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'rattling a cage' does not imply a person is an animal.  it is not pejorative, and it is not considered an insult.  you could say it's an annoying thing a person might do sometimes, but that's really the extent.  i suppose if english is not your first language you wouldn't be familiar with such idioms, since phrases like 'rattling his cage' isn't really meant to be literal.  so, for what it's worth, that part at least shouldn't be taken as an insult.  hope that helps.

Nov 24, 14 10:56 pm  · 
Is everybody aware of the website houzz? Cool website. Check it out guys!
Nov 24, 14 11:08 pm  · 

tammuz, CD.Arch nailed it: He has created a public air of disdain for himself. Anyone that disagrees with him is insulted

Funny how you can dish it out but can't take it. I won't bother to repeat your insults, I'll just enjoy the irony of you trying to claim the moral high ground when everybody knows your M.O. 

That particular phrase refers to an argument you lost and responded to with a string of vile invectives. I actually stopped posting for a while because every time I did you followed with the most obnoxious vulgarity.

I felt like I had stepped in something particularly nasty and was tracking it through the forum. So you should take credit for that phrase, you earned it. 

Nov 24, 14 11:12 pm  · 
chatter of clouds


The instigation came by way of a thread claming that I was mentally unstable . Donna came out in support of me - this is how it started. This was followed by demonization by CD-Arch, who reads me  through the Israel issue and is hell bent on presenting me in the worse possible way she or he can.

You go on to further on to describe me as being "obnoxious". Anyone would have thought, from your reactions,  that I was the one opening up threads calling individuals here mentally unstable - (whereas my thread was exclusively about Israel and the apartheid state enforced on Palestinians). It shows what a sick rabid pack mentality that you're partaking in and that you take on any opportunity to hurl insult my way.  

 On the other hand, I have only responded to you directly, whether, early on, pertaining to some idea or another, or in response -and in near kind- to your rancid insults and snide remarks. I do not talk about you or mock you or refer pejoratively to you when your name comes up - conversely, you do when mine comes up. Frankly, I see only bitter self righteousness and the mean-spiritedness of a sneering gawky hurt ego, the bitter lumbering one in the pack. By the way, again, this is in your response to "rattle in the cage", being called obnoxious and so on. This, you deserve.


curtkram, I know well what figurative language is and that that  expression was figurative. Perhaps you would do yourself a service by rereading my post: I said "suggestion". And, as figurative language, it is pejorative. It would be disingenuous to pretend otherwise (as only to justify the lack of bad intentions when clearly they present themselves in the case of Miles)  Yes, I agree there is something "lost in interpretation" but its not from my end. I understand your language very well, colloquially and formally. But I don't speak colloquial (in fact, I disagree with foreigners mimicking local accents and colloquialisms. But that is just a matter of taste).  But, perhaps it is sometimes you who can't interpret me well, exactly because I do not resort to rhetorical patterns that would signal to you, for instance, a cultural proximity and send off familiar signals in your head. Just a note.

Nov 25, 14 12:08 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Snook, I've just a family friend go through a similar exploratory surgery, better to know the truth instead of living in ignorance of a potential problem.

Speaking of Ignorance, TAM, I've read washing instruction tags that held-together better political arguments than you.

And, for the rest, here's something more important:

Nov 25, 14 8:45 am  · 
Non Sequitur

...moving along, there is a growing trend of using large (5'x10') porcelain tiles as exterior cladding. Has anyone come across these, preferably in a cold (-40) climate? It's basically a normal rain-screen assembly but as I wait for the rep to return my call, I figured I'd toss something architecture related in the mix here.

Nov 25, 14 8:54 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Non Sequitur, and its funny that you should be showing us your drawings with your kid here while on another thread you implicitly condone the massacre of non-western kids by whitewashing Israel and ridiculing each and every denouncement of its ongoing ethnic cleansing and repression of the Palestinians.

It is not about politics; its about being judicious, fair and humane. Stuff that you evidently apply only to kids who look like yours and people closer to your culture.

Again, this is in response.

Nov 25, 14 9:02 am  · 

donna, did you see tammuz's post that led to smearing?  the one about how white jews are different?

Nov 25, 14 9:07 am  · 
Non Sequitur

kids, what kids?

TAM, have you forgotten that I, like many others here, share aligned views on the same events as you? It is the black & white manner in which you state "facts" and how you selectively apply criticism that irks people.

