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if the link doesn't work see the snowman summer camp 2012 image about half way down

Nov 19, 15 7:50 am  · 

you missed a colon olaf

Nov 19, 15 7:53 am  · 

thank you much curtkram. note he nebraska colors, ha;) when is Nebraska going to get their football selves together?

Nov 19, 15 8:04 am  · 

next year i suppose

<audible sigh>

Nov 19, 15 9:08 am  · 

sent in my architect license application 10/2, received an email from the state that they've received my application and ncarb letter 11/7.  NCARB says they actually sent it about the same time as I sent in the application.  Spoke to the licensing dept. this morning and was basically told that in 7 weeks they've done nothing....

WTF is going on over there?

Nov 19, 15 9:11 am  · 

Zaina, Sophie is adorable. I miss having cats but my husband is very allergic. So of course whenever we go to a house with cats they come right up to him. They know.

Olaf does incite shit sometimes but Donna thinks it is always funny when Olaf does ;-)

Have to say despite how grumpy the Paris and Republican tax threads are making me it's really always great to hear so much engaged discussion *even* the totally stupid comments. I keep reminding myself that even though I'm 100% convinced that certain opinions are non-factual and stupid, those people are equally convinced that MY opinions are 100% non-factual and stupid, and we can't both be right. so the truth is probably somewhere in between, always. Which means so many things just come back to risk assessment and what level of perceived insecurity we are all willing to accept.

Nov 19, 15 9:32 am  · 

shuellmi send flowers and tell them they are wonderful people. its sitting in a stack of paper and most likely an unfortunate Nebraska fan can't get inspired to finish their job.............donna the difference often between crazy Republicans and sober Democrats is that the former never concede the truth is somewhere in betwee but the latter often do because thats what rational people do.

Nov 19, 15 9:39 am  · 

Shuellmi, I feel your pain. I received my final ARE score report on 9/25, and NCARB sent my IDP record to NYSED on 10/30, more than a full month later. NYSED requested some additional verification of my work experience on 11/9 and I confirmed with them yesterday that they received it from my former employer early this week. So I'm hoping to actually be a licensed architect any day now; I'm told it could take anywhere from one to five weeks depending on how busy they are. Frustrating as hell that it takes so long, especially after spending so much time and effort jumping through all the hoops.

Once I'm registered in New York I need to apply for NCARB certification, and I'm told in some cases that can take up to six months to process. Surely that can't be true for somebody who's had an active NCARB record throughout the entire IDP and ARE process? Since all my IDP and ARE stuff has already been verified, it seems like all they'd need to do is take five minutes to go online and verify my registration status with NYSED, no? 

Nov 19, 15 9:50 am  · 

it took ncarb 9 months to transmit my record once i was eligible and applied for my license. i called them every 6 weeks until it got done. each time i was told they had sent it, and had the state email back that it was not received. on the last call the clerk admitted no one ever sent it, and she took care of it. no explanation what transpired until then. just keep at it with them...

Nov 19, 15 10:14 am  · 

Good morning all,

Per my comments on this news post, anyone else following/aware of the work of LACATON & VASSAL?

Nov 19, 15 12:25 pm  · 

My Berkeley project got published in Architectural Record! I worked on this for almost a year while on co-op in California during grad school. Stuff like this reminds me why I went into this business, despite all the frustration.

Nov 19, 15 2:07 pm  · 

Congrats David!

Nov 19, 15 2:18 pm  · 

Open enrollment time!  just was offered the rates for 2016... Only $325 a WEEK, for the family plan- almost $17k a year.  This new affordable health care is great!

Nov 19, 15 5:09 pm  · 

that is because your east cost, my brother has same in midwest and pays half. mine went up to $1400 a month so close....back when i taught the plan was $2000k a month but NO copay ever

Nov 19, 15 6:35 pm  · 

The only thing bad about insurance if paying for the things they don't cover.  I did a thousand page document exchange with our provider of prescriptions they  ended up not covering.  Because they were a compound....which is what  I foolishly thought  all medications were compounds.  They tossed everything they could at me until I just  figured it was a good fight and I lost....well  I lost a $1,000.00.   We also just took another hit because of the way our policy is tweeked by the insurance company.  What bothers me most is I'm from the Land of Insurance and I get to see how those fat cats live.

