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Quoting is not a sure way to win an argument. Diesel by the time it hits the pump (unless you are in some tropical wonderland) has an anti-solidify solvent added to it (called by many things, I prefer anti-gel). Unless you are a farmer out in the hicks (no offense to anyone who is) purchasing it commercially in bulk this is likely to NEVER happen to you. I think the biggest draw back will be trying to find a pump that sells diesel

May 22, 09 3:04 pm  · 

kinda weird this conversation about diesel is even happening. it's really just not exotic at all any more. what with vw passats and jettas and the myriad of diesel benzes around, not to mention the popular duellies that every contractor wanted until the price of fuel jumped last year, diesel is just... well...normal.

even out here in flyover country.

May 22, 09 3:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm probably biased against diesel because I had a negative impression of a diesel Volvo some years ago... I'm sure the technology has improved considerably since then, though.

Here's a totally unrelated question for the group. I asked this on the 2010 comisery thread as well, but I thought I'd pose it to the TC regulars:

By coincidence, the week I'll be in Cincinnati next month also happens to be the first week of UC's summer quarter. If all works out the way I'm hoping, I'll be starting my M.Arch. degree at DAAP exactly that time next year.

I've already spent plenty of time wandering around the UC campus and I did the whole DAAP open house and tour thing last fall, but I'd love to sit in on the very first session of the M.Arch. studio, just to get a feel for what to expect on Day One. Does anybody think this would be permitted, or does this sound like a really dumb idea? I suppose I can just call the school and ask them.

May 22, 09 3:25 pm  · 

SW - I don't think its that normal to have a diesel car. Actually its pretty rare to even see the diesel Jetta around, and I feel that would be the most common. Maybe it depends on the region. Isn't diesel and biodiesel still perceived as more of a gimmick than something ligitimate in the US?

Of course, I'm still saving money for a diesel motorcycle... How does 100+ mpg sound? Although the 0-60mph figures are really disappointing...

Wow, I haven't been this active in Archinect for a while. I think it is all the car and engine talk. I should talk more about architecture...

May 22, 09 3:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

if you're going to sit in on some classes then the first day/days of the semester are probably not the best time to catch a glimpse of what it's like...everybody is just kind of showing up, saying 'hi' to old friends, glancing at the syllabus, figuring out which books to buy and just generally enjoying the fact that they will actually to keep up with all of their work for a couple of days (& still have time for visit to cafe/bar).

...of course, that may vary somewhat by school.

May 22, 09 3:37 pm  · 

Re: diesel and "green".
My friend has a diesel TDI Golf and gets amazing mileage... Like 50+ highway..

I have always been jealous..

May 22, 09 3:54 pm  · 

you will also have the awkward task of explaining that you are not really a student to all the people who introduce themselves to you. puddles is right, first day of any school is just kind of hectic intros and explanations. not much to see. i am kind of curious what a university would say actually - there are a lot reasons they could go either way. why not give it a try.

actually, what would be really cool is if you made it into a vid-blog or similar for archinect and went as a reporter. it could be feature thing. like what to expect when you are expecting, but for students instead of pregnant people. that might make it easier to approach the school at least....well, just a thought.

you know i am pretty certain diesel was always available at every gas pump in prairie canada when i was growing up. is it really not normal?

a pickup truck is fantastick SH. i don't know anyone in my family (farmers all) who doesn't have one. that your husband just did that however sounds positively like throwback sexism type behaviour. i would be pissed that he didn't ask his wife's opinion. maybe the attitude goes with the truck?

May 22, 09 3:59 pm  · 

biodiesel, yeah. it's still pretty rare. i'd say i've seen 15-20 max around louisville.

but plain ol' diesel: really? sure, i'm not saying it's as common as gas... but like jump says, it's on almost every pump. i accidentally put diesel in a car of mine about ten years ago because it was on the same pump. it's all over the place.

