
Thread Central


that shrimp sounds tasty, and the effort factor is low...

i just got home from the monthly AIA lecture:
Sebastian Mariscal Studio
clean and tight modern work. primarily developed by his studio (no client, not unlike what Steven Ehrlich and others the land, design the building, build it, sell or rent the units...)
i love that business model.


in other news, i find the proliferation of mdler and tumblekai's lusty back and forth quite entertaining. like a public spectacle or something...


welcome back lb.

Apr 10, 07 8:19 pm  · 
Ms Beary

LB, that was partially inspired by me? I'm not even pursuing the job. I'm don't want to leave where I am now.

Apr 10, 07 8:55 pm  · 

NCARB is trying to screw interns even more! please help stop the madness.
NCARB poll thread

this got me really pissed off. And I was just starting to like NCARB - got a quick answer from a staffer today about my record - now this!!!!

Apr 10, 07 8:59 pm  · 

and another gentel *bump*

i shouldnt even be posting, but i'm trying to renderand pdf at the same time and i need to photoshop but if i try the computer will crash and i've been at my desk for 27hrs straight, 3hrs to go before print deadlinbe, my pc is running so slow that i finish typing a sentance before it even apears on screen and i full of red bull apples and water and coffee (trying everything at once)

and shit i get melodramatic when im tired.

Apr 10, 07 9:27 pm  · 

how do i italicize my type? or make it in bold?

i would love to snazz up my text (when necessary).

Apr 10, 07 9:47 pm  · 


do a search for fancy type


then end the special text with a [/ ] and insert the I or B into that space... just use the preview button till you get it [b]right.

those are the key commands you need - there are more goodies if out there - use them carefully!

Apr 10, 07 9:52 pm  · 

see I goofed up- thread central isn't a good laboratory for experimenting with html code.

Apr 10, 07 9:53 pm  · 

what is Thread Central good for...Absolutely nothing.

[insert vado youtube video here]

Apr 10, 07 10:54 pm  · 

i notice how the school threads are turning into housing threads. apartment vs. loft.
roommate vs. commune.

Apr 11, 07 1:39 am  · 

I'm up for an archinector commune, as long as it's cheap and close to my grad school.

Apr 11, 07 1:53 am  · 

and mdler stops accusing me of being a lush.

Apr 11, 07 1:53 am  · 

someone else has a drinking problem...better check your liver!

Apr 11, 07 2:02 am  · 
crazy 88s

Apr 11, 07 2:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

More proof that April is by far the cruellest month in Chicago. One day you'll have temps in the mid-70's. Bars and shops open their windows, the restaurants break out the outdoor seating, and the long cold winter seems like it's finally over. Then, the next day, you'll wake up to find the city covered in snow and slush, wind howling, and temps struggling to get above freezing.

Apr 11, 07 8:02 am  · 
vado retro

i know gin its pouring rain here and forty degrees with a twenty mph wind. thank god for carhartt...

Apr 11, 07 9:31 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm 40 today.

And oh my god do I feel absofrickinlutely fantastic about it.

Apr 11, 07 11:44 am  · 

Oh my goodness! Happy Birthday liberty bell!

liberty bell forever

Apr 11, 07 11:48 am  · 

my little nephew is getting married and in the invitation i didn't see his parent's name and i am quite surprised that their name is left out of the whole thing. i thought it was a little rude to leave their names out, for they probably waited for this day for a long time and all of a sudden their son is getting married to so and so's daughter and they are already out of the picture.
is this a customary thing?

Apr 11, 07 11:52 am  · 

happy birthday lb! are you the end of the archinect aries wave?

you know it's bad luck to work on your birthday...

Apr 11, 07 11:58 am  · 

happy birthday lb. frank sez happy birthday too.

Apr 11, 07 12:03 pm  · 

Happy Birthday LB!!!

Orhan, yes that is customary here. Since the expense of the wedding falls traditionally to the bride's parents, the invitations are put out in their name. I agree that it could be considered rude to the groom's parents, but certainly not any more rude than is usual.

Apr 11, 07 12:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

I should just give up on getting my work done today as the last two hours I haven't been able to pull myself away from archinect long enough to do more than send a few emails to contractors.

Hell, it's my birthday, I'm calling the rest of the day off.

PS AP, wherever you are, that belt buckle pic on the fashion thread was totally for you and your collection of cool belts.

Apr 11, 07 2:02 pm  · 

LB - Feliz Cumpleanos

Apr 11, 07 2:08 pm  · 

thanks for the info rationalista.
i really think it is not right and materialistic.
'our dough, our show'. my sister and her husband are flying to georgia all the way from belgium for this and their name is not even on the cheapass invitation.

i am happy for the nephew nevertheless. he and his airborn unit is waiting to be send to iraq and this girl convinced him to wrap up the army and go back to law school in a year. the fuckhead joined the army because he was bummed out when his ex gf left him.

Apr 11, 07 2:10 pm  · 

liberty bell congratulations - I never knew you were an Aries as well. And for the record we'd never know you were 40 by looking.

I'll be joining the celebrations tomorrow when i turn 30

Apr 11, 07 2:12 pm  · 

happy birthday LB!!

Orhan- my wedding invitation didn't include either set of our parent's names. it was our wedding, we paid for everything, planned everything, and invited only the people we wanted to invite. maybe it's just the zeitgeist and the way we are today!

