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what if we are all robots? 

Apr 17, 16 3:10 pm  · 

I'll say it: Balkins should be banned. His constant torrent of verbal diarrhea makes it impossible to have any kind of meaningful discussion. He's like the shit-for-brains know-it-all in every class who isn't happy unless they're completely monopolizing the conversation.

On a happier topic: I'm in Seattle! I arrived yesterday after four days on the road and got everything unloaded. Now to spend the next two weeks getting everything unpacked and the apartment set up.

This was my fifth cross-country road trip, and my first one using I-90 through Montana. (Previous trips have taken I-80 through Nebraska and Wyoming, I-70 through Colorado, and I-40 through Arizona and New Mexico.) Every American should take a cross-country road trip at least once in their life. You'll never truly appreciate just how big this country is until you do. I saw some spectacular landscapes, but I'm glad it's over and I hope it's a while until I take another drive like that. It's amazing how exhausting it can be even though you're not really exerting yourself.

Apr 17, 16 4:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
I think Miles is on sabbatical from archinect due in part to balkarino and new users confusing the forums for yahoo answers.
Apr 17, 16 4:23 pm  · 
If we are all robots can I be A.W.E.S.O.M.E-O
Apr 17, 16 4:26 pm  · 

Since a bunch of you are DICK HEADS, why not where your penis hat proudly.

I'll let you google search for penis hats and look at the images for yourselves.

Apr 17, 16 5:32 pm  · 

biological robots?

Apr 17, 16 5:53 pm  · 

rick, i think the reason you face such animosity on this site, and the reason you think everyone else is the dick head, is because your posts are too long, not well thought out, and not proofread.  you try to position yourself as an expert in all things, though you have no practical experience, background, education, or any reason to support the notion that you know what you're talking about.

i believe if you thought about what you were posting before you posted, kept your posts reasonably succinct, and did not try to convince people you have some expertise you don't have, then the at least some of the people on this site would not seem to be dick heads. 

Apr 17, 16 6:14 pm  · 

bloviating asshattery.

Apr 17, 16 6:15 pm  · 

i may be hated, but i don't drone on enough to render your brain completely useless, and have you wanting to jump out a window.

Apr 17, 16 6:16 pm  · 

me or rick bloviating?

Apr 17, 16 6:26 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

There's only one thing more annoying than Balkins, and that's Balkin-haters. :\

Apr 17, 16 7:02 pm  · 

oh curt, you know i love you.

tintt, honestly, if Dick-Balkids didn't post those virtual brain freeze posts, i'd give a fuck. but ffs, i need the fucks i give, and his posts are running down my supply.

Apr 17, 16 7:26 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Ignore them. Problem solved. You don't seriously read all that. Anytime you see a wall of text, check the poster, if it's not someone's voice you want to read, skip it. Seriously, protect yourselves. Words have direct access to your brain. You don't want to get infected. :) I'm totally serious. Brain freeze is right. 

Apr 17, 16 7:37 pm  · 

^solid wisdom. 

Apr 17, 16 7:42 pm  · 

he speaks bot though which is interesting to analyize sometimes....but shitting on peoples threads is not cool

Apr 17, 16 7:51 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I read Balkins sometimes too. He is good to read sometimes. I am not a Balkins-hater, after all. I just don't read very much. 

Apr 17, 16 8:21 pm  · 
I'll say it again, last time I tried to get him booted Miles called me a troll and others said the forum was becoming negative.

So really, people love Balkins and all his nonsense. Otherwise he would have been banned.

bravo Balkins. You've got a world of fans here on archinect. This is why I have nothing but applause and support for you. Keeping doing you my man because people are loving it.
Apr 18, 16 1:13 am  · 

Yeah, I'm team tintt on this one. Which is not the same as being Team Balkins, always. But I think we can all take the bad with the good, right? Jeez, I skip over easily 95% of Richard's posts, but I'm glad he's so tenacious.

Apr 18, 16 12:05 pm  · 

I don't read his posts because they're usually incoherent. But that isn't why he is a pest.  He's a pest because he derails perfectly good threads.   Threads start about a poster and something interesting and end up being about Balkins.  And I've read that story.  It doesn't change.  It doesn't get better. 

I'd just prefer the threads not go off track so consistently. 

