
"We Want Holl!" News Clarification....


Though we lament the unceremonious dismissal of Architect Steven Holl and are disappointed over the unfortunate turn of events at the Denver Justice Center Project, we are neither "angry" nor "enraged" nor do we blame any particular group(s) or individual(s).

We are a group of young local Architects, FreeDesign, who together with Deproduction Drive-in, a local organization who provides production services & media education to empower individuals and community-focused organizations, hoping to help to bring about constructive dialogues on the subject of Design to our City. Please visit for more information.

We hope to see you this Thursday night at 8:00 pm and hope that you can join us in helping to make our elected city leaders once again aspire to great Design and to raise the level of Design consciousness in Denver.

Press release information below:

DENVER, October 16, 2006/ --The excitement and pride over the recent opening of Denver Art Museum Hamilton Building, a world class museum, a wonderful public plaza and an amazing joint civic and public achievement highlights the immense tragedy that has recently unfolded at the Denver Justice Center. With much promise, and through a public process, the City hired an Architect who would deliver a Courthouse building worthy of international acclaim. That possibility has been greatly diminished through the unceremonious dismissal of Architect Steven Holl.

We are a group of Denver residents who lament :

●the loss of Civic Aspiration

●the loss of Trust in Public Process

●the loss of Opportunity for Visionary Architecture

●the loss of Architect Steven Holl

●the loss of Accountability by our City Leaders and their appointed Staff

Buildings like the DAM only happen through visionary leadership that believes that temporary difficulties and differences should be negotiated towards the long term goals and benefits of a well designed and inclusive City that inspires the Public soul.

As commentary on the recent events, we will be projecting Steven Holl's presentation of his design proposal for the Courthouse building on the west facing facade of the Denver Art Museum Hamilton Building this coming Thursday October 19th Thursday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Please join us in viewing and helping to broadcast the amazing Architecture that might have been. Please also join us in the hope for a future Courthouse that current and future Elected City Officials will once again aspire to deliver great buildings to the Public Realm in future Civic constructions.

The Citizens of Denver deserve better than the tragedy and erosion of public process that has unfolded at the Justice Center.

Oct 18, 06 11:04 am

good design should never be reduced to nor equated with the star architects that are producing the architectural zoo that is the civic center in denver. the departure of steven holl is only as flawed as the decision to hire an architect whose practice habits drives him away (either by his own will or by being fired) from the fiduciary responsibilities of as many important projects as he takes. if you are demanding accountability amongst the porject leaders in the city, you must also regonize the failed fiduciary responibilities of this architect as well. if you did not see this coming, you do not familiar enough with holl's pofessional pratice history. architects are not victims, they are as capable and as culpable as anyone else in the process.

Oct 18, 06 11:45 am  · 

I commend Denver's decision to fire an arrogant prick cry baby like Holl. They ought to recoup their costs to and sue his ass when the building is done.

Oct 18, 06 12:14 pm  · 

Makes me think of the Unfortunate Douglas Cardinal. When he designed the Native American Museum for the Smithsonian. He was dismissed in favor of the guys who did Bill Clinton's Library. Oh ya this did all take place during the Bill Clinton Administration. When the project was completed, they had the balls to ask him to attend the opening ceremony. He did decline the offer on principal.

Oct 18, 06 12:51 pm  · 

there are much better architects then holl- he has only produced one half-decent building in his tenure as starchitech....

denver can do much, much better!

take the mo-fo team in action for the Cornfield park in LA...

Oct 18, 06 12:51 pm  · 

kiasma is nice, but it's in finland.

here's a point: the DAM was supposedly built on budget. whereas the new justice center was (rumored to be) $34 million over budget in the earliest stages of design.

community consciousness of design and all that aside, which one of us wants to pay even more money to our already bloated federal government in order to finance some starchitect's aesthetic fantasies? as if we're on time and under budget in iraq, as if we had money left over from making sure new orleans won't flood again, as if the guy standing next to the onramp is panhandling just because he likes the lifestyle.

make some public spectacle if you feel like it. and then, if you really think steven holl is worth $34 million extra, start raising money. better yet, take that money and start making the million little moves in the community that really improve the architectural quality of a place.

Oct 18, 06 1:43 pm  · 

some very good points made here, but putting aside artisitic preferences for a moment...

the city of denver took great pains in acquiring an architect through a very lengthy public interview process, including presentations by all participating teams [meier, 10 arquitectos, etc.]. the mayor and the public [which approved the budget AND architect selection process through ballot] had huge involvement from the begininning. and now the public input that was so highly regarded was dropped when inexperience and uncertainty plagued the city staff.

and DAM was not built on budget-once the construction budget came in, they opened up the opportunity for private donations. $40 million dollars later were they able to complete the project "on budget". the initial slated budget was $64 million, attesting to the inexperience of denver's city officials on managing projects like these. this does not excuse libeskind from being fiscally aware, but the museum did improve public space from the previous condtition.

holl's proposal was barely into 50% schematic phase, and we all know that A LOT can change during the remaining design phases. whether or not the project was 30 million[city] over budget or 3 million[holl], the project's screeching halt by city officials so early on is a waste of everyones time and taxpayers dollars. the "lament" is about broken promises, lost potential, and unwillingness to collaborate. the city threw away the same exact guidelines they themselves created, and are not being held accountable for their actions.

also-just to clarify, holl's building was for city/county courts, not federal.

