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So annoying that I can't even post a comment in the news item about Princeton students demanding racial justice...they even call their school a place of white supremacy, but when you question their stance your comment gets axed and posting privileges that one-way traffic pushing the woke agenda, not. Wokeism = racism: 

Jul 21, 20 3:29 pm  · 

Pro-tip, if you want to avoid getting blocked from commenting on articles, work on your communication skills. 

 "Why anyone would want to study in such a horrible white supremacist institution?"

The moderation of comments like this has nothing to do with freedom of speech or openness to alternative viewpoints. It's about encouraging a relatively intelligent level of discourse. 

Jul 21, 20 3:49 pm  · 
7  ·  1

It was a tongue in cheek reply related to the article, the editor or moderator probably didn't even read the article to "get" that. 

Why call out the institute you chose to study at as white supremacist, and still stay there, pay your tuition and your "white supremacist" dean's salary and all you do is write a silly letter...that makes me think it is all for show and people use such grownup words like white supremacy without actually meaning what they are saying, or without fully understanding that meaning in the first place. 

I wouldn't even let my kids stay in a daycare if I'd suspect the place is promoting white supremacy, yet people gladly stay at Princeton and pay their $50,000+ annually, all to the benefit of white supremacy? Bonkers!

Jul 21, 20 4:03 pm  · 
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If the moderator didn't "get it," maybe you need to learn how to communicate "it" more clearly.

Jul 21, 20 4:15 pm  · 
3  · 

"Why call out the institute you chose to study at as white supremacist, and still stay there" - because some people are choosing to recognize their own contribution to systemic racism, and are moving forward with positive change. Others are ignoring it and pretending like the status quo is fine.

Jul 21, 20 4:15 pm  · 
2  · 

Well the article is about students calling the Princeton School of Architecture one of white supremacy, but when I call out the place as such, it gets deleted...that's just hypocritical bs. Why not have this discussion under that news item? Why are we forced into the obscurity of TC?

Jul 21, 20 4:19 pm  · 

We in TC know you, know how you debate, and therefore aren't thrown for a loop. News articles are for people outside the forum as much as they are for us. I've had glib, inflammatory, or whatever posts removed by the editors. It's never fun, but it's not my house.

Jul 21, 20 4:29 pm  · 
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I should've just used "quotation marks"...the inflammatory bit was in the article, all I did was repeat it...lesson learned.

Jul 21, 20 4:46 pm  · 

""Why call out the institute you chose to study at as white supremacist, and still stay there" - because some people are choosing to recognize their own contribution to systemic racism, and are moving forward with positive change. Others are ignoring it and pretending like the status quo is fine." 

 And others are taking real action beyond simple virtue signalling, they take their $50,000+ elsewhere and put their money really where their mouth is...why stay in such an abusive relationship?

Jul 21, 20 4:50 pm  · 

"It's about encouraging a relatively intelligent level of discourse. "

No, it is simply a one way street...we are not supposed to question the woke agenda that archinect supports and promotes, there is no discourse, but we simply have to accept it, praise it or are forced to shut up about it. That comedy clip by Ryan Long is unfortunately spot-on, which is just terribly sad in my opinion. 

Jul 21, 20 4:08 pm  · 

I suppose one could start another Architecture focused website to encourage a different point of view within the marketplace of ideas.

Jul 21, 20 4:10 pm  · 
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But it's for free! 

“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”

Jul 21, 20 4:15 pm  · 

rando, anytime you wade into the political waters, your comments come off ignorant, inflammatory, and offensive (e.g. the "knee on the neck" comment, one of your finest). the white supremacy comment did nothing to further the conversation, it was just troll bait. people are more than willing to engage in different, well communicated ideas and opinions, but you have a long record of intentionally playing with fire, posting stupid videos, and crying grievances instead of arguing substance

Jul 21, 20 4:17 pm  · 
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My comments are simply direct and to the point...when wading into political waters they are just confronting people with inconvenient truths. The knee in the neck was a bit out there, true, but I simply saw the similarities of an all-white archinect TC-pack going after that one black guy here. That knee was quite succesful by the way, jla-x is gone now, the pack won, congrats! So where's the diversity now?

Jul 21, 20 4:39 pm  · 

Do you have the ethnic identities of everyone in TC?

Jul 21, 20 4:54 pm  · 
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Yes, in my rolodex, I simply use the archinect diversity identification options.

Jul 21, 20 5:08 pm  · 
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Perhaps its less that the agenda is not to be questioned, & more that the questions have already been asked and answered ad infinitum. Just because certain posters choose to pretend otherwise doesn't mean the rest of us are obliged to keep responding.

Jul 21, 20 5:23 pm  · 
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It's about not being allowed to respond or have comments simply removed, not about obliging people to respond. Whenever people dare to question the wokeness the discussion is shut down, literally, and certain people blocked. It's almost like the first two rules of Fight Club...

Jul 21, 20 5:48 pm  · 
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I've been blocked from posting in news items due to my comments, so it's demonstrably not just one viewpoint that is being removed.

Jul 21, 20 6:14 pm  · 

Rando "your comments come off ignorant, inflammatory and offensive." a.k.a, they might make people think. Funny how everyone proved your point in their responses.

Jul 21, 20 6:38 pm  · 
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Archi_douche - I think you meant to write 'think critically'. Any type of comment / speech causes thought in the listener. Not all comments / speech will cause people to think critically. In fact ignorant, inflammatory, and offensive speech tends to stop critical though processes in the the listener. It's one of the reasons that racist, incell, altright groups, and internet trolls use it so often.

Jul 21, 20 7:04 pm  · 
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Purely regurgitating what your told is not thinking. But you are right, trying to shut down any speech that "offends" doesn't allow for any critical thinking. You must be so proud to be a champion of that. May the human race stagnate and never have another non-conformist, alarming and unsettling idea because it could possibly hurt some feelings

Jul 21, 20 7:44 pm  · 

Someday you'll discover that, like the colors in your crayon box, there are an infinite amount of possible futures between the extremes found in your fever dream-addled reality.

Jul 21, 20 7:56 pm  · 
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I'll restate : You're not being censored, everybody's just tired of your shit & you're bringing nothing new to the conversation.

Jul 21, 20 8:31 pm  · 
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"There’s a term for this sort of bad-faith argument: it’s called the justification-suppression model. The theory is that bigots refrain from directly defending their own bigotry but get hugely riled up justifying the abstract right to express bigotry. So instead of saying, for example, “I don’t like foreigners,” they’ll fight hard for someone else’s right to get up on stage and yell that foreigners are coming to convert your children and seduce your household pets. 

 Focusing the conversation on the ethics of disseminating speech rather than the actual content of that speech is hugely useful for the far right for three reasons. Firstly, it allows them to paint themselves as the wronged party — the martyrs and victims. Secondly, it stops people from talking about the actual wronged parties, the real lives at risk. And thirdly, of course, it’s an enormous diversion tactic, a shout of “Fire!” in the crowded theatre of politics. But Liberals don’t want to feel like bad people, so this impossible choice — betray the letter of your principles, or betray the spirit — leaves everyone feeling filthy."

Jul 21, 20 8:33 pm  · 
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Or it's just a way to shut down people who have different views on immigration policy.

Jul 21, 20 8:51 pm  · 
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Good read tduds. Thanks for sharing. I was going to quote the second paragraph you posted above, so I'll do these instead:

"If we deny racists a platform, they feed off the appearance of censorship, but if we give them a platform, they’ve won by being respectfully invited into the mainstream. Either way, what matters to them is not debate, but attention. There is no perfect choice.

But there is a choice, and this, to my mind, is the sensible one: To refuse to dignify these people with prestigious public platforms, or to share them. To refuse to offer them airtime or engage them in public debate."

Adding the next paragraph too after seeing archi_dude's comment. It's a little strange out of context of the larger article, but still applicable in illustrating no one is being censored as there are plenty of places they can go to exercise their right to free speech.

"Fortunately, we live in a brave new world where real censorship is something that is almost infeasible unless you are extremely rich and venal and have an army of lawyers. If you want to hear what Bannon thinks, you can. Extensively, at many, many websites and forums. If you want to try to tease out and challenge the deeper truth behind far-right ideas, you’re free to do so, although be prepared to be disappointed. You see, the deeper truth is that there is no deeper truth. No hidden nuance. The new right have already shown us exactly who they are. Now the rest of us get to choose who we want to be."

Jul 21, 20 8:51 pm  · 
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atelier nobody

See also Karl Popper:

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. [...] We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”

Jul 21, 20 9:06 pm  · 
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Speaking of "tolerance" here's another classic from my "post in response to tired old diatribes" folder: 

"The progressive liberal agenda isn’t about being nice. It’s about confronting evil, violence, trauma, and death. It’s about acknowledging the ways systemic power, systemic oppression, systemic evil, work in our world around us. I’m not fighting for diversity. I’m not fighting for tolerance. I’m fighting to overturn horrific systems of dehumanizing oppression."

Jul 21, 20 9:54 pm  · 
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If I seem overly prolific in my responses around here it's because I've been subjected to these exact conversations *so many times* that I literally have a folder of copy + paste references. Again, to my point that nothing said here is revelatory or interesting, or even edgy. Read the room and recognize when you're being shown the door.

Jul 21, 20 9:56 pm  · 
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The assumption that I post here in bad faith is one of bad faith...

Jul 22, 20 4:19 am  · 
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Why do you ask?

Jul 22, 20 7:06 am  · 

If and when I point fingers it is not that speculative though but quite specific and to the point(!)

Jul 22, 20 7:57 am  · 
Non Sequitur

for rando:

full comic here:

Jul 22, 20 8:17 am  · 
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thanks non, I do cherish my core beliefs of equality and universal human rights for all very anyone that proposes anything that goes against those can expect my fury and some orangutan faeces coming their way! Fun fact, the word Orangutan was introduced to the west by Dutch physician Jacobus Bontius in 1631...

Jul 22, 20 8:54 am  · 
Non Sequitur

but rando, how do you feel about cilantro? that was my main objective with the comics.

Jul 22, 20 9:17 am  · 
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to use this analogy again- it's like going to a public lecture. sure, you can stand up and scream whatever the hell you want, but there are a set of implicit rules, part of the social contract, that will result in your removal so that the lecture may proceed, facilitating conversation rather than chaos. this is the job of the moderators, which is what the moderators on archinect do. you can claim censorship all you want, but if you've ever been to an event such as this, you've agreed to these conditions. there are very few "forums" in life (which shouldn't be confused with conversations among a few individuals) where one is able to say literally anything they want in the way that the internet allows, which is why it often becomes such a shit show.

Jul 22, 20 9:25 am  · 

Cilantro? I used to hate it passionately, as it tasted like soap to me. Then I went trekking through Thailand with the girlfriend for months, and now I'm immune...

Jul 22, 20 9:40 am  · 

No, many of them are wrong in principle too. Doesn't help that they are communicated poorly. Wouldn't make it better if they were communicated excellently either.

Jul 22, 20 9:47 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

Cilantro is awesome...but I don't think you got the point of the Oatmeal comic. It applies to both extreme ends... but I don't expect you to see it this way since it's already been explained to you several times.

Jul 22, 20 9:47 am  · 
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Square, that is a totally wrong analogy! 

I am not attending a public lecture here but a discussion f-o-r-u-m ["a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged." "a public meeting place for open discussion"] 

I also don't want to just say anything I want, just would like to be able to question certain motives and raise awareness of things possibly going in a wrong direction albeit done with apparently the best of intentions. It sometimes becomes a shit show when people, who think they are doing good, are confronted with possible negative outcomes of their behaviour or points of view and experience cognitive dissonance. Ah well, I am patient and not going anywhere, one day you too will come around.

Jul 22, 20 10:00 am  · 

yes, a meeting. and meetings have rules, ones in this case you happen to not like. you're free to attend another meeting elsewhere. do you act like this in your office?

Jul 22, 20 10:05 am  · 

So help me out here non, what's the point of the cilantro question?

Jul 22, 20 10:06 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Now we've degenerated to spelling out and using definitions to beat this horse further? This is Balkins 2.0 territory. 

Rando, your "everything matters equally" pov dismisses (and ignores) the struggles from those who continuously are exposed to social inequalities. It's literally the same thing as saying "anti-antisemitism does not exit because I have a friend who is jewish". It's a nice utopian view, but it's glaringly incompatible with reality.

Jul 22, 20 10:16 am  · 
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EA, what's wrong with being pro equality? I really think I want quite the same as all y'all in the end, but simply achieve it through different means...

