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And dumber, TOO!

They even did the so called salute very poorly.

I wouldn't pledge allegiance to Trump. I'd tell Trump, a person can only serve one master. My Master has the control switch on all lives in the universe and beyond.  As for allegiance, I vow to defend the country from foreign and domestic tyranny. If he falls into the side of tyranny that he better be prepared to reap the whirlwind for he had sowed the wind.

Mar 14, 16 11:22 pm  · 


Mar 15, 16 12:02 am  · 

Congrats to archanonymous!

Wow last time I was here/posted was mid Feb...?

@Donna re: Nextdoor, I have started to get a bit involved on some boards/groups now that have settled into new neighborhood/Denver. Apparently everyone here uses Nextdoor. Have avoided it to date though. I already have enough "social media". Even still, Denver is looking into BRT and we are having similar discussions. Along with concern for overflow traffic effects from main corridors.

They don't appear to have "Architecture Sucks" (or many other) t-shirts in mens sizes. Perhaps stopped production? Last one i got was a pink, Assembly robots.

@Marc what makes "ice cream season" is it the change in temp? Some people I know eat it all year round.

Finally, did I actually see a post from J James R?

Also this made my night!

Mar 15, 16 2:27 am  · 

Off to Seattle this morning... Wish me luck!

Also, insert standard diatribe here about how much I loathe air travel. I do it because I have to, but I truly hate every single thing about it with the fury of a thousand suns.

Mar 15, 16 7:13 am  · 

Nam, this is an excuse to eat more ice cream. 

Mar 15, 16 7:26 am  · 

Thanks, Nam!


A good place to check out in Denver is Hangar 41. They are a small firm in a storefront down on Santa Fe... they usually participate in First Fridays with a small gallery show. The three principals are really cool guys... good builders, and academic. A Rome Fellow, one worked for Zaha for a time, etc... They might have some suggestions for you for getting involved in architecture/ planning in the city.

They are the kind of guys you can literally just walk in and say hey some rando on the internet told me you were cool and they'll have a 30-minute conversation with you.

Mar 15, 16 10:08 am  · 

@Marc agreed.

Thanks for the tip archanonymous. Will have to check them out. Explored Santa Fe area (it is technically art/design district right?) a bit, but need to some more.

Morning all.

Mar 15, 16 10:23 am  · 

The Guardian with an Op-ed on  Unpaid Internships in the US...

Just saying no: US interns challenge employers over exploitation

While I know we all loath those that offer these unpaid internships, I can't help do a little victim blaming when I see quotes like this:

“I have considerable student debt which, due in large part to the current job market, I have been unable to pay down,” Osorio said. “I subscribed to the hope that working as an intern while an undergraduate student would significantly improve my chances of attaining full-time employment after I graduated, but instead the experiences were simply discounted as ‘not real work’ because I was unpaid.”

I also have a problem with making this a racial issue, which this writer seems to be pushing, stating that "...Minorities are less likely to get the most valuable unpaid internships because they often cannot afford to take them..."  It's an economic problem, my god, conflating race with wealth is incredibly harmful to the discourse that we should be having.  Charles Barkley only said it last week, "...All politics is rich people screwing poor people."  He gets it, why is it so hard for the press to say that?  Oh, right, the rich people own them...

Mar 15, 16 10:59 am  · 

i had this 'suck it up buttercup millennial' story pop on my facebook the other day.  it was some sort of friend of a friend thing, so i couldn't reply, but i will share it here

now i'm all for buttercups sucking it up.  sometimes life just sucks and we should learn how to deal with that instead of complaining about it.  but i can't help but think something else rises to the top with this response.

for stephanie, shit happens like it sometimes does, and a family friend was able to bail her out with a job as a waitress.  the real moral of the story though, is that if you really work hard and do your best, you're going to be living in your parent's basement until you're in your mid to late 20s?  that doesn't seem like the community we should creating, or what we should be celebrating as success.  at the end of the story, i can't help but think that if it's really that rigged of a system, at some point we sort of have to start thinking about whether these people's time would be better spent tearing down 'how things work' rather than building it up.

Mar 15, 16 11:50 am  · 

The bad juju surrounding the current presidential election cycle, and various world events has got me a bit on edge.  Not liking this trend one bit...

Mar 16, 16 10:42 am  · 

viva la revolucion

as Charles Barkley so succinctly put it; Politics is the rich screwing the poor.

Mar 16, 16 11:25 am  · 
Mr. Wiggin, not "conflating" race and wealth is so myopic, that I almost went blind myself, just from reading such pablum.

Comments like that ignore history, and the most basic is evidence, that to even point it out makes me feel like a preschool teacher.
Mar 16, 16 11:27 am  · 
That you cite Charles Barkley, I mean really? My eyes just rolled out of my head.
Mar 16, 16 11:28 am  · 

Re: race *not* tied to wealth? Thank you b3ta for rolling your eyes at that statement so I didn't have to.