Nov 25, 14 9:12 am  · 
chatter of clouds

of course, not only is curtkram making a deliberately faulty assumption about how the smearing thread originated (in actual fact, that thread is more likely to have arisen from my thread entire and not any single post - criticizing Israel sems to be a thorn in some people<`s side, including curtkram and others) ...but additionally, curtkram is deliberately wording `white jews`(I ever used that expression, this curtkram is a liar and hardly an objective observer) to make it come across as, in some ways, Im being raicst .

Different in what way? I said people of jewish faith belong to different ethnicites, each one is different. Now, what did this liar, curtkram, choose to single out "whie jews" and make it seem like it came from me?

Nov 25, 14 9:17 am  · 

he thinks the squirrel is your kid?

Nov 25, 14 9:17 am  · 
Non Sequitur

curt, that squirrel is clearly Mexican.

Nov 25, 14 9:27 am  · 

Non, are you following architectural trends now?

Nov 25, 14 9:32 am  · 

non seq - I've used them - as rain screen, as adhered tile (interior and exterior applications), and as a counter material.  There are mortars rated for cold climates - it can only go on walls, though.  The big issue is that the installer should be certified because you need special equipment to cut tile that big - usually no problems if you're going rain screen, but not many tile subs know how to handle large format tile.

Nov 25, 14 9:39 am  · 

Isn’t it horrible that we allow just one person or a small group to ruin everything? Working on a project for about 500 people and there are just 2 making ass-holes of themselves and just ruined the whole thing. Ferguson, MO, same thing – setting the black community back 50 years. When I was a kid if something like that happened in my house someone got sent to their room. Looks like we need a bigger room.

Nov 25, 14 9:41 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Miles, not following specifically, but my office's principal saw something go up downtown and is, at this time, in-love with the idea of 3600mm long porcelain tiles. We, the architects actually working on the project, are rather skeptical about this cladding approach.

Nov 25, 14 9:46 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Non Sequitur: "It is the black & white manner in which you state "facts" and how you selectively apply criticism that irks people."

Oh, I guess because you expect me to be equally appling criticism to the victim who has been colonized, oppressed, and had a near century  of ethnic cleansing being applied to them.

Bullshit. You`re using this intellectually dishonest rhetorical ploy to detract from the necessary focus of criticism. As if a victim,s response is as subject to criticism as a murderer`s.

I`m starting to like Thread Central...

Nov 25, 14 9:48 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Thanks toast but the panels I'm seeing are adhered directly to a aluminum frame then hung on a secondary frame. I've just completed a project this summer where we had 40mm thick limestone panels inserted into curtain-wall modules. Each section weighted some 2 to 3000lbs or so and I can tell from observing the men on site... many, if not all, had no idea how to move large pieces.

Nov 25, 14 9:51 am  · 
Non Sequitur

TAM, will another Squirrel make the bobo go away?

Nov 25, 14 9:52 am  · 

it's going to be lighter than the limestone - a lot thinner.  there are also other materials that have a similar look that are probably easier to work with (and a lot cheaper).  are you uncomfortable with rain screen systems in general - or just worried about ceramic tile?

Nov 25, 14 10:06 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Toast, I'm worried about the large porcelain tiles.

Rain-screens are what I do best besides consume coffee!

Nov 25, 14 12:12 pm  · 

3600mm long? That's an awfully big kiln.

Nov 25, 14 12:21 pm  · 

ah - so you're pretty comfortable with what really matters...  as for the tile... there are other options for mechanical fasteners than what you saw... you're going to have to look around and see what you're comfortable with.  You could always go smaller if the bendiness of those large tiles makes you uncomfortable...  maybe its time to book some lunch and learns...

Nov 25, 14 3:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Oh how I miss lunch n learns. I don't get those now that I teach.

Snook, you can't go. Not now, anyway. We just put my dad on hospice. Everyone else in my life, whether I send you Christmas cards or not, MUST stay the same. I hate change, and this particular change is tougher to bear.

Funny, I was thinking about it, and even though I KNOW this forum is more public than my Facebook, I'm more comfortable sharing all these misgivings and such here with you guys. I actually feel LESS vulnerable here. I know it's all perception, but it just feels more private. Not sure why I need my feelings about my father's impending death to be secretive. Part of me is afraid that how I approach death is a bit too Camus, and I don't want my friends to turn from me. At the same time, I'm supposed to be strong, and I'm supposed to be devasted, and it's so confusing. So so confusing.