Jul 22, 20 10:20 am  · 

"everything matters equally"? that's not my point of view at all, that's bullshit, sorry. Equality matters, so you have to treat people equally and not base your treatment of people on their skin colour, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion etc. because that is racist etc. If you would really like to reach equality, look perhaps at socio-economic policies and tools that don't discriminate but are really inclusive. That's not utopian at all, just common sense in my opinion. And no need to drag the Almighty Balkins into this as a shortcut to avoid discussing the matter at hand, that's a little too easy ;-)

Jul 22, 20 10:37 am  · 
Non Sequitur

^kristian, I did not catch your comment. You must have made it while I was formatting mine. I don't think Rando is playing any intellectual games here. I believe he genuinely believes the everything matters slogan but fails to understand why it's not as clever as he thinks it is... but like you, I've not read or followed the entire discussion because, well, of obvious reasons.

Jul 22, 20 10:40 am  · 

I think the characterisation "forum gypsy" is racist.

Beautiful movie, with great music...

Jul 22, 20 10:44 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

Thank you rando for confirming my initial assumptions. You've used different words, but the meaning is exactly the same.

Jul 22, 20 10:47 am  · 

kristian, far be it for me to recommend anyone read more of randomised's posts, but you should go back a page and read the stuff where he argues reverse racism for an example of an argument that in principle is simply wrong (and it was pointed out numerous times why that is the case). There's no attempt to establish it as a decorative shell for some type of deeper purpose. Rather, the intent is to simply demand attention ... attention he so desperately craves.

Jul 22, 20 11:51 am  · 

To claim that there is no biased censorship here is laughable when you have Jlax and rando bring up topics for discussion and debate usually pretty civilly and they get axed while beta's extremely verbally abusive attacks remain. Its laughable.

Jul 22, 20 2:50 pm  · 
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I've flagged and asked for moderation (not censorship) of some of b3ta's abusive comments/personal attacks and most have been removed. I've also seen comments of jla's and rando's that should probably have been moderated (also not censorship) but yet remained. None of these users have been "axed." 

Not that this in any way is something where there is a score being kept and that it somehow needs to even out, but it does go both ways. To selectively remember one without acknowledging the other is disingenuous, more so when you try to pin an accusation of bias on that selection. 

To be quite honest, I find it ridiculous that b3ta is allowed moderating privileges at all at this point ... but it's also not my website.

Jul 22, 20 3:46 pm  · 
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I remember a few times in the past where guys in my high school were just having fun calling each other slurs. It was hilarious for them. The people nearby not so much. We consider it a burden too heavy to bear when it comes to the consideration of others at the expense of "innocent fun. "

Jul 22, 20 4:27 pm  · 

The point is not to change racists' minds, but to deny them a platform where they might change the minds of impressionable others.

Jul 22, 20 4:40 pm  · 

Sorry all, that I don't buy into trickle-down diversity, I'm more of a bottom-up kind of guy. Let's just leave it at that.

Jul 22, 20 4:45 pm  · 

And kristian, I didn't "brand" you a racist, just said that particular characterisation is racist. Now, go watch Gadjo Dilo and don't "defend" me or my right to equality (whatever that means) using racist characterisations, thank you!

Jul 22, 20 4:54 pm  · 

Tduds I think the issue is that almost everything is being stated as racist. So when someone argues for a stringent border policy, personal accountability and protection of individualism...just cast these issues as either racist or not racist and they need to be deplatformed. A pretty highly autocratic and toxic norm for a democracy to engage in.

Jul 22, 20 5:06 pm  · 
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Similar scenario as the Rona. Anyone who brought up the idea that maybe we could just close bars and wear masks to flatten the curve was a murderer who only cared about money and was anti-science. It totally killed discussion, created group think and the worst recession this century.

Jul 22, 20 5:13 pm  · 

I rarely see that in practice.

Jul 22, 20 5:13 pm  · 

In this forum there was a more heated argument fueled by people insisting on saying "Wuhan Flu" or whatever and almost no discussion of actions. So, in that case, the deplatforming was quite appropriate.

Jul 22, 20 5:15 pm  · 

I don't see how anything that has happened on this website has gone against your ideal view of an unfiltered internet. Perhaps the difference is in the application of the filter as you describe it. I can look at Archinect as the product of its founder, Paul, and his individual choice to filter the internet as he chooses. Equally, you have the freedom to create your own pocket of the web to apply your filter as you see it. You don't have the freedom however, to tell Paul how he gets to apply his filter. 

All of us here have chosen to engage as guests of Paul's filter. Likewise, we engage as guests of many other filters on the internet. You get to pick and choose which ones you want to engage with freely. In creating an account to participate on this website we've agreed to abide by whatever filter Paul wants to give his website. If we don't agree with it, we can complain here as long as Paul allows us to, or we could leave and complain about it more freely in whatever space on the internet will allow us at that particular moment (maybe today it's Mark's pocket, tomorrow it might be Jack's) ... or we could maximize our freedom and create our own space to complain on our own terms unfiltered by someone else. 

Maximizing freedom shouldn't allow you unfettered access to inject yourself in every possible discussion on any possible platform that might be on the internet based on whatever whim you decide to entertain that day. To do so would be denying Paul his freedom, and other users their freedom to participate according to Paul's filter.

Jul 22, 20 5:22 pm  · 
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Well Kristian, that established phrase in any context is just wrong in my opinion...try substituting gypsy with, for instance, Jew or some other and read it aloud. I personally prefer OutKast over outcast :) Glad though that you're exercising technically, always good to flex those muscles, especially when not used that often...

Jul 22, 20 5:34 pm  · 

I don't know about you, but I come for the kangaroos and cilantro #kangaroos4life #cilantroandlimeordeath

Jul 22, 20 6:24 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

It’s all about the kangaroos and cilantro. Yeah.

Jul 22, 20 6:33 pm  · 
2  · 

not cilantro obvs, but sometimes you gotta take what you get...

Jul 22, 20 6:38 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

New archinect feature suggestion: merit badges next to your name. First one for the suggestion box would be one for those who participated in the great Oregon kangaroo rescue event.

Jul 22, 20 6:43 pm  · 
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That was cringe worthy, not badge worthy

Jul 22, 20 6:49 pm  · 
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can you start a reddit page dedicated to complaining about archinect censorship? i bet it would be all the rage

Jul 23, 20 8:10 am  · 
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I’m sure David Curtis already made one...

Jul 23, 20 8:49 am  · 
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Yeah, of COURSE Curtis was banned, seeing how he was such a raging right-winger / libertarian / anti-whatever else  Archinecters collective bias is.

Jul 23, 20 11:56 am  · 

I have this thing where Kangaroos taste like soap.

Jul 23, 20 12:25 pm  · 
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DC's banning was really only about his stance on leaf blowers.

Jul 23, 20 1:50 pm  · 
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The mentioning of David Curtis was only because of that reddit page, not because of his views or lack the way, just checked his twitter for any architect mentions, still can’t let go:

Jul 23, 20 2:10 pm  · 

Perfect example of my analysis above. DC was allowed to complain about Paul's filter here ... until he wasn't. Now he uses Jack's filter to complain about Paul's filter. Mark's filter wasn't working for him apparently ... also.

Jul 23, 20 2:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm sure you both can expect some legal letter shortly from DC's lawyer wife just for mentioning the wanker's name.

Jul 23, 20 3:29 pm  · 
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assuming they're still together

Jul 23, 20 5:21 pm  · 

Say what you want about DC, at least he knew that when he got removed from the site he didn't need to come back under a different name. Looking back at my email communication with Rick, he lasted maybe maybe 48 hours from a racist email in response to one of my comments on the site, to posting under his new name. I don't know what other attempts he might have made before that.

Jul 23, 20 5:38 pm  · 


Jul 22, 20 4:24 am  · 
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Always love the Python...

Jul 22, 20 12:19 pm  · 
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A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. . . . An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.

— Max Planck, Scientific autobiography, 1950

I think this concept is generally applicable to all people with willful beliefs. You can't change their minds; just wait for them to die and make sure the growth of understanding continues uninterrupted. We need to bring this understanding into progressive politics.

Jul 22, 20 9:42 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

yes.... and teach the younger ones to value evidence AND critical thinking together instead of relying on indoctrination and tradition... or easily swallow-able flashy you tube "savant" videos.

Jul 22, 20 9:59 am  · 
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I am as progressive as can be, can't wait till the idea dies out that one thinks one can fight racism by applying some more but different racism, sexism by applying some more but different sexism, etc...if you want sustainable and resilient change and equality that lasts of course.

Jul 22, 20 10:13 am  · 

perhaps the fallible sapience of this internet forum has misunderstood you. i cannot apologize to you on their behalf. your point is understood. IRL have you found other audiences more receptive to your unorthodox progressiveness?

Jul 22, 20 10:47 am  · 

Dont you have to not have kids and be anti-heteronornative these days to be a progressive? So....uh oh.

Jul 22, 20 2:47 pm  · 


Jul 22, 20 2:50 pm  · 

There's a massive difference between being allowed to do something and being forced to do it. Intentionally or otherwise, too much of the debate conflates these actions.

Jul 22, 20 3:28 pm  · 

midlander, there's nothing unorthodox in my is just about staying true to ones believes of diversity, inclusivity and equality despite all the pressure (here) and don't get sucked into the trap of some kind of forced trickle-down diversity as the holy end goal and final solution that will end all suffering and inequalities.

You know, the Futurists also believed in some kind of new scientific truth and thought they were on track to some innovative greatness yet all they gave birth to was Fascism (and some beautiful architecture, but let's not stray too far off...)

Jul 22, 20 5:06 pm  · 

fascism is in the air lately for sure, just without the idealism

Jul 23, 20 9:54 am  · 

Agreed! From where I stand, in the reasonable middle, I can see the radicalisation on both ends of the spectrum...they're having more and more in common these days (a.k.a. the horseshoe theory)

Jul 23, 20 11:08 am  · 
 ·  1

playing the middle, one of your favorites, is intellectually the laziest and easy position to take. you don't need to define this nebulous gray area, which becomes a catch-all for holier-than-thou positions. the sad thing is you're the only one who believes you somehow represent "the middle." at the end of the day, i truly wonder why you continue to post here to an audience of one.

Jul 23, 20 11:17 am  · 
2  ·  1

square, I'm not playing the middle, I am the's the flanks that are radicalising, I simply stay put with my superior(!) points of view and opinions and see the ends of the horseshoe coming closer and closer, they could almost make out. I continue to post here simply to educate you, you're welcome. And I really don't care if you (or others) believe or not that I represent the reasonable middle and that I might not have an audience. I think you simply enjoy to have a target to project all your frustrations on, at this moment that apparently is me...before that it was jla-x or some other poor sap, next time it will perhaps be someone else...that modus operandi says more about you than it does about me or anyone else.

Jul 23, 20 11:50 am  · 
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your delusions of grandeur are beginning to scare me

Jul 23, 20 11:59 am  · 

I am the middle.

Jul 23, 20 12:10 pm  · 
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I'm closer to the middle than my posts suggest. My upbringing and the geographical location for most of my life caused me to have some beliefs that I am challenging daily.

Jul 23, 20 12:14 pm  · 
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randomised's future podcast will be named? 

  • A) I am the middle, 
  • B) The reasonable middle, 
  • C) The ends of the horseshoe are making out, 
  • D) Here simply to educate you, you're welcome,
  • E) I might not have an audience.
Jul 23, 20 12:33 pm  · 
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Provided said podcast had guests who challenged randomised's beliefs and was not simply an echo chamber, I would give it a listen.

Jul 23, 20 12:36 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur
  • F) All podcasts are equal, but mine is better
Jul 23, 20 1:29 pm  · 
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That would totally not be a title of my podcast since not all of them are equal, duhhh

Jul 23, 20 2:26 pm  · 

SneakyPete, I wouldn’t care for an echo chamber podcast, you could be my first guest!

Jul 23, 20 2:26 pm  · 

"your delusions of grandeur are beginning to scare me"

what you try to disqualify as delusions are simply inconvenient truth-bombs...those universal human rights are universal, it's not a pick and choose as you go to fit a political agenda, can't help it either, sorry...

Jul 23, 20 3:23 pm  · 
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That's fucking rich, coming from you. Pun fully intended.

Jul 23, 20 4:06 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

specifically the part after 4:13

Jul 23, 20 4:08 pm  · 
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Rick comes to a discussion forum to complain about back and forth banter ... aka discussion.

Jul 23, 20 4:27 pm  · 
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Gets banned from a thread, then a forum, then makes an alt and starts posting again in both. In many places that earns you an IP ban.

