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that's too bad about the course, lb. i know you were looking forward to it.

Aug 22, 07 12:06 pm  · 

LB, I'd take the course if you were at TTU.

Aug 22, 07 12:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Actually, I think maybe I should have publicized it more to architects - I mean, we all already know everything there is to know about architecture, of course, but that doesn't mean a group of us couldn't sit around discussing contemporary work for three hours once a week while I get paid to do prep work, right?!?! Kinda like Archinect (except here I only get paid in personal satisfaction).

vado maybe you can take it in spring!

Aug 22, 07 12:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Except, of course, that the entire point of the class is to help create more educated users of architecture, which most architects already are.

Aug 22, 07 12:21 pm  · 
vado retro

sorry to hear that lb. i know that you don't have enough to keep you busy! as far as me signing up, when does the senior discount kick in?

Aug 22, 07 12:21 pm  · 

if you're gonna invite vado, you better brush up on your hegel, liberty.

Aug 22, 07 12:21 pm  · 

oh its a bad day. Two more days until weekend, no vacation left, and no drinking allowed during work hours.

Aug 22, 07 1:14 pm  · 

only three weeks left at the office. Eep!

The car-selling thing isn't going so well, either. There's a decent amount of initial interest, but so far nobody's followed through to actually come see the thing. That makes me nervous.

Aug 22, 07 4:54 pm  · 

If I want a sandwich, I will go to subway or a deli, or make one at home.

If I want a hamburger, I will go to MacDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, or more likely Burger Wisconsin or Burger Fuel - all of who proport to sell Burgers.

In NZ there is a clear demarcation of what is a burger and what isnt. If it is in a round bun, with some kind of grilled/broiled/fried meat inside with other ingredients and condiments, its a burger. In comparison, a configuration of 2 slices of wholegrain bread containing chicken, mayo, spring onion and red cabbage isnt a hamburger - it is clearly a sandwich.

If you go to MacDonalds and have a cheeseburger, do you then call it a sandwich? Do you say, I will have a cheeseburger sandwich please![?]

I find it odd.

Aug 22, 07 4:56 pm  · 

why odd diabase?

a hamburger is a kind of sandwich, but you don't call it a "hamburger sandwich".
a bourbon straight-up is a kind of drink, but you don't order a "bourbon straight-up drink".

Aug 22, 07 5:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

On the sandwich thing...

I think a Burger would REQUIRE hamburger meat inside of it. Chopped BBQ is a sandwich, chicken is a sandwich, pastrami is a sandwich, all of which have nothing to do with type of bread or temperature. I do suppose that if the meat was ground and put in patty form, or some other resembled the typical hamburger patty, then it could still be called a burger, but with the identifying substance infront of the word word burger, as in Turkey Burger, or Veggie Burger. So maybe it really all comes down to patty formation.

And Lb, your class sounds great, but maybe you should market it to spouses and parents of architects. I feel like they would be most interested of the non-architecture sect, and then, maybe just then, they won't ask for fake log cabins in the plains of east texas.

And I think the red at the bottom looks more like a Kylix, thats the drinking bowl of roman/greek origin, right? I cant remember, and am too lazy to Wiki it. Or maybe a 1970's fruit bowl.

Aug 22, 07 5:06 pm  · 

a patty melt is a hamburger on a slice (or two) of bread, not a bun. it's not called a sandwich, since they are often eaten with fork and knife- like a tuna melt.

Aug 22, 07 5:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

wow, you eat your patty melt with a fork? I've always picked it up. Mine are always made like a sandwich, and so are the tuna melts i get. Do they make them differently up there?

Aug 22, 07 5:14 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I don't eat patty melts nor tuna melts with a fork, but a hot turkey sandwich I do! Makes me want to go to a truck stop.

Aug 22, 07 5:24 pm  · 

Steven, thats my point. In a Kantian sense, a hamburger or burger is a 'thing in itself' - it doesnt need further referencing or association to, or within a hierarchy of filled-bread food products.

My feeling is that the term sandwhich was introduced to move away from the unhealthy implications of the term 'burger'. My point is that asking "Can I have a Big Mac sandwich" is kind of like asking "Can I have a Toyota Corolla Car please?", or more likely in my case "Please give me an Alfa Romeo Brera"...

I dont know what a patty melt is? Will selma be upset?

Aug 22, 07 5:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This is weird: Last night I discovered a painful bump on the back of my head, almost as if I had whacked my noggin against a hard surface, or if somebody had hit me with a lead pipe... Except I have no recollection of any such event taking place over the past day or so. Whatever it is, I hope it goes away soon, because it hurts like hell.

