
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Congrats rationalist! That's awesome news!

Mar 9, 07 1:03 pm  · 

Clemson- MFA Graphic Design

twotwotwo- SMC seems to specialize in courses that transfer. They have worked with all the Cal State's and UC's (including UCLA and Berkeley), as well as USC to develop whole lists of courses that transfer to those schools. So if what you're trying to do is take your pre-req's for UCLA or Berkeley, then SMC is probably just about the best situation you could find.

Mar 9, 07 1:11 pm  · 

I'm taking pre-cal and physics right now, and there is a lab for physics. I don't think you can take physics online...

UT Austin will not let you register for M.Arch. classes unless you have completed physics I & II and Calculus. I believe other schools only require Precal and Physics I.

Mar 9, 07 1:12 pm  · 

congrats rationalist! hope you luck out and get more money.

i got lucky (although i didn't think so at the time) and was required to take two calc classes and physics. that's what you get for going to ga tech.

this waiting process is driving me crazy!

Mar 9, 07 1:33 pm  · 

Physics 1 and 2? Thats news to me. How many people with undergrad arch had to take physics 2?

Mar 9, 07 1:35 pm  · 

Berkeley:Students admitted to the Option 3 program are required to have taken one semester of college-level calculus and one semester of college-level physics that includes the principles of mechanics. We will accept a physics course taken without a lab. These prerequisites must be completed by the time you enter, not apply to, the graduate program. At the very latest, you must take the courses in the summer preceding fall semester entry. We will accept a calculus or physics course from any community college or university. Students must pass these courses with a grade of at least a C minus. Online courses are not acceptable.

Harvard:A minimum of a one-semester, college-level course in
calculus or higher-level mathematics and a one-semester, college-level
course in physics, preferably in mechanics, is required. A minimum of
two semesters of college-level survey courses in the history of art and/or
architecture, preferably covering the ancient to modern periods, is also
required. Applicants must achieve a grade of B or better in each of these
courses. Please note that while the GSD requires only one
semester of each for admission, it is strongly recommended that
applicants complete one year of calculus and physics.

Columbia:To fulfill the prerequisites for the Building Technologies Course Sequence, all applicants must have completed a 3-point course in general physics or two 3-point calculus courses.

UCLA: Entry into the program is therefore conditional on having taken at least one college-level course in each of the following areas: Newtonian physics, mathematics (algebra plus geometry or trigonometry), a survey in the History of Architecture (minimum 1 semester or 2 quarters) that covers antiquity to the present, and drawing or basic design.

Mar 9, 07 1:38 pm  · 

great news rationalist!! huge congratulations to you.

fortunately i have all my pre-reqs out of the all i need is to get in somewhere!

222, SMC is very highly regarded as far as LA community colleges go. took my drawing pre-req and some graphic design courses there a few years back. el camino college in torrance is pretty decent as well (took my arch history pre-req and an intro to arch design class there)

Mar 9, 07 1:39 pm  · 

i agree with you lauren, i definitely didn't appreciate having to take calc 1 and 2 while at ga tech, but it sure is paying off now since we don't have to worry about that aspect of this process. i have plenty of other things i'm obsessing about!!!

Mar 9, 07 1:45 pm  · 

I copied those from MArch1 Admissions.

Mar 9, 07 2:01 pm  · 

oh and for anyone who might be applying to cincinnati, i broke down and called them. letters should be sent out in a week to 10 days...

Mar 9, 07 2:01 pm  · 

has anyone heard anything from arizona yet?

Mar 9, 07 2:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ugh... I've pretty much resigned myself to the idea that I won't be getting any news today.

Mar 9, 07 3:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I haven't heard diddly-squat from Arizona yet. But then, I didn't apply there.

Mar 9, 07 3:13 pm  · 

well, i guess not applying there would drastically reduce your chances of hearing anything about acceptance from them!

Mar 9, 07 3:18 pm  · 

Ooh, that'd be nice to hear from a school I didn't even apply to. "Hello Ms. OutsideDream, this is Harvard calling. We know you didn't apply to our program, but your portfolio is simply so incredible that it has been passed around to many architecture programs throughout the country. We received it and had to offer you admission along with 100% tuition remission and a $5,000 monthly stipend."

Mar 9, 07 3:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Actually, I got a letter from IIT the other day, and I hadn't applied there. I've apparently been invited to become a member of the Mies Van Der Rohe Society.

