
Happy Bastille Day


"Bastille Day is a National holiday in France. It is very much like Independence Day in the United States because it is a celebration of the beginning of a new form of government.

At one time in France, kings and queens ruled. Many people were very angry with the decisions made by the kings and queens.

The Bastille was a prison in France that the kings and queens often used to lock up the people that did not agree with their decisions. To many, it was a symbol of all the bad things done by the kings and queens. So, on July 14, 1789, a large number of French citizens gathered together and stormed the Bastille.

Just as the people in the United States celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence as the beginning of the American Revolution, so the people in France celebrate the storming of the Bastille as the beginning of the French Revolution. Both Revolutions brought great changes. Kings and queens no longer rule. The people rule themselves and make their own decisions."

ahhhhh, revolution, i can smell it in the air....

Jul 14, 04 3:53 pm

My dear Yankee friends. Why not having your own bastille day and get rid of TEX while it's still time? Talk about a symbol of bad things happening in the world... give him the boot, chop his head off medieval-style, whatever... just have your own revolution and take the power back. for our sake.

Jul 15, 04 7:58 am  · 

and happy bastille day to you to, doberman.

Jul 15, 04 8:23 am  · 

For a few years now, Bastille Day has been celebrated in the
street in front of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia.

July 10, 2004, 5:30 p.m.
Eastern State Penitentiary
The neighborhood surrounding this historic landmark's prison
walls transforms into 18th Century France with a reenactment
of the storming of the Bastille followed by a block party.

I partook of the festivities 15 July 2001, and the whole
event was pure camp. Prizes for best costume, either
peasants (shaking sticks in the air) or Marie Antoinette
(mostly drag queens). Big BOOMS and a BATTERING RAM during
the storming of the Bastille. Then the Queen, up at the
prison parapet, shouts "Let them eat cake!" and thousands of
individually wrapped TWINKIES come flying over the parapets
raining down on the crowd below. The Queen surrenders and is
taking to the guillotine amidst a jeering throng--if you're
standing close to the guillotine you'll get a free glass of
champagne! Fortunately, the Queen is spared decapitation and
a large watermelon is sliced instead. Fun Fun Fun

[remember Reenactment Season begins 14 July]

Jul 15, 04 10:12 am  · 

Sounds like fun. the queen wasn't beheaded on Bastille day though. Bastille day is purely a symbolic date to celebrate the French revolution, as apparently there was only a handful of prisoners (just one actually if I remember correctly) held captive in the Bastille jail at the time. But it's always quite fun to be in France on Bastille day, watch the fireworks and get shitfaced with everybody over there.

Jul 15, 04 4:37 pm  · 

We had a couple of glasses of wine as France and Britain also celebrate the 100th anniversary of their colonial-era Entente Cordiale.

We sent some of the lads over to Paris for the parade.

Jul 15, 04 6:45 pm  · 

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