In other news, I might have some sort of housing situation set up... It's not a perfect situation, but hopefully decent enough for a few months while I save up more money and pay off some debts. I should know more tonight.... Wish me luck.

Aug 22, 07 5:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That bump could just be an ingrown hair. Or maybe someone did whack you in the head with a pipe, and you have amnesia about it. You are in NYC right?

Aug 22, 07 5:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Too big of a bump and too painful for an ingrown hair, and my wallet and its contents are still intact. (I might also point out that, statistically speaking, NYC is the safest large city in the country.)

I'm thinking I may have bumped my head against a grab bar on the subway, or against a hard seat back while sitting down... Maybe it happened when I sat down in the booth at a diner last night for dinner. Either it didn't hurt much or I was too distracted at the time to notice, but now the bruising and swelling have kicked in. No symptoms of concussion, though.

Aug 22, 07 5:56 pm  · 

Diabase, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. My understanding is that about 50 years or so ago when hamburgers were first being mass-marketed, they were called a hot sandwich. Now the hamburger has achieved noun-dom, and no longer needs explanation. The old duder in your quote is harkening back to the simpler days.

And--lest you think I'm making this reasoning up--just days ago I was reading a whole long museum spiel about the origins of McDonalds, and there it was, the sandwich. So give it a rest, ya nitpicker! ;)

Aug 22, 07 6:34 pm  · 

LiG It is the last design idea from summer school wanting to get out of your head.....have no fear....drink a few beers....and all will be well.

Aug 22, 07 6:35 pm  · 

Top four threads on archinect right now:

Your Celebrity Architect Stories!
Unpaid Internship
what is the point of architecture school???
how do I get an internship without any education or experience?


(and four more to go 'til 1000)
Aug 22, 07 6:51 pm  · 

all this talk about burgers and sandwiches is making me crave a piece of lettuce - yeah to the vegitarians

Aug 22, 07 6:56 pm  · 
vado retro

im jonesin for a blake's lotaburger w/green chili

Aug 22, 07 7:04 pm  · 

random work incident of the day: my ears hurt, which usually means that I'm getting sick, so I popped my earrings out of my lobes to rub them for a couple seconds, and the o-ring from the left one fell down my shirt. Now I can't just look in there while in the office, so I went to the bathroom to check and no dice. Come back to my desk and look around, still can't find it. So I have a feeling that one of my nice red glass plugs may not make it home today, as the ride home is rather bumpy. = (

Aug 22, 07 7:08 pm  · 

hamburgers are like porn. you know one when you see one.

Aug 22, 07 9:16 pm  · 
vado retro

once one of my earrings fell into my hamburger sandwich. i chipped a tooth a result!

Aug 22, 07 9:37 pm  · 

Shout out to WK who added me to her facebook freinds - yeay!!!!

hamburgers are like porn so very true. hey, do the japanese dump their curry sludge on burgers, put them on top of ramen or anything like that?

765 congrats on making 1K... now you really have a full blown habit.

Aug 22, 07 10:47 pm  · 

765, I noticed that exact same thing and meant to comment on in it here. I also noticed the life after tution thread a few below.
What is happening to our profession?

Aug 22, 07 11:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, it's looking like I'll have a place to live next month. No money has changed hands yet and nothing has been signed yet, but I have a verbal agreement with a prospective roommate I met a few days ago in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn.

The neighborhood is pretty shitty, but the apartment is actually one of the nicest I've seen in the past couple weeks: A condo-quality loft conversion with two bedrooms and a huge living area with an incredible view of the Manhattan skyline. The apartment is only a block away from the nearest subway station (minimizing my exposure to aforementioned shitty neighborhood), and there's a decent-sized grocery store on the same block as the apartment building. Prospective roomie is a construction manager for a local chain of health clubs, and seems like a decent guy. As a bonus, the bathroom has a huge shower stall with very good water pressure... It's important to have your priorities straight.

It's not my first-choice scenario (I was hoping to get my own place), but this will be a half-decent place for me to crash for the next six months or so while I save up some money, pay off some debts and repair my credit report, and eventually (hopefully) get myself a much nicer apartment than I'd be able to get right now.

I've actually looked at a few pretty nice apartments over the past few days that are within my price range, but most have been located in Bed-Stuy... Supposedly an "up and coming" Brooklyn neighborhood with tons of beautiful brownstone apartments, but the neighborhood still has a long way to go before it even begins to resemble a decent place to live: Most of the apartments I looked at were at least a 20-minute walk to the subway, and I didn't see a single full-service grocery store or drug store in all my walking around the area. I have a pretty high tolerance for rough neighborhoods, but some parts of Bed-Stuy felt downright unsafe.... East Harlem feels like a country club resort by comparison.

