
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


WonderK, i received some email from them on march 15th saying that my application was complete and ready for review (and i had already received this email back in february)... and i, too emailed them and asked them when i might hear back and nothing. it seems kind of strange to me. but on GradCafe it says someone was accepted to the MS Sus Design program last week... hmmm.... i dont know, but i have to make a decision by april 16th, so they need to get on the ball

Mar 25, 07 5:28 pm  · 

autonomous, did you apply for that program as well? I totally forgot about the Grad Cafe. I posted one of my acceptances on there just now because it made me happy.

Mar 25, 07 5:52 pm  · 


Thanks! that's what I thought, but I went to highschool with a J.J. that was a girl so I just wanted to be sure. So it's Mr. Jackman then.

Mar 25, 07 6:37 pm  · 

I've been lurking around this thread for a while, but there's something which I'm still unsure about. Has anyone heard any news from GSD regarding MArch I AP? miami... you mentioned you applied for this - have you spotted anything?

Mar 25, 07 7:56 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

You should all stop by here when you get a chance.....

(it's relevant I promise)

Mar 25, 07 8:05 pm  · 

I applied to GSD for M.Arch 1 AP. I haven't heard a thing.

Mar 25, 07 8:13 pm  · 

Starla, that is a good thread!

Mar 25, 07 9:47 pm  · 

Starla, by the end of this coming week, I am almost certain to be all OVER that thread!

Mar 25, 07 9:51 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

glad I could be of service :)

Mar 25, 07 9:54 pm  · 

wonderk, i was going to apply for the ms. sus design... but i talked to a former professor of mine right before i sent in my final application who made me feel a little (over)ambitious and i ended up applying for a phd there. i actually got into a phd program somewhere else, so (maybe) i have a chance there too? who knows...
as for grad cafe, its always nice to post your acceptances and then go back to revisit them (Hey, thats me!)

Mar 25, 07 10:18 pm  · 

so has anyone not heard from cincy yet, i have got nothing? kinda odd as their date to let them know is coming up fast.

i spent all weekend working the berkeley rejection off, but at this point im pretty happy. I got in to ohio state, ucla, and ut austin. im thinking that ucla is going to be the best fit for going out there i a 2 weeks to visit. anyone like me going out after the open house?

Mar 25, 07 10:26 pm  · 

Hey mctwist! I'll be there, but around the 8th-11th...mmmm warm sunny wonderul California weather. I was wearing like umpteen sweaters and scarves today in Boston.

Mar 25, 07 10:48 pm  · 

Ehhh should I visit Cincinnati? I don't really see any reason to--I'm completely green to architecture so I would have no idea if a project I'm looking at is a piece of crap or a work of pure genius. Maybe see what the atmosphere is like? Hostile vs. competitive vs. collaborative vs. apathetic...I would only be concerned if there was some serious hostility, or if nobody gave a crap about their work. If that were the case I'd probably know about it from this forum, right?

It would take something seriously wrong with the program to make me decide to go somewhere else. I love the notion of the co-op, and overall it seems like the architecture program is exactly what I'm looking for. I've heard wonderful things about it and mediocre things about it, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone that's hated it.

I'm trying to convince myself that I need to visit (as my significant other is telling me to do), but in my mind it doesn't seem worth the time and money. Am I just dumb? It's ok, you can call me an idiot if you think it's a mistake. Maybe I'm just tired and grumpy and whiny.

Mar 25, 07 10:55 pm  · 

Hey everyone, I've been a lurker here for a while, but I decided it's about time I engage in some conversation.... god knows I spend enough time refreshing this thread alone.

OD86: I am currently an undergrad at UIC, which also has a co-op program. Although I would assume that the undergraduate co-op might be different from the graduate co-op of UC, I must say that it's probably a hit-or-miss possibility, so I wouldn't count on that as a primary decider. I am involved in UIC's co-op, and to be entirely honest, my experiences have been a near complete waste of time. The firm I am co-op-ing with also takes in graduate co-op's from the University of Michigan, but they hardly ever do anything that I would consider imperative to a graduate education. Considering the fact that graduate school is a huge investment, the price of a school visit is minuscule, and most likely worth it. Sci-arc was actually at the top of my list until I visited, and now it's at the bottom. The same could be true for you.

To everyone else: I've seen that some people are waiting to hear back from UIC, or have asked questions about the grad program. I know the website is terrible, so if you have any questions, fire away.

Just so you all know where I stand in this thread, I've applied to Princeton, GSD, GSAPP, UCLA, and SCI-arc. I was ejected by Princeton, but have yet to hear from anyone else.

Mar 25, 07 11:10 pm  · 


Where else did you get in? What options do you have? and finally where are you flying from?