Mar 9, 07 3:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Mar 9, 07 3:49 pm  · 

brightside, where are you located? Let me know if you hear from CCA today, since I'm guessing you get to check your mail before I do (west coast time).

Mar 9, 07 3:51 pm  · 

congrats brightside! i haven't read this thread on cca yet, but i came across it while searching for something else. hope it helps.

Mar 9, 07 4:30 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, I think. :)

Mar 9, 07 4:30 pm  · 

Yay brightside! That would have been horrible if they had refused to give you your information. Very tempting to call up all my schools and tell them my mailbox got firebombed and I won't get a new one for at least a month and I can't receive letters so they should tell me over the phone if I'm accepted.

Think they'd buy that?

Mar 9, 07 4:36 pm  · 

Gin -- thanks for sharing your P+W experience back there btw.

t-minus 3 hours to drinkin' (PDT)

Mar 9, 07 4:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

It's getting close to the end of the work week on the east coast, and I still haven't heard anything. Regarding Cornell, I'm somewhat consoled by the fact that their "final deadline for consideration" isn't until March 30th, so I seriously doubt they could have made all their admissions decisions by now.

Being a firm believer in Murphy's Law, maybe I should go ahead and start acting on my fallback plan by getting a job in NYC and putting down a deposit on an apartment there. That would likely ensure that admissions letters from every school I applied to (except maybe Columbia) would soon come rolling in.

Mar 9, 07 4:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

How's this for obsessive? I've set up filters on my Yahoo mail account to automatically send a message to my cell phone if I get any email from,,,, or domains.

Bad news is, I discovered that my spam folder was set to automatically delete any suspected spam messages, not giving me a chance to periodically make sure that I wasn't missing any legitimate emails. If anything from any of these schools has inadvertently been flagged as spam before today, it's gone forever.

Now I just need to install some sort of optical scanning device on my mailbox at home that sends a message to my cell phone if I get any mail from Cornell, Harvard, et al.

Mar 9, 07 4:58 pm  · 

brightside- I don't know about the program (since I was looking at a different one within the school), but the facilities at CCA rock. Architecture is in the San Francisco building with the other design (industrial, graphic, interior, furniture) disciplines. The main building in San Fran is very large, open, and green. Lots of light everywhere, everyone seems to get their own desk, and I noticed resources libraries for books and materials and such scattered throughout the design areas. There is a well-equipped woodshop very near the architecture studios, also a 3D printer and laser cutter at extremely cheap rates. Literally, you must just be paying for the electricity to run the machines, because I asked how much things that were sitting out cost and the answers all came back in cents or low dollars (like $5 and under). I liked that because it made it feel like they weren't trying to screw you for every penny you've got.

CCA is in the process of building a new 'grad center' accross the street from the main building, that houses individual grad studios. When I visited last October, they were still in the process of allocating space and were not sure whether design students would get individual or paired studios in there, or stay in large group studios. All the fine arts grads have individual studios to work in, which are about 8'x10' each, no door (but several people improvised). This is something I'm planning to ask about now that they've had some time to work that sort of thing out. The grad center was scheduled to open by the Fall 2007 semester.

The drawbacks on facilities include parking and housing. They have no parking garage, and every student is expected to commute by alternative transportation (public, bike, skateboard, feet, etc.). This will be fine most of the time, but I can see how it could suck when you're on a deadline. The only housing for grad students is rented from SFSU, and all housing in the area is $$$$$$$.

Mar 9, 07 5:23 pm  · 

oh, and CONGRATULATIONS brightside! I hope I get my big fat envelope soon.

Mar 9, 07 5:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Looks like some Harvard and Columbia admissions have started coming in, according to site. Notifications have apparently been via email.

In other news, I just got an email telling me that I've been awarded a $1000 scholarship for my spring quarter at DePaul. It's small potatoes, but it makes things much easier for me as I finish up my BA degree.

Mar 9, 07 5:27 pm  · 

You Americans get mail delivery on Saturdays, don't you?

I hadn't gotten any mail in the mailbox for about a week previous to today.... then, the natural gas bill came today, and all was right with the world.


Remember to breathe this weekend, kids.

Mar 9, 07 5:49 pm  · 

Another day home from the office, another empty mailbox. Again, not even any junk mail. What is the world coming to?

Mar 9, 07 5:55 pm  · 

I just got my official acceptance in the mail from UMich. It came wrapped in an apron... WTF?!! And I didnt get any scholarship. FUCK! DMC, you're so freakin lucky. you must have done really really well do get that 30k scholarship. Still waiting for Pratt and GSD.