Apr 18, 16 12:51 pm  · 
Exactly. There's the good and the bad. And then there's people we put in jail because they are a menace. Balkins is a menace.

The way he details threads, spreads misinformation, poses as an experienced person who can speak with confidence but does nothing and knows nothing. Tries to derail professionals by reporting them to state agencies, plagiarizes people, calls people profanities and has bouts of histrionics.

There's no reason for him to be part of this community. Even if you skip over his rants.
Apr 18, 16 12:54 pm  · 

You guys make good points, I admit.

I just spent over ten minutes formatting a list of names for some meeting minutes I'm writing. I wish I could hire an assistant who could do these things so much faster.

Apr 18, 16 3:08 pm  · 

I agree with senjohnblutarsky and no_form. If Balkins contained his drivel to his own threads it would be easy to ignore him, but it's impossible for somebody else to start a thread about anything remotely related to professional practice without Balkins coming in and derailing it with a torrent of misinformation that ultimately leads to yet another dumpster fire.

Apr 18, 16 3:18 pm  · 
Just to drive the point home. Who would act like Balkins in the office, university, or job site? What would be the consequences of acting how he does? Termination for sure, severe reprimand, completely within reason.

Yet here in this online community he goes about without impunity ridiculing himself and debasing the profession.

Balkins should be banned. He can start his own blog or join Reddit if this is what he wants to do on archinect.
Apr 18, 16 4:14 pm  · 

Considering we want to have actual discussions regarding actual architecture with actual experienced practitioners, I think some housekeeping is in order. Opining is something everyone is entitled to do, and discussion is always interesting, but when people come here hoping to gain insight into architecture, architects, and design, there has to be some sort of standard in place. Currently it tends to devolve into the worst kind of internet forum arguments.


I simply would prefer to have more insightful discussions with people who have actual experience and less bullshit I could have googled myself copy and pasted, as well as less interpersonal attacks, especially towards people who come here to get a glimpse of why we matter as a profession. I'm not innocent, I admit.

Apr 18, 16 4:34 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Let's ban bulgar then too.

Apr 18, 16 4:53 pm  · 


Most threads derail when you and others makes a lot of noise over absolutely nothing. Take the "Failed Thesis Thread". My initial post on that thread had nothing that should be construed as inflammatory or otherwise.

In fact my first group of posts were fine. The derailment began with JBeaumont but he asked a question and I answered it but however he stereotyped community colleges as if they can only get those washed out of one of the universities. Sorry but while community colleges may not have the budget to pay someone million dollar salaries but it doesn't mean they can't get quality professors/instructors. That is like saying if that's the case in some cases that it is the case in all cases. That's stereotyping. You do realize that a large contingent of the instructors/professors at my local community college are practicing professionals who do teach courses. While there are individuals and rather small portion of the faculty are full-time faculty and are mostly the department heads. Additional faculty are often brought on as part-time faculty or as adjunct instructors. They are part-time Faculty or adjunct instructors because they are practicing professionals.

There is a difference between part-time faculty and adjunct instructors. Most of the faculty/instructors are part-time while also practicing in their respective occupations. The relatively few full-time faculty are mostly department heads.

Since most working professionals are willing to spend a little bit of time teaching courses at a modest token amount because they make their bread & butter in their professional occupation so they don't need to demand high hourly wage or salaries. That is why I criticized JBeaumont's comments. It isn't just hiring a bunch of washed outs. It doesn't work that way.

They are more than likely going to be tried out as an adjunct or part-time (short-term contract like a 1 year) before they ever consider them for any full-time position or longer term contracts. 

The rest of what happened on that thread was continued derailment which you, no_form, had participated in as well.

You also understand that if I saw something like this with regards to an employee and other employees, I'd probably all of them or reprimanded them all. You know it takes two to tango, right. The arguments on the threads involve others and they have joint responsibility to the derailment and quality of the threads. Accept responsibility for your own actions. 

Apr 18, 16 5:09 pm  · 

"You know it takes two to tango, right."


That's part of the problem. If nobody responded to you, we may as well rename this place Balkinect.

As it is, it's ARCHinect.


You are not, nor have any plans to become, an architect. You neither respect, nor even attempt to respect those who are. Instead you type out your screeds where they aren't wanted, pissing people off, and generally making folks who may otherwise be interested in helping OTHER folks into tightly wound balls of stress who then take it out on you.