Oct 18, 06 2:30 pm  · 



Oct 18, 06 2:47 pm  · 

seattle at least gets enough rain to wash their windows naturally.

denver unfortunately gets theirs "washed" a few times a year in this desert.

Oct 18, 06 2:54 pm  · 

foot in mouth, readily admitted. maybe i don't have the whole sounded like holl walked, from what i understand. i guess i don't have it right, if holl was literally dismissed or fired. from what i read, he might have been fired had he not quit. mea culpa.

Oct 18, 06 5:35 pm  · 

I heard he is an ass

Oct 18, 06 5:49 pm  · 

you are actually partially right. when the city officials started to feel dis-gruntled, the local firm-klipp-put in a request to the city if they could fire holl [contractually, holl was working for klipp], but of course for the city those terms couldn't apply. so klipp and the city gave him the chance to "resign", and the city officials accepted his resignation.
all parties agreed to this terminology, so no one could be at fault.
but of course there is extreme speculation on how the city & klipp came to the conclusion to get rid of holl. every single account in the papers has been different. it's a sticky trail, but here is a list of articles: blog

Oct 18, 06 5:49 pm  · 

Why do we crown these these people as some sorts of Gods?

Oct 18, 06 6:53 pm  · 

Because they are good?

Oct 18, 06 7:01 pm  · 

I admit Im upset that at my first college - U of Iowa, they tore down our beloved little modernist court yard art studios, nestled in the forest on the river, to build Holl's new shiney building up in the air, no doubt to draw attension from the blinding gehry "laser" building accross the river ( designed as deconstructed farm forms like silos and barns- nice frank, thats like serving chop suey to asian tourists). I guess if your going to be a great univeristy you have to invite mismatched ubertects to come in and turn your campus into a collection of competing kitch and destroy a building designed to house the second largest collection of Pollak paintings outside of NYC, a building scaled to the artworks, made to bring you into them.

Oct 18, 06 7:15 pm  · 

after looking at this project for the first time 5 minutes ago, i personally wouldn't waste my time defending a claustrophobic public plaza, a justice center building overly dressed in artsy fartsy bullshit shadowery that is hard to escape as long as you are in the building or in the vicinity. even when they are deciding how many years you'll have to spend in the slammer, one has to reckon with soothing arts and shadows of architect's genius... i don't think this would be one of mr holl's more successfull buildings.

i am aware of this interstate and some times over the seas imported architects doing museums, libraries and what not.
are we this global? or desperate? why there are only a handful of architects doing these projects? because everybody else is not good enough?

dconscience, why not you get or have a shot at a building project like this?
what is this, steven holl or bust?

i must also say though, that city of denver sounds like one triple size dirty laundry and klipp architects are like mean mover inners. what political dirthouse this must be.

Oct 18, 06 8:34 pm  · 

that is exactly what we are saying, that steven holl is not 'good.' talented yes, but also a pissy, self-preoccupied, primadonna.
if holl was 'good' he would recognize the importance and magnitude of the process, the project, the budget, etc as much as you are asking the city to be accountable for. i have seen places like the Uof Cincinnati campus where these 'stararchitects' have their way with their projects and budgets and the result is a ghetto of objects, not any form of campus or urbanism adn teh object-buildings themselves either don't work or are falling apart. it sends the wrong message. looks good in books, at best.

Oct 19, 06 5:51 am  · 

just posted this in the news item, but then found this thread, too:

holl would be good, imo, if his next project was proof that he could still build a compelling project with a normal budget. architects thrive on constraints, right? can he still function without a bloated budget?

wouldn't it be great if he could? i don't think fighting with denver will help him come out of this unsullied, but i think proving that he can still deliver a decent, budget-driven project would be a good way to kind of thumb his nose at the situation. unless he just can't, which would be depressing....

Oct 19, 06 7:48 am  · 

project by Holl looked like a budget bldg when I visited it last month. I have no idea what the actual budget was, but it was a straight-forward box with some volumes carved out, the material pallette was relatively limited...perhaps not "compelling," but a nice project. The light was beautiful the day we were there...

Oct 19, 06 9:09 am  · 

Why do we look up to starchitects (from above): because they don't compromise.

This was a competition (or interview process, at least), as was DAM. I was surprised they chose Holl when DAM turned him down because they thought they could not work with him - there's a damn documentary on the interview process!

I dunno, it all smells bad to me. Is Holl an arrogant ass? Probably, I've never personally met him. Seems fine in presentations.

Should they have known he'd be hard to work with? Probably, his reputation preceeds him.

Should they have hired someone else? I dunno. I am a big fan of his work. Certainly no one in Denver could approach his vision (no one I know of or have seen) or talent.