Mar 9, 07 5:56 pm  · 

damnit, I just looked on the SCAD website at their fellowship guidelines, and apparently I'd have to retake the GRE (and raise my verbal score 10 points) to even have a SHOT at the $15,000 fellowship, which is as high as they go. So apparently it wasn't my portfolio that kept me at the 10k level at all, but the fact that I got a 590 instead of a 600 on the GRE verbal.

Is it worth it, considering there's no guarantee that a raised score = more money? Should I wait until I've got my other options lined up before deciding whether to attempt it?

Mar 9, 07 6:33 pm  · 

Thats a tough one rationalist. I want to say that no amount of money is worth going through the GRE again.....but it is $5,000. Is that renewable each year or semester or whatever?

Mar 9, 07 6:38 pm  · 

each year, as long as I keep a 3.0 I believe.

They don't send out the actual financial aid packages until mid-late march, so I don't know whether I got anything need-based on top of that or not. So I'm considering waiting for that as well, but then the longer I wait the less chance there is that they'll have an extra 5k/year left for me.... I'm confused.

Mar 9, 07 6:42 pm  · 

citezen - I got accepted to UMich too and got the same shitty smock, and NO SCHOLARSHIP! Are you still goin up there for the open house?

Anybody get accepted to UIUC? I just got my letter today in the mail, but it didnt mention anything about the cost, or if I received or didnt receive any scholarships. Just wanted to see if anybody else is in the same boat

Mar 9, 07 6:44 pm  · 

rationalist, the GRE is a pain in the ass. And what if you get lower? Does it usurp your previous score completely or what? If not, I would say it is worth $5000 to take it again. There's a lot of "ifs" though.

Mar 9, 07 6:54 pm  · 

congratulations rationalist and brightside! this is getting exciting... but how much longer do i have to waittttt?

Mar 9, 07 7:11 pm  · 

ah yes the UMich apron.....did they also throw in the little plastic toy car? I still have mine sitting on my desk right now for good luck.

Mar 9, 07 7:53 pm  · 

There it is, the UMich acceptance car......
<img src=>
I have no idea what the significance of it is, but I guess they just have a sense of humor at Michigan.

Mar 9, 07 8:10 pm  · 

oops, guess that didn't work

Mar 9, 07 8:10 pm  · 


Mar 9, 07 8:15 pm  · 
Mar 9, 07 8:16 pm  · 

oh man, you beat me to it! i just noticed the code below....

Mar 9, 07 8:17 pm  · 

All this talk about physics and math...... started worrying me.

I am in a weird spot because of the program I applied to. It's a Pre-Master's program, so not technically a Master's, and I already have my BA in a semi-related field. Admission requirements state that I have to meet 'standard admission requirements,' but don't specify whether this means to the graduate program or not. It's not a graduate program until the third year.

Requirements for the graduate program call for something like one math course and one science course.... I have one, but not the other. How this will affect my chances, I don't know. I have no problem taking another course to get the pre-requisite (although I'm not terribly good with any type of math at the university level).


I'm officially giving up hope. That way I won't be disappointed if I don't get accepted, but it would also be a huge surprise if I actually do.

I think I've reached a whole new level of stress. Damn. I guess I haven't totally given up hope, have I?

And now I'm talking to myself. Stepping away from the computer....

Mar 9, 07 8:50 pm  · 

my mail person ia AWOL.

bills remain uncollected from the post box.

Mar 9, 07 9:27 pm  · 

this weekend is going to be tough.... waiting for the huge onslaught of acceptance letters next week ... i would so much rather be scouting craigslist for apartments in a new locale (want to move!!) ...if nothing by the 23rd i'll be totally depressed and swinging the 'back-up plan' into full gear....

Mar 9, 07 9:51 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans

the michigan acceptance pack came with the apron and a little metal scale in it's pocket.. GO BLUE !

Mar 9, 07 10:33 pm  · 

empty mailbox again today, but that was expected after brightside's info. Fingers crossed for tomorrow though, as mail usually only takes one day to get between SF and LA.

Mar 9, 07 11:03 pm  · 

and congratulation on all the Michigan acceptances!

Mar 9, 07 11:04 pm  · 

any international applicants here??

Mar 10, 07 1:14 am  · 

i wonder if i have to wait longer because of airmail delay or if international applicants get notified earlier...

Mar 10, 07 1:16 am  · 

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