Jul 23, 20 4:31 pm  · 

That's uncalled for Non, using RATM like that...but I get it, you need to give an outlet to your cognitive dissonance. I'm here for you XOXO

(oh and still don't know what you were trying to say with cilantro)

Jul 23, 20 5:13 pm  · 
 ·  1

"That's fucking rich, coming from you. Pun fully intended." was not directed at randomised or anyone else in this thread. The post I was responding to has been purged.

Jul 23, 20 5:18 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Rando, my video was in response to a now nuked comment.

Jul 23, 20 5:21 pm  · 
2  · 

damn, watching rick appear, post an internet etiquette guide from the 90s, and then get evaporated was.. something

Jul 23, 20 5:31 pm  · 

Anyone who might still be wondering whether "rcz1001" is Rick Balkins, you shouldn't need to wonder anymore.

Jul 23, 20 5:45 pm  · 

This 90's gif which has aged about as well as he has seems appropriate.

Jul 23, 20 5:46 pm  · 

Hahaha TC got Rickrolled that case, disregard my comment Non about them cognitive dissonance, the XOXO still stands obviously and the bit about cilantro.

Jul 23, 20 5:49 pm  · 
1  · 

It still fits though Pete ;)

Jul 23, 20 5:52 pm  · 

Sneaky you should know that Buscemi gifs are always better for threads that have been Rick'ed

Jul 23, 20 6:32 pm  · 
2  · 

I think I'd actually cry if it ever came out that Steve Buscemi was anything other than an all-around fantastic human.

Jul 23, 20 7:10 pm  · 
3  · 

Darn, I missed it. But rcz1001 was at least the 4th alter-ego Rick created here in the past couple weeks. I'm sure he'll reincarnate himself in a minute.

Jul 23, 20 8:48 pm  · 
1  · 

Well if we're trotting out Buscemi gifs, why not use the gold standard?

Fellow Kids GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Jul 23, 20 8:53 pm  · 
2  · 

And you got me excited, 5839, when I misread your post as "reincinerate."

Jul 23, 20 9:07 pm  · 

Well that's only a matter of time too!  I mean, not that he'll necessarily self-immolate, but he'll drive the mods to do it for him.

Jul 23, 20 9:59 pm  · 
1  · 

Philip Johnson - Nazi Past

very relevant bit above

Jul 23, 20 11:30 am  · 
1  · 

so, uh, how bout that architecture?

Jul 23, 20 11:33 am  · 
6  · 

Eh it's ok I guess.

Jul 23, 20 12:22 pm  · 

These days I like it better when I'm in it and not working on it.

Jul 23, 20 12:30 pm  · 
1  · 
Wilma Buttfit

you mean Architecture

Jul 23, 20 9:24 pm  · 
1  · 

no, just normal architecture.

Jul 24, 20 11:03 am  · 

or maybe this kind of capital-A Architecture:

Jul 24, 20 11:04 am  · 
1  · 


Jul 23, 20 1:12 pm  · 
1  · 

This shit is pricey!

Jul 23, 20 10:31 pm  · 

That price is shitty!

Jul 23, 20 11:07 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

it's very sad that such a product is even available for sale.

Jul 23, 20 11:22 pm  · 
4  · 

Think it's time for a handlebar moustache! Solo or with beard?

Jul 24, 20 1:22 pm  · 

Solo, like you will be when all the ladies see your handlebar mustache.* 

* Totally kidding. I am certain there are people of whatever gender you prefer who find handlebar mustaches erotic.

Jul 24, 20 2:40 pm  · 
2  · 


Jul 24, 20 2:51 pm  · 
 ·  1

try the beard on one side first and see how you like the combo.

Jul 24, 20 7:20 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

full mutton chops

Jul 24, 20 7:53 pm  · 
3  · 

The biggest fashion scandal of the last decade duped young men into thinking that finely detailed facial topiary was a good thing.

Jul 24, 20 8:29 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

My beard (now full due to c19) is my only source of grey. I tell my wife it’s the only sign that I’m mortal.

Jul 24, 20 9:46 pm  · 
2  · 

My beard (or lack thereof at the moment) isn't the only sign I have ginger in me, but it's the only sign that is visible when I'm fully dressed.

Jul 24, 20 10:16 pm  · 
2  · 

The only time I had a handle bar moustache was when I was playing around while shaving the beard completely...two mistakes I won't be repeating anytime soon, if ever!

Jul 25, 20 3:03 pm  · 
1  · 

Brilliant replies! got a lot of side eye from the wife when I suggested it haha. I'm keeping it!

Jul 26, 20 11:10 am  · 
wurdan freo

Ok... I'll take one... crazy thing is at $9400 in 1953.., according to the inflation calculator it'd be just under $100k in todays dollars... :(

Jul 24, 20 11:15 pm  · 
3  · 

unrestrained asset price inflation is one of the most remarkable and pernicious conditions of the 21st century economy across the english speaking world.

Jul 25, 20 12:26 am  · 

Happy Saturday y'all!

Didn't we have a Details thread? Tried searching a bit, to no avail?

Would this detailing of where new and old, galvanised roofing and gutters meet, count you think? Also of course can't knock that view and just generally lovely adaptive reuse project!

Via Domus

Jul 25, 20 1:56 pm  · 
6  · 
Wood Guy

I've been trying to figure out what's going on with the foreground rake--do you think it's just stepped back so it appears thinner from the ground? Or is there another reason it doesn't match the others? Nice looking work, in any case.

Jul 27, 20 12:28 pm  · 
2  · 

Perhaps an expansion joint? But I think you're probably correct.

Jul 27, 20 2:18 pm  · 

Mike Riscica and his Young Architects dealio blocked me on Instagram this weekend. He posted, paraphrased, "if the AIA won't acknowledge recently registered architects, fuck them" I pointed out that AIA Indiana has a ceremony every year honoring newly registered architects and he should maybe be more careful about burning so many bridges in our very small profession. 

Boom, blocked. 

I've supported Mike's efforts in the past but he has also, consistently, displayed the kind of thin-skinned egotism that has been so prevalent in our profession. I can't wait for that entitled white man attitude to finally burn away, and looking at all the Black-led podcasts, articles, activist groups etc. I'm seeing around our profession lately we're getting there!

Jul 27, 20 11:16 am  · 
8  · 
Non Sequitur

Dude sounds like a self-help wanker.

Jul 27, 20 11:37 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Off with your head! I think receiving aggression from Mike is something we all get to experience eventually. 

Jul 27, 20 11:41 am  · 
2  · 

It's good to give praise for a willingness to say things that are helpfully blunt where most folks keep quiet, but it's always, ALWAYS important to wait on an emotional response to see if it still feels right after the initial emotional surge has abated.

Jul 27, 20 11:42 am  · 
3  · 

Honestly, Mike Riscica is the worst person. His “marketing” is nothing but bashing NCARB, AIA, and Black Spectacles. I had it out with him a little a while back because he was bashing Black Spectacles’ coaching program - one I did/still do a hell of a lot of work with and a lot of my students have since become licensed. It looks like he does nothing but complain. Wonder if he has his pass rate statistics online and if they’re better than the overall rates?

Jul 27, 20 11:53 am  · 
4  · 

So he is a douche that can’t handle (constructive) criticism, no need to drag his lack of melanin or X chromosome into this.

Jul 27, 20 11:53 am  · 

Funny thing is Donna, he knows that and has it written down on his website ... but that must be too inconvenient for the narrative he's trying to create at the moment. 

He's just upset with AIA, NCARB, et al. because they don't think he and his book, website, podcast, boot camp, conference, etc. are the greatest things to happen to aspiring professionals. I think he has a lot of good that he's done for young professionals and I don't want to erase that, but he is quick to lash out if he even smells a hint of criticism rather than effusive praise. What he doesn't realize, or doesn't want to acknowledge, is that if he worked with people more instead of against them he could magnify his efforts. This is where I think it's mostly about him building his brand rather than his goals of helping young architects and emerging professionals.

Jul 27, 20 12:05 pm  · 
3  · 

i'm no fan of the aia, but it seems like a strange hill to die on

Jul 27, 20 12:18 pm  · 

It's too bad that he blocked you Donna, instead of engaging in a conversation. I'm involved with my AIA chapter and am interested in ways that we can better support emerging professionals. Some people do seem to dismiss us as not caring or purposely excluding them, but without letting us know what we did or what their ideas are for how we could do better it's tough to know what the issue is or even what we did or didn't do that created that impression. Our state also has an annual ceremony for newly licensed architects, as part of the annual meeting and awards event (to which the newly licensed people get free tickets.) We always welcome any members (including associate members, allied members, etc.) to attend any of our other meetings throughout the year. We have an active emerging professionals group, and all members at all stages of their careers are invited and encouraged to participate on any other committees in which they're interested. Many members of our board of directors are newly or not yet licensed. We lend out study materials (which are chosen based on feedback from those who have recently become licensed), we hold seminars and study groups, meet and greets, and lots of other social and continuing ed events. If others have ideas for better ways of recognizing those newly licensed, we always want to know.

Jul 27, 20 12:36 pm  · 
1  · 

Exactly right, Everyday. Mike has done lots of cool things for young people in our profession but he's also needlessly burned so many bridges by offending people for small slights.

Jul 27, 20 12:36 pm  · 
3  · 

This comment isnt racist or sexist how?

Jul 27, 20 1:53 pm  · 

And no, this post is not racist, or misogynist, despite what "dude" thinks. Idiot.

Jul 27, 20 2:12 pm  · 

How is it not? It's attaching negative traits based on someone's race and sex. That Is racist and sexist and in no way fosters equity and unity.

Jul 27, 20 2:17 pm  · 
 ·  1

No. It's not. And you're making this thread dumber by the second. Lemme guess, you're one of those "dudes" that gets offended when women say they're not into you, right? Because it has to be racist, or anti-men to say I don't like stupid wight men, who thinks the world bends to your will, right? You poor wight dude.

Jul 27, 20 2:24 pm  · 

Just because one can take the root word and spin it doesn't mean one has an understanding of the definition of the word or how it's used. But it's a great way to try to sound smart.

Jul 27, 20 2:27 pm  · 
2  · 

No, I'm standing up for my right to not be attacked based on the color of my skin or sex. Which you are now doing exactly what you claim to not be. The comment could easily say the guy is a jerk. Instead it lumped in hate speech based on race and gender.

Jul 27, 20 2:31 pm  · 
1  · 

Fred Armisen Men GIF by IFC - Find & Share on GIPHY

Jul 27, 20 2:33 pm  · 
3  · 

archi_dude = Michael Riscica ... ??

Jul 27, 20 2:35 pm  · 
4  · 

"Imperialist White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy" there, is that better? Thank you Dr. bell hooks.

Jul 27, 20 2:39 pm  · 

Well confirmed who the real fascist, racist and sexists are. I did nothing but state the above comments are not creating equity and unity and becuase I stood up for a targeted race and sex i got attacked for my own race and sex. You are everything you claim not to be b3ta.

Jul 27, 20 2:47 pm  · 
1  · 

But, archi-dude, in all seriousness: it's not racism for me to say I'm tired of white dudes. It IS me being guilty of stereotyping and over-generalization, but I don't feel bad about it: the cultural attributes that are generally ascribed to white dude starchitects are what I'm eager to see disappear *because* those are the cultural attributes that have been prevalent in preventing people of different attributes from succeeding. It's time for change.

Jul 27, 20 3:08 pm  · 
2  · 

Just to echo what Donna said - Mike is a mostly good guy who has really done a lot to promote licensure and support young / emerging professionals. But over the last few years I've been reluctant to come to his defense since he seems to be both extremely thin-skinned and also extremely eager to pick a fight (and also also very reluctant to let things go). Not a good combination of traits.

Jul 27, 20 3:23 pm  · 
2  · 

So the fact that a white guy cannot have the same protection from hate speech and is attacked even for asking for it proves they are not punching down. The second comment sounds like some thinly veiled rationalization on racism. How can we ever be equitable if the same rules dont apply evenly. Who ever holds the power to judge what is and isnt racist is in fact the racist by your own definition. It's not that hard to punch holes in it.

Jul 27, 20 3:30 pm  · 

This country was built by and large by and for white men, and therefore we are by and large responsible for its failings. Pointing that out is not racism, its constructive criticism.

Jul 27, 20 3:32 pm  · 
2  · 

So I mentioned on his Instagram that many chapters recognize young professionals that pass the exam and he blocked me

Jul 27, 20 3:44 pm  · 
2  · 

I had originally looked into using his study material, but was turned off by the amount of negative petty fighting he appears to take part in online. Ended up passing on his stuff largely on that basis and going with a combination of Ballast, Brightwood, and Black Spectacles, each of which appear to be much more neutral and genuinely trying promote licensure more broadly, despite their individual flaws. His attitude comes off more along the lines of "If you use anyone else's product you're an idiot".