I have to admit, it's been a fascinating experience exploring just about every nook and corner of New York City over the past couple weeks; most of the places I've been to are places I'd never set foot in if I weren't looking for affordable housing. I'm always amazed at how much variety there is in New York's neighborhoods... Chicago seems so damn homogeneous and segregated by comparison. Here in NYC, you'll find a colony of homeless people living on the same block as condos selling for over $3M.... Back in Chicago, the city is rigidly divided along racial and socioeconomic boundaries, and you can easily spend months in the city without crossing those boundaries.

Aug 22, 07 11:47 pm  · 

LiG I suspect nyc particularly wasn't always so diverse, I'm you are getting to experience it during its renaissance.

Vado? You have earrings?? cool!!

rationalista oddly enough your comment about o-rings reminds me on those underwear with a stainless steel..well o-ring. Its a mind fart forgive me.

Ok, so I've finished the $100 bottle of scotch after only 3 days...not good. At least I wasn't I won't feel so guilty since I know i'm not supposed to really be drinking.

Aug 23, 07 12:20 am  · 

Gin, is that what was wrong with Joseph Conrad??? There seems to be a very similar writing style here.

Aug 23, 07 12:28 am  · 

how did that get here? That was meant for the meth thread.

Anyway, yeah techno, the o-ring thing actually has to do with the somehow irresistable impulse to make the holes in my ears bigger when I'm not able to get more holes poked, which has resulted in my having 4 guage lobes now (yes, jewelry guage is the same measurement as sheet metal/rod guage). It's really suprisingly addictive. Still planning to do the nose in three weeks though, so that should tide me over for a bit.

Aug 23, 07 12:31 am  · 

LiG- your midwestern sensibilities are clouding your judgment of what a good neighborhood is/should be. Welcome to New York.

r- any pics of the 4 gauge?

Aug 23, 07 9:33 am  · 

1002: only took three years.

I want to say, too, that I just yesterday accepted a job offer in NYC, so I'll be moving there from Baltimore in the next few weeks. Time for another housing thread? I like how LIG is kind of blogging his search here.

Aug 23, 07 9:53 am  · 

congrats 765...look forward to seein you in the world of new york.

Aug 23, 07 10:02 am  · 
vado retro

my exgirlfriend/future wife was awarded some caish for an essay on conrad and the sublime.

Aug 23, 07 10:13 am  · 
liberty bell

Congrats on both achievements, 765!

Does aquapura read TC? If so, aqua, I laughed out loud at your Zaha joke on the meth thread. I'm not posting it there because that thread gives me the heebijeebies.

Aug 23, 07 11:09 am  · 

I've just spent the last two days working on some final accounts (absolutely the part of being a project architect). We at the end of play today I realise I've forgotten one figure and its a big U$100K damn...and my QS isn't here.

Aug 23, 07 4:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The new glassy Apple Store on Fifth Avenue is just a couple blocks away from my office, and I just found out that it's open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This bit of information probably won't have the slightest impact on my shopping habits, but I still think it's cool that I could buy a MacBook Pro at 4 AM if I wanted to.

Aug 23, 07 6:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just read a series of jokey emails between my dad and one of his colleagues, both metallurgical engineers.

I'm sorry, but I think most engineer humor tends to be funnier than architect humor. Also musician humor is pretty funny. Of course lawyer humor sucks, so it's not like we're the worst in terms of levity.

Have a funny Friday, everyone!

Aug 24, 07 7:31 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive.

Aug 24, 07 8:34 am  · 

wow!!! i got an email from the famous steven ward... of course it wasn't really directed to me... but was a reply all to AP's spec writer humor email... but still, i feel special...

LIG, i wonder if you could crash at the apple store if it came down to it?

Aug 24, 07 9:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

i've got a bunch of emails from the famous steven ward...i'll sell them to you if you want them

Aug 24, 07 10:18 am  · 
vado retro

all my emails from steven are for sale on ebay. check out the buy it now price for some great savings!

Aug 24, 07 11:00 am  · 

I'm alive too.

Aug 24, 07 11:21 am  · 
brian buchalski

damn, vado's always, always a step ahead of me.

and it's good to know that wonderk is alive.

Aug 24, 07 12:06 pm  · 

Wonderk...I want to hear about your flowers.....just to confirm your still alive..

Aug 24, 07 12:40 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah...archinet sucks

Aug 24, 07 1:19 pm  · 

The flowers are dead.

Aug 24, 07 1:56 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the flowers are actually a taboo subject and if you dare ask wonderk about them then you're on the hook to send the next's like thread central tradition or something like that...part of the lore from ye olden days...

Aug 24, 07 2:02 pm  · 

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