
Jobsite Pic of The Day


lb, your carpenter must not look like brad pitt otherwise i can't imagine you wanting him to put his shirt back on.

Aug 24, 06 6:02 pm  · 
vado retro

hey thanks for all the kind words about my project!

Aug 24, 06 6:27 pm  · 

this starchitecture work is some tough shit!!

haha, not mine... my buddies...

Aug 24, 06 6:38 pm  · 

vado, i admiringly admire your careful detachment from it all and actually dig your experienced critic about architecture in general. i think you are soberly aware of where its at and function effortlessly in it.
if you can put together and menage a project that size and type, well, you'll never go unemployed either because that is what the people building everywhere except pluto, a third world planet wanna be.
no, serious, if i were to end up with a project of that scope, i would definetly seek to partner up with you and i'll do whatever you'd tell me to do to get it done. probably we each could pocket some serious cash from the gig man.

here is a, youtube klip to go with what i sort of imagine the energy will be like in our future venture. i was also thinking that we could adopt the winning manifesto when it becomes available to us. and if they think it is too hot they can get out of the kitchen and you can write the song..??...

can you picture us, giving one of them red ads on the top of discussions page?

'Job Site Pictures LLC, is looking for talent to work on Chingasa Land Bevelopment. No Credit OK..' again once more, no phone calls please.

Aug 24, 06 7:28 pm  · 

i really mean it vado. specially the first three lines.
rest is fantasy...

Aug 24, 06 7:33 pm  · 
vado retro

fuck yeah!!!

Aug 24, 06 7:59 pm  · 
Aug 25, 06 5:15 am  · 

p2an... just want to say i really like those windows... especially the one up top

Aug 25, 06 12:53 pm  · 
Rim Joist

2nd that, tab - what are those, p2an?

Aug 25, 06 1:18 pm  · 

nice project. do you have more pics?

Aug 25, 06 1:41 pm  · 

yeah, this church project is very nice. will post some more later.

i know its not a 'jobsite pic', but this is a render of the project. and its great that the it is looking better than the render for once.

Aug 26, 06 3:41 pm  · 

more pics of above project on my flickr

Sep 16, 06 5:48 pm  · 

very lovely p2an. all yours?

Sep 16, 06 10:31 pm  · 

no not all mine, with the office i work with in amsterdam, claus en kaan. i think its one of our best projects of late.

Sep 17, 06 5:52 am  · 

ah! great office. loved your entry for the opera house last year.

lucky man.

Sep 17, 06 7:18 am  · 

the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, yeah pity we didnt get it.
funny thing is Ito was against us in 2004 for the Gent Opera house, and used that cellular scheme for the first time (inc. in his last El croquis). We both didnt place, this time in Taichung he tried again and was successful. Moral of story - keep on plugging away.

Sep 18, 06 3:50 am  · 

yeah, that seems to be the case.

your's and ito's were my favs of the finalists...not sure how ito's project will actually work though...he was presenting it at my school shortly after he won and didn't really elaborate so i think he doesn't know himself yet...all those big empty curvy spaces...

hope you get a chance to do your thing with another project...

Sep 18, 06 4:20 am  · 

My first house...almost ready

Sep 18, 06 9:00 am  · 

a vintage picture of the construction of one of the many baseball stadiums in Cuba. Some very nice ladies in Cienfuegos allow me to photograph it for all of you to see.

Sep 18, 06 9:09 am  · 
Sep 18, 06 9:09 am  · 
liberty bell

Wow, rutger! Is that a single family house, or multi? Glazed brick in the insets? Will there be landscaping or hardscape up to the base?

Very cool. Any interior shots?

Sep 18, 06 9:15 am  · 
liberty bell

Here's my latest: moving along much...too...slowly....but it's looking good. Drywall started last week, dealing with cabinetry details this week.

Sep 18, 06 9:22 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry - that's existing house to the left in dark green, addition to the right.

Sep 18, 06 9:23 am  · 

liberty, what part of the world are you in? (the fauna suggest upstate NY or Michigan to me)
...and is that cedar?
..what's the function of that main room in the pic?
also curious about rutger's pic

Sep 18, 06 10:08 am  · 
vado retro

that house is in indianastan!