And I'm rambling....

Snook, you HAVE to live forever. And you need to give me your address so I can send you a Christmas card.
Nov 25, 14 6:27 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Toast, I do sense some free sandwiches in the near future... but it will take more than a free lunch to convince me 3600mm long tiles adhered only on the perimeter will perform. Thanks for the pointers.

Nov 25, 14 8:29 pm  · 

Speaking of surgery i recently found out i most likely need sinus surgery. It's elective, but only if i don't want to ever have dental work to get an implant (for a tooth lost 10 yrs ago), which i was hoping to finally do.

I have always felt anonymous in a way on Archinect, even though i use my real identity. It feels intimate on the forums. Especially on TC.

We don't do "lunch learns". We call them "one o'clock wonders" at my job. Somehow never made it to one, other than the 1 that i gave.

Everyone else seen this? I was tearing up myself reading the news...

Nov 25, 14 9:33 pm  · 
Sarah, whatever you feel about death is legitimate. I do definitely censor myself when talking about it with my MIL, who is also on hospice care, because I don't want her or her sons to think im cavalier about it. I do see it as a plain fact of life, and think it's quite beautiful that life is the wondrous thing and then ends.

I didn't realize your dad was in hospice already, too. I'm sorry to hear that. Big hugs to you, especially, dear friend.
Nov 25, 14 10:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
We, well, he, just started hospice today. It's all so surreal.
Nov 25, 14 10:18 pm  · 

Sarah,  I'm not going anywhere soon.  This procedure has a great record, but it is one of those things it is better to caution to be on the safe side.   It is not like  like your father.  I have to much shit to get done in this life.

Tammuz,   You do bring a chuckle to my heart.  Makes me think of my last couple of years working with a Meronite Catholic Church Building Committee.  First I think they thought I was an asshole, then once they got to know me, I think they kinda started to like me.  Your thoughts and emotions make me think of everyone of them. It is kinda like your all wrapped up in the emotions they were always good at sharing. I think you know what I mean, a lot of raised voices amongst themselves, and me the outsider listening and soaking in everything to bring them a project that met their needs and budget.

Nov 26, 14 10:36 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Snooker, I don't see the relevance in what you state (btw its Maronite not Meronite). I dont appreciate trivial cultural generalisations that bypass totally the content of my post to you. How stupid would it be to tell you that you remind me of a white american protestant with a penchant for racism that translates into cultural generalisation?

Nov 26, 14 10:56 am  · 

^ Exactly as stupid as it was for you to say it.

Funny how A'nect cycles from being really fun to being an absolute chore to deal with.

Nov 26, 14 11:12 am  · 
chatter of clouds

And if it werent stupid? Then both wouldn`t be.

Its blatant that snooker is reverting to cultural stereotyping (about a culture of people being "wrapped up" in emotions (as opposed to, for example, an ability to have rational dialogue)) ..and let me say that it is a traditional racism that views certain cultures as being irrational and emotional (and, indeed, as a side note,  this stereotyping was previously and still is applied on sexist grounds against women - that they are more emotional creatures). this is , while seeming benign at the surface, a trivializing and prejudiced stance.   Snooker, I don`t really care about what I remind you of. Have the respect to speak to me of what I am and bring here and not of what I remind you of there.

Now, Miles`unnecessary response (nothing was adressed to him) shows that he has a certain emotion towards the person (me) writing this, so much so that he would overlook the substance of my post (by reading it against sonooker`s suggestive one) in order to formulate an attack because the post goes under my name here.

Now, that would be a case of someone wrapped up in emotions -and indeed preconceived prejudices- and  over and beyond rational content driven response.

Nov 26, 14 11:23 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I guess It's obvious who the recipient is. I don't feel like firing -up the photoshop hamsters at the moment.

Nov 26, 14 11:40 am  · 

tammuz.....untangling fingers and trying again.  Maronite....ya that is the ticket.   I  just know you speak in your  written word just like every meeting I ever went  to over the past couple of years.  Everyone was loud and aggressive.  Like I said I just sat back and listened and sorted out the crap from the real things they were trying to put forth.  Now don't say I'm thinking your saying crap.  I have never been physically in the Middle East.  I have however read a lot of history and know this place is intellectually a place of greatness.  However something has really caused it to become messed up in recent times.  I don't think you can blame all of it on the Western Civilization, you have to take some of the blame yourself.  Ya there are some bad people in the world, but were not all bad.  I'm thinking off all the relief workers putting their asses on the line every day trying to help someone put their life back together.  I'm thinking of journalist  trying to bring news to the rest of the world as to what  is going on.  Ya all those people in harms way, just trying to make the world a better place.