Jul 27, 20 4:00 pm  · 
3  · 

archi-dude: the "same rules dont apply evenly", and haven't for 400 years. That's the point.

Jul 27, 20 4:39 pm  · 
3  · 

So saying that hate speech doesn't count towards one group based on their color and gender doesnt get us there and is in fact a racist and sexist statement no matter how much you want to dress it up.

Jul 27, 20 5:22 pm  · 

Donna, how is White Mike “preventing people of different attributes from succeeding”?

Jul 27, 20 5:25 pm  · 

the amazing thing is "rando and the dude" are living out the portlandia sketch without even knowing it (i know they didn't watch it because if they had, they would have stopped digging the massive hole they're in a long time ago):

"I'm telling you, that's why men need safe spaces too.

The only place I feel safe expressing myself is on social media, you know under a pseudonym."

Jul 27, 20 5:31 pm  · 
3  ·  1

With Risicica, it's about monetizing his ARE platform, right? And the AIA won't play?

Jul 27, 20 6:06 pm  · 
1  · 

b3ta, your probably right. He's worked really hard to create what he has, and he probably feels like the AIA has shafted him and supported other programs/platforms that he doesn't like or thinks charge too much for the value. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, like I have attempted to in the past, but at some point you have to recognize the patterns of behavior for what they are and who is responsible for them.

Jul 27, 20 6:20 pm  · 
3  · 

As a reminder, we've been here before only on Twitter vs. Instagram. See my post from Sept. 9, 2019

Jul 27, 20 6:30 pm  · 
1  · 

Dont need a safe space. Just openly confronting your liberal fragility.

Jul 27, 20 7:21 pm  · 
 ·  3

Love when folks wedge their way into a thread to whine about one or two phrases entirely unrelated to the overall point of the thread & then, when called out, pivot to accusing *the other people* of fragility.

Jul 27, 20 7:29 pm  · 
5  · 

The "Think for Yourself" crowd ironically referencing the world's thinnest playbook. Fucking exhausting, the lot of ya.

Jul 27, 20 7:30 pm  · 
4  · 
Non Sequitur

Love the fragility defense. Lazy and intellectually poor thinking in full display.

Jul 27, 20 7:42 pm  · 
2  · 

"I can't wait for that entitled white man attitude to finally burn away"

The above is what the "dudes" are "concerned" about, EWM, yes that perennial, centuries old, American White Womxn Subjugation; "entitled white man" [sin]drone.

Clowns gonna keep on clowning. 

Jul 27, 20 7:59 pm  · 
3  · 

Ironically enough, an attitude is not a protected class. So Donna attacking "entitled white man attitude" is not hate speech, nor racism, nor sexism ... plain and simple. She never attacked white men, just stereotyped their attitude and attacked it.

Jul 27, 20 8:13 pm  · 
1  · 


Jul 27, 20 8:17 pm  · 

I thought it was pretty spot on. You can't handle when some one calls out your own sexist and racist views you try and disguise as harmless stereotyping or "constructive criticism" as tduds said. If my arguments seem lazy its because it's so easy to poke holes in this new racism and sexism. Apparently it's okay to say that someone's shitty attitude is becuase of their race and skin color? No that is not okay no matter who it's about and having that mentality is going to lead to even more inequity, division and racism.

Jul 27, 20 8:37 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I thought inequity, division and racism didn't exist, how can there be more?

Jul 27, 20 10:54 pm  · 

square, what did I do now? All I said was that there was no need, (in my opinion), to point out gender or skin colour of the guy, and simply ask what Mike Risicica is actually doing to prevent people of different attributes from succeeding, that’s all. But no answer of course, only ridicule...All I know is that he is helping anyone willing to pay, regardless of gender or ethnicity or whatever, to get registered. So please, stop projecting here...thanks! You all have quite a long way to go, if pointing out the unnecessary focus on gender or skin colour results in these kinds of collective tirades...I am so glad I don’t live in the USA right now with its binary politics and discussions, all about punching up and/or down.

Jul 28, 20 2:08 am  · 

Randomised, you have to tread more carefully with their liberal fragility.

Jul 28, 20 8:59 am  · 
1  ·  1

"keep the confederate monuments to remember history! but don't acknowledge any other part of history, especially the parts that explicitly show white men, who have been in control of most of that history, perpetrating acts of violence and exploitation, which would necessitate a view of contemporary events not as a blank slate with conveniently generic equality, but a reckoning with the past."

Jul 28, 20 9:07 am  · 
1  ·  1

"i can't stand the usa, but i spend an excessive amount of time anonymously grieving on an american architecture website."

Jul 28, 20 9:07 am  · 
 ·  1

Square, you painted yourself in the corner again...Mission: The goal of Archinect is to make architecture more connected and open-minded, and bring together designers from around the world to introduce new ideas from all disciplines.

Jul 28, 20 9:55 am  · 
Non Sequitur

rando, your arms must be getting tired from all that digging.

Jul 28, 20 9:56 am  · 
1  · 

Non, did you actually read what I posted here after Donna’s first is all pretty harmless, really...I’m not doing any digging.

Jul 28, 20 10:08 am  · 
Non Sequitur

digging you are my naive friend.

Jul 28, 20 10:12 am  · 

I am not the one digging ;-)

Jul 28, 20 10:48 am  · 

This is beyond tiresome. No minds will be changed, this is Sisyphus with syphilis.

Jul 28, 20 12:56 pm  · 
6  · 

Agreed, but it is nice as a kind of historical archive, to later say “I told you so”...when 1984 comes back with a vengeance.

Jul 29, 20 2:07 am  · 

Congress better pass the additional $600 week unemployment, or we're fucked.

Jul 27, 20 2:20 pm  · 
3  · 

Seems like it's likely to be $200...

Jul 27, 20 2:25 pm  · 
2  · 

It seems that republicans are trying to do $200, but with a mathematical approach. Democrats need to stand tall, I know.

Jul 27, 20 2:38 pm  · 
2  · 

Question: we need more affordable housing, and we need to increase Black wealth, so why is large scale public housing the answer??

Why can't we create co-operative multifamily housing and have that be one - one of many solutions, understanding not everyone wants to own. Why not Levittowns as another type, with a co-op model?

Jul 27, 20 8:25 pm  · 

what do you mean by a co-operative? shared ownership?

Jul 27, 20 8:39 pm  · 

Yeah, there are so many benefits, it's been done before. I think it's fairly popular in GB and California. I admit there might be challenges at the level of "public housing" but I think it can be done. I mean public warehousing of people has proven to be politically untenable.

Jul 27, 20 8:48 pm  · 

are you thinking low income people could pool their money to build a multi-family project, or is the idea the government (or an NGO) step in with initial financing, then hand over ownership to the tenants?

Jul 27, 20 8:53 pm  · 
1  · 

The models I've seen, have shares, but generally speaking you are correct.

Jul 27, 20 9:25 pm  · 

Beta - if you can find a copy of Rowan Moore's "Slow Burn City" I highly recommend it. He goes through a complete explanation of how GB's public housing stock slowly transferred from an ostensible public service to a portfolio for private investors. And, importantly, he gives a comprehensive outli ne of how to recreate that public good (at least in GB).

I find public housing policy fascinating.

Jul 28, 20 8:29 am  · 
1  · 

ain't no money to be made by the devs. plenty of money to be made in affordable housing.

Jul 28, 20 9:09 am  · 
1  · 

The point is to avoid the developers in co-ops and cut out the middle man so not to build for profit but to fill a need. Must read:

Jul 28, 20 10:15 am  · 
1  · 

obviously. my point is you don't see co-ops like this in the us because there isn't a financial interest to do so; instead you see lots of "affordable housing" because tax credits and other incentives make it profitable for developers or other interests who will develop the project. it's more a question of where all of the resources currently go.

Jul 28, 20 10:23 am  · 
2  · 


Jul 28, 20 10:47 am  · 
1  · 

"society" at this point in time is just a word, after almost 50 years of "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" nobody considers joining others to get a better life for all, is all me, myself and I. I grew up in a country where coops were widespread, I could show you tens of small developments built this way, beautiful architecture and landscapes, but as square says, if there is no money to be made, neo-liberal governments have no interest in promoting Society.

Jul 28, 20 11:11 am  · 
3  · 

Here's a good article about collective ownership models. It focuses on rural & farming communities, but could be just as applicable to suburban or urban housing.

Jul 28, 20 11:44 am  · 
2  · 

That's a great article random, and exactly what I'm talking about! Thanks!

Jul 28, 20 11:45 am  · 
1  · 

tduds, this is so heartbreaking and still happening - "In 1981, a severe drought swept the region and continued for years. When Charles sought a loan to install an irrigation system, Sherrod claims, a USDA agent told him that New Communities would only receive one “over my dead body.” Later, the Sherrods learned that white farmers with similarly sized operations nearby had received USDA financing, even while they had been denied. In 1985, they were finally approved for a USDA emergency loan, but by that point the bank was foreclosing on their land. A white farmer bought the property, razed the buildings, and buried the rubble in pits he had dug in the ground."

Jul 28, 20 12:34 pm  · 

Doesnt habitat for humanity already do this?

Jul 28, 20 12:54 pm  · 

I've been pleasantly surprised at the level of civility (and dare I say respect) in some threads recently. Thought that it would be nice to highlight them in the vein of TC's original intent:

Then there's one that had promise, but personalities got in the way:

A throw back to more classic archinect banter that keeps me coming back:

And finally, the classic example of someone clearly not willing to let a discussion happen without interjecting their own opposing opinion over and over again. It's still young, but the current trajectory is going to end poorly for holmeskrister if they feel the need to continue commenting when they have apparently little else to share:

Jul 28, 20 5:05 pm  · 
3  · 

Civility despite disagreement should always be praised.

Jul 28, 20 7:57 pm  · 
1  · 

there is literally an 'ok boomer' thread. why has that not fallen into 'ok boomer' memes?

Jul 28, 20 8:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Hold my beer

Jul 29, 20 7:49 am  · 

robhaw, interesting.

Jul 29, 20 7:59 am  · 
Wood Guy

I feel bad about contributing to the negativity on Rob's conflicting advice thread. I went back and re-read his original post with the mindset that he is happy with his position, just bringing up a situation for conversational purposes. Some of his responses are antagonistic, but if a more experienced Archinecter had posted the same question it might have been a different conversation.

Jul 29, 20 9:24 am  · 

i think he is a bit awkward in explaining himself but well intentioned. that probably contributes to challenges handling what sound like routine conflicts at work.

Jul 29, 20 9:49 am  · 
1  · 


Jul 29, 20 11:10 am  · 

ok EA, good call, i'll keep it more civil in such threads despite my (near constant) frustration at junior staff, students, and young people constantly complaining and not wanting to do the hard work it takes to be excellent at the practice of architecture. At least I KNOW i'm jaded.

Jul 29, 20 11:11 am  · 
1  · 

and i'll try the same, despite my frustration at senior staff and leadership who constantly complain about younger staff complaining (bootstraps, kid!) while refusing to acknowledge that while they might be wrong sometimes, they also might be right about some of the systemic problems within the profession, problems that if not addressed, might mean fewer and fewer young staff to yell about. and yes, i'm jaded as well.

Jul 29, 20 11:26 am  · 
1  · 

I don't think it's that they (we) don't want to do the hard work. It's just that they (we) think the view that you have to work 80 hours a week (on a 40 hour salary) and live to work is the way to become successful.

Jul 29, 20 11:30 am  · 
3  · 

Wow, I wasn't trying to cast shade on anyone for their participation in the "contrasting orders" thread. Interesting that it was received that way, even though I would not characterize that thread as unusual in the type of responses it received. To most of you I'd say keep on keeping on. 

To robhaw I'd say, relax buddy or grow some thicker skin. It never started out as personal to anyone but you and it only got there for some people because you chose to take it that way. A word of advice: when you ask for input as you did in that thread ... listen. Just take it in. You didn't need to poke holes in the advice you were given and go off on how it wouldn't have worked in your situation. You asked how people would have dealt with it, you got those answers and then basically told people they didn't understand the situation if their answer wasn't what you had already decided was the best way to handle the situation. 

That's the reason the thread devolved, IMO. You didn't seem to respect the fair viewpoints of the people giving you the input you asked for. I'm not defending all of the responses as worthy of respect, but that's the kind of stuff that you gotta let go sometimes (if you really feel you need to express your dissatisfaction, give them a thumbs down and move on). There is still a lot of good discussion in the thread. The shame was that multiple people's personalities (not just yours) got in the way and it sidelined more discussion.

