
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Oh San Diego right?

Mar 24, 07 9:30 pm  · 

Texas has better mexican food than Mexico.

Mar 24, 07 9:37 pm  · 

would that be Texico? :)

and yes SD is full of mexican food.
In fact, its the only option for the most part.
I'm bloody sick of it.

(thank you for the compliments)

Mar 24, 07 9:40 pm  · 

I could use some mole and a good margarita right about now

Mar 24, 07 9:42 pm  · 

I make the best margaritas I've ever had. No shit. I worked on the recipe for like a month. Maybe I'll throw an archinect margarita party soon.

Mar 24, 07 9:47 pm  · 

Oh well, I guess we're not going to have any more news until next week. I wonder if MIT notified but none of us were accepted. Guess we'll find out next week.

Mar 24, 07 9:49 pm  · 


Tennis = Good way of blowing off steam after thin envelopes/generic email rejections (especially if you and your friends really suck and end up laughing a lot)

Giant burrito after tennis = Pain

Mar 24, 07 9:52 pm  · 

FYI (#2):
I'm 99% going to UCLA MArch I next year as is twotwotwo and it's going to be wonderful. So for those of you who are considering going, it's going to be a rockin' good time. Just sayin'.

Mar 24, 07 9:59 pm  · 

I applied to Yale, Columbia and Harvard AP.

I've been accepted at Yale and Columbia but so far no word from the GSD.

Apparently GSD has already started recruiting students?

I sat down for a long time with a professor to weigh the merits of each school I've applied to. He said that Columbia in his opinion might be a better choice for me over Yale because of superior location (more fun, more opportunity), vanguard academic culture, fewer "fan boys" and he suggested that in going to Columbia I'd be "starting over" whereas Yale would be a continuation on a higher plane of my current academic experience; his insinuation being that I'd grow more if I "threw myself to the lions."

Ultimately he said that the Yale name wasn't so much stronger than that of Columbia to outweigh the benefits of NYC.

He did say that Harvard and the GSD are on another plane altogether. He wasn't describing the perception of these schools from our perspective, on the inside, but from outside- and further, that the students you'd be rubbing shoulders with at Harvard were an outstanding source of future clients. He said that if you don't get a degree from Harvard there'll always be this glass wall between you and some opportunities- what exactly he meant by that he didn't say- he has a tendency to ramble.

So, really, how powerful is a name?

How valuable is location?

What merit lies in challenging yourself with new avenues of thought versus excelling in areas you're already accomplished in?

How do you quantify the intangibles?

These are the questions I'm asking and I haven't even brought money into it yet.

Any insight is appreciated.

Mar 24, 07 10:05 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

oh man bond, so by getting rejected from gsd i'll always be left out of this elite club? even though i'm in yale and columbia? ouch. time to go into investment banking and forget this shiznit.

Mar 24, 07 10:08 pm  · 

F%#$! now i have to resort to plan B.

Plan A - get into harvard and join the fancy people club.

Plan B - wait for my friends in the film industry to get rich and famous and use them as clients... and go to fun parties with lots of cocaine.

Mar 24, 07 10:14 pm  · 

sorry JBond. that was a serious question but i (frankly) have no idea how it works and felt like posting anyway.

Mar 24, 07 10:15 pm  · 

Does anyone know if J.J. Jackman at Sci-ARC is a Mr. or a Ms.? I'm tempted to just address my email, "Dear JJ," but something tells me that is a bit too casual.

Mar 24, 07 10:16 pm  · 

Jbond, i got the same acceptances that you got, and am still waiting in GSD AP. I think it's the place to be.

Mar 24, 07 10:20 pm  · 

shit JBond! if that is true that is really depressing and since it is really depressing it probably is true.

Mar 24, 07 10:26 pm  · 

On the brightside, doesn't the wonderful world of archinect allow us to hobnob with the fancypants at the GSD?

Mar 24, 07 10:27 pm  · 

so JJ Jackman? She or he?

Mar 24, 07 10:28 pm  · 

I guess rather sheepishly I find many of my concerns already thoroughly addressed on this thread that I missed earlier:

I like to think you're right miami-

I'm trying hard not to buy into the paranoia that since I haven't heard yet that's a bad sign- we'll see though

Mar 25, 07 12:00 am  · 

Well, after getting accepatnce into Yale and Columbia ...makes speculating much over GSD acceptance sounds a bit whiney.