Nov 26, 14 11:43 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Snooker, Where do I : "  blame all of it on the Western Civilization, you have to take some of the blame yourself."

I think you're discussing this with yourself and your inane assumptions about others. and, furthermore, I do not see how even this is topically or contextually relevant. You`re digressing to your stereotyping yet again. Again, you highlight a preconception you have over and above anything else.

In fact, I`m not one doing the generalisations, you are.

Nov 26, 14 11:50 am  · 
snooker-doodle-dandy is all in the delivery.  It like listening to my wife move from English to Portuguese.  Because of the spoken language  just a little simple message takes a greater number of words and with it comes the deflection of the voice often louder.  When she is speaking with her mother in Brazil I often have to listen carefully just to be sure there is not an  argument taking place.   No disrespect, just an honest observation from and outsider looking in.

Nov 26, 14 11:52 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Snooker: " is all in the delivery"

Where, in my delivery, am I suggesting that I: "  blame all of it on the Western Civilization" . Indeed, it would be silly of me to be bringing up issues here - a "western civilization" forum - if I believe that "western civilization" is not about to find within itself some good to do. Furthermore, who says that I am not, in some part, "westernly" civilized and that the"western civilization" is not, to some extent, "easternly" civilized?

Please be logical and rational and repond respectfully without reverting to irrational prejudices and stereotyping, if you are indeed able to.

Perhaps, it is not about my delivery, its about your reception.

Nov 26, 14 11:53 am  · 

lol....insane assumption about others.."Dude look in the Mirror."

Nov 26, 14 11:59 am  · 

Perhaps, it is not about my delivery, its about your reception.

Funny how many people share the same reception.

blame all of it on the Western Civilization

The very basis for your existence here.

Nov 26, 14 12:01 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

so, you're not able to. You read me through your own prejudices and cultural biases. The problem is that  you yourself can't look in the mirror because if  shows something a few shades distateful.

You've called me emotional on the basis of being of a certain cultural grouping. I didn't call you anything on the basis of your cultural or ethnic grouping. Who is the bigot?

Nov 26, 14 12:03 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

there, all better now.

Nov 26, 14 12:07 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Perhaps, the same people share the same bigotry, Miles.

Again, where do I :"  blame all of it on the Western Civilization"

Perhaps its because YOU see me, a non "westerner", arguing over specific topics that you deem it that I'm attacking the whole of western civilization (whatever that is). And perhaps, it is because you have read me within the confines ot a stereotype made for non-westerners who dare engage you in arguments and disagreement ..when perhaps it would be more fitting that I should be safer a silent object of your cultural anthropologizing ( ex. how Snooker reads me not for what I,m saying but in relation to the culture she or he thinks I belong to).

Nov 26, 14 12:12 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

By the way, none of the above is meant in any emotional way. I`m not even LOLing.

Nov 26, 14 12:13 pm  · 
snooker-doodle-dandy where the heck are you from?

Nov 26, 14 12:44 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Its interesting, snooker, that, instead of discussing the content of my post or responding at that level, you're more interested in categorizing me culturally. I'm not an animal in your impoverished zoo. Move on, you're more intellectually equipped for discussing the banalities of your domestic and professional life.

Nov 26, 14 12:56 pm  · 

tammuz....ya you are are a great finger pointer...and a yeller....and I really don't care where your from.  However I have some assumptions that best be kept to myself.  Go ahead stand on your shoe box and scream at me at the top of your lungs because I really don't care to listen to your endless babble. The context of your post is pure bull self believing arrogant  bugger. 

Nov 26, 14 1:02 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Oh stop yelling and insulting. You're too overcome with emotions; are you sre you're not middle eastern or arab? ;)

Nov 26, 14 1:05 pm  · 

lol...oh slit I gave myself up!

Nov 26, 14 1:17 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Yup. As a bigot

Nov 26, 14 1:18 pm  · 

I guess you must think of me as Orthodox Jewish...We scream a lot and make big issues out of nothing, but we are in  good company.

Nov 26, 14 1:22 pm  · 

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