But Mr. Wiggin I agree with you re: the election cycle.  I too am totally on edge. Distractedly so.  Close to panic.

Mar 16, 16 11:32 am  · 

I've made plans to vote early and take a vacation from October 20 - November 5. I have already had my fill of this and the days before an election are the worst.

Mar 16, 16 11:47 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Denver archinect club first met a few weeks ago.. maybe our next outing should be a First Friday? 

Mar 16, 16 11:58 am  · 

i wonder if the panic is just because that's what's been marketed to us?  didn't don draper say love was nothing but a campaign designed to sell nylons or something like that?  the same could be said for democracy, capitalism, or democratic socialists.  you can label it however you want.

empires have been built up and destroyed countless times.  sometimes those of us on the wrong end of power end up dead, sometimes enslaved, but usually after the dust settles we just go on living our lives.

tintt, see if you can get me a job up there while you're meeting :)

Mar 16, 16 12:03 pm  · 

tintt/ nam/ et al... I'll be in denver in early april if any of you are into meeting up with random people from the internet to talk architecture.

I'll anoint myself a Denver archinect club expat. 


First Friday can be fun, but it can also be some really bad art and flat-brim cap bros getting wasted. Sometimes Davis Partnership participates.

Mar 16, 16 12:18 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

curt, send your resume and portfolio...

Mar 16, 16 12:18 pm  · 

archanonymous, totally down to meet when you are in town.

And this election season is definitely interesting...

Mar 16, 16 12:42 pm  · 

Let's put the wealth and race thing in perspective. 400 = 14 million

Mar 16, 16 12:50 pm  · 

ummm....the first non-white people in this country were not land owners. the friggen Natives weren't even land even if Oprah is one of those 400 (is she?l) that hardly makes up for what amounts to white males being land owners for can be a full retard, but if poppa bought himself a good few acres outside coal mining country back in the day, and now its called Pittsburgh or something, your inbred white self will be rich and not tryin too hard.

Mar 16, 16 7:19 pm  · 

That would be why the areas around Pittsburgh are so depressed (not to mention so many parts of Pittsburgh itself).

And those inbred foke you refer to- the Carnegies and Mellons- indirectly spurred the current influx of "robber baron cash" (drama)  through the financial support of a little known institution of higher learning that focused on science and technology. Btw, neither Mellon or Carnegie made it big in coal.

This really is a round about way of saying "heh, your point?"

Mar 16, 16 7:35 pm  · 

I'm down for another Denver meetup... Just let me know when.

Mar 16, 16 7:54 pm  · 

point. when people think of wealth they think of "making money" and completey forget REAL estate. something until slaves were freed hard to be - land owners. and by the time all peoples of all creeds could become land owners, also known as home owners, the property values of these REAL estates made those who were descendents of early settlers inheranty wealthy regardless of how much money they didnt make. their last names you are probably not familiar with because making anything was never a goal.

Mar 16, 16 9:00 pm  · 

and marc to be fair i winged it on pitt

Mar 16, 16 9:13 pm  · 

Hell, the top 25, all made their moolah in the 20th Century, there ain't no pilgrims in that boat.

Mar 16, 16 9:41 pm  · 

Pitt made the NYtimes for it's food scene. You can't be down on a place that makes a cobb salad with fries piled on top a success.

I think understand what you are getting at. Property wasn't really a thing until recently, most notably the mid 20th, correct? But... property has always been a thing. I'll frame this relative to one minority group- african americans. 

1. Landscapes of slavery. The economic viability of property of slavery have been questioned for some time now, some of the earliest examinations occurred in the 1950's. While it may not have been economically viable over the long term, it was an effective means to define ownership through occupation- and was demonstrate to be an effective way of controlling property in the short term. More to the point- when Jefferson proposed that slaves be used as part of the Westward expansion for a limited period of time and then freed, he and his supporters were voted down.

2- Reconstruction. The politics of property in the south benefited  owners (read: plantations) benefited financially, not freed slaves. 40 acres was pure rhetoric.

3-Jim Crow. Read Ta-Nehisi Coates' article The Case for Reparations. Even if you dismiss the central thesis, the story of Clyde Ross who moved to Chicago for the benefit of the law- so he could keep his property- was then crushed by redlining, predatory loans and other practices put him at risk again.

4-GI Bill. Part of the GI Bill supported home ownership to benefit those who had served- save those who lived in the south, where benefits that would have allowed for property ownership were intentionally denied to african americans. African American farmers suffered a similar fate up until...