Nov 19, 15 7:17 pm  · 

Maybe this has been covered already, but what's up with the influx of "I'm in University in India and I need someone to tell me exactly what I should do" threads?

Posting it in here to avoid derailing some poor Indian kid's day.

Nov 19, 15 7:29 pm  · 

Donna, I finally got around to listening to the podcast with you and Susan that you mentioned earlier (can't remember if it was here on TC or on the Cincinnati vs. Seattle thread I started).

Susan's comments about Seattle were interesting, and reflect what I've heard from others in my social circle who now live and work there. Some of my best jobs have been in NYC, but the rat race vibe gets old quickly. I've found that it varies considerably by firm, though, and I was lucky enough to land jobs at a couple firms that generally had a pretty relaxed and collaborative corporate culture.

Cincinnati, by comparison, still seems to be stuck in the early 1990s, both in terms of design as well as corporate culture. Both Cincinnati and Seattle's respective AIA chapters just announced their annual awards within a few days of each other, and the contrasts are striking. I'll probably bump my thread to expand on my thoughts.

The discussion about gender-neutral restrooms on the podcast was interesting as well; the Berkeley project I posted above was the first time I'd encountered the issue in a professional capacity. We had started off with the typical men's / women's restrooms on each floor, but some members of the student government insisted that all the restrooms be gender-neutral. This generated some pushback from others who were concerned about possible security risks, given that it's apparently not uncommon to find homeless people with drug and/or alcohol issues sleeping in public restrooms on campus. The compromise we reached was to include a single-user restroom on each floor in addition to the typical men's and women's restrooms. In addition to being gender-neutral, the single-user restroom could also function as a family restroom as well as a restroom for people with disabilities who need assistance, etc.

Nov 19, 15 7:49 pm  · 

I use my first and last name.

And as much as I benefit from it, I still think that the pre-tax employer provided healthcare tax subsidy, should be addressed or at least balanced in some way... 

Nov 19, 15 11:32 pm  · 

I'm sorry to dump this here on TC yet again but it happened YET AGAIN and it makes me crazy!

Me and four guys trying to move a large car-like piece of art on four small-wheeled car dollies. The lip of the trailer ramp is too big for the small wheels. I said FOUR TIMES "What about the furniture dollies, we have some in the shop, they have bigger wheels?" I get no response, and others suggest other ideas. Then one guy opens a nearby storage room, pulls out a furniture dolly, and says "Hey what about this?" and immediately everyone jumps to try them out.

Four times.  You guys know me here, you know I'm not meek in stating an opinion so it can't be the case that no one heard my suggestion.   They just didn't *hear* it. Why is it that men working together can't bear to embarrass themselves by listening to a woman? Grrrr.

As it turns out the furniture dollies didn't work either.  So now we're thinking about just trying a fork truck.

Nov 20, 15 2:08 pm  · 

lol- funniest part; you're mad that they wouldn't try your idea, which didn't work.

I know what you mean.  I'v worked with a female architect for many years.  We came of age at the same firm, qualified for the AREs at approximately the same time, etc.  She worked with me when I led a GC firm and now works with me at the Door company.  She great and is my right hand.  She complains similarly - What I tell her is, she's missing one very important "tool".

Nov 20, 15 2:40 pm  · 

i use my first and last name too

that's a semi-true story (believe it or not); some parts i made up, some i forgot.

donna, maybe you were supposed to grab the dolly without asking.  as a man, i can tell you i don't listen to people.... they weren't 'listening' to the suggestion, it sounds like the guy brought out a physical object they could touch and probably try to break.

Nov 20, 15 3:11 pm  · 

Sheesh, Donna. When are you going to learn that women are only good for one thing?

<dives under desk>

OK, maybe two things.

