
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


nicey, see also:

Little in the middle but she got much back. ;)

Mar 5, 07 6:25 pm  · 

mctwist: thank you for visiting my site.

I'm out. I'm going to the golf course. Enjoy life before hell in graduate school.

Mar 5, 07 6:33 pm  · 

"Did I get in to ______?"

Ask the Ouija board...

Mar 5, 07 6:46 pm  · 

That's pretty evil, namby! I told me that my interview with UW would not go well, and I would not get in. I will also not be getting into Pratt, but will be admitted to the rest of the schools I applied for, and recieve a substantial (but not full) scholarship somewhere.

Mar 5, 07 7:00 pm  · 

ugh this ouija board is my arch nemesis. it said i would get rejected from about five schools. i refrained from asking about the sixth for fear of becoming suicidal.

Mar 5, 07 7:06 pm  · 

ouch! And I thought the answers it gave me kind of sucked. Obviously, this Ouija board thing is a piece of crap.

Mar 5, 07 7:26 pm  · 

I find solace in the fact that other people are also becoming lunatics from this process. My portfolio included my paintings- a group of work that has a lot of purple in it. I am working at an arch firm and recently used purple on a site plan. The designers were distressed by my choice of color… they hated the purple.

If I am rejected across the board- I will blame purple.

Mar 5, 07 7:31 pm  · 

My ouija said I'd get in everywhere but Princeton...

But it also told my pregnant, maritally faithful Caucasian friend and her Caucasian husband "Yes" when they asked it "Will our baby be black?" :)

Mar 5, 07 7:34 pm  · 

Update: it's also said "Yes" to both questions, "Will the baby be a boy?" and "Will the baby be a girl?"

So I'm not counting on the answers unless she pops out a racially impossible hermaphrodite in 7 months. Thankfully we'll know the truth about our own questions before that.

Mar 5, 07 7:36 pm  · 

I kept asking the ouija the same question until it gave me the answer that I wanted......wooohooohooohooohaaahhaaahahaha!!!!!!!

Mar 5, 07 8:34 pm  · 

*sigh* another day: no calls, no mail, no email. No news.

Mar 5, 07 9:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Same here. My single phone call today was a wrong number, and I haven't gotten a single email that wasn't spam or work-related. Nothing in the mailbox for me except a few bills.

If I can make it through this month without losing my sanity and/or getting fired from my job, it will be a miracle.

Mar 5, 07 9:06 pm  · 

I thought I got an acceptance/rejection letter from UC Denver...but it turns out I just forgot to send my financial aid form. I hate that feeling of absolute trepidation between the moment you see a letter from a school, and the time it takes to open the envelope and see what's inside.

Mar 5, 07 9:20 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

Anyone know when the Columbia open house is? I'm trying to plan my April, and am hoping for an acceptance from them...

Mar 5, 07 9:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Somebody posted some open house dates a few days ago, but I can't remember which thread or where it was.

Mar 5, 07 9:58 pm  · 

froccli, i know i'm late with this response, but that sucks about parsons! :( hopefully the awesome school you get into will make up for parsons being dumb (and not even informing you that anything was missing either!)

Mar 6, 07 1:33 am  · 

OutsideDream- I got that yesterday. There was a small envelope in the mailbox that was obviously a form letter (tear-off sides and everything) from SCAD. I was convinced I had gotten rejected, was going, "how could this happen?".... and it was a letter requesting that I send them that stupid loan application.

Mar 6, 07 1:58 am  · 

man... checking this thread once a day means it's impossible to get caught up with everything hahaha :P

FROCCLI, i echo namby's and everyone else's reaction (millions of !!'s included) to the parsons deal. that is beyond sucky that they never even informed you that your application was missing stuff =/! gRR! hopefully you'll get into some other schools and can write your own "rejection" letter of Parsons too telling them you don't want to go there ANYway! harumph!

in an attempt to be concise:
Type B (score: 169)

GRE Score
Verbal: 690
Math: 760
Writing: 4 (38th percentile or something like that, i had no idea what to write about and forgot what it's like to write a lucid composition under time constraints)

wgp3 - just wondering, what's your first choice for school? i'm also interested in urban design, and considered both maryland and uwash as well, but decided to sit on a big pot of berkeley that can either go up in smoke or ...yeah, i'm going to end this sentence now since it makes no sense.

I just made a movie of my friends snowboarding using iMovie & iDVD though haha the menus are more fun to watch than the movie itself!
::cowers in shame in case any other former film majors are reading this thread:: yup, this is how i pass the time at work. or we draw cartoons. does anyone want to speak/learn japanese? i could contribute more to this thread that way i feel hahahaha. i'm going to go read that link on synesthesia now.

Mar 6, 07 2:13 am  · 

oops -- i completely missed that there was a page 21... which is why i double posted cause i thought my first response didn't show up hahahahaha

Mar 6, 07 2:14 am  · 

which makes me also want to add --- you guys post like crazy!!!! i give up! i will go back to just reading until march 21 now haha.

Mar 6, 07 2:16 am  · 

and if you're curious to see a very cluttered and not clean-line portfolio that will make you feel better about your portfolio and say "phew! so glad i didn't do what she did!" ... i'll post it one of these days. :P like, in april.

Mar 6, 07 2:25 am  · 

did anyone get acceptance from gsapp?

Mar 6, 07 2:43 am  · 

Beautiful morning to everyone! I expect that today will bring good news to many of us.