May 22, 09 4:09 pm  · 

Wonder K, it's a shame they aren't flying you out for the interview. It would give you a chance to peruse this sexy lil thing

May 22, 09 4:10 pm  · 

A chronic inhalation toxicity study of diesel engine emissions and coal dust, alone and combined.
TR Lewis, FH Green, WJ Moorman, JA Burg, DW Lynch - Developments in toxicology and environmental science, 1986


Health effects of diesel exhaust: A case study in risk assessment
RO McClellan - American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 1986


Autism Spectrum Disorders in Relation to Distribution of Hazardous Air Pollutants in the San Francisco Bay Area
Gayle C. Windham; Lixia Zhang; Robert Gunier; Lisa A. Croen; Judith K. Grether - Environmental health perspectives, 2006


Study of ultrafine particles near a major highway with heavy-duty diesel traffic
Y Zhu, WC Hinds, S Kim, S Shen, C Sioutas - Atmospheric Environment, 2002


Diesel exhaust particles are taken up by human airway epithelial cells in vitro and alter cytokine production
Sonja Boland, Armelle Baeza-Squiban, Thierry Fournier, Odile Houcine, Marie-Claude Gendron, Michèle Chévrier, Gilles Jouvenot, André Coste, Michel Aubier, and Francelyne Marano1 -- American Journal of Physiology- Lung Cellular and Molecular …, 1999

There's a reason why people in South Central Los Angeles are retarded... and it's not because of the 40s, blunts or cough syrup. Excluding a sustainability concern, diesel is pure poison.

May 22, 09 4:27 pm  · 

Um, they ARE flying me out for the interview. I'll be in Denver on Wednesday afternoon. Just not enough time to sight-(or Strawbeary-) see, however.

Love the diesel talk! They are quite common out here and I think it's interesting that people think they are "exotic". As if every trailer truck doesn't run on them. What I'd REALLY like to do is get a TDI and convert it to bio-diesel before I leave Cali...but I'd need a money tree for that.

Incidentally I don't think that the "sitting in" on the first session of a new MArch group is a very advisable idea. It's going to be their first class together as a CLASS and they'll be going around doing introductions, and they'll get to you, and you'll have to explain that not only do you NOT go there, you just thought you would hang out with them for an afternoon and you're hoping that you get the chance to go there next year. It sounds inappropriate to me.

May 22, 09 4:30 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Exhaust from regular unleaded gasoline isn't exactly something they sell at health foods stores, either. When comparing the two, it will always about which one is the lesser evil... Electric or hydrogen fuel cell cars are the way of the future, but we're not quite there yet.

May 22, 09 4:32 pm  · 

OK, hillandrock, I think you've out-stayed your welcome. I am NOT RETARDED. And diesel is hardly more poisonous than half of the other shite we use in our everyday life.

May 22, 09 4:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

You're probably right about the first day of school thing... Awkwardness aside, it will probably be a lot of incredibly boring logistical crap and generally a waste of a couple hours of my trip. It was just a thought.

I still remember my first day of my freshman year at UIC... Our studio professor gave a cool slide show and an inspiring talk about architecture, and I remember feeling incredibly psyched by it all. (The rest of my time at UIC was pretty much all downhill from there, but that's another story.)

I'm sure I'll make it over to DAAP anyway and wander around a bit and maybe try to arrange a meeting with somebody on the faculty if they're not too busy. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll be missing the annual year-end exhibition by a week.

May 22, 09 4:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Since it's a holiday weekend it's OK that I had a glass of wine at 4:15, right? I *did* get revised drawings sent off to the PE before uncorking, and the landscape architect had already left for the day, so I'm not going to feel bad...

May 22, 09 4:52 pm  · 

if you can do that, lb, then surely you can buzz down here to play at 21c on wednesday.

May 22, 09 4:59 pm  · 
There's a reason why people in South Central Los Angeles are retarded...

h&r, please tell me you're joking? If not you are a fucking fool. I have been extremely nice to you given your record as a thoughtless provocateur but I have no intention of listening to you insult my family. Take your mindless prattle somewhere else, douchebag.

