
Relevant contemporary art?


I'm looking for inspiring contemporary art. Preferably someone of your own generation and in some way relevant to architecture.

It's easy to find work from the 60's but I don't really know of anyone who is fresh, say in their 20's to 40's.

Jul 1, 04 9:57 am

always relevent

Jul 1, 04 10:06 am  · 

but I'm looking for fresh young things. Brand spanking new. Up and coming.

Jul 1, 04 10:10 am  · 

sarah sze

Jul 1, 04 10:30 am  · 

Art is subjective. Contemporary art is excessively so. You might start with some of the surveys published by Taschen. (Art at the Turn of the Millenium, Art Now, etc.) or peruse some of the periodicals available at your local newstand or big-box book retailer. Alternatively, you could get involved in your local artist community and find talented people, get inspired by their creative process, maybe collaborate to get an architecturally relevant quality (whatever that means).

As for myself, I'm inspired by William Christenberry. But that's just me.

Jul 1, 04 10:32 am  · 

there is an installation artist that i love who is not as "up and coming" but just to mention his work...he creates a sculpture/installation from natural objects(leaves, twigs, snow, etc.) photographs it and then leaves the sculpture to blow away..i am sooo sorry that i don't remember his name at the moment, but let me describe one of his projects...

he formed a snowball probably 8 ft across, and 8 ft tall and placed it downtown London in the middle of summer. as the snow melted all sorts of things began to appear inside the snow and fall out. trash, shoes, leaves, etc.
he's done all kinds of stuff like this...maybe someone will recognize the project...

Jul 1, 04 11:09 am  · 

sounds like a spoof on goldsworthy..

Jul 1, 04 11:48 am  · 
le bossman

its hard to say most of the 'up and coming' artists are people you won't hear about for 20 years. who's the name of the guy who did the film Electric Earth? for some reason his name is slipping my mind...pretty idiotic of me but that's actually a really good example of what i think your looking for. he does a lot of great films you could say are of our time. but also there's people like james turrel, etc.

Jul 1, 04 12:07 pm  · 

is the title of this thread not an oxymoron?

Jul 1, 04 12:19 pm  · 

I'm not sure how old these artists are, but they are contemporary--
here are some artists working in an architectural manner:
(alright, not "brand spanking new", but younger anyways)
Rachel Whiteread (plaster casts of negative space), Toba Khedoori(huge drawings with fragments of buildings, etc.), Andreas Gursky (photography), Andrea Zittel (installations, lifestyle), Olafue Eliasson (installations, weather).
Simparch is a good Chicago-based group that does installations and architecture. They were in the Whitney Biennial.
There was an interesting show at MOMA some years ago called "Architecture Hot or Cold" (or something like that) that had work by a lot of artists as well as architects.
There have been plenty of discussions of architecture/art people on archinect before too.

Jul 1, 04 12:33 pm  · 

there was a previous thread on this but i don't remember if it was in the old archinect.

i'm wary of your question because it seems too general and vague... like you are looking for shortcuts to know what is hip or something.

but i'll bite and give you some names that are certainly not up and coming but already there. you should probably start with those, since they already have a critique and have generated discussion, and then move on to more recent stuff so you can develop your own criteria.

olafur eliasson did a mayor exhibit at the tate in london

i am very fond of janet cardiff's walks.

andy goldsworthy is putting up an exhibit in moma, the link was recently on archinect

tadashi kawamata, christo and jean claude, gordon matta clark, certainly not up and coming but already classics of interaction between art and architecture.

take a peek at the snow show: see some collaborations between artists and architects.

ignacio manglado ovalle has great stuff. i really like his video in/on mies's farnsworth house.

hope that helps.

Jul 1, 04 12:33 pm  · 

i'm pretty sure andy goldsworthy did the giant snowball in london in the summer.
i think it's mentioned in rivers & tides (the goldsworthy documentary).

Jul 1, 04 12:34 pm  · 

doris salcedo

Jul 1, 04 9:44 pm  · 

vik muniz, gregory barsamian, mark eberhard

Jul 2, 04 12:02 am  · 

carl andre
donal judd
andy goldsworthy
toby paterson
gary hume
jenny saville

to name a few....

Jul 2, 04 3:29 am  · 

what about Jorge "Is it art or is it architecture" Pardo?

Jul 2, 04 3:44 am  · 

Mike Kelley has a number of pieces that are very "architectural" without being anything like object fetishism. And they are very good.

Joep van Lieshout is the "dutch version" of design&architecture-art. Good and funny. Also with interesting thoughts.

object makers with a more "aesthetic" viewpoint:

Rachel Whiteread.

Andrea Zittel.

Jul 2, 04 3:52 am  · 

the aberrant architectures of Diller + Scofidio

Jul 2, 04 4:25 am  · 

there's Liam Gillick of course. And people whose work I find plain interesting are Roni Horn, Gabriel Orozco, Tom Friedman, Petah Coyne, Margi Geerlilnks. I'm not sure how "architectural" those all are but they're worth checking out.