Nov 20, 15 3:27 pm  · 

Donna- ...Lol probably they were trying to show off with their physical abilities infront of you.. :p anyways, never mind .. most times men are real idiots! Lol really funny

CurtKram .. I don't know but your name sounds Turkish with the missing and extra added parts :p

Nov 20, 15 3:35 pm  · 
Miles, what's the first thing?
Nov 20, 15 3:37 pm  · 

Dunno. Hoping someone would tell me.

<runs to car, leaves town, changes identity>

Nov 20, 15 6:00 pm  · 

inciting shit. like your style miles.

Nov 20, 15 6:03 pm  · 

JeromeS, it is funny - the whole morning was a comedy of errors - but your joke isn't correct: I wasn't mad that they wouldn't *try* my idea. They didn't reject my idea after listening to me propose it; they just didn't even consider hearing me when I proposed it.

The thing is: I tell dirty jokes with them, I swear and spit in front of them, I move heavy shit around and get dirty with them. But when it comes to my ideas, they don't listen. curt, you may be right that if I had grabbed a dolly and started just doing it the way I wanted to they would have gone along with it.

The other thing is: I love working next to these guys because when it comes to solving problems like this (current car-art problem aside) they are super intelligent and skilled, much smarter than me, for sure. And when I'm one-on-one with any of them, they're much more likely to listen. It's something about men in groups that lose a bunch of IQ points. Granted, women in groups do the same, in different ways.

Miles I giggled but am too tired to come up with a good response. Moving heavy shit all day. Time for a glass of wine, maybe paint my nails...

Nov 20, 15 6:18 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I have some good news for you, Donna. I ate at the restaurant The Sink today and thought of you. You posted about it a few weeks (perhaps months?) ago. Pretty good burgers and mac and cheese was good too. 

Nov 20, 15 6:34 pm  · 

Donna, next time, just whip out a big, honking 12" dildo, slam it on the table, and state the following; now that we can all I see I have the biggest dick in the room, how about we stop listening to what you have to say, and we just go with the correct solution, mine.

Nov 20, 15 11:13 pm  · 

go there!

Nov 21, 15 1:13 am  · 

killed by a dildo!

Nov 21, 15 1:14 am  · 

miles get the fuck out of here!

Nov 21, 15 1:16 am  · 

and john the baptist finishes it off

all guy ritchie SNATCH movie references...word.

Nov 21, 15 1:17 am  · 

well a mix of Snatch and Lock Stock...same actors...

Nov 21, 15 1:23 am  · 
Mmmmmm Brad Pitt in Snatch. There's a happy thought.

tintt, I looked up The Sink after mentioning it on that thread and was pleased to see they are still going strong and doing well. It's quite an institution in Boulder, they've been around for decades! My husband worked at the Rainbow Cafe, another institution, in Fort Collins when he was in undergrad. He's still in contact with the owners as they are like family: they made our wedding cake and shipped it to Cooperstown for our wedding.
Nov 21, 15 6:36 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Yup, The Sink has been there since 1923 and was originally titled The Sunken Garden but was shortened to The Sink. Robert Redford worked there before he was famous. 

Nov 21, 15 11:37 am  · 

 I miss threads that are merely discussing architecture on this forum, have to say that since 2  weeks (or more) no architectural thread was posted (except for Donna's 2 threads which were interesting but there was nobody to discuss them)! maybe when architects enter into the market their mindset change into the best easier way to make money rather than to make the best architecture! people like me (students) are on forums like this one looking what other architects are doing around the world.. looking for something or someone to aspire to.. I guess starchitects really deserve their title after all :p

Nov 21, 15 1:28 pm  · 

^it's hard to have an architectural discussion over a written forum that doesn't become either

-a trolling contest, or

-a one-sided talk between 2 like-minded posters with far more time to post than anyone else.

As I get older too, I find that discussions which go beyond a like/dislike dichotomy need some grounding in personal exploration of the design and knowledge of the intellectual, physical and client/social context. Which a given project viewed over the internet with a second-hand weite-up doesn't provide. There also needs to be some shared understanding among participants to get things focused and an awareness of the viewpoints of the participants. Otherwise its just a list of unspoken sound bites.

It's great when things work out and a discussion can happen. Hard to know when that will work.