Jul 29, 20 12:47 pm  · 
4  · 

Calm down EA. It's the internet. :)

Jul 29, 20 1:57 pm  · 
2  · 

Of all the folks to accuse of making personal attacks, EA would be towards the tail end of my list.

Jul 29, 20 2:37 pm  · 
3  · 

Chad, that should be read as calm. I understand the length doesn't lend itself to that, but it was all intended with the utmost chillness. My response to robhaw is basically "calm down, it's the internet," but based on their responses in the other thread I thought a bit of explanation was warranted so as not be labeled  flippant.

Jul 29, 20 3:55 pm  · 
1  · 

You know Donna likes a comment when she likes it twice:

Jul 28, 20 6:51 pm  · 
2  · 

Everyday: *as I clicked like* I realized I had probably already liked it. But you deserve double likes! This is the kind of snarky silly fun I miss from Archinect of a decade ago.

Jul 28, 20 7:08 pm  · 
5  · 
liberty bell

OMG I don’t know if anyone else is watching Perry Mason but it is so good! Beautifully filmed perfectly paced. Gorgeous.

Jul 28, 20 8:48 pm  · 
Wood Guy

I watched the first episode but couldn't get into it. I've heard many rave reviews so I'll try again at some point. I stumbled on Succession--have you seen it? It may be my favorite series since Sopranos.

Jul 29, 20 9:27 am  · 
1  · 

I'm afraid to watch Succession because I have no stomach for rich assholes right now LOL.

Jul 29, 20 9:54 am  · 

...and they’re white too ;-)

Jul 29, 20 10:40 am  · 

We're a couple episodes behind but we're loving it so far. Good storytelling, good acting, beautiful settings. I hope it can keep up the quality.

I said this before but Perry Mason is the show we were hoping Penny Dreadful, City of Angels was going to be. There are so many overlaps in the premise (LA, Revival church evangelist, murder mystery, early 20th century racism...), it's an excellent contrast in good vs. poor storytelling.

Jul 29, 20 11:30 am  · 
Wood Guy

Donna, the rich (white) asshole part can be hard to take, and none of the characters are particularly sympathetic. It's just a good storyline, great casting, writing and acting. And reminds me why I switched to working for upper middle class clients; serving the ultra-rich is just a weird experience.

Jul 29, 20 12:29 pm  · 
4  · 
liberty bell

Welp, we are officially downsizing. We made an offer on an inexpensive house on the other side of town in a not great neighborhood and it was accepted today. We have sold a lot that we had in Michigan, and we’re starting to give away or sell things like musical instruments and art that we don’t need. All of this is in an effort to purchase the building my husband currently rents. I’m nervous but excited to simplify our lives drastically!

Jul 29, 20 7:53 pm  · 
11  · 

GENTRIFIER! (not serious)

I hope you get the building, leasing commercial is brutal.

Jul 29, 20 8:33 pm  · 
1  · 

All of that spells a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e-!

Jul 29, 20 8:57 pm  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

My guilt is real, Sneaky Pete.

Jul 29, 20 9:51 pm  · 
1  · 

there goes the neighbourhood

Jul 30, 20 6:35 am  · 

I have a canoe shape with a hole in the top an bottom in Revit. I have applied a diamond grid.
How can I create a steel round section that runs the perimeter of the top and bottom holes? I can't find a solution on google.. Sweep doesn't work in this instance.

Jul 30, 20 3:41 pm  · 

This is a topic more suited for its own thread, not Thread Central, which is a thread ABOUT other threads.

Jul 30, 20 3:42 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Canoes with holes on the bottom are not very efficient. I recommend you limit yourself to only one hole... preferably the one that points up.

Jul 30, 20 4:08 pm  · 
3  · 

try doing two sweeps, one each side of the hole and joining them. Revit doesn't like it when a sweep ends where it started.

Jul 30, 20 5:05 pm  · 
1  · 

Cant get it to work, will just export to SketchUp and follow me.

Jul 30, 20 5:19 pm  · 

this definitely leaves more questions than answers

Jul 30, 20 10:55 pm  · 

It’s a bit of practice with concept massing. I’m using it for creating elevations for autocad and visuals in sketchup. Revits uv grid tools make creating tessellated forms much quicker. I’ll try again with getting a sweep to top and bottom, but it keeps giving errors. I assume the reference line I was drawing was the issue.

Jul 31, 20 1:36 am  · 

If you had to stop being an architect and instead be a consultant that architects work with, which discipline would you choose?

Jul 30, 20 5:38 pm  · 
2  · 
atelier nobody

Building Envelope

Jul 30, 20 5:49 pm  · 
2  · 

Same ... building envelope. 

Though I've been approached to do specification consulting, so it's nice to know there's that to fall back on if I had to in desperation. Not what I would choose to do however.

Jul 30, 20 6:09 pm  · 
2  · 

autodesk, because i could spend my day irritating architects

Jul 30, 20 6:20 pm  · 
3  · 

Design ;)

Jul 30, 20 6:45 pm  · 
1  · 

I waffle back and forth between Envelope and Signage.

Jul 30, 20 8:12 pm  · 

whiskey sommelier. i would like to advise architects on which bourbon they should buy.

Jul 30, 20 10:54 pm  · 
3  · 

architecture consultant

Jul 31, 20 6:59 am  · 

Physical model builder.

Aug 3, 20 1:00 pm  · 
2  · 
wurdan freo

^^ pretty sure it goes something like this...

Jul 30, 20 6:03 pm  · 
2  · 

Was this the attachment on the open letter to Autodesk, or attachment on Autodesk's reply?

Jul 30, 20 6:10 pm  · 
1  · 

Is that a pocket in your canoe, or are you just happy to see me?

Jul 30, 20 6:15 pm  · 
2  · 
liberty bell

citizen I totally saw a penis. Glad I’m not alone.

Jul 30, 20 7:16 pm  · 
2  · 

I believe I said it the design looks like that earlier on in in this thread haha

Jul 31, 20 1:07 am  · 

now the net stockings kind of make sense, if you're into that sort of thing...

Jul 31, 20 6:57 am  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

Hey, do you know who sucks? Credit reporting agencies, they suck! Experian, Trans Union, Equifax: they own our information without our consent, and we basically have to buy it back from them anytime we want it. But we also don’t have a say in how they report on us to people we want to do business with. It’s really gross, really truly gross.

Jul 31, 20 7:33 pm  · 
2  · 

And then they can lose all of our identities and then in the subsequent class action lawsuit give us a year of free credit monitoring or $13 while still maintaining extremely high CEO pay, bonuses and stock buybacks...

Jul 31, 20 8:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Hockey is back!

That is all.

Aug 1, 20 1:14 pm  · 
2  · 

Some of my friends in Seattle are excited to have a team now. Not being into hockey I don't know how new teams are generally received. Good? Bad? Meh, we'll see how they play? Is there consensus yet that fans will be called Krakheads?

Aug 1, 20 9:10 pm  · 

5839, you mentioned earlier that Rick has tried a number of different alter-egos since getting banned. I know of rcz1001. Do you recall the others? Perhaps RBM215 and/or r-b1dg5y-r3m3b3r? I have a couple of "likes" from them ... both right after Rick got the boot, but then nothing from either since. 

Aug 1, 20 9:06 pm  · 

Yes, rcz1001, and r-b1dg57... is another of them. I don't know about RBM215 - I didn't encounter that one, but probably. There was another that started with r, and one that started with a whose only job was to thumbs-up the others.

Aug 3, 20 11:44 am  · 
1  · 

Thanks, I was digging a little deeper and RBM215 has some comments in the COVID-19 Lay-off Thread about masks the day before Rick got the boot. I'm inclined to think they are not Rick and rather a one (or two) post user who hasn't come back after getting what they wanted to about mask wearing.

Aug 3, 20 12:23 pm  · 

How did Rick get banned again?

Aug 3, 20 1:01 pm  · 


Aug 3, 20 1:22 pm  · 
2  · 

... also being misogynistic

Aug 3, 20 1:26 pm  · 
1  · 

Wow. The guy was a tool but I didn't see that coming. I'm glad I missed those threads.

Aug 3, 20 1:36 pm  · 

Chad, I can share an email he sent me responding to comments here after he was banned if you're having some serious FOMO on his racist rants.

Aug 3, 20 1:42 pm  · 
1  · 

Oh I don't doubt that what people are saying is true. I just haven't been reading his posts so I was unaware.

Aug 4, 20 10:13 am  · 

rcz is still around, last post 10 hrs ago

Aug 5, 20 8:57 am  · 

Safe (that's hello in London) How are you all doing with adaptive re-use of all the redundant office buildings you commercial architects have helped to build? How do you feel about pension funds tied up in your buildings, and what that means for those whom have invested, is it just a developer is scumbag thing or needing a job after finishing at school?

I'm fairly good at communicating architecture, how can mass floor plan CAT A central air circulation be sold for adaptive reuse as residential?

Genuine question 

Aug 3, 20 6:36 pm  · 
 ·  2

Based on your post I would challenge your assertion that you are "fairly good at communicating architecture".

Aug 3, 20 6:41 pm  · 

Better than some fake "high modernist ideal?" based on maximum number of desks on a floor. Whilst having a centralised core, air circulation and no outside space? And I'm more worried about everyone's pensions being poored into the utterly unfit for purpose commercial architecture that's predominantly built in London.

Aug 3, 20 6:44 pm  · 

We have multiple lease walks a week for the office park we are currently building. Most of the space has already been grabbed and is being modified for each tenants needs. But an excellent brain fart!

Aug 3, 20 7:42 pm  · 

Good for you archi_dude where is it?

Aug 3, 20 8:05 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I don’t think you’ve made the slightest effort at understanding your POV.

Aug 3, 20 9:42 pm  · 

mm good point. i never thought of that and still haven't. i'll recommend you look into socialism then, where pensioners don't require returns on investment to fund living through oldage. thanks for the insight!

Aug 4, 20 1:07 am  · 

Ma'am this is a Wendys.

Aug 4, 20 11:19 am  · 
3  · 

There should be an 'eject' button for people who don't want surveys! 

Red button under desk, or maybe within AutoCAD?

Aug 4, 20 6:07 am  · 

i hate customer satisfaction surveys. when they're pushy enough i just give randomly terrible reviews to help make their data noisy and useless. surveys are such a lazy way to pretend to care.

Aug 4, 20 9:27 am  · 

I was referring to building surveys, but that works too! Adobe and SketchUp keep asking me via email or on launch of every program in the Adobe suite! I don't mind when it's once but for all 6 programs I have installed + emails...

Aug 5, 20 7:42 am  · 

oh yes that's what i was talking about. adobe is probably the worst for spamming me with marketing promos and surveys for their products that i already subscribe to...

Aug 5, 20 12:06 pm  · 

your original comment totally went over my head :P in my realm clients provide us all relevant surveys and site information as a precondition of taking a project

Aug 5, 20 12:08 pm  · 
1  · 

The calm, helpful liberty bell of old appeared on the "Success stories of leaving the discipline" thread today!  Man, I miss that lady. 

Aug 4, 20 5:34 pm  · 
7  · 

does the calm, helpful liberty bell of old have any advice for the Donna Sink of today?

Aug 4, 20 6:09 pm  · 
3  · 

I'm finding it hard to refrain from offering a contrasting opinion in the back and forth in that thread about how hard the ARE is. Hearing lots of voices in my head saying "If you don't have anything nice to say ..."

Aug 4, 20 7:23 pm  · 
3  · 

Bah! Humbug.

Aug 4, 20 9:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

The advice would be “more yoga, less wine” but who the hell has time for a yoga class lately?!

Aug 4, 20 10:52 pm  · 
2  · 

To be honest, I’m afraid if I ever take a yoga class I’ll break wind while in downward dog

Aug 4, 20 11:19 pm  · 
1  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Multitask. Drink wine while doing yoga. Solves 99% of my problems.

Aug 5, 20 8:35 am  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

Who has time for wine when so many excellent craft breweries deliver goods straight to my front door?

Aug 5, 20 8:39 am  · 

Maybe browse through some more old threads to reconnect to that lady, most likely anything pre-2016...

Aug 5, 20 8:49 am  · 
Non Sequitur

^there is a pre-2016?

Aug 5, 20 8:57 am  · 

when maga was a Taiwanese dialect or species of grasshopper.

Aug 5, 20 9:42 am  · 

Rant - client has asked for the impossible, I may as well start practicing walking in water.

Aug 5, 20 7:15 am  · 

BIll hourly!