You're the kid who plays "I'm not touching you" and then wonders why the adults get fed up and swat you.

Apr 18, 16 5:24 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^^ also, Astoria, or even Oregon state, is not the centre of the world.  What you "observe" in your narrow view and expand on ad nausea is in no-way a reasonable representation of how things are, were, or even should be.

Apr 18, 16 5:33 pm  · 

Considering we want to have actual discussions regarding actual architecture with actual experienced practitioners, I think some housekeeping is in order. Opining is something everyone is entitled to do, and discussion is always interesting, but when people come here hoping to gain insight into architecture, architects, and design, there has to be some sort of standard in place. Currently it tends to devolve into the worst kind of internet forum arguments.

Lets try to have it then. Maybe instead of arguing on thread. If there is an issue with something I say, PM me. Okay? Should their be some sort of standard? yes. Lets defined a standard that applies to everyone.

I simply would prefer to have more insightful discussions with people who have actual experience and less bullshit I could have googled myself copy and pasted, as well as less interpersonal attacks, especially towards people who come here to get a glimpse of why we matter as a profession. I'm not innocent, I admit.

I second what you said. Do keep in mind that a lot of questions asked by people, the answer to their questions can be googled and search for. Unless they ask something particularly unique and specific, there is probably answers to their questions had they even bothered to search online for it. Lets remember that the internet has freely available to everyone all the information to answer most things architecture. 90% of the knowledge base of architecture and engineering of most structures is 100+ years old. A person willing to find the answer to their question is going to be able to find the answer to a lot of things architecture. The only things we really can't find the answer to is the meaning of life. There are some things about architecture that is expression and experiential. 

The internet is a digital library bigger than any individual 'brick & mortar' library with a bigger repository of information. It is true that not everything every printed or made is online. The Internet has a larger collection than any single library. You can't deny that. Even the library of congress is a smaller collection than that which is found on the internet.

What kind of questions should be asked here? There is a lot of questions that I have seen that doesn't need a unique answer. I've seen questions come across that they could have simply looked online for the answer or simply call the school or the licensing board or NCARB or whatever. 

The usual responses I have seen is often jackassery (interpersonal attacks, sarcasm, etc.) I have seen that on threads I didn't say or write anything to on this forum and on others. Even when I am not here or writing posts, I've seen jackassery occur. What happened to human decency and dignity? What happened to general decent mannerism? What happened to being a kind and respectful person?

Why have to be a jackass? I'm guilty as we all are from time to time. Can *WE* elevate ourselves to a higher level of conduct. It seems that SneakyPete is looking towards that. Can the rest?

Apr 18, 16 5:34 pm  · 
If it can't be stated in 500 words, or less, in the chats, it's not worth reading. In fact, it's fucking impossible.
Apr 18, 16 5:45 pm  · 

and thats the problem whether its good or bad info its a wall of text that no one reads, and believe or not, it visially kills any thread.....its called a blog if you want to write long ass essays.

Apr 18, 16 5:59 pm  · 

^^ Most newspapers limit letters from the peanut-gallery to 300 words for a reason. Unless it’s laying out a methodical how-to response to an OP it should never exceed that, if it’s just a quick quip then no foul, but if one chooses to delve in then they should take time to craft it to make it readable…. 

(57 words).

Apr 18, 16 6:32 pm  · 

Non Sequitur,

Sure but Astoria and the state of Oregon follows NATIONAL STANDARDS substantially. Yes, each place has their specifics but Astoria isn't that different than any other town or city in the entire country nor is the State of Oregon.

Apr 18, 16 6:40 pm  · 


That's part of the problem. If nobody responded to you, we may as well rename this place Balkinect.

As it is, it's ARCHinect.

Sure it can be. ARCH like arches. LOL. Seriously, this forum's users can simply use more self-discipline even myself.

You are not, nor have any plans to become, an architect.

I've chosen to not get in a $100K+ student loan debt. Ok. If there was an experience based path to licensure in Oregon that I can pursue like there used to be, I would pursue it. I'm not interested in living on the east coast.

You neither respect, nor even attempt to respect those who are.

Hold your horses there. I don't respect assholes. There's a difference. You can be licensed and still be wrong. You can be licensed and still be an asshole. There are people I do respect.

