
Free Time


Well sometimes the architectural profession and/or academics can suck a lot of free time. Do any of you guys have free time, whether you are a student, intern, or long time architect. If so, what do you do, i.e., your hobbies. And is it even possible to have free time as an arch. student?

Jul 16, 07 8:20 am

if architecture and renovating my house are my hobbies, does that count as free time?

Jul 16, 07 10:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Archinect is my free time.

As a student, I would work endlessly for a few weeks then blow off an entire weekend doing a road trip or something, then gear back up and do it all over again. So free time was minimal but intense.

Jul 16, 07 10:48 am  · 

I design buildings in my free time....

Jul 16, 07 10:58 am  · 

I garden and save the earth via archinect

Jul 16, 07 11:03 am  · 


free time? not so much of it lately. which is good thing.

took afternoon off to go rollerblading with daughter the eldest today, and then went out to meet some artists travelling from the US for dinner...which was very nice and relaxing...but means it is now 11:30 pm and i am starting the work day again. time is always something that has to be negotiated an paid for.

as arch. student i had much more free time but spent most of it designing for competitions. my hobby in archi-school was to practice hindsight maybe a bit sick.

Jul 16, 07 11:05 am  · 

It depends what you mean by 'free time'. Design is more like a lifestyle choice than a job. Even when you go to the beach you are going to be thinking about the infrastructure that got you there, the piazza of the town you are in, the buildings around you, etc... At home, checking the web, you are thinking about how the news you are reading affect the built environment, etc...

In school I never have free time but I usually work on the side at least part-time, plus archinect, plus student groups (green design and other projects on the works). When I was out in the professional world, I was doing competitions with my wife, planning charrettes, etc... I think I am busier when I am not in school, because I feel more freedom to explore the things that interest me.

Jul 16, 07 11:17 am  · 

I like my free time. There are so many other things than architecture that are interesting - like listening to Bach without conjuring up images of the Thomaskirche, cook without relating to the food spatially, go to the cinema and concentrate on montage and dialogue rather than scenography etc. etc.

Jul 16, 07 11:41 am  · 

I work many hours a day and am a stuent for many more hours a day...SO I have no free time......

The little bit of hours that I find here and there are spent with my son....who is 14 I spend the few hours changing diapers

Jul 16, 07 12:00 pm  · 

to "Jump" and "J", where you guys scared that when you got married, you would not have time for your children and husband/wife (don't know if your male or female). Were there any turmoil at all, or was it smooth sailing?

Some people say that you can have a lot of free time while you are an arch student, but you have to organize your time wisely. Meaning, you really shouldn't socialize during studios, and just be focused.

Jul 16, 07 12:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i probably spend about 9 hours each day just daydreaming...usually trying to think of a name for my architecture firm...but sometimes just thinking about taking a nap

Jul 16, 07 12:14 pm  · 

I cant leave work behiond and no longer have "free time". I find it impossible to enjoy anything outside of work and outside of work hours in the only time for any design work be it competition, or the very rare client. But ironicaly i dont seem to mind because its like total self absorbtion in what you chose to do. The only fear is what will my family think - I come from a long line of total workaholics and I understand what drives them - I just wish others did to.

Jul 16, 07 12:21 pm  · 

I have a question- at what point does design-obsession stop making you a better designer and only serve to keep you from being able to relate to the everyday well rounded humans you may be designing for?

Jul 16, 07 12:32 pm  · 

too much free time drives me now.....i verge off into other areas of interests and end end getting all stressed out trying to make it work...i.e. clothing line/furniture line/etc.......

i wouldnt mind having a 40 hour week job and hustle on the side with my other work..... but i know 40hours in a firm isnt typical........

Jul 16, 07 12:50 pm  · 

As a student the summers used to be my freetime. With my pockets getting emptier and emptier I have buckled down and started doing summer school. When I used to have free time I would play golf every day but Mondays, Ride my bike in the mornings, and host barbecues on the weekend.

Now any time I have is split between Barbecues and going to the lake. I'd love to have more barbecues, but this is TX, which means we really barbecue and it's easily a 24 hour ordeal. We'll light up the wood smoker about 2 in the morning the night before we throw down. Pork butts go on at 6 am, briskets at noon, and ribs around 3. We typically invite 50-100 people and have a hell of time. Guests arrive starting around noon, and eating commences at 7. The nights linger on till 2 or 3. Sunday afternoons after church we clean. It sounds like a hastle, but with the crown flowing like water, and friends and family hangin' out and having a good time, it's about as good as it gets in my world.