Will klipp come out with a good building? Highly, highly doubtful. We'll get another banal building that will look like every other gray box. Sure, it'll function. Sure, it'll come in on budget.
Do I care? Nope. I want something with vision and imagination.

There are few opportunities for quality architecture (and even fewer, it seems, that are capable of creating it). This is a scar on Denver's record, just after DAM opened to much success.

This is shame and I'll hold the city responsible, at least until I know otherwiser (A- they should have worked with Holl or B- they should have hired someone that would jump through their hoops).

The conclusion is that we lost the opportunity for another great building. All I can conclude is that it was politics and power. Hmmm, smells like a small WTC.

dconscience - I'll do my best to be there

Oct 19, 06 9:14 am  · 
vado retro

Perhaps certain buildings should not be works of "art". Without knowing much about the project, it appears to a courthouse and a jail maybe. offices for those who work in field. Although many "starchitects" are doing federal courthouses etc...Does every large project need to be tackled by "the artist architect?" Cant some buildings just be done by corporate firms who may be more effective with certain building types? Perhaps the "artistatect" should concentrate on buildings that exist in a "spiritual" rather than a
"earthly" program.

Oct 19, 06 10:04 am  · 

this thread turned out to be a great one. thanks everyone.

personally i think that the city needs a new starchitect building like i need [another] hole in my head, and i would love to see a competent local architect attain a project like this. unfortunately, it seems the mayor doesn't feel that one exists in denver. it doesn't help that he has become obsessed with competition as the way to select architects, and just because it [kind of] worked for the DAM doesn't mean it will for every project.

and yes-denver has become so global that we feel the need to hire these starchitects. it's sad that we have become so un-inspired towards the local built work, that the city feels the need for the "shock & awe" of the big stars to make denver attractive. there are more than a couple local firms that could have made something solid, but it's definitely more about attitude.

take for example this week's monday night football [sorry, I love comparing architecture with sports]-during the broncos game one of the announcers made a comment that denver was just a big "cowtown"-[which it is]. the mayor got wind of this and was furious-he demanded reparations and blah blah blah just for that comment. and i say: what the hell is wrong with being a cowtown? why not accept it and be the best goddammed cowtown in the US of A. it's a lack of self-identity that plagues this city-and no amount of architecture can change that.

and this is definitely not a "holl or bust" campaign, but rather a chance to comment [and hold a small protest] on the erosion of the design process which the city officials should be held responsible for. the public voted to obtain an architect like holl in a public interview selection, and we are essentially saying: we want to make sure the public is getting what it paid for.

denver went through a huge effort to obtain a "signature" design, and now we have a local firm re-booting the job. if we knew that was going to be the case from the beginning due to budget constraints, etc. i think the approach would have been carried out differently to select a local firm. the selection was based upon holl's credentials-not klipp's. so the local associate firm gets it the job by default??

utter bullshit. where's the public's voice in that?

trace- hope to see you there

Oct 19, 06 12:34 pm  · 

God is dead...long live mdler

Oct 19, 06 12:42 pm  · 

mdler- are you turning into a starchitect?

Oct 19, 06 12:48 pm  · 

treekiller- this is what happens when you live in LA

Oct 19, 06 12:55 pm  · 

anyone wanna be in my cult???

Oct 19, 06 12:55 pm  · 

bullshit? cowtown indeed.

Oct 19, 06 12:56 pm  · 

I'll start the mpls chapter.

So why did we never cross paths in silverlake?

Oct 19, 06 12:57 pm  · 

AP-i thought that might've been too much. damn.

Oct 19, 06 1:02 pm  · 

cow's utter.

Oct 19, 06 1:06 pm  · 

that's freaky...but i can dig it.

Oct 19, 06 1:08 pm  · 

dconscience, what you've stated makes sense and makes it agreeable.
i, however would be turned off by the language used in FreeDesign statement. it just sounds candy assed about architect holl. making it like an ad paid by him.

Oct 19, 06 1:17 pm  · 

that's fair.
our initial idea was by showing the video of his presentation, a broader audience who might not be aware or have access to it could have a chance to see what was done so far, and let the public evaluate for themselves. we also thought it was appropriate since holl was scheduled to present this to the public this week before he was dismissed.
...and our article could've explained that better.

Oct 19, 06 1:30 pm  · 

that klipp guy gives me the creeps. he is a living sample of greedy corporate spinelessness. you guys should get him out the way before anything else.

Oct 19, 06 1:37 pm  · 

i think he might be a robot...

Oct 19, 06 1:45 pm  · 

I will always think of Denver as the home to "The Denver Livestock Show." I will never think of it as the home of a museum designed by
I.M. Pei or by that other guy with wierd glasses.....all I know is neither one of them are Buckeroos!

Oct 19, 06 6:53 pm  · 
vado retro

things to do in denver when you're dead.
design a courthouse
go to livestock show

Oct 19, 06 7:05 pm  · 

Things to do when you want to have sex in Denver....

Oct 19, 06 7:28 pm  · 

from the picture, looks to me like that klipp guy has been hypnotized by dollar-signs.

Oct 20, 06 7:56 am  · 

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