Sep 18, 06 10:27 am  · 
liberty bell

vado is correct, that's a Hoosier house.

Thanks for asking freq (any more boathouse pics?!?). The big green space to the left is existing living room. The big new room is a screen porch. Picture window between the two is the kitchen, existing but completely gutted and reno'd. Beyond the porch is a master suite wing.

Hera's another view that will help: This is looking from the kitchen thru the family room and a Nanawall opening out to the screen porch, to the screen porch and FR will all function as one 3 seasons.

Sep 18, 06 10:52 am  · 

Liberty, it is a single family house in Groningen (nl). Wiel Arets made the master plan. The glazed bricks you see are at the stairs with windows at eye level, some more are facing the alley (on the right). There won't be much landscaping, another house is going to be build next door (on the left) so there will be only a tiny garden with about 50% tiles and 50% plants. The big bite we took from the cube allows the evening sun in the garden, so the owners can have diner outside in the sun.
Don't have many interior shots on line, here a small one from the living room on the first floor with evening light.

more pictures: here and []here[/url]

Can you tell/show some more of your addition? Freq's questions+...
Does it face south with the overhang preventing too much summer heat?

Sep 18, 06 10:55 am  · 
liberty bell

And yes it's cedar but sadly not clear on the screen porch trim as it should have been - I'm araid all will be painted before it's voer!

Also, p2an, I revisited this thread expressly to comment on your beautiful church then got all caught up in my own work! Very impressive project, I visited the flickr page, you must have hosted a student tour?! So clean, so abstract - that gravel plane coming right up to the vertical concrete is so hard to do well. I especially like the close-up chot of the concrete projection. Really nice work.

Sep 18, 06 10:57 am  · 

Ah, I see you already answered most of my questions : )

corrected link for more pictures:

Sep 18, 06 10:58 am  · 

Ah, Netherlands. That makes way more sense, now.

Liberty - Nice work.
I'll be at the boathouse again later this week. If there's been much visual progress, I'll see what I can post.

Sep 18, 06 11:11 am  · 

liberty, the church is a beauty. the concrete came out just perfect. it also taught me that when dealing with such an abstract form, its interesting when you then exaggerate something as simple as the rainwater overflow pipes - which are housed in those oversized projections. you know what i mean?, everything is reduced to nearly nothing - and then bang - you decide to beef up something else. its these little 'games' that i have been learning lately.

Sep 19, 06 2:31 am  · 
Friday The 13th Pic of The Day:

Oct 13, 06 6:18 pm  · 

Pods - you still aint done with that? BTW - my office is the creamy terracotta bldg. to the left of the of the miesan black box in the left window pane. Next time your on site at the beehive - call me for lunch.

Oct 13, 06 6:24 pm  · 

We just got the permit three weeks ago......
The hive is hands-down the freakiest space in the city - it's surreal - you really are floating above it all, at the top of the ziggurat. You can stand in the center and get a 360 like you'll never experience anywhere else.
I'll see if I can get ya up there....I saw the Comp thread - I'd like to see a bridge-house comp, the idea of a jewelbox without a program.

Oct 13, 06 7:49 pm  · 

"jewel box without a program" - just like the beehive ;)

Dam - 3 years to get a permit? Dont you wish troll was still working on it with you?

Is the beehive lantern going to be restored or turned into a someone's stab'n cabbin? I stare out my window every day at that thing. It's the coolest little structure in the city.

Oct 13, 06 10:36 pm  · 

364 days to get a permit. We submitted 9/21/05 and got it 9/20/06.
The beehive is being restored and will remain fully operational (Blue Light). Also, there's a little secret in the works that will surprise alot of people if everything works out....A part of the building will be re-enlisted after many years in hibernation.

Oct 13, 06 11:35 pm  · 
Oct 13, 06 11:39 pm  · 

Poz- Im looking out my window at it right now. It looks like th zigurat tower from gohst busters. Im waiting for Goser to take his throne in the bee hive.