May 22, 09 5:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband felt that what he was doing was best for us, and he KNEW that I would object. I dont like change, I plan ahead, I do things cautiously, and I wouldnt have wanted to do it. He DID save us money, so I understand his point, but he understands my side now too, and has promised not to do that again.

LiG, if you went, you could just be that student who quits after the first day; its not like they call role. But I agree that it wont be a good measure of what studio will be like.

May 22, 09 5:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've been in studio classes before, so I already have a pretty good idea of what that scene will be like.

I'd be much more interested in hearing The Talk, as in, "Here's what you should expect in this place for the next three years of your life..." Sort of like in the movie The Bridge Over the River Kwai where the prisoners arrive at camp and get The Talk from Colonel Saito:

"If you work hard, you will be treated well. But if you do not work hard, you will be punished. A word to you about escape. There is no barbed wire, no stockade, no watchtower. They are not necessary. We are an island in the jungle. Escape is impossible. You would die. Today you rest. Tomorrow you begin. Let me remind you of General's motto: 'Be happy in your work.' Dismissed."

May 22, 09 5:23 pm  · 

Sarah makes a very amusing point....act like a student and then quit after the first day! I think this would be a poor showing though, especially if you apply and someone remembers that you did that. Frankly I think you'll just have a much better experience if you take a tour of the school.

I think I'm going to get drunk tonight. Didn't do it at all during graduation / last weekend. I think I'm overdue.

May 22, 09 5:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Careful of your headaches, WonderKay!

May 22, 09 5:42 pm  · 

Puddles I like the location of the the New Denver Airport, cause when I go back the the American High Desert, I can land in Denver and actually never really be in Denver, just get on the interstate and head north till you reach Wyoming and then off on some blue highway for miles and miles till you enter the Black Hills, which is always an amazing transition.

May 22, 09 5:55 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ha...i was still doing shots of tequila at 4:15 this morning because i couldn't fall asleep last night.

...and, yes, it's been a looooong day at the office.

why am i here again?

and why is everybody talking so much?

May 22, 09 6:01 pm  · 

Wonder K I'm getting drunk with you from a distance. Liberty Bell it's a holiday weekend here as well, it's now 5pm and I have a tall glass of rum. I better be careful though it may make me retard since rum is [b]pure poison]/b] - what was that word... ahhh ass-hat

May 22, 09 6:02 pm  · 

and judging by my use of the required code, perhaps I am retarded.

May 22, 09 6:07 pm  · 
Do NOT click on this link!

It will consume the rest of your day!

You've been warned! :-D

(let me know if you want some help, we figured it all out earlier. yay holiday weekend....)

May 22, 09 7:00 pm  · 

We sorta stopped at noon....cause we did get paid a nice sum from a client today. Went for an Italian Lunch with our Greek Clients. Then did some needed shopping....for steaks... and wine and beer. Then home to the office nest to pay a bunch of I don't have to worry about them hanging over my head this weekend in an H&R manner of business practice. So I ting I shall go endulge in another beer. Yo_who...! anti Yahoo... night all!

May 22, 09 7:31 pm  · 

SHIT!!! I can't believe I looked at that damn thing. Thanks DubK

And yes... I am dead serious about driving with you. I thought it was understood at Christmas when I said "I'm serious, I will drive with you wherever you go" that I was game for the plan. Besides, I might never get another chance to drive from Cali to Colrado again.

May 22, 09 8:11 pm  · 

Yay! (and I'm serious about helping you out with hints, let me know if you need some)

May 22, 09 9:08 pm  · 

excuse me, but my stay in that section of LA definitely did not make me retarded, it made me tough. In fact, I think of it as a major point of growth: when I come up against something less-than-desirable now, I think "I lived in south central for years, and I can handle anything."

On the note of handling things... holiday? what holiday? Life is the same for me, the countdown continues. T-minus 5 days til the thesis is due to the printers...

May 23, 09 1:18 am  · 
brian buchalski

i don't really pay much attention to pornography and have never heard of sasha grey before but after stumbling across this quote in rolling stone...