Mar 25, 07 12:16 am  · 

Sorry..I am just bitter..ahaha

Mar 25, 07 12:43 am  · 

my you guys have been through a bunch of pages while I was away.... congratulations to all who've gotten good news in the past three days, particularly WonderK and nambypambics.

All I've gotten in the past three days were a misleading email, and a bridal bouquet which made people feel entitled to ask prying questions about my lovelife. So definitely no good news here.

Mar 25, 07 12:46 am  · 

oooohh... rationalist.. so... how's the love life? you have anything exciting you'd like to share?

Mar 25, 07 2:01 am  · 

rationalist that was from me SHHHHHH!

Mar 25, 07 2:35 am  · 

haha. No, the misleading email was from CCA. The sender, title, etc. were vague enough that I thought I was getting accepted to another program, when it turned out that I was getting invited to the open house for a program I already knew I was accepted to.

The bridal bouquet was from my newly married friend in Phx. I agreed to stand there during the bouquet toss if another friend would too, and while the younger girls were scrambling over it, it bounced out of their hands and landed right on me. Silly tradition, but now I've got some lovely roses making my apartment happier (until the bf gets home, sees them, and freaks out predictably).

Mar 25, 07 3:38 am  · 

So today in the mail I recieved a package from the GSD that had a copy of their 03-05 studio works in it..... good toliet reading.

Also picked up my plane ticket to the open house on the 6th. Who else is going to be taking cambridge in at the same time? (especially MArch II's)

Mar 25, 07 3:39 am  · 

Congratulations to everyone! And for those still waiting, I feel your anxiety... This will all be over in a week. .....right?

Here's my scorecard:

M.Arch I (no arch background whatsoever)

UW Seattle - accepted
Berkeley - accepted
UCLA - accepted
Penn - no word yet, but optimistic

Mar 25, 07 4:31 am  · 


what's your top choice?

Mar 25, 07 5:17 am  · 

i got in Berkeley too. Better place / facility than Penn. I'd go there.

Mar 25, 07 5:19 am  · 

or take a year off. make some $

Mar 25, 07 5:21 am  · 

either ucla or berkley. Maybe leaning toward berkeley now, but that could all change by tmr.. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to save up $120k if I took a year off to go to Penn.
Be sure to post your thoughts on the open house at berkeley if you make it there. I can't go.

Mar 25, 07 5:29 am  · 


Berkeley is a good place to live. SF bay is nice. I'm from the area. I mean... UPenn is good, but 120K for 3 years. Dude... that's crazy. I visited Upenn back in Sept 2006. Their facility is not that good. An old ass building... nothing specail.

I lived in the city of Berkeley back in summer 2000. Very chill place. I mean it's California. You know it... The weather is super. UPenn? freaking cold dude...

Both of them Penn and Berkeley are good schools. But for lifestyle... place to live. For sure, SF Bay area. Many many arch firm across the bay bridge too. I can't tell you anything about UCLA coz I have never visited their campus. But i can tell you this. The weather is super super super.

It's a tough call. Both places are good. For me, i would choose SF. coz i'm from Nor Cal. I'm not sure about the So Cal stuff... those wanna be lovers... gangstas... air pollution... the whole hollywood bullshit... I would rather live in Berkeley and have my organic food.

Some of these so cal people are going to bitch at me for sure. why don't you ask them. Good luck.

Mar 25, 07 5:57 am  · 

also.... i visited Berkeley architecture a few times. The facility is not bad. Two words to describe the exterior: boring concrete.

Mar 25, 07 6:03 am  · 

No need to ask.. I'm one of them. That's right, I'm a gangsta.
nah.. but I did some undergrad study at UCLA and loved the school.

You're right - location is the major consideration at this point. Thanks for the tips.

And of course I was kidding about paying $120k for a 3 year degree. I mean, who in their right mind wou.....

Mar 25, 07 6:05 am  · 

Ann, Just write to "Professor Jackman," saves the hassle, no?

