
CD Swap!

Gabe Bergeron

I'm fairly new here, but would like to participate. Also, I may be a weirdo.

How bout if you're free to make a theme or not?

What if each person put a mix together responding to the CD they recieved? This could be evolutionary (i.e.- a blues mix is followed by a music influenced by blues mix) or it could be in contrast (smooth jazz mix, take this: punk mix!)

Coming up with off the wall themes would be fun - i.e. utopian songs, down in the gutter songs, songs under 1 minute, songs for smashing old models to, etc...

Anyhow, sounds like a blast

Apr 12, 06 8:27 am  · 
vado retro

i am a lineman for the county
and i drive the main road
searchin in the sun for another overload
i hear her singin thru the wires
i can here her in line
and the wichita lineman
is still on the line...
u know i need a small vacation
but it dont look like rain
and if it snows that stretch
down south won't ever stand the strain
and i need u more than want you
and i want you for all time
and the wichita lineman
is still on the line....

u know i love u lb, but this is a great song. in fact its the first song i ever downloaded!!!

Apr 12, 06 8:41 am  · 
liberty bell

Well OK vado maybe it's a great song but that doesn't preclude it also being a totally sappy sentimental dork-fest of a song.

So what other bands was Jeff Lynne in? And there you go, my lack of ELO knowledge obviously shows that I'm no judge of song quality. Maybe you're right about WL.

Apr 12, 06 8:54 am  · 

it's hard not to like a song that's been covered by REM, dwight yoakam, urge overkill, johnny cash, and kool & the gang besides glen campbell's version.

and cassandra wilson's version is heartwrenching.

Apr 12, 06 9:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Ah ha! I have never heard any but the Glen Campbell version. Perhaps the REM would suit me better. But, um, Kool & the Gang? Hard to imagine.

Yep, I need to stay out of this cd swap and stop hijacking this thread. Carry on all and good luck getting it organized.

Apr 12, 06 9:04 am  · 

I'll participate, although I already feel bad for whomever gets my CD...

Apr 12, 06 9:17 am  · 

Ok so signups for the first swap will be over this friday. Tell your friends!

Theme = "your favorite songs of the moment".
lets just keep it simple until we see how well this actually works.

Anyone signed up by friday will be put into my magic hat of name drawings and by next week ill post the list of who sends to whom.

Get your cds in the mail by may 15th

Apr 12, 06 9:48 am  · 

my favorite songs of the moment may have something to do with derby time. 6 may, everybody!

Apr 12, 06 9:53 am  · 


Apr 12, 06 10:21 am  · 

is this open to us abroad as well?

Apr 12, 06 11:57 am  · 

quixotica gets to make the rules, but i'd vote yes.

means more expensive postage for someone but some potentially not-released-in-the-us music for someone else. i bet it'd work out in the end.

Apr 12, 06 12:22 pm  · 
vado retro

jeff lynne was in the move which did the original version of do ya do ya want my love? and he was in the travelling pillsbury doughboys...i mean wilburys...wichita lineman was also covered by mr. freedy johnston.

Apr 12, 06 12:30 pm  · 

Yes definatly overseas! thats the exciting part about this, getting to hear music from everywhere! Yes it might cost a little more but i mean come on, its a cd, it can't be THAT expensive.

The only concern i have is, and this may sound stupid, but on dvd's there are different regions, ie. a dvd made for another country wouldnt work on a dvd player in the us, is the same true for some cds or cd burners?

Apr 12, 06 12:42 pm  · 

no regions on audio cds.

I have tons of european and pacific rim editions of albums, they all work fine.

Apr 12, 06 12:47 pm  · 

yeah, no region specificity on cd's.
also, i'm sure a cd in a bit of cardboard won't be that expensive to shoot around.

i'm up for it!

Apr 12, 06 12:49 pm  · 

sweet, considering you've got the lyrics to one of my favorite Bad Religion songs in your profile, i can't wait to see what you come up with.

Apr 12, 06 1:58 pm  · 

count me in

Apr 12, 06 2:10 pm  · 

Just tell me who to send it to, and I will do it. Otherwise I don't want to think too much about it.

Apr 12, 06 3:47 pm  · 

i am already compiling a playlist

Apr 12, 06 4:06 pm  · 
vado retro

The Anatomy Of A Mix CD
by Vado Retro PHD(in mixology)

I will deconstruct a mix I made for the coffee shop I used
to frequent while living in the middle of nowhere. The cd was originally done about two years ago.
The Mix is called
Here Comes A Regular....

The dreamy and sustained fuzzy opening of Teenage Fanclub's "Starsign",which lasts over a minute draws the listener into the cd immediately and then the listener is rocked back by the power pop of TFC's driving sound. The lyric "if these songs make your day" tell the listener of the joys to come. In the "know" listeners immediately recognize the coolness of the mixer, by his choice of such an enigmatic opener.