Mar 6, 07 7:27 am  · 
Living in Gin

One can only hope...

Mar 6, 07 7:50 am  · 

Good morning everyone! Let us all get acceptance letters to the school of our dreams today! For those of you who were asking about the information they sent me it says that they mail out letters on April 1 (I guess they want to notify everyone at the same time, [sigh]) and I just read on their arch admissions page that they will be holding an open house for all admitted students in early April.....exact dates and itinerary to be included in your acceptance packet.

Mar 6, 07 8:24 am  · 
Fallon James

I got accepted to UCLA this morning. The ironically sent out e-mails that resembled the denial e-mails described in last year posts.
Dear Applicant:

A decision has been made on your application for Architecture for Fall

If you have not already done so, please log in at the following link to
check your decision status: and select Decision Status at the bottom of the page

But this year its links to an acceptance letter. I am so excited to finally hear back and glad the wait is finally over.

Mar 6, 07 10:12 am  · 

That's interesting about UCLA. They called me yesterday with an acceptance, which is great. But I just logged into that gradadmissions link and it still says no decision has been made yet.

Mar 6, 07 10:29 am  · 

But I haven't gotten an email yet so maybe that means they haven't updated anything for me on the computer yet. Blah, I hope that phone call yesterday wasn't some sort of cruel dream.

Mar 6, 07 10:30 am  · 

Congratulations jamediri!

They are starting to roll in now! Excellent.

Mar 6, 07 10:33 am  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, jamediri!

Now I'm wishing I had applied to UCLA just so I could possibly have at least one acceptance under my belt so early in the month!

Mar 6, 07 10:40 am  · 
Fallon James

yeah not sure 222 why it hasn't updated for you. I have heard from previous applicants/students that sometimes they are not the most on top of updating there website. 222 Do you have any idea when they are expecting a decision?

Mar 6, 07 10:48 am  · 

congrats to the ucla peeps!

to the michigan applicants, are we hearing this week or next?

Mar 6, 07 10:48 am  · 

From what I have been told UCLA's architecture program doesn't use the grad website at all.

Mar 6, 07 10:55 am  · 
Fallon James

thats funny because they did last year if you really look at the postings

Mar 6, 07 11:08 am  · 

seopee - top choices for me go between michigan and uva. i'm applying to the dual march/mud at michigan which would be a great fit for my interests if i get in. however, after meeting w/ faculty at uva - i feel like it's also a place where my ideas about the city, etc.. would be fostered, challenged even more so because it's a smaller program. i also like the idea of being further east - i'm apprehensive about being in michigan for 2 or 3 years (3 if i end up doing the dual)

at this point though - i'm not in at either place so we'll see what happens.

Mar 6, 07 11:09 am  · 

nicey - michigans admissions blog says "by the first week in march." from the last post on feb 15. which means my productivity has gone down the toilet this week as all my time is dedicated to hitting the refresh button in my e-mail and this page.

Mar 6, 07 11:36 am  · 
Chase Dammtor

i got in to march 1

Mar 6, 07 11:39 am  · 

michigan's bringing in young, progressive faculty - uva's a little too stodgy for me.

Mar 6, 07 11:44 am  · 

kristin_kai - i'm in the same situation as you.

Website says they haven't received anything (But I got a confirmation email saying they did). Haven't got a call or an email.

Mar 6, 07 11:56 am  · 

Wow, this thread is growing like cancer.

Should be renamed the anxiety machine.

Congrats to all who have received acceptances so far and good luck to everyone who is still waiting to hear.


Mar 6, 07 11:58 am  · 

does anyone know when the MArch I program at UCLA begins?

Mar 6, 07 11:59 am  · 
Fallon James

I got into March 1

Mar 6, 07 12:01 pm  · 

michigan - if it's anything like their other schools, it will say on wolverine access "decision made" and then a letter will arrive in the mail a couple days later... which is annoying and vague.

maybe the tcaup does it differently...?

Mar 6, 07 12:01 pm  · 

if anyone else is applying to u fl like me, i just talked to them on friday and they haven't even started looking over stuff (apparently) "the commitee will be meeting soon."

as a warning: i would also check to make sure everything is in now. they claimed they didn't have my transcripts (sent way back in january), but then when actually looking through it, discovered it was there, but somehow not connected to the rest of my file.

were they ever going to contact me on this?

guess i should have double-checked, but still! i did get lucky in the end.

anyone heard anything from cincinnati?

Mar 6, 07 12:07 pm  · 
Fallon James

Nicey, my best advice with tcaup is be persistent... I called a lot undergrad to see when they were sending letters out and make sure that everything was in and they appreciated the persistence... and actually called me the day that letters came out to let me know that I had gotten in.

Mar 6, 07 12:08 pm  · 

i saw someone posted that the MArch I program at UCLA begins in the summer. i was wondering if anyone knows exactly when

Mar 6, 07 12:10 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

ucla doesn't start until the last week of september

Mar 6, 07 12:10 pm  · 
Fallon James

chase do you know when you have to decide if you are going or not by?

Mar 6, 07 12:11 pm  · 

got into UPenn's city planning program (undergrad B.Aarch)

Can i post that here? =) I like this thread better than the other =)

Mar 6, 07 12:22 pm  · 

yep, congrats to all you lucky people. Damn I'm nervous.

Pratt never freaking called me back yesterday, either.

Mar 6, 07 12:34 pm  · 

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