Aug 5, 20 11:31 am  · 
1  · 

"Put your back into it" they've always said, meaning that I was never putting effort into sweeping - the shaft of the brush just snapped in half while I was sweeping my back garden... Need a new brush now!

Aug 5, 20 8:37 am  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

I have also recently snapped my outdoor push broom handle. Let's form a club.

Aug 5, 20 8:39 am  · 
1  · 

Do you have a proposed name for said club? And do we issue membership cards and lapel pins?

Aug 5, 20 8:45 am  · 
Non Sequitur

lapel pins work... but I think big & bold branded leather jackets is the way to go. Like those eng school varsity jackets but better because it'll actually mean something. We can call ourselves broken sticks club or something like that. Perhaps Broom Handle Destroyers! Think about the branding possibilities.

Aug 5, 20 8:51 am  · 
1  · 

Sounds good, what about a double denim option? The Broken Broom Crew? Thinking a broken broom with butterfly wings for the logo.

Aug 5, 20 8:58 am  · 
Non Sequitur

You want to associate our new club with the BBC?

broom stick with butterfly wings.  subtle tribute to smashing pumpkins.  I like it.

Aug 5, 20 9:02 am  · 
1  · 

Maybe, we could charge a licence fee!

Aug 5, 20 9:23 am  · 
atelier nobody

Brokestick Bros

Aug 5, 20 1:48 pm  · 

sorry guys, but a club for your broken sticks sounds like it's a club for men who suffer from ED.

Aug 5, 20 2:04 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

^that's why we need jackets

Aug 5, 20 3:06 pm  · 
1  · 

racist rando at it again on the recent pratt news comments. would love to enjoy some good news without the taint of rando's immature ignorance.

Aug 5, 20 9:37 am  · 
2  ·  2

you forgot to include sexist...

Aug 5, 20 10:38 am  · 
2  · 

You also forgot to include Dutch . . .

Aug 5, 20 11:07 am  · 
3  · 

It isn't necessary to comment on everything that offends you, randomised.

Aug 5, 20 12:21 pm  · 
1  · 

I’m not offended

Aug 5, 20 2:08 pm  · 

That's right rando, you're beledigd.

Aug 5, 20 2:16 pm  · 
1  · 

Ook niet, but nice one!

Aug 5, 20 2:45 pm  · 

I'm not offended, YOU'RE offended.

Aug 5, 20 2:48 pm  · 
1  · 

No need to shout, I don’t think you’re offended either, just ill-informed(!)

Aug 5, 20 3:52 pm  · 

I'm not ill-informed, you're ill-informed(.)

Aug 5, 20 4:05 pm  · 
2  · 

You're both DOLLEN

Aug 5, 20 6:39 pm  · 

I'm not dollen, you're dollen.

Aug 5, 20 7:13 pm  · 
2  · 

Only someone who's dollen would argue with me about being dollen.

Aug 6, 20 10:46 am  · 
2  · 

Aftermath of the Beirut waterfront warehouse explosion yesterday. Apparently, there was 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate being stored in that building. H occupancy restrictions exist for a reason.

Aug 5, 20 12:30 pm  · 
1  · 

God DAMN. :(

Aug 5, 20 12:31 pm  · 

That explosion was roughly equivalent to the detonation of a 2 kiloton nuke. The videos of it are intense.

Aug 5, 20 12:38 pm  · 

The videos are something I would have scoffed at if it were shown in a movie. Surreal and terrifying.

Aug 5, 20 1:27 pm  · 
3  · 

^agreed. Most real explosions don't look good on camera (movies that is). The pyros have to dress them up for the camera.

Aug 5, 20 2:02 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

How do you guys respond to the contractor cry of "My job is soooo hard, I have to actually build this thing! You just sit there in the AC and click buttons." I've been ignoring, but I want a quippy snapback ready in case I need it. My eyes are tired of rolling. 

Aug 6, 20 3:01 pm  · 
atelier nobody

"That must be why they pay you more than they pay me."

Aug 6, 20 3:17 pm  · 
6  · 

"You could always become an architect. I don't know if listening to contractors complain is any easier though."

Aug 6, 20 3:21 pm  · 
3  · 

"My job isn't that much better ... sometimes the AC goes out."

Aug 6, 20 3:22 pm  · 
3  · 

"good point."

Aug 6, 20 3:25 pm  · 
2  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I don't have AC. Don't really need it cause my beer keeps me cool.

Aug 6, 20 3:26 pm  · 
2  · 
Wilma Buttfit

just kidding of course. I mean, I have a coozy on it.

Aug 6, 20 3:27 pm  · 

“Not just clicking, sometimes I just sit here and scroll too!”

Aug 6, 20 4:30 pm  · 
1  · 

"Oh? I didn't realize you were out there swinging the hammers."

*Sorry. It's a pet peeve of mine when people think GCs actually build things. They just push paperwork around. Not sure if the contractor in this situation is a GC or not.

Aug 6, 20 4:43 pm  · 
1  · 

Have you been called a cartoonist yet? That was a high point.

Aug 6, 20 5:17 pm  · 
1  · 

I got called a "draw-er" by a shitty client.

Aug 6, 20 6:41 pm  · 
1  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Draw? Ya mean button-clicker.

Aug 6, 20 8:26 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Funny how the contractors don't become architects because its too HARD.

Ah, sprained my eye-rolling mussels!

Aug 6, 20 8:27 pm  · 

yum, mussels in white whine!

Aug 7, 20 9:20 am  · 
1  · 

Oh you want to be a Project Manager? OK, you'll spend all day writing up meeting minutes because you need the people you are managing to actually do the drawing while you go to meetings to figure out what to tell them to draw. 

I became an architect because I like to draw. I never get to draw any more. 

Aug 6, 20 3:31 pm  · 
7  · 

Hand them your meeting notes and steal their redlines. Tell them it is part of their professional development to learn how to write sufficient meeting minutes.

Aug 6, 20 3:55 pm  · 

Currently going through this except I'm *also* the person actually drawing. Teams of 1 are all-consuming. Don't recommend .

Aug 6, 20 4:12 pm  · 
2  · 

A team of 1 on a small project is ideal, though. That's why I like kitchen remodels so much, even though Selina Meyer made one of her best jokes about them: 

LOUIS-DREYFUS: (As Selina Meyer) Now, look, I want you to start lining up architects. I want to talk to every Tom, Dick and Gary out there.

RICHARDSON: (As Richard Splett) Maybe a female candidate.

LOUIS-DREYFUS: (As Selina Meyer) Well, we're not redoing a kitchen here, you know?

Aug 6, 20 4:34 pm  · 
3  · 

project coordinator role has been created to assist pm during design, documentation and construction. they come into meetings with pm and take notes during the meeting for the pm to review. they can also sirt and file emails for pm. they also, assist during ca by gather, sorting, filing rfis, submittals, shop dawings for the pm to review, then distribute the documents. takes a bit of onboarding and training, but once they are up and running they can be super helpful with taking some of the paper-pushing off the pm's plate.

Aug 6, 20 5:34 pm  · 
2  · 

Ah.. but Donna, the next rung is VP or Principal. Then you get to wander around the office with a roll of bumwad and a red pen and critique the designs. You can also swoop in and steal the fun bits like choosing the stone, sketching with the ironworker, etc. then dump it back for someone else to 'sort out the details'; you've got to go to that wine tasting / art gallery exhibit to mingle and drum up work afterall.... :P

Aug 6, 20 5:53 pm  · 
4  · 

Mightyaa you forgot to mention that you only critique the design in this way 3 days before the CD/bid set is due and it blatantly runs counter to all the meeting minutes so you redraft back anyway.

Aug 6, 20 8:02 pm  · 
1  · 

Team of 1 on a kitchen remodel = fun. 

Team of 1 on a $3m post office = 0_0

Aug 6, 20 8:03 pm  · 
2  · 

That "1" had better be super-duper! =O)

Aug 6, 20 8:18 pm  · 

Hate working in teams of 1, they're always late, have shitty taste in music and can't take my criticism.

Aug 7, 20 6:17 am  · 
1  · 

I was asked to become a manager, honestly don't think I'd like it so I decided against it.

Aug 7, 20 9:47 am  · 
1  · 

On Monday I start a super restrictive pre-op diet that’s probably gonna leave me hangry all the time. Odds of surviving before surgery without punching a wall? 50/50

Aug 7, 20 9:44 am  · 
4  · 

If you can't handle the pre op diet then you won't be able to handle the post of diet you need to follow for the rest of your life.

Aug 7, 20 9:47 am  · 
 ·  2
Wilma Buttfit

Can you get on a diet where you eat all the time but only good stuff? Brain power takes energy, lots of it.

Aug 7, 20 9:50 am  · 

Chad, that's not necessarily true, everything changes post-op. Everything. What happens to some people, is that they revert to past form, do none of the behavioral modifications, and fail to implement any of the necessary changes to enhance exercise, movement, etc. The biggest challenge? Eating the wrong things, drinking calories, and sugar.

Aug 7, 20 10:25 am  · 
3  · 

Well Chad, considering that surgery actually changes gut hormones and your body itself I’ll be able to handle the post op diet quite easily. It’s like you think I eat an unhealthy diet now or something. The pre-op diet is deliberately hard to drop as much weight before surgery. If you were on it, you’d hate it too.

Aug 7, 20 10:48 am  · 
3  · 

good luck! hangry is powerful. use it well: take on some CA work this week.

Aug 7, 20 12:40 pm  · 
3  · 

Not the case Josh. I know several people who have had the same surgery as you. The pre-op diet and the post-op diet are pretty much the same. The only differences are that your stomach is now smaller so you won't feel hungry and that if you don't follow the diet you'll vomit (aka dumping syndrome).

Aug 7, 20 12:49 pm  · 
 ·  2

Considering that I’ve been going through the process about a year now, I’ll listen to myself and not an internet curmudgeon. Bye Chad.

Aug 7, 20 12:54 pm  · 

Feel free to do what you want. I hope things work out well for you and you don't have any of the common side effects from the surgery. I know nine people who had the surgery and two doctors who perform the surgery so I do know quite a bit about the process despite never having gone through it myself.

Aug 7, 20 1:06 pm  · 

So, yes, the "pouch" is smaller initially, but over time will grow, it's a muscle. People have had the surgery, and can what is called "eat through" the surgery, it happens mostly if the patient is older, poor, and immobile. Dumping usually occurs when you eat things high in sugar, ice cream is a major culprit, because it's so easy to eat, and generally speaking doesn't fill you. Spaghetti, biiig problem. Any unground meats, problems. Josh is going to do fine, he's conscientious, and this decision is major undertaking. Come January, you won't recognize him. All that said, it is a lifestyle change, you do stop losing, and you will likely put 10-20% back on. No matter what you do.

Aug 7, 20 1:22 pm  · 
1  · 
atelier nobody

Josh, I've done 600 calorie/day liquid diets twice now - I think you'll be surprised at how little hunger is a problem. (Of course, I didn't make the necessary long term behavior changes and gained back all the weight I lost - twice - and am now looking into surgery myself, but that's a whole separate issue.)

Aug 7, 20 2:31 pm  · 
3  · 
Wood Guy

Sometimes you just gotta punch a wall. Just watch out for the studs.

Food addiction is the worst. You can stop smoking, stop drinking, stop shooting heroin, but you can't just stop eating. Good luck, Josh, I know you can do it!

Aug 7, 20 2:37 pm  · 
3  · 

Oh, besides the obvious, if you are on the edge of being diabetic, this cures that type. Immediately.

Aug 7, 20 3:21 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Thanks for the reminder to fix the hole in the wall.

Aug 7, 20 3:31 pm  · 
1  · 

Good luck Josh! Being hangry sucks but it's temporary...doing intermittent fasting since the beginning of this pandemic, the first 3 days were the absolute worst.

Aug 7, 20 5:53 pm  · 
1  · 

Good luck Josh, maybe mark out the stud bays in a convenient
location so you don't break your hand?

Aug 8, 20 5:11 pm  · 
1  · 

Unfortunately with River City, most of my walls are concrete...

Aug 9, 20 7:23 am  · 
2  · 

bt3 wrote: "Oh, besides the obvious, if you are on the edge of being diabetic, this cures that type. Immediately."

Aug 10, 20 11:46 am  · 

bt3's comment isn't true. While it may halt the progress of type 2 diabetes it will not cure it. It will also not reverse any damage done by complications due to the disease.

Aug 10, 20 12:31 pm  · 

so now that Rick is gone is Chad like the new forum blowhard that just talks a bunch of shit about things they have no idea about?

Aug 10, 20 12:47 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Ricky is still here.