Someday/Someway by Marshall Crenshaw provides a perfect second track. A bouncy yet sad commentary on relationships in the early 80's, which is followed by The Searchers' British Invasion 12 string classic, Needles and Pins. Written by Sonny Bono and covered by the now almost entirely dead Ramones. Please note that I have covered three decades and we're not even to song 4 yet!!!

Belle and Sebastians "If she Wants Me follows the Searchers wonderfully. Song 5 is a perfect place to change things up a bit. In this case, i have worked in hearthrob Rhett Miller's slow moody Your Nervous Heart. The drumtrack in this tune led me to the Bowie's Soul Love, which has this mellow verse with a tooting saxophone which transitions into a diamond dog rock and roll fuzz guitar!!! The song returns and fades out with the mellowness. Then all mellowness is blown away by Cracker's Low which really rocks when the windows are open children...

But whoa hold on, I throw a curveball by slowing it down again(ladies your probably asking...does he make love that way???) with ryan adams' cover of oasis' Wonderwall. Now every great cd mix needs a entry by a dead german ex-model; and this disc is no exception as i have included the sad and introspective track "these days" by former velvet underground femme fatale, Nico.

Now this is where the master starts to show his stuff children...Now the mix is entitled "Here Comes A Regular" which everyone who has ever owned a leather jacket and some chuck taylor's knows is a tune by the Replacements. Well the next track, Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings" by Lucinda Williams was written for Paul Westerberg, who was captain the Replacement squad. But I don't just stop there. I take it a step further by turning the Bleeding Finger song into a mini mix within a greater mix. You see, the next tune Love Aint For Keeping, is by the Who and well, Pete Townsend's bloodied guitar playing hands are legendary. but you see what i have done is subtle, I don't use a rocking Who song, no, I use a love song that features an acoustic dobro. Well done sir!!! The mini mix is rounded out by Cat Power's haunting number, I Don't Blame YOu.
A change of pace. here i set the stage for the climax of the mix. Here i use Bruce Springsteen's desperate sing along ditty Atlantic City. The howling woohoos at the end of the track mixed with a mandolin seque perfectly into My Morning Jackets' Magheeta. From desperation to hope in two songs and i drive it home with the thrills' boppy banjo-y One Horse Town, which is followed by the more Banjo-y perfect topdown song, In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry. It is the law of course that the only song that can follow this is Wilco's California Stars. Now just when you are all relaxed and happy the title track with its capo'd 12 string mixed with a synthesizer and sad alcoholic lyrics bring you back down before... All great cd mixes should end humbly and beautifully and this cd is no exception. The mix ends with Son Volt's modest and hopeful Windfall...

and that's how u do it....

Apr 12, 06 7:50 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Man, if that's not the first CD sent I will be disappointed. Counts me in!

Marshall Crenshaw, Replacements?!? Brilliant! I'm trying the Mungo->Mermaid transition now.... and it's good!
I hope you've been reading Nick hornby's stuff for McSweeney's vado, I think you'd get a kick out of it.

You've also managed to mix elements of my favorite mix cd masters, T Bone Burnett and Wes Anderson in that single cd. Bravo

Apr 13, 06 12:53 am  · 
liberty bell

While you're playing FOG, I have also found that Spiritualized's Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space segues brilliantly into California Stars.

Apr 13, 06 12:55 am  · 

phd in mixology? yeah right.

the REAL masters play with pitch and tempo shifting to achieve the ultimate in mixness.

also, if there's one thing I learned making mix cds in the horribly misguided hope of impressing females, it's that you can't count on your audience getting all the subtleties in the bands backstory. Any connections you want the listener to make have to be present in the audio. making complicated "wink wink" -ish connections just winds up being like (and generally results in) masterbating in front of a mirror.

and radiohead's cover of wonderwall is way better.

Apr 13, 06 1:30 am  · 

busted! can't claim too much familiarity with much hithertobefore discussed above. barking pumpkin anyone!?

although relatively new to these parts... i have a penchant for mixing up flavors like old blue eyes, ozomatli, compay segundo and biggie smalls in the same set-list.

if that doesn't put me too squarely in the wierdo column. count me in.

sounds like fun.

Apr 13, 06 2:25 am  · 
FOG Lite

Well, California Stars is a singularly great song on an amazing cd. My favorite moment in the Wilco documentary that came out around Yankee Hotel was Tweedy spending the day with his daughter and asking her what she would like to sing, California Stars? Nope, she wants Heavy Metal Drummer. Maybe I have it backwards, he only let her wear white? Is this thread central? Have I meta-confused myself?

Can't wait for the manamana vs. fraggle rock mash-up.