To truly be an architect, means you have to be the general contractor. You know that the word architect is anglicized form of the greek word 'arkhitekton' (romanized letter form).  Arkhitekton means "chief builder" or "master builder". By that definition, general contractors are the real architects. Where do you fall in this definition? Quite a few of us don't meet that definition. Why are we not one profession under one single license? 

Instead you type out your screeds where they aren't wanted, pissing people off, and generally making folks who may otherwise be interested in helping OTHER folks into tightly wound balls of stress who then take it out on you.

They were tightly wound balls of stress whether I was here or not. That sounds like a personal problem that they should see a psychologist  for.  Take a chill pill, guys. Sheesh. You get too wound up. Those clients have to be worse than me. I deal with a person every day that makes me look like a saint. If you met my father and had to hang around him for even a month, I'm pretty sure you would be trying to commit suicide if you had nowhere to go. I kind of have to stay in the area where I am. 

Apr 18, 16 6:49 pm  · 

The above post is 357 words including the quotes.

Apr 18, 16 6:50 pm  · 


"^^ Most newspapers limit letters from the peanut-gallery to 300 words for a reason. Unless it’s laying out a methodical how-to response to an OP it should never exceed that, if it’s just a quick quip then no foul, but if one chooses to delve in then they should take time to craft it to make it readable…. "


Apr 18, 16 6:55 pm  · 

The above post is 357 words including the quotes

1,391 words in under 2 hours, in this thread alone.  i didn't check other threads.

you're full of shit.

if the powers that be don't want to ban him, limit him to 2 posts a day, or maybe 300 words a day. 

Apr 18, 16 7:04 pm  · 

"To truly be an architect, means you have to be the general contractor. You know that the word architect is anglicized form of the greek word 'arkhitekton' (romanized letter form).  Arkhitekton means "chief builder" or "master builder". By that definition, general contractors are the real architects. Where do you fall in this definition? Quite a few of us don't meet that definition. Why are we not one profession under one single license? "


Are you seriously trying to use Architecture History 101 (for non-majors) to justify a warped view of how the professions SHOULD be? A view based on nothing more than a desire to be allowed to practice?


If a GC is the "real architect" then become one. Get your license, it's cheaper and easier than becoming a FAKE architect.

Apr 18, 16 7:14 pm  · 

you write like a bot Balkins. you are barely human, and frankly you exhibit signs of actually being A.I., which means half ass human or to be fair - some form of autism, which now makes me an asshole..........back in high school my buddy Jose beat the shit out of a down syndrome kid becauze he kept grabbing girls asses and tits all day and no one did shit about, because he was a mongoloid. I congratulated Jose for taking a stand. whatever your malfunction, stop.

Apr 18, 16 7:32 pm  · 


Architectural History not architectural history for non-majors or majors. You realized that the profession of architecture didn't stop with the drawings. There wasn't a separate profession of architect and contractor. 

If a GC is the "real architect" then become one. Get your license, it's cheaper and easier than becoming a FAKE architect.

It's just a matter of timing. First thing's first. Get some capital flow coming in then eventually I could pursue that. It's just a matter of probably a few thousand dollars just in insurance and bond that is required and the rest is the exam and associated fees.

Apr 18, 16 7:44 pm  · 


Apr 18, 16 7:52 pm  · 


Apr 18, 16 7:53 pm  · 

^^Point of at which this productive conversation derails.

Apr 18, 16 7:54 pm  · 

i am nearly convinced Balkins is not human or his responses are algorithms. each time someone requests an actual action that requires accountability he bifurcates into some highly speculative theory that ends poorly in logic - like a bot. bots are not honest nor deep thinkers.

Apr 18, 16 8:06 pm  · 


In what way do I write like a bot? Is it because I am not really expressing emotions and warm kuddly posts?

Apr 18, 16 8:15 pm  · 


at what point does this start to get a little ridiculous?

Apr 18, 16 8:20 pm  · 

NO richard.

Apr 18, 16 8:21 pm  · 


If someone wants action from me that requires money to do it, fork up the cash if they want it NOW.

Otherwise, wait.

Apr 18, 16 8:23 pm  · 


It doesn't take much time to write a post of even 500 words.

Apr 18, 16 8:23 pm  · 

I've written about 50 pages worth of reports in a 24 hour time frame. That's over 12,000 words.

So what, get over it, curtkram.

Apr 18, 16 8:28 pm  · 

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