Somewhere in there I find time to squeeze in a trip to the cigar club or a day of rock climbing, but those have been increasingly rare lately.

Jul 16, 07 5:08 pm  · 
vado retro


Jul 16, 07 5:14 pm  · 

I agree. Eliminate the idea of free time from your mind. Free time / Work time / Down time / Up time...What are you? A machine?

Jul 16, 07 10:57 pm  · 
i probably spend about 9 hours each day just daydreaming...

puddles, are we related?


Jul 16, 07 11:08 pm  · 

Under normal circumstances, my free time is spent skateboarding, riding one of many bicycles (we have 9 at last count), walking around the 'hood, going swimming, barbequing (like tonight), riding my motorcycle (which I sold this week), building something (like the bed I just disassembled today), etc etc etc.

With all my free time, it seems I really have none. Funny how that works.

Jul 16, 07 11:42 pm  · 
yetiwithawonton time

-organize till a complete chaos shines like the pearly gates...(OCD)
-volunteer everywhere..Art center, sports events, charities..etc. (nothing like networking)
-avas...the internet(what would I be without it)

...passion for preoccupation what can I say..

Jul 17, 07 12:02 am  · 

Work on my A game.

Jul 17, 07 12:04 am  · 

slant, sounds like you use your time well.

I spend my time riding one of my many bicycles (I only have 5 at last count - ha), barbecuing with friends, recording music, doing diy projects.

I only daydream on the clock.

Jul 17, 07 12:21 am  · 
you really shouldn't socialize during studios, and just be focused.

Whoever told you this, it is kind of stupid advice. Make that really stupid.

socialization in design studio is another aspect of your education. you are cutting yourself off from learning and growing as a designer in a very important way if you choose not to interact with the other highly intelligent and charged-up minds around you. if you want school in a vacuum sign up for the u. of pheonix. this is really, really silly advice. "socialization" in design studio is rarely simply fluff but most of the time a charged atmoshpere of collaboration and exchange of ideas and heightened dialogue with a blend of necessary stress relief and steam-blowoff mixed in.

Also, count me in with libertybell, her description of student life is exactly like mine was. I have WAY more free time now in practice but I still have zero free time. (Wait, how does that work?!) I guess it's an unconcious choice--I wouldn't be in this profession if I didn't love being busy...

Jul 17, 07 12:45 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

during the school year i don't have free time but i make time for the things i love to do outside of studio. it means sacrificing sleep but that's what summers are for.

if i have time or make time, i make t-shirt prints, surf, skate, search for new taco joints in LA... in the summer add BBQs, reading for leisure/pleasure, more surfing, evening drinks at the local public houses, cooking tasty meals for myself and friends, and concerts.

Jul 17, 07 4:23 am  · 

A center for ants, If i go to Cali, I really want to take up surfing, but I am scared I wont have any time. My biggest and oldest hobby is photography and graphic design. Ill post some of my photos when I come back from over-seas.

And to Myriam, the person that said it, I think he meant useless socialization, talking off tangents while your in the studio. But I guess, thats where great ideas start from.

Jul 17, 07 4:53 am  · 

exactly. :)

Jul 17, 07 8:39 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

to be honest, surfing is an incredibly difficult sport to pick up but rediculously fun. you have to make time. a buddy of mine in studio and i motivate each other when the waves are good and we drag our asses out of bed at 5am after going to bed at 2am to surf a few hours when we can. it's a trip surfing on just an hour or two of sleep. so worth it though.

Jul 17, 07 9:16 pm  · 

acfa - want to ride downtown sunday? unless mugu or somewhere else is good of course.

Jul 18, 07 3:07 am  · 

A center for Ants, I heard that most shark activity is during the sunrise and sunset on the ocean/beach. Where do you surf?

Jul 18, 07 4:42 am  · 

acfa is deathly afraid of sharks - it's okay though. Some of us get a good laugh out if it. Not to answer for him, but Bay St., Topanga, Zuma, and some secret spots further north...

Jul 18, 07 2:51 pm  · 

House Repair

Jul 18, 07 2:54 pm  · 

Railing the twisties!

Jul 18, 07 4:58 pm  · 

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