Apr 13, 06 2:43 am  · 
vado retro

i think the pitch and tempo changes have been highlighted. the real point of the lesson was to discourage "the theme". and i don't expect anyone to get anything i do. peace...

heavy metal drummer is great next to pink floyd's great gig in the sky by the by...

Apr 13, 06 7:13 am  · 

i can come close, FOG > REM with the muppets: furry happy creatures.

[no worries. i promise not to include this. it's actually painful...]

i was with vado's mix until the final track. farrar's whiny nasalness means to me that he can only be a middle-of-a-mix pick. i gotta finish with something big, clear, and groovin' or slow and peaceful. midtempo rockers always leave me hanging. (now that i've said that, i actually could make an exception for the more poppy/less subtle 'drown' as a last track.)

Apr 13, 06 7:22 am  · 
vado retro

sorry its the perfect closer...but you do what u gotta do with those muppets

Apr 13, 06 7:30 am  · 
vado retro
Apr 13, 06 7:34 am  · 

speaking of wilco (heavy metal drummer) > magazine called sunset is a good cd closer.

something i miss from mix tapes is that i used to hoard good 1 to 2 minute songs that could fill the space at the ends - punctuating each tape side before the auto reverse. cd's don't have any built-in limits or structure. i do better with constraints.

Apr 13, 06 7:37 am  · 

btw i was with you on the ryan adams 'wonderwall': a beautiful version of an otherwise somewhat stupid song. it's like a redemption, sorta. the paul anka version, on the other hand, is more like what that song deserved.

Apr 13, 06 7:40 am  · 

i'm in if its still friday where you are...

Apr 13, 06 8:49 am  · 

So Vado does that mean your in this?

Apr 13, 06 8:58 am  · 
liberty bell

If vado isn't in I may have to be, then I'll just run my mixes by him for advice and let him "fix" everything.

So quixotica go ahead and put me in please.

Apr 13, 06 9:31 am  · 

yeah, friday is tomorrow for me, so anyone who wants to just let me know by then.

I can feel it, this is going to be the biggest thing to hit archinect since "hi all you fancy graphics lovers"

Apr 13, 06 9:42 am  · 

I would like to be included as well. Giant Step has a forum that has been trading CD's for some time now. We may want to check out the format they are using...

Anyway, count me in.

Apr 13, 06 9:54 am  · 

count me in

why not compress the mixes and upload on pbwiki so it's available to everyone? Self-burn if you want it on a cd. It seems more efficient and quicker? We can alternate on a weekly basis, etc.

We can start a pbwiki under the name archinect with 1000 MB per month for $5. I don't know how this would work unless someone else has a free space for uploading.

Apr 13, 06 2:23 pm  · 

you're going to force us old people to learn new stuff?

Apr 13, 06 2:35 pm  · 

Superglue, while that might be an option to explore later, it seems like a lot of people here are more interested in doing the actual CD swap, it may sound corny but theres something nice about getting something like that in the mail that someone else made for you, the whole digital thing is so impersonal.

Apr 13, 06 3:42 pm  · 

todays the last day for this swap folks! ill make the cutoff around 5pm EST. (approx. 8.5 hrs from now) so sign up!

Apr 14, 06 8:22 am  · 

so exciting! a deadline and everything. will we also vote someone out every month?

(kidding, kidding, before someone gets all het up.)

Apr 14, 06 8:33 am  · 
vado retro

if i join do i actually have to make a cd???or could i go to garage sales and bargain bins to find cheap cd's???

Apr 14, 06 8:38 am  · 

Steven, we actually compete in a series fo grueling physical and mental challenges for the chance to race through the obstacle course at the end, a la family double dare.

Vado - i'm sure someone would love to see what kind of stuff you could find, but after that magnificent analytical breakdown of your last mix, you gotta show off your skills!

Apr 14, 06 9:30 am  · 
FOG Lite

How dorky am I that I was really confused by FOG > REM mashup? I thought it was going to be something like Bilbao vs. Kunsthall.

I did just hear a version of manamana as performed by Cake on the radio. Nice bit of synchronicity.

Apr 14, 06 1:30 pm  · 
FOG Lite

That last word there going to make vado post a pic related to the Police isn't it?

Apr 14, 06 1:36 pm  · 

count me in. i think this sounds great

Apr 14, 06 1:39 pm  · 
Gabe Bergeron

Looking forward to this...

quix - gonna post a list showing who sends to who?

Apr 14, 06 1:58 pm  · 

i'm in, just let me know who to send it to.

Apr 14, 06 4:06 pm  · 

yeah same here... let me know who to send it to and if there's a theme at all

Apr 14, 06 4:43 pm  · 
vado retro

okay, i'll play...but im gonna be busy next week. i have a job...

Apr 14, 06 4:57 pm  · 

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