Mar 25, 07 11:12 pm  · 


What turned you off about SCI-Arc. I'm on their waitlist so I would love to know.

Mar 25, 07 11:15 pm  · 

OD86, if you don't think you need to visit, then don't worry about it. I would tell you if there was something truly terrifying that awaits you here :o)

autonomous, good for you! They mentioned the PhD thing when I visited last year and I was like, holy hell, 5 years, eh? Probably not :)

Mar 25, 07 11:16 pm  · 

The first thing that did it was the location of the building (no, not just LA, although the city is FILTHY), the building is an old truck loading dock in a quasi-industrial area. The problem I saw was this: where do you go for food or drink or fix during an all nighter? I spoke with some of the students and they said that the neighborhood was pretty bad, so wandering out for food was strongly rejected. The other thing that did it was the work itself; although I admire experimental use of digital technology (it's the reason I chose the schools I applied to) I feel that the work at SCI-arc was a bit too far from architecture. Sometimes you actually do want the end result of a project to look buildable, but that didn't seem to be on SCI-arc's agenda...

Mar 25, 07 11:22 pm  · 

Chch, haven't heard a thing. Seems like no AP's have.

Mar 25, 07 11:25 pm  · 

that reminds me; I applied for AP at both GSD and GSAPP, and haven't heard back from either... I'm hoping that's the reason it's taking so long, and not that I've been rejected... =/

Mar 25, 07 11:27 pm  · 

Thanks Magnus,

WonderK is Cincinnati's co-op program subject to the uneveness that Magnus reports at UIC?

Mar 25, 07 11:29 pm  · 


I also got into WashU, CU Denver, Georgia Tech, U Houston, and NJIT. I'd be taking off work and flying up from Austin.

NJIT is out because they offered a terrible financial aid package. Screw you unsubsidized loans! CU Denver and WashU are out because I got into programs I like better.

So that leaves Cincinnati, Georgia Tech, and Houston. Houston has the benefit of getting in-state tuition (I'm in Austin), but they don't have much opportunity (that I know of) for real-life work experience while I'm there. I'd be willing to pay more to do the co-op thing.

So that just leaves Cincinnati and Georgia Tech. From what I understand, I have no hope of ever getting in-state tuition at GT because they're evil, so when all is said and done I'd be paying $100,000 for tuition. They haven't got back to me about financial aid yet, even though I was supposed to inform the architecture school of my decision by the 20th. Georgia Tech has some sort of co-op thing, but I don't think it's as big as Cincinnati's.

So Cincinnati has an awesomer co-op and will be half-price after living in Ohio for a year. So in my mind, cheaper plus better just leaves me with Cincinnati. It was my #1 choice to begin with.

Mar 25, 07 11:31 pm  · 

Oh and Magnus,

I hear the same criticism about SCI-Arc, but people also say you can really pursue your own thing there, so don't you think that some of the people are pursuing projects that are potentially buildable? or did you find this not to be the case?

Mar 25, 07 11:32 pm  · 

WonderK, would it be creepy if I told you I loved you? Because I do.

Ok I almost posted just saying that, but I creeped myself out so now I will simply say, you are awesome.

Mar 25, 07 11:34 pm  · 


Perhaps I will see you there. I'm flying there to check it out though.

Mar 25, 07 11:34 pm  · 

Don't trust WonderK. I trusted her once and ended up naked with a sock in my mouth in a turkish prison.

Mar 25, 07 11:37 pm  · 

did I say sock? I meant... nevermind.

Mar 25, 07 11:38 pm  · 

some people are definitely taking a more pragmatic approach to the program, but it seems like those students received no acclaim. SCI-arc really seemed to revel in their experimental mission statement, so students that practice what they preach are put on a pedestal. Also, has anyone heard much about the "student-run curriculum?" I'm not sure if that's exactly what it's referred to as, but apparently a lot of students get absorbed in the politics in the school. A faculty member was telling me that although it sounds like a great idea, it's also one of the program's short-comings, because it's hard for the school to agree on various decisions.

Mar 25, 07 11:38 pm  · 

I had a similar feeling from SCI-Arc back in the fall, but I know slightly more about architecture now than I did then so I will have to go tour it again.

Mar 25, 07 11:42 pm  · 

where art for my WonderK. Woe is me.

Mar 25, 07 11:45 pm  · 

I'm not trying to deter anyone from going there; I have a friend there right now and he's really digging it. Over the last year I've spoken with a few faculty members and students and just realized that I could find myself objecting to some of the school's teachings. Instead of rejecting that school entirely, I would still embrace the potential conflict, because it might change my perspective on architecture. Obviously, that will only happen if THEY don't reject ME... a$$holes... what's taking so long!!!