This is long, so I won't go into the contemporary practices, but needless to say it's troubling. I only bring this up because the idea that the benefits of property ownership have not been clear or calculated until recently isn't entirely accurate. 

Mar 16, 16 10:17 pm  · 

Now get yersef a Pittsburgh salad

Mar 16, 16 10:19 pm  · 

you got it Marc  and that is my kind of salad.  can I add bacon?

Mar 16, 16 10:52 pm  · 

Duh! Then follow with the enchiladas.

Mar 16, 16 10:55 pm  · 

Why can't we have a universal documentation system where the UI is easy to understand? Why do I have to go through 20 different systems for every project and company? Anyone else deal with this bullshit?

Mar 17, 16 6:56 am  · 

Oh, jla-x, I'm sorry you were up so late. I busted all evening on a freelance job but called it at 11:30 so I could get up at 5:30 for my "real" job. It's exhausting.

Mar 17, 16 7:27 am  · 

Donna Redbull it, I was up till 1AM woke up at 6AM. Needed the Redbull so I can finish these drawings and last the day only few more hours!

Mar 17, 16 7:38 am  · 

My body can't take RedBull, archiwut. In undergrad I drank Jolt Cola with a Jolly Rancher stick melted into it, after reading that that's what surfers used to keep their energy up. Note: the energy required to surf vs. to draft are not that same. I was sick for hours.

Mar 17, 16 10:14 am  · 

I'm not eating much today...major dental work I'm celebrating St Pat's a day late.Donna no Red Bull here....just green bottled beer.

Mar 18, 16 7:22 pm  · 


Second note you don't want to get me started about Donald doctor says...block him out of your mind and vote how you vote....stress done...We will rise above this Shit!

Mar 18, 16 7:24 pm  · 

Exactly Snooker,

Less stress. Less worries. lower blood pressure. Possibly better sleep.

Still have too many other concerns screwing with restful sleep. Don't need to add another.

Mar 18, 16 7:36 pm  · 

TC fell to 2nd page over the weekend!?

@snooker, currently debating whether to get two implants done at once (in April sometime) or wait and do second next year.

@Donna, sounds like you are getting (at least fielding offers for) a lot of freelance currently? Is that the TC consensus/experience as well? Archinect should do more snap pools. Maybe "freelancing hot or not" could be first one? Shorter turn-around time than salary poll, also more topical...

night all.

Mar 21, 16 12:11 am  · 

From this year's onslaught of the indecisive, I have to wonder if this crop of hopefuls is capable of forming opinions on their own.  Is it no longer a matter of identifying what you want to do, and then making it happen?  What a process it is these days to strike out of mom and dad's basement...

Mar 21, 16 5:26 pm  · 

@Nam,  If you are getting major work done there is a fantastic sedation dentist in Englewood that I can't recommend highly enough. Reasonable prices and great quality. 


The late 20's ennui is strong with me today. luckily so is the brown liquor.

Mar 21, 16 5:31 pm  · 



It's difficult to know what you want when you've been indoctrinated and steeped in a culture that doesn't want you to think for yourself.

Mar 21, 16 7:58 pm  · 

Had a fun weekend, broke a toilet, stabbed myself in the thumb with a porcelain shard, spent 2 hrs at the hospital, then went to a bachelor party, got myself drunk enough to forget about it and then tore it open playing home run derby. Wife was not pleased.

Mar 21, 16 8:38 pm  · 

@shuellmi, well I am...Sounds like a fun/memorable weekend!

Mar 21, 16 8:47 pm  · 

archanonymous, the late-twenties ennui dissipates eventually, trust me. the 20s were rough. the 30s were so much better, and 40s so far are awesome.

I had a very good meeting with  freelance client today. Fingers crossed the pricing doesn't come in too high!

Mar 21, 16 8:51 pm  · 

Ugh, poor Brussels. Such a cool, worldly city.  I loved it there, and the apartment I stayed in was right in the  Mollenbeek area now being called a "terrorist haven". It was mostly just people, owning shops, going to the metro, walking with their kids. Many people of Arabic/Middle Eastern appearance, but definitely not all terrorists.  Good lord, everyone just wants to live their life.

Mar 22, 16 9:39 am  · 

I almost went to Brussels this week, lucky I was too lazy to book!

Mar 22, 16 9:49 am  · 

OMG I frankly find those cat shelter competition entries embarrassing for us as a profession.

Mar 22, 16 4:51 pm  · 

I was just thinking that Donna. Actually sent the link out to a bunch of friends via e-mail with subject line "I hate architects"


I wish archinect allowed embedded GIFs, but since it doesn't this link is relevant (Safe for Work)

Mar 22, 16 6:04 pm  · 


It does but you have to copy the right address with the .gif extension to work all the time as it should.

Mar 22, 16 6:57 pm  · 

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