‘I don’t need to see genitalia up close; I don’t need to see a dirty yellow couch against a white wall. I want to see something different, like this is not exciting to me.'

...i'm inclined to think that maybe she could be a transformative figure in the industry. if she can bring better architecture & interior design to adult films then i may indeed become a fan. go sasha go!

May 23, 09 10:54 am  · 
liberty bell

puddles, I hope you'll enjoy this: the interior design portions only of 70s Danish porn films.

Link fairly safe for work, as the nudity is pretty well cropped.

May 23, 09 10:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, thats crazy. And whats up with the poster of puppies?

May 23, 09 11:42 am  · 

LB that's wicked - I'm so going to blog that!! With great plans to go to a rock concert (yes we have those here) last night - I stopped to have margaritas with some friends at a JaMexican restaurant (yes x2) and got slightly distracted with the laughter. We were having so much fun people were setting up tables next to us just to ease drop... wicked fun!

Also I was hoping to stack the new shelves (how do you like them *m?). But the top had to be cut off (it was originally 8'-4" but couldn't fit) you can see the bit that was removed.

May 23, 09 12:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, those shelves are the colour of my entertainment center that Husband made for me. Someday, I'll upload a photo. Someday.

May 23, 09 12:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Those shelves, the door, the chair, the palm...I want to visit!

May 23, 09 12:35 pm  · 

I'm getting one of these for my new bathroom...

May 23, 09 12:52 pm  · 
vado retro

LB that's a coffee table book or a phd thesis or both waiting to happen.

May 23, 09 1:10 pm  · 

Liberty anytime you want, I'll get the limeade ready

May 23, 09 2:38 pm  · 

I also was drinking tequila till early this morning with friends. We finished the bottle..

How you all doing?

May 23, 09 4:16 pm  · 

Nice Atechno. The color is great, love the warmth. I guess you decided to nix the X's.

May 23, 09 4:33 pm  · 

darn. the ultrasonic bath image got cut!

May 23, 09 8:00 pm  · 

I sold a TV, TV stand, and a bookshelf today all within a 15 minute period. Things are starting to get crazy around here!

May 23, 09 9:27 pm  · 

the good, the bad, the hold me please.

i got hit on yesterday at Lake Harriet, the good. it was by a man in his early sixties, the bad, i felt slightly amused and flattered, and a little like a high school boy; and then i asked my wife to hold me.

May 24, 09 7:21 am  · 
vado retro
May 24, 09 7:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, can you tell us more?

May 24, 09 10:29 am  · 
liberty bell

Aw, beta. When you get into your 40s, you take flattery wherever you can find it! Be flattered and then happy that your wife can alleviate the ickiness you (probably) felt.

My son is on a making stuff tear. The house is already at 5yo art capacity!

May 24, 09 10:45 am  · 

good morning everyone! I'm so excited I'm heading to the Jack Daniels sponsored grill off in a few hours, where there will samples of the competition entries. I'm so excited! This is what long weekends are for, sun, fun, and open flame prepared food (and an insane amount of beer). And the best part is I get to do it all over again tomorrow... whoo hoo!!!

*m yea I left off the x's because I just couldn't figure it out... right now the shelves have 2 coats of black stain, do you think we should add a coat of varnish as well?

May 24, 09 11:00 am  · 

well, the guy asked me if i wanted to sit by him in the shade, and i said no i'm good - i didn't pick up where he was going at that point - then he said; you look a little warm, are you sure you don't want to sit in the shade, i said no i'm good - then i got what he meant. the wife and fam moved on; i was flattered if only cause i really haven't been hit on, well except for the time when a mtv aussie vj hit on me, but this was new. so, i am thinking wow, i must look good, but at the same time a little weirded out because the guy was 20 or so my senior, and damn why couldn't he at least be a young chippy....i mean i turn 41 on wednesday, don't i deserve a present??

May 24, 09 11:03 am  · 
vado retro

what kind of weeing eye dog did he have?

May 24, 09 11:20 am  · 

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