rick Blaine: I was misinformed.

Aug 7, 07 2:19 pm  · 
o d b

back in '99 i started reading archinect...i was really hooked on the rotating covers--was it every month they had a new start page or every week? i can't remember anymore..but archinect kept my windows background updated w/ a pimpin' barrage of graphic prowess. i still look back fondly on those--any chance of getting them back?

Aug 7, 07 2:29 pm  · 

o d b: View the entire Archinect Cover Archive here.

Aug 7, 07 2:36 pm  · 

i was looking at the salary poll a couple years ago then stumbled upon the rest of the site. yay

Aug 7, 07 2:51 pm  · 

i was just looking at this site posted by junkieonur and was wondering how cool it would be to know which part of the world archinectors (all categories) come from.

Aug 7, 07 2:56 pm  · 

maybe 7 years ago, a friend of mine came back from sci-arc and always had these great links he'd share...i asked him how he was always so connected, and i've been coming to architect ever since...looking for the waters in the desert...

Aug 7, 07 2:58 pm  · 

arguments regarding the validity of ninja dentists and their great hatred towards all pirates.

Aug 7, 07 2:59 pm  · 

i have no idea. i think i was born an archinector.

Aug 7, 07 3:18 pm  · 
vado retro

liberty bell, of course.

Aug 7, 07 3:22 pm  · 

sharpie - (which already has a ton of registered members) will have a google map locating every archinect member's location.

here's a preview of where the registered members are located thus far...

Aug 7, 07 3:23 pm  · 
vado retro

no, wait. that's the reason i hung around.

Aug 7, 07 3:23 pm  · 

we were crossing the street to get some coffee and javier arbona said, 'hey orhan, you should read archinect.'

Aug 7, 07 3:55 pm  · 

I came for the free food.

I thought it was an interiors presentation.

Aug 7, 07 3:57 pm  · 

I started coming to archinect around 1998. about the time I started architecture school.

i started coming here reading the discussions, checking out the news, seeing what else was out there since i was in Springfield Missouri. i thought archinect is what the web is really all about; exposing people to new ideas and ways of thinking, thanks archinect.

Aug 7, 07 4:04 pm  · 
Ms Beary

found the salary poll by searching for architect's salaries

Aug 7, 07 4:18 pm  · 

I used to hit an old site, Architorture. It never took off, and after they closed shop, I remembered someone mentioning archinect in one of the forums. Long time lurker. Just started posting in May.

Aug 7, 07 4:37 pm  · 

back in 2004 i was looking to waste some time between projects at work and my co-worker suggested instead of firing rubber bands at his head i should check out finally found a new way to waste time - wahoooooooooo! Thanks Pete Dawson!!!

Aug 7, 07 4:39 pm  · 
Israel Kandarian

paul was my friend and classmate, and he was clearly up to something interesting in his "spare" i checked it out.

Aug 7, 07 5:13 pm  · 

per had taken over a dif archi-site and someone mentioned escaping to archinect where post-ers were better...thanks per!

Aug 7, 07 5:16 pm  · 

no way. you took advice from per?

Aug 7, 07 5:17 pm  · 

I admire Per for his enthusiasm. I hate his ideas, but hell, he stands up for them. The only problem I have with the guy is that he constantly hijacks threads. Beyond that, I've got nothing against the guy.

Aug 7, 07 5:21 pm  · 

the girl i was dating back then, was building her own blog, and somehow founded archinect v 2.0 as an example of something she might like to her blog to look like, one day she asked me if i knew the site "its about architecture and that stuff" she said.... after visiting the first time, loved the news sections and the forums, and latelly became a registered user and part of the SCHOOL BLOG project i try to work more and hang out on archinect less, i still love it thou

Aug 7, 07 6:12 pm  · 

it was dark winters hollow, on the eve of what was to become by architectural adolescence. A raven crawed in the midst of the night to the sorrow of a baby's cry...

Aug 7, 07 6:14 pm  · 

its been a long time, but I think...

It was via volume5, a site I would visit quite often. I was disappointed that it was rarely updated and when it did felt distanced to the architectural happenings. One of the links was to archinect representing the West Coast and with a tag line like "pimping architecture..." I couldn't go wrong. Its been an on and off again love affair )including changing my name) since as work prevented me from contributing as much as I'd like (I'd spend 3/4 of the night reading what I missed during the day). My recent time off work allowed me to drown myself into the abyss of the discussions pages particularly Thread Central and well 3k posts later I have a certified addiction.

crack is whack :: archinect is where its at!

Aug 7, 07 6:22 pm  · 

Since around January '01, most likely via, but I don't remember.

Aug 7, 07 7:16 pm  · 

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