Aug 10, 20 12:55 pm  · 

archanonymous - I've been type 1 diabetic for 32 years so I know a wee bit about both types of diabetes and their treatments. GB surgery will not cure someone 'on the edge of being diabetic" aka type 2 diabetes. 

Aug 10, 20 1:05 pm  · 

Perhaps "cure" was a little strong, but the evidence is still out on whether it's a cure, or puts one in "remission". Needs more study, however, the surgery does demonstrate better results than not.

Aug 10, 20 1:52 pm  · 
1  · 

Lesson learned, don’t post about surgery on here because someone will be a troll.

Aug 10, 20 1:54 pm  · 

Very true bt3. To be fair I do not think there is a cure or remission for Type 2 diabetes. Once a person reaches a certain level of either insulin resistance or lowered insulin production it is very, very, very rare for either of those two factors to improve. The only cases I know of where people who had their type 2 diabetes caught early within the first 3 years of occurrence.

Aug 10, 20 2:35 pm  · 

Josh - someone here is always a troll. I just happened to troll you and have the knowledge and experience to back up what I was saying. Seriously, I hope your surgery goes well.

Aug 10, 20 2:37 pm  · 
 ·  1

Except you don’t, so there’s that. This forum doesn’t need another Rick. Don’t be like Rick.

Aug 10, 20 3:44 pm  · 
1  · 

Meh, I know quite a bit about the subjects. You keep telling yourself that I don't if it makes you feel better about your surgery and diabetes. Best of luck.

Aug 10, 20 4:10 pm  · 

Josh, I hope your personal journey to better health ends well. I find it endlessly amazing (and exhausting) that considering how long humans have been studying their own bodies how much we still don't know.

Aug 10, 20 4:16 pm  · 
1  · 

Good luck Josh. I know nothing about what you're going through, nor embarking upon ... regardless, I'm hoping for the best results. Hopefully without having to punch a wall.

Aug 10, 20 5:06 pm  · 
2  · 

Or another human. :)

Aug 10, 20 5:44 pm  · 

Single, live alone, and quarantining before surgery so the odds of catching an assault charge are fortunately low. Not that I’ll have the energy to punch someone anyway.

Aug 11, 20 10:20 am  · 

There is ALWAYS energy for that Josh.

Aug 11, 20 6:49 pm  · 

On another note, anyone get COVID yet?

Aug 7, 20 3:22 pm  · 

I've been directly and closely exposed to two active confirmed cases now, but haven't caught it myself. It's possible that I had it back in February, having picked it up on a plane trip back east, but it only manifested as a mild cold if so. I do know several people who've had it, and two who have died. Both of the deaths were people older than 74 with other health problems.

Aug 7, 20 3:54 pm  · 
atelier nobody

Not I (AFAIK), and only one of my personal acquaintances, no one dead in my circle so far. Statistically, this either means my friends and family are doing extraordinarily well, or that I just don't have enough friends.

Aug 7, 20 4:53 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Haven't had it but know several who have. I have a childhood friend living with me right now for a few months and she had it in February. She said it wasn't too bad. Her sister, mom, and grandma had it too. All recovered.

Aug 7, 20 5:00 pm  · 

probably went through it in the beginning of the pandemic, couldn't get tested but was monitored digitally by the hospital, sending in my vitals etc. while going through it...was pretty mild. girlfriend was coughing her lungs out for a couple of days before things got better, hardly noticed anything with the kids (not more snotty than usual). don't think I know anyone personally that got it, besides my girlfriend's co-worker's boyfriend who most likely was our source.

Aug 7, 20 5:42 pm  · 

2 friends working in healthcare got it. not serious but kept them both home for a month or so at a time when they were really needed.

Aug 7, 20 6:14 pm  · 

Some days I think the whole family got it back in February. Other days I think we just had a nasty cold. We didn't meet criteria for testing at the time so we don't know for sure. Either way, we're being super cautious because my wife is at an increased risk for complications because of her medical history. We have acquaintances who have had it, or currently have it. Some have died, most have gotten better. No one really close to us though.

We're just relieved that school will be fully remote when it starts in a month or so. I understand the benefits for children with in-person education, but a big negative is when your teacher gets sick and dies because you and/or your classmates wouldn't wear a mask. It wouldn't come to that though because my wife would quit if they tried to force her to go in and teach right now.

Aug 7, 20 6:43 pm  · 

An acquaintance of mine's Trump-loving mask-eschewing parents-in-law got it. They live in...well I won't say what state but you prolly can guess.

Aug 8, 20 4:03 pm  · 

You might want to tone down the glee, Donna. At least outwardly. Or not.

Aug 8, 20 5:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Among my friends we’ve been discussing the contradictory feelings. I don’t want to wish anyone suffering, and the grandchildren of these people are kids I adore, so for their sake I want all to be good, healthy, and happy for the family. But as people who blatantly took glee in ignoring lockdown and masking, who said it was all a hoax, I can’t help but feel they got what they asked for. It’s possible to have both feelings simultaneously.

Aug 8, 20 8:56 pm  · 
8  · 

Thinking a little more about this, and here's an analogy maybe: If someone goes out for a bike ride and gets struck by a car on a road, that's tragic, awful, and avoidable. I'll get angry that someone innocent is dead for participating in a normal activity. If someone goes out parachuting and dies because their chute malfunctions, I will feel sad at their death, and sad for their surviving loved ones for their loss, but I won't feel any horror or surprise that their death was caused by a failed parachute.

Aug 10, 20 4:46 pm  · 
1  · 

The difference in your analogy is more based on society as a whole's perception of the two activities and their perceived value and necessity.

Aug 10, 20 4:52 pm  · 

Donna, you lost me with the analogy. Maybe if the parachute jumper decided the parachute was simply too bothersome and that the health risks of jumping out of planes were overblown and then died because they decided to jump without a parachute ... but even then, I thought your first explanation sufficiently got the point across.

Aug 10, 20 5:00 pm  · 

There is absolutely zero necessity for jumping out of an airplane for fun.

Aug 10, 20 5:01 pm  · 

The benefit to being conflicted about everything is also being able to find good in everything.

Aug 10, 20 5:03 pm  · 

I could also argue there is zero necessity for riding a bicycle for fun. I won't, but I could.

Aug 10, 20 5:25 pm  · 

I've preferred analogies comparing drunk driving and anti-masking. If a drunk driver flaunts their ability to drive safely enough but ends up crashing into a tree and dying, that's tragic and I would feel sorry for their surviving loved ones while also feeling like they got what they asked for. A person flaunting their ability to disobey stay at home orders and mask mandates who ends up catching C-19 is tragic (especially if they end up dying because of it), but also largely based on the choices they made and that makes it difficult to feel sorry for them ... i.e. your conflicted feelings. 

The analogies can continue as well. The above example was simply the drunk driver putting their life at risk by their choices, but they also put the lives of others at risk by driving/not masking. Reducing the risk of dying due to a drunk driver requires that everyone drives sober (wears a mask) ... not just the person worried about getting hit by a drunk driver. While I can reduce my risk of dying in a alcohol-related collision (catch C-19) because I choose to drive sober (wear a mask), I also need others to choose the same in order to reduce that risk further.

Aug 10, 20 5:37 pm  · 
3  · 

Sneaky, people ride bicycles for transport, full stop.

Aug 11, 20 3:59 pm  · 

You can do either activity for fun (lets assume without necessity), or for transport (out of necessity). I rode over 500 miles last month by bicycle and it was definitely for fun rather than transport. I didn't transport anything or anyone from one place to another. I've also used bicycles as a method of transportation many times to commute to/from work or to get from point A to point B for a purpose (choice rather than necessity in my case, but that doesn't negate the necessity that many people have in cycling for transportation). 

I've also known smokejumpers that parachute into remote areas to fight fires because that is the only way to get to those areas quickly enough (i.e. necessity). They may think it is fun (the ones I've known are kind of like that), but it is about transportation and work. I also have a cousin who jumps out of planes for fun. He also has a business flying other people around to jump out of planes for fun, so that sort of makes it a necessity in providing for his family ... but not really the point as I'm sure he could find work as a pilot doing something else.

Aug 11, 20 8:01 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

went back to school shopping today. Little guy starts junior k in 3 weeks. Full time. Things are looking up. 

Aug 8, 20 3:57 pm  · 
2  · 

deaths related to covid increased by 60% in the last few weeks in my city. sounds like they're going to delay school reopening by a couple weeks. good luck.

Aug 8, 20 4:38 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Which city is this? I feel like I know but can't quite remember. Anyways, new daily rates in Ontario (pop 14mil) is a few dozen... and less than 20 in my city (pop 1mil). Quebec is a bigger problem since they tried to reopen schools a few months back which backfired quickly. Everyone is still cautious and many are exceptionally worried but not everyone can stay home and rational minds decided that the risk is low enough. This means my wife can go back to work as a special needs educator. I am sure many parents will appreciate that.

Aug 8, 20 5:15 pm  · 
2  · 

kansas city. dr birx listed 10 cities that are hotspots in US and we made the list!

Aug 9, 20 1:39 pm  · 
2  · 


Aug 9, 20 1:51 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

edit: I am aware this refers to the state, not KC Missouri... but still works.

Aug 9, 20 2:09 pm  · 
1  · 

You are correct, sir!

80's stars ♥ | 80s music, 1980s music, Music photo

Aug 9, 20 2:27 pm  · 
3  · 

truer than ever

Aug 9, 20 4:56 pm  · 
5  · 
liberty bell

Good lord Natural Woman by Aretha Franklin is a masterpiece.

Weirdly, distressingly: when I typed “masterpiece” my phone autosuggested MasterPlanet.

Aug 10, 20 6:49 pm  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

Could have been worse.

Aug 10, 20 6:53 pm  · 

Could have been MasterWorks

Aug 10, 20 7:36 pm  · 

[shudders at the mention of MasterWorks]

Aug 10, 20 7:59 pm  · 
1  · 

Could have been MasterSpec.

Aug 12, 20 10:03 am  · 
liberty bell

We’re looking at some scary weather here in Naptown tonight! Chicago too.

Aug 10, 20 7:17 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

No hockey tonight.  That's ok, reading Ricky vs Ram-Earth guy is all the entertainment I need.

Aug 10, 20 9:07 pm  · 
4  · 

If only New Guy could ram some of that earth down a certain Oregonian gullet. Or maybe leave a nitwit-shaped void inside one of those earthen walls, for backfill by you-know-who.

Aug 10, 20 9:14 pm  · 
1  · 
liberty bell

Whoa. I’ve been missing out in a lot of fun around here!

Aug 10, 20 9:19 pm  · 
1  · 

"Fun" may be overstating it, Donna. Just the usual nut house, as my brother the shrink so professionally puts it.

Aug 10, 20 9:32 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

citizen, I don't think sir. balkarino would make good reinforcement for that ram-earth wall.

Aug 10, 20 11:04 pm  · 

RWCB @ 48" o/c staggered

Aug 10, 20 11:56 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

I hear that air is a good insulator...

Aug 11, 20 10:28 am  · 

do you think archinect could brand something like this?

Aug 10, 20 10:38 pm  · 
3  · 

It's so cute!

Aug 10, 20 11:53 pm  · 
1  · 

O M G so cute. Must have.

Aug 11, 20 9:54 am  · 

Think I used it in one of the derailed threads of late...

Aug 12, 20 1:01 am  · 

It's actually a nice little thing, and so doesn't fit the messy, smelly, gangling, often cowardly sh!t shows we occasionally witness here before having to wash our eyes with soap.

Aug 12, 20 1:11 am  · 

Hello all!

Turns out my bursitis is a result of torn ACL and meniscus root! I don't
want to spend last bit of summer on crutches but also don't want to
wait too long and risk the COVID-19 surge and another possible elective surgery freeze. Good news is I figured the 2020-2021 ski seasons was likely a loss anways...

Also "yep, that's a sawhorse" is def "quality interneting"!

Aug 11, 20 11:48 pm  · 
2  · 

Bummer on the hoof, Nam. But it sounds like you're 'on it' in both attitude and action. Good luck and fast healing.

Aug 11, 20 11:57 pm  · 
1  · 

Also I know I haven't been around as much lately but did Karl just recently start hanging around again? Or just started using that account/profile, perhaps?

Aug 11, 20 11:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Karl pops in very occasionally to comment then disappear again. Always nice to see him!

Aug 12, 20 6:56 am  · 
1  · 


Aug 13, 20 12:26 am  · 


Aug 12, 20 12:50 am  · 
2  · 
Non Sequitur

Kawye wishes he was jawknee.

Aug 12, 20 7:18 am  · 
Non Sequitur


Aug 12, 20 7:18 am  · 


Aug 12, 20 11:20 am  · 
1  · 

I've surpassed my own previous levels of burnout. 