Apr 11, 07 3:08 pm  · 

I agree that it's an old-fashioned practice. It's sometimes useful though- my friend who just got married's fiancee had his mom and dad and stepmom to think about. The stepmom is constantly doing things which upset his real mom (who is a far kinder person and more supportive of her son), and if they'd tried to put the groom's parents names on the invitation, I would have been my life savings on their being a battle over whether the stepmom was on the invitation or not. So sometimes it works out for the best...

Just as offensive as the idea of not putting the groom's parents on is the idea that the brides parents are on there because they are "giving her away" (in addition to the $$$ thing). Why can't a woman give herself away? I think tk sidestepped all of the potential issues nicely with his selfishness.

Apr 11, 07 3:16 pm  · 

and to add to rationalist's comment

why does the bride take the grooms name? Can't he give it away? And the children take the name too...why all this funny ownership anyway.

Maybe they should change it from marriage to ownership

Apr 11, 07 4:41 pm  · 

a sweet thing that went against the tradition: my mother had all sisters, and no male cousins to carry on the family name. With my mother and one sister married, and the other sister have no plans for reproduction, my aunt's then-fiancee offered to take her name instead of the other way around, since he knew it would sadden the family to have the name die out. My aunt ended up taking his name because she thought it was wierd not to, but I regard it as having been a very sweet thought on his part.

Apr 11, 07 5:02 pm  · 

happy birthday lb. my grandpa just turned 80, and when i asked him how it felt to be an octogenarian (a term he used often when i saw him over christmas), he said "it's just a number my friend." for you, wiser than your years, but certainly don't look your age.
here's to another 40+ happy years for you.

(I couldn't find a decorated shed)...


thanks for the belt-shout-out. i like that pic, great composition...and the SuperSink belt buckle on the worn leather belt works nicely.

Apr 11, 07 5:05 pm  · 

there is a classaction lawsuit in CA by a guy against the state for not allowing him to take on his wife's last name... In MN, the public employee where we got our marrage license didn't even laugh when I asked to hyphanate my name. damn sexism- this is discrimination against men! how dare they??????

as to being selfish in planning the wedding by ourselves and paying for it? I thought we were being rather generous to all our freinds and family. Just think about how much money we saved my wife's parents!

Apr 11, 07 5:58 pm  · 

the same situation happened with my brother-in-law. all my siblings are girls and our last name is quite unique; it is from a colombian indigenous tribe that was killed off by the spaniards. he wasn't close to his family and decided to take our last name instead.

lo and behold, it isn't as easy as it may appear. he couldn't go through the regular marital filing system as a woman. the law required him to hire a lawyer and pay an outrageous fee (around $2500). it took about 4 months for all the paperwork to go through.

Apr 11, 07 6:48 pm  · 

that is ridiculous!

tk- I was kidding with you. I actually think it's the simplest solution which has the least potential to offend. The 'selfishness' to which I referred was only that of leaving your parents off of the formal announcements/invitations.

Apr 11, 07 6:55 pm  · 

men often take wives family names here in japan. they are oficially adopted by wives family, but only when the name would otherwise die out. i hope my future son-in-law will do that cuz it would be sad to end our family name with my girls...on other hand am not sure there will be many japanese guys willing to take on a scottish name anytime soon...

Apr 11, 07 7:53 pm  · 

In Brazil it is common that a woman carry both her parents last names and then her husbands surname. So as you can Imagine it is a little confusing to a figure out who they really are.

Apr 11, 07 8:02 pm  · 

jump you never know...i've met a few Japanese men with some rather interesting names, adopted of course.

Apr 11, 07 8:39 pm  · 

Flowers for LB - Happy B-Day!

Apr 11, 07 9:00 pm  · 
vado retro

all this marriage name talk i had to post this FaNtAsTic love song that features a gurl organ player in a mini skirt.

Apr 11, 07 9:25 pm  · 

vado is on a youtube roll...he's multi-tasking with the greatest of ease

Apr 11, 07 9:28 pm  · 

with the greatest of ease indeed

Apr 11, 07 10:07 pm  · 
vado retro

postin is e-z. I'mEaZy!

Apr 11, 07 10:32 pm  · 
and a heart breaker!!!
Apr 11, 07 11:09 pm  · 
vado retro

one of my best friends worked as a camera man on the rupaul show. he probably filmed this dreck.

Apr 11, 07 11:22 pm  · 

i thought the next line was a flying trapez

Apr 11, 07 11:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hey it's after midnight architechno!

Hippo birdie two ewes
Hippo birdie two ewes
Hippo birdie deer ewe
Hippo birdie two ewes.

Did you really just turn 30? Where's that Pynchon quote I brought out for garpike, I know it's around here somewhere.....

Apr 12, 07 12:12 am  · 

a beautiful altman moment, vado. better than any music video could have been.

i'm gonna be missin' altman.

Apr 12, 07 7:03 am  · 

hippo birdie, lb! encase ewe dent get mahi mail.

Apr 12, 07 7:05 am  · 

hippie birdie too!

Apr 12, 07 9:42 am  · 
liberty bell

X cell ant, Steven.

Apr 12, 07 10:04 am  · 
liberty bell

architechno: Despite my favorite quote on turning 30, things hondestly do get better as you get older.

“Twenty-nine’s Fell Shadow! O, inhospitably final year of any Pretense to youth, its Dreams now, how wither’d away…tho’ styl’d a Prime, yet bid’st thou Adieu to the Prime of Life!…There, - there, in the Stygian Mists of Futurity, loometh the dread Thirty, - Transition unspeakable! Prime so soon fallen, