
Enron Ex-Chairman Lay Indicted for Fraud


Jul 8, 04 11:06 am
Jul 8, 04 12:08 pm  · 

...and in only three years!

Good to see the administration's 'agressive agenda' for corporate responsibility making its impact on us today.

And the timing is good too - can't let Kerry/Edwards get all the media coverage for one day.

Here comes Osama...

Jul 8, 04 12:35 pm  · 

not to mention the Tom Ridge Press conf on homeland secutiry today...

Jul 8, 04 12:45 pm  · 

It's not quite that simple a case. He used his shares of Enron as collateral for another investment. When that investment tanked, he had to sell his Enron shares to cover the loss. Therefore, it was not a voluntary sale. He also continued to buy shares of Enron until the day the scandal broke. It will be a tough case for prosecutors to prove.

I think it's also a bit unfair that he's being tried in Houston, a city that is out for his blood.

Jul 8, 04 12:51 pm  · 

so awesome!!!!!

Jul 8, 04 12:52 pm  · 
Bryan Finoki

Have they announced the actual charges yet?

Jul 8, 04 1:40 pm  · 

they should take some notes from Putin on this one

Jul 8, 04 1:46 pm  · 

Dan, you're right..they should try him in California.

Jul 8, 04 1:59 pm  · 

read the actual charges

Jul 8, 04 3:45 pm  · 
Bryan Finoki

$500,000 bail is a joke. And he so arrogantly pleaded not guilty. I am worried though they will not be able to make him take the fall. Wasn't that why they got Arnold into office, to tear up Bustamante's 9 Billion dollar law suit against Enron which needed the Gov's signature?

Jul 8, 04 7:11 pm  · 

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