I'm in uncharted territory now. Just the remaining ashes and dying embers of hope from someone who once loved architecture...

Going to go find my emo playlist from 1997 now. 

Ur Emo

Aug 12, 20 10:02 am  · 
3  · 

I was there recently. Still am, in some ways. But husband and I are liquidating and downsizing and it has given me new excitement for life! Change is good, and being the driver of that change in my own life is excellent.

Aug 12, 20 11:08 am  · 
4  · 

I was there last year. I set up new boundraries and created a weekly work plan based on the amount of hours I was willing to work without feeling a burnout. I'd pick and choose what had to be done alotted hours for it and leave at 430 no later (I start at 630) The idea was that if I got fired for maintaining that level of planning while maintaining my life at a level that kept me happy the job wasn't for me. This could only happen by downsizing and actually being prepared to get fired. Good luck Donna! I'm glad you are excited and making steps to live more simply! Also the outcome after more than a year of this weekly planning was that I got two raises and was praised for how I handled stress and workload so well. Nothing about why my butt wasn't in my seat late hours.

Aug 12, 20 11:18 am  · 
5  · 

the pandemic has made everything infinitely worse. i initially enjoyed the wfh freedom, but without all the others part of life to balance working, only spinning around revit all day has ignited the burnout flames.

Aug 12, 20 11:21 am  · 
4  · 

Glad to hear it went well for you, archi-dude! I hate to talk about silver linings of this pandemic but honestly: I feel like people are appreciating simple things like walks with their families in the evenings so much more because of this. Time to relax and time to stay healthy is what matters.

Aug 12, 20 1:29 pm  · 
3  · 
atelier nobody

I'm very fortunate that my current job is as close to perfect as jobs get (short of my true calling - "lottery winner"), but even with that the cumulative burnout of a 20-odd year career (most of which wasn't in the perfect job) combined with the stress of living in the time of pestilence is really doing a number on my motivation, too.

Aug 12, 20 2:12 pm  · 
3  · 

Close to the same here atelier nobody. I don't have the cumulative burnout you do, though I will probably need to take a few days off soon to de-stress and relax. Deadlines aren't cooperating though. One of the nice things about being involved in most projects in the office is that I get to see and influence them all. One of the bad things is there is always a deliverable coming up in the next week or so.

Aug 12, 20 2:27 pm  · 

Was so done with the working from home that I took a side job, just to get out of the house...It is great!, hard work physical labour, no sitting behind the computer, flexible hours so I can take care of the kids and I have my own nickname!

Aug 12, 20 3:45 pm  · 

I keep hoping they pass the $600 a week unemployment add-on, just so I can ease myself into getting the heave ho. I have a lot I want to do, but there aren't any remaining hours in the day. after i get done having my soul sucked, i have enough time to chill, enjoy the chill, and fucking fall blissfully asleep.

Aug 12, 20 4:48 pm  · 
3  · 

@libertybell that sounds very exciting! @beta extending the add-on would def make it easier for my wf to pursue the additional accreditation and career path she is rethinking, in light of the pandemic.

Aug 13, 20 12:35 am  · 
1  · 

we have reviews coming up and i'm just going to try to be brutally honest with how dissatisfied I am. It's not like I'm easily replaceable, so even if it leaves everyone in an awkward and unresolved position at the end, it may spur some changes.

Aug 13, 20 1:34 pm  · 

archanonymous, I did that prior to deciding to leave my last firm ... nothing changed. I hope your situation turns out better. It should if you have good leadership.

For mine, they knew they could not afford to replace me (still haven't replaced me and are paying for it), yet they still decided to give me the run around on things that I wanted to see changed. Everything was good in meetings and discussions about it, but no actions or follow through. 

Hit them like a ton of bricks a few months later when I told them I was taking a job elsewhere. One of the principles tried to shame me for not working with the firm and making the position what I wanted it to be. When he was done, I told him that I appreciated what he was saying and in theory that would have been great. I then reiterated everything I had done in the last 3 months to make changes and how there wasn't any action or follow through from the leadership. He understood and said he was sorry the firm let me down. So that was nice, but still nothing was going to change.

Aug 13, 20 3:32 pm  · 
2  · 

yeah - i've gone back and forth on this. Literally every other job. I'll try one where I'm like "eh, they're never going to change, no sense in asking" (or I was so young I didn't understand that it is up to all employees to create the studio environment they want to work in) and then the next i'll be like "ok, going to really give it my all and try to be super team player." In the end I'm not sure it matters. This profession is fucked, the economy is in the shitter, and everything turns to dust eventually, etc, etc, heat death of the universe.

Aug 13, 20 3:52 pm  · 


Aug 13, 20 4:47 pm  · 

Or this one ... still not '97, but closer

Aug 13, 20 4:54 pm  · 

yeaaah.... definitely more fugazi on that one.

Aug 13, 20 5:06 pm  · 
1  · 

This would also be appropriate...

Aug 13, 20 5:06 pm  · 
1  · 

I just posted my third original post ever. So weird.

Aug 12, 20 2:03 pm  · 
1  · 

Hey! I'm trialing Archicad, I actually kinda like the interface, new and a bit confusing, but I like it. Anyone else using it have any tips so I can maximally increase my confidence?

Aug 12, 20 4:45 pm  · 
Puff the magic [wand]!
Aug 12, 20 5:22 pm  · 
1  · 

It occurs to me that this is a better place for snark regarding news.

HEY, KIDS!! Be among the bad ideas that inevitably follow any calamity! You can achieve greatness by rushing to develop knee-jerk reactionary solutions to the things that will probably, in the long run, be the incorrect focus of any sustainable solutions! WIN CASH AND PRIZES!

Aug 12, 20 5:04 pm  · 
5  · 

Propose a visionary project that helps to revive the economy of a region, city or community affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Beginning Crazy Ex Girlfriend GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Now where's my cash and prizes?

Aug 12, 20 5:15 pm  · 
1  · 
Non Sequitur

Someone will find a cure to COVID using shipping containers. Maybe it’ll be me.

Aug 12, 20 8:02 pm  · 
3  · 

Shipping containers and LEED Certifications can solve anything.

Aug 12, 20 9:37 pm  · 
4  · 

No, net zero buildings will cure the 'vid.

Aug 13, 20 6:55 pm  · 
1  · 

Silly questions but here it goes . . .

Any recommendations on programs to be used by and accessible to all staff to show what their current work load and availability are?  IE, I can say x amount of my week(s) are taken up by project A.  

I'm trying to find a simple to use program that everyone in our office can use so certain people (ehm partners) don't over schedule us during the times when we're each working on 5 small projects in a week.  

Aug 12, 20 7:07 pm  · 

We used excel, switched to sheets due to the multiplayer. Trying to use deltek, but it's a pain.

Aug 12, 20 7:18 pm  · 

I only understood the work excel . . . Switched to what sheets and multiplayer?

Aug 12, 20 8:08 pm  · 

Google sheets. It allows multiple people to edit at the same time.

Aug 12, 20 8:12 pm  · 

we have deltek at work

Aug 12, 20 8:14 pm  · 
atelier nobody

Deltek is kind of pricey for small firms, and is not really user-friendly.

If you really want to get fancy, you can link (x-ref for you ACAD users) MS Project files, so you could do a separate work plan for each project, then a master schedule with relevant details of all the individual projects linked to show overall staffing. This requires more than a casual user level of expertise, but nowhere near full-on geekdom.

Aug 12, 20 8:20 pm  · 

Chad, for an office as small as your office is ... you could just make a shared outlook calendar and have everyone roughly block out their time there. 

There are lots of ways to accomplish it, the problem is getting people to 1) input the information, 2) keep it up to date, and 3) use it. 

At my last firm, I'd see some Deltek reports forecasting my workload. Some weeks would be around 100% utilization, some would be less than 100%, most of the time weeks would show something insane like 400%. This was all based on what PMs were inputting in their workplans. 

I never had 400% utilization because the information was always wrong. Once, I (jokingly) sent a clipping of it to a PM who had me at 32 hours each day that week, and asked what I should be working on because I was still waiting on certain information from the team. I never heard back. I didn't work on that project that week, but we still met the deadline, and I was still busy that week.

Aug 12, 20 8:53 pm  · 
5  · 

what do PMs do?

Aug 12, 20 8:57 pm  · 
2  · 
liberty bell

We use Ajera. It seems to be terrible, but I don’t really have anything to compare it to beyond having direct conversations with people about their workloads and upcoming deadlines.

Aug 12, 20 9:12 pm  · 
1  · 

Though coming from different industry I'd agree there are many low (calendar, excel or good communication) and high tech (dedicated apps) ways to accomplish and that the real keys are; "getting people to 1) input the information, 2) keep it up to date, and 3) use it".

Plus depending on management, all the information about (over)-allocation won't actually translate to realistic planning/timelines anyways...

Aug 13, 20 12:31 am  · 
1  · 

I should clarify after going back and reading my comment above. It wasn't that the PM had me down for 32 hours each day, it was 32 hours that week total, spread out over each day in the week.

Aug 13, 20 1:17 am  · 

Thanks for all of the info people. It sounds like a shared Outlook calendar would be the way to go. Obviously the issue is people actually using it.

Aug 13, 20 1:20 pm  · 
1  · 

^ True, Chad. But the easier it is to access and use, the likelier that folks will participate. Once it's up and running, let us know how it goes. I'm curious.

Aug 13, 20 3:52 pm  · 
1  · 

I think it would be great fun if we all met up for a party in the real world without anyone getting name tags or giving introductions. We could walk around all evening not knowing who was who and just trying to match online personas with real life personalities.

Aug 13, 20 1:53 pm  · 
5  · 

Kind of hard for those of us who aren't anonymous profiles . . .

Aug 13, 20 2:26 pm  · 
1  · 

It should be a bal masqué!

Aug 13, 20 3:31 pm  · 
2  · 

We could dress in costume as our best posting.  And Pete's offered to pay for everything! (Top shelf brands, none of this "well" crap.)

Aug 13, 20 3:40 pm  · 
1  · 

randomised, how's your americish accent?

Aug 13, 20 4:18 pm  · 

I wish I knew... had an interview last month with an English woman that worked for over a decade in New York and now in Amsterdam for the last 5/6 years or so, she complimented me on my English for someone from France, said she almost couldn’t hear my French accent at all during our conversation...I’m not French nor do I speak French. So I might be either excellent or awful butler material, I dig their outfits though...

Aug 13, 20 4:43 pm  · 
2  · 

For some reason I always hear Rando's posts spoken in that character from Holland in Austin Powers. Isn't that weird?

Aug 13, 20 6:53 pm  · 
3  · 
Non Sequitur

Il I’ve goooooooaaaaauld.

Aug 13, 20 7:24 pm  · 
1  · 

Take the fahza awaaaaaaay!

Dutch hater!

Aug 13, 20 7:49 pm  · 
1  · 

Also ... is b3ta Nigel Powers?

Aug 13, 20 7:53 pm  · 
1  · 

I'm half Dutch, father was from Utrecht. Grandparents had to flee the Nazis, came to Ellis Island after the war.

Aug 14, 20 7:54 am  · 

That Austin Powers character doesn’t speak with a Dutch accent at all unfortunately, seems more like Swiss or something, which would also explain the gold fetish a bit better.

Aug 14, 20 8:26 am  · 

Ah the Swiss

Aug 14, 20 2:23 pm  · 

I already posted this in another thread but think this would be a really nice addition to the forum:

Threads where people got nuked really look like a bunch of schizophrenics talking to themselves, would be nice if there was some kind of record or acknowledgement of the posts/user(s) being nuked within a thread.

Aug 13, 20 3:38 pm  · 
5  · 


This comment has been removed.


Aug 13, 20 3:44 pm  · 
4  · 

it could indeed be that simple

Aug 13, 20 3:47 pm  · 

You get that a lot, EA? ;O)

Aug 13, 20 3:47 pm  · 
2  · 

Hard to say when they just disappear, no? If there was something left to indicate when they've been removed we could tell who gets it a lot.

Aug 13, 20 4:11 pm  · 

The reasons that people get nuked from threads are usually because they've posted offensive or threatening comments, or comments that violate privacy. What was removed last night, in the thread where you wrote this the first time, were comments explicitly inciting violence. If the comments of the nuked person were preserved, it would kind of defeat the purpose of the nuking.

Aug 13, 20 4:25 pm  · 

They don’t need to be preserved as is, but simply something like “comment deleted” would already help a lot with maintaining the flow of a discussion and prevents miscommunication between people before and after nuked comments.

Aug 13, 20 4:30 pm  · 
1  · 

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