Mar 25, 07 11:47 pm  · 

ann.... quit trying to bump up your post-count

Mar 25, 07 11:47 pm  · 

we see through your game...

Mar 25, 07 11:48 pm  · 

I am not sure how this happened but this thread makes me look like a floozy! It's fun to flirt with strangers on the web! Boys and girls! Really I just wanted to use the word floozy, ha ha.

I'm not sure what magnus is talking about, with the unevenness in his co-op program. Incidentally, I thought UC had the only co-op program of its kind so maybe his is different. I personally know of a UC student who completed a 6 month stint with Norman Foster last year....also there's another guy who worked in Shanghai for 6 months.....I myself worked in San Francisco, Washington, DC, traveled around Europe for 3 months, and finally worked in New York City.

On a side note, I want to tell you guys that I started my last co-op quarter in NYC on September 19, 2001. Those 3 months were more of a learning experience than I've ever had before or since. I watched a 9/11 special tonight on National Geographic and it broke my heart all over again. I love that city like a family member and I'd encourage every single person here to experience it, whether through co-op, work, or school, or just loitering.

Sorry for the serious interlude. Back to flirting!

Mar 25, 07 11:54 pm  · 

wonderK: UC's co-op program does sound radically different than UIC's. Correct me if I'm wrong: the UC co-op places you in a working environment, but you aren't actually taking classes at the same time? At UIC you actually are placed within a firm while you are still in school, but since students aren't able to really contribute many hours, the firms end up making you do insignificant tasks. I don't blame them, who wants to assign a student a time-sensitive task when they can't even put in the hours to finish it? I think the thought is noble, but the execution is flawed.

Mar 26, 07 12:09 am  · 

Oh yes magnus, ours is full-time work with no class work. Which is why we essentially "go to school" year round: 6 months of work and 6 months of school a year. The extra course work to balance out the program occurs at the front and back ends, so you end up with roughly the same amount of time spent in the classroom as in a normal non-co-op school.

Gosh that's rough. Forcing you to work while carrying a course load? Sounds like a bad idea for all parties.

Mar 26, 07 12:15 am  · 

What do you mean, it makes you look like a floozy? Those of us who have been fortunate enough to spend entire weekends drunk with you know for sure that you indeed are one.

I'm starting to get nervous about what the coming week will bring. UW told me I'll hear from them sometime this week, and Pratt said (two weeks ago) 'sometime next week or the week after'. I also expect SCAD's financial aid package, though I'm anticipating that a bit less than the rest, but it will be nice to get an indicator of how much a school would think I need and/or am worth.

Mar 26, 07 12:16 am  · 

WonderK- I worked 16-20 hours a week for three years of my B.Arch while carrying a full to full-ish course load (13-17 units, I let myself have a break fifth year because I could). It was hard, but I am now an expert in time management.

Mar 26, 07 12:17 am  · 

Damn it! My true self is revealed by someone I have actually met!

rationalist, the only reason that you were able to do that is because you are a superhero. Most people do not have those kinds of time management skillz. They shouldn't even try in fact, they might hurt themselves.

Mar 26, 07 12:24 am  · 

I hear you on that... Although I'm in a BA program, I've been working 26-30 hours per week while taking a course load of 15-17 hours... damn family businesses. Although I definitely have some great time management skills, I find it ironic that I can't figure out what to do with myself when I have nothing on my plate.

Mar 26, 07 12:24 am  · 

When you graduate, you'll figure it out. I did practically nothing today other than eat yummy healthy food and go to the gym, and it was lovely. It was my reward to myself to compensate for the stress of travelling two weekends in a row.

Mar 26, 07 12:30 am  · 

as someone who met both rationalist and wonderK, all I can say is




POTATOTIME. (WK hung out with me when I was carrying 8lb of mashed potatoes I just made...)

Mar 26, 07 1:26 am  · 


I heart you because you heart NY.

I moved there Sept. 4th 2001. very painful still. The inspiring thing was how the city pulled together during that mess. I love New York. I love New Yorkers. Go Yankees!

Mar 26, 07 1:51 am  · 


please stop selling me on UC. I am getting very afraid that I will end up in Ohio.

Mar 26, 07 1:53 am  · 


Up yours, buddy!

Mar 26, 07 1:54 am  · 

your thread count.

Mar 26, 07 1:55 am  · 

... up your thread count.

Mar 26, 07 1:55 am  · 

Moba, I'm an M.Arch II going to Cambridge on the going to NYC on the 9th?

Mar 26, 07 2:07 am  · 

Did anyone else who got into GSD got their student works book yet? Cuz I didn't.

Mar 26, 07 2:07 am  · 

So... who's going to the UCLA open house?

Mar 26, 07 2:17 am  · 

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