Jul 2, 04 5:55 am  · 
liberty bell

Image google "cathy de monchaux" - sculptures of obsessive detailing and material lust. But anachronistic - are they relevant to architecture and today? Only if you believe that fanatical craftsmanship is.

Jul 2, 04 2:46 pm  · 

Matthew Barney
Damien Hirst
Jean-Marc Bustamante

Jul 2, 04 3:22 pm  · 

how could i forget Matthew Barney....fucking genius that man is.

Jul 2, 04 7:28 pm  · 

aside from pardo, zittel and whiteread there are:

Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Janet Cardiff
Doug Aitken
Aziz + Cucher
Brian Alfred
Julie Mehretu
E.V. Day
Allan Wexler
Shirley Tse

Jul 2, 04 7:37 pm  · 

just came across:
Do-Ho Suh
Korean artist, recreated his home/apartment out of silk.
(including radiator, plumbing, mullions, etc.)
(his "seoul home" was in the installation art show at moca in los angeles not too long ago.)

Jul 2, 04 10:06 pm  · 

chris cunningham

Jul 2, 04 10:48 pm  · 

Tom Sachs-- his Nutsy's installations involved remote-controlled cars on tracks and detailed foam-core and Sharpie marker models of Corb's Unite d'Habitation.

Jul 3, 04 12:18 am  · 

starn brothers

Jul 3, 04 1:27 pm  · 

not 'up and coming' but try Richard Serra, definitely.

Jul 3, 04 7:33 pm  · 

also not up and coming mais:

Frank Stella
Francis Bacon

C'est belle,

Jul 3, 04 9:14 pm  · 
Doug Johnston

jessica stockholder

Jul 6, 04 1:17 pm  · 

gerhart richter

carsten höller

anish kapoor

Jul 6, 04 1:24 pm  · 
Doug Johnston

also Gregor Schneider, he did the dead house

Jul 6, 04 6:00 pm  · 

what about thomas kinkade ? 'the most popular artist in the us' can pick your art size and frame it on line .....or one of the 200 malls across the USofA....definitely can fill those little white bare spots in your flat with something....well warm and fuzzy.

this one is called 'end of a perfect day III', and it was but its sold out.
i am waiting for IV to add to my collection.

Jul 6, 04 6:17 pm  · 

Oh I forgot the most important one...

Bob Ross

Jul 6, 04 6:28 pm  · 

i got this darling little bob ross girl over my bed post.....

Jul 6, 04 6:40 pm  · 


Kinkade is, at time, selling over $1million worth of merchandise per minuate. He also has residential developments so that his fans can live in the enviroments that he paints.

Jul 6, 04 8:03 pm  · 

that sugary sweet prick is also being sued by several galleries for over inflating the value of his "work". the only people that work appeals to are the velvet elvis collectors.....

Jul 6, 04 10:13 pm  · 
TED i said....would i steer u wrong....the stuff rocks....well includes rocks in most images id say....but please use the word paint loosely..then again....photoshop is painting...right?

if you go back to kalle's orginal thread....

'I'm looking for inspiring contemporary art. Preferably someone of your own generation and in some way relevant to architecture.

It's easy to find work from the 60's but I don't really know of anyone who is fresh, say in their 20's to 40's.' meets all the criteria!! oh yes! magic!!

Jul 6, 04 11:27 pm  · 

won ju lim

relevant architecturally (esp. to la's vernacular) and impressive for a rather young artist (early 30s).

Jul 7, 04 1:43 pm  · 

woops, here are some more:

also, amir zaki takes pretty interesting photographs that are architectural in orientation.

Jul 7, 04 1:47 pm  · 

and TED is right. thomas kinkade kicks a ton of ass.

Jul 7, 04 1:49 pm  · 

wow won ju lim- that was amazing!!!! awesome post geezopeez!

Jul 8, 04 12:55 am  · 

how about the shoe bomber? :-)

aphrodite? (aural, not visual)

other than this one, nice responses in this thread.

Aug 23, 04 3:10 am  · 
this one is called 'end of a perfect day III', and it was but its sold out.
i am waiting for IV to add to my collection.

TK probably just added a few more ducks, or maybe another sun.

"Just Ducky End Of Days"

~e909, the 'UnaPainter'

Aug 23, 04 4:12 am  · 

PIERRE HUYGHE is an excellent and young (30s) artist who has exhibited at some incredible galleries here in the us and elsewhere. his most recent work, the streamside follies at the dia center was cited for my own thesis project. he's worked with a wide range of media, but he seems to have mastered digital video mixed w/ a spatial dimension. i could go on and on, but here are some links with unfortunately few pics:[/url]


Aug 23, 04 3:46 pm  · 

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