Nov 21, 15 8:49 pm  · 

with far more time to post than anyone else

or are having a tough time at work/school/career/life and need a place to vent or escape - which is what I historically used archinect for.  These are often not the most productive people to engage with, though.

Nov 21, 15 9:34 pm  · 

for me...I am not having any tough time at school, I am a very good student! I only have lots of troubles with my dad.. but this is not why I use archinect! there must be at least some productive people here..!

midlander- I can see your point..

Nov 22, 15 2:06 pm  · 

so - approaching 8 weeks wait on my license application.  On friday I received an email basically saying the they haven't done anything yet.  

I've been thinking about reaching out to my local state rep. to see if they can light a fire under someone's butt.... Any downsides to that?  

I have no particular need for a licence at this moment, but the fact that its taken so long is pissing me off.

Nov 23, 15 8:26 am  · 

shuellmi, have you contacted anyone from your state licensing board? A contact there eventually helped me locate someone at ncarb who was willing to do what needed to be done. My state licensing board was very helpful and responsive.

Nov 23, 15 8:44 am  · 

Zaina - You say that people who post here are caring more for money than the "architectural" profession, you are a student, you don't have to make the hard choices everyday in your daily life and work life when it comes down to it. People need to eat, take care of themselves and many of us have responsibilities outside of the profession like family and whatever else. It's easy to talk shit about others whilst you have rose tinted glasses on.

Midlander - "-a one-sided talk between 2 like-minded posters with far more time to post than anyone else."

What gives you the right to say shit like that? how do you know? I come onto archinect during lunch and as breaks between projects to breakup my time, I'm sure most people in the AEC market are actually quite busy people I haven't met someone who isn't busy but working 10 hours straight on a project isn't gonna work for many people. Except that dude that posts essays fuck that guy.

Nov 23, 15 8:45 am  · 

we could have more conversations on here about how a contractor tricked an owner into thinking it was a good idea to VE the drainage board out of their eifs system.  that might give students a better idea of what's it like to practice architecture?

Nov 23, 15 12:54 pm  · 

Been making weekly phone calls for about 4 weeks now, was told at that time that it would be a week at most. Sent an email to the state rep over lunch today. Hopefully his staff can wake someone up.

Nov 23, 15 2:03 pm  · 

damn archiwutm8...but yeah beyond me why people think reading and making posts takes more than 30 seconds to a minute, i could probably spew out a Balkins essay in 5 minutes and if all I do is take 5 minutes out of 60 minutes of productivity - i am doing pretty well. when i was young it annoyed me when people thought i had nothing better to do than post on the Internet, but now I am certaim those people are just not that smart. i see them in their careers and life now and look and mine and go - oh it was a low self esteem thing, they just couldn't believe people are that much smarter and talented than now i just laugh at people who make those comments - especially when i average 100 emails a day, multiple phone calls, many business related txts (which get annoying at like 20- just call or email damnit), managing 10-15 jobs with a handful of free lancers, and yes wife, 2 kids and a dog, and all the shit that comes with what the hell do you students do all day? ooooh you are not cool for posting post post don't mind the slow people

Nov 23, 15 9:11 pm  · 

Exactly Olaf, it takes like 30 secs to post a comment, I'm 2 months ahead of my current big project and why is that? Cause I don't spend my time daydreaming and drawing bullshit 5 times, become efficient that's how you should be working.

Nov 24, 15 3:39 am  · 

....drawing bullshit 5 times.....archiwutm8 I absolutely agree and nothing worse than a studio design professor promoting this horrible habit.

Nov 24, 15 7:03 am  · 
Non Sequitur
Silly students... They don't know how easy they have it.

I woke at 5am this morning to take my wife to work in the snow. Now it's on to the first of three site visits of the day, all before lunch.

Still got time to post here while enjoying a coffee and watching drivers swerve carlesslly outside.

Curt, I would take part in a drainage board deletion thread, I am sure the contractor will try the very same thing when I drop by later today.
Nov 24, 15 7:07 am  · 

If there are algorithms will spew out b.s. post modern philosophy papers, im sure we can get one to generate balkins essays. 

Nov 24, 15 10:52 am  · 

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