So I checked it out at emporis - thats a fantastic building. I cant believe all the features that are covered up and tucked away. It really is a throwback to the captains of industry days. It says the banking floor colonade was odorned with the coins of the world, and that the beehive is supported by 4 bisons, representing industry, thrift, commerce and strength. Condos are nice but remember when America actualy had businesses that could build these monumental structures? Have we lost something along the way?

Oct 14, 06 1:01 pm  · 

We lost the armies of off-the-boat draftsmen, working and thinking together to produce architecture, if even through the contribution of their measly detail, their installation of a cornerstone, or the way they swept the floors at the end of the day. It's that spirit that is gone.
I wonder if building's like this one caused the depression, and the devices that finaced it....there is no trace of the original banking hall, it was filled-in in the early 1940's to create more leasable space after the Straus company vanished. I am confident of one thing, that the building's form - taking advantages of setback zoning - was designed in early 1920's and constructed beginning in late 1923, was a major contributor to the Art deco movement. Yes, it was before the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, but therafter they referred to the Building and simplified it's form, substituting the ideals of cubism for the neoclassical ostentation of GAPW. Look at buildings like the Board of Trade, Empire State Building, Los Angeles City Hall....all boiled-down versions of the Straus building, and one step closer to the even more refined international style.

Oct 14, 06 5:26 pm  · 

But, to answer your question EP, I think commercial buildings are still being built well - it's the residential towers that are all about the bottom line, which is ironic because the power of the dollar over the last ten years really hasn't been better.

Oct 16, 06 10:20 am  · 

Booth Hansen has done some interesting residential around town. But then again Smithfield has big pockets and is willing to spend. Then theres Palatine Station...

I read Buck is going for another trophy skyrise on Wacker - that will be his 5th in 6 years. By the end of the decade he'll have built them all.

Oct 16, 06 10:56 am  · 

Booth Hansen has done some interesting residential around town. But then again Smithfield has big pockets and is willing to spend. Then theres Palatine Station...

I read Buck is going for another trophy skyrise on Wacker - that will be his 5th in 6 years. By the end of the decade he'll have built them all.

Oct 16, 06 10:57 am  · 
liberty bell

Poczatek, that looks like an awesome project to be working on. I rememebr the bright blue light from when I spent a summer in Chicago decades ago - has the light not been functioning recently?

The notion of a business building a monument that shows its wealth and achievement is - I think - mostly gone now. More often it's developers bragging about building something quickly and selling it soon after it's done. There are exceptions, of course, but at the moment i can't hink of any....

I have some new ones from today (nothing so interesting as Poczatek's) that I'll upload shortly.

Oct 16, 06 2:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Beautiful zebrawood cabinets with horizontal grain that unfortunately is not *quite* aligned. Crap. The framework beyond is raw aluminum, one of two into which the zebrawood cabs will sit, raised 8" off the floor.

This project has the best GC, carpenters, and client ever in the history of my career.

Oct 16, 06 3:48 pm  · 

In some ways I think your project is just as interesting, if not more so.
I can't be sure from here, but you may be able to swap a pair of doors on those cabinets to get the grain to align better....perhaps they were just installed/ganged together out-of-sequence.

Oct 16, 06 6:03 pm  · 

Or, you might not think of it as a missed opportunity...
Chance can be a wonderful thing.

Oct 17, 06 8:42 am  · 
Oct 17, 06 9:01 am  · 
liberty bell

Two carpenters, the GC, and I all stood in front of those things for half an hour, then moved them all around to every possible sequence trying to get the grain to align: it never worked out. It's just off by enough that it looks like a mistake, because clearly the four cabs were all built from the same flitch, just not quite aligned properly.

Chance in natural materials IS fun, but in this case we paid an upcharge for those four cabinets specifically to ge the grain to match horizontally. I'm not sure yet what we're going to do about it.

Oct 17, 06 9:06 am  · 
liberty bell

freq_arch: boathouse?!?! You must have more pics!!

Oct 17, 06 9:07 am  · 

you should at least get your upcharge back..if not more. i
think you could very easily tell them to do this over. i mean
every cabinetmaker worth anything knows how to match the
grain. there's no excuse..especially when the grain is soooo

Oct 17, 06 10:44 am  · 

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