Mar 25, 07 8:40 am  · 

Financial aid information came in this weekend for both GSD and Yale. Numerically, GSD is more. But I'm thinking given cost of living, tuition, etc, they are pretty much even. GSAPP's offer was unfortunately much, much lower; I'm not sure it can really stay in the running at this point, on financial grounds. We'll see. It's disappointing to potentially rule out a program for no other reason than they couldn't make a comparable offer for a little help.

Mar 25, 07 8:48 am  · 

I couldn't find a response to the question of whether the domestic GSD packages are being sent USPS or FedEx? Could anyone enlighten me? I only ask because FedEx wont deliver to my POBox and will send anything back if not picked up from their facility (which is ridiculously far away) within a week…and I'm on spring break for a little over a week. I'd rather have a package waiting for me than a slip telling me they sent it back.

Mar 25, 07 9:44 am  · 

usps priority mail

Mar 25, 07 10:03 am  · 

Don't want to light a fire here or anything, but while there's a lull in the action can someone tell me why Yales site is seeming to regress into something rivaling a ppt. prez? I mean, they used to have a good site, who's bright idea was that new contraption? Awful. Again, sorry to ligtht fires.

Mar 25, 07 10:59 am  · 

Were you guy's acceptances "certified" USPS? Or just sitting in your box.

Mar 25, 07 11:09 am  · 


hey dude. if you got 120K for UPenn. Jesus, take us out party before you pay them.

so you know a little bit about UCLA. that's good. Well, Berkeley or LA..... Close your eyes and pick one.

Mar 25, 07 1:41 pm  · 

This is frocoli's friend Gaedorae. Just wanted to let everyone know that Frocoli lives and dies for this forum. She is so hooked on this forum i am starting to think it is like drugs. You guys should be lucky to have such a dedicated forumer. Anyhow, good luck with school everyone. And rememeber, Gaedorae is the most tested drink on earth.

Mar 25, 07 1:48 pm  · 

FROCCLI. are you a kid? This is the last thng I'm going to say about you. Period. Break Legs.

Mar 25, 07 1:54 pm  · 

sorry, gaedorae didn't get crack last night

also got gsd's fin aid offer last night. it was mostly loans and some grants + work study. does anyone know how workstudy works?

still waiting for fin aid from three more schools.

how much do people think is reasonable to take out in loans per year? including perkins, stafford, grad plus etc.

tokyo, a lot of my friends at gsapp were able to get a lot more money when they asked for it and indicated they had better offers from other schools. if you're serious about gsapp, you should definitely call them up.

Mar 25, 07 2:00 pm  · 

design, my friend hijacked my computer

Mar 25, 07 2:01 pm  · 


I thought of that, but I don't think he/she is a professor. I don't really want to write "Dear Admissions Administrator Jackman." so again does anyone know as to the gender of JJ Jackman at SCI-Arc?

Mar 25, 07 2:01 pm  · 

good luck to everyone still waiting to hear back this week. i still have one school to hear back from. anyone apply to Carnegie Mellon???

i am also starting to go through the financial aid packages i have received so far...i have a scholarship from a foundation outside of the schools i applied for, but i still need living expenses.
watch out before you start accepting those students loans... anyone check the "salary poll" lately...

haha maybe that shouldve been checked BEFORE applying to grad school...

Mar 25, 07 2:02 pm  · 

It was suggested to me, and I hesitate to say it because ultimately I'm competing with all of you for the same $, but that it's not unheard of to actually call up a school and tell them "look, Yale is giving me twice what you are. I'm really interested in your program but your current offer isn't making it possible." - or something of that sort in order to leverage a better financial aid offer.

I intend on trying this with Columbia once I receive their official aid package.

Mar 25, 07 3:00 pm  · 

ann culture: J. Jackman is a man.

Mar 25, 07 3:09 pm  · 

Jbond, I think we are all going to be doing something of the sort if necessary.

autonomous, I applied to CMU for their M. of Sustainable Design, and I have also not heard anything back. I wrote last week to ask when I might hear from them and they did not respond to me at all.

Mar 25, 07 3:12 pm  · 

If one of the programs at the top of my list is almost there, but just not quite making it financially, I'll definitely try it. But I don't think I'd bother if they weren't anywhere near what I need.

Mar 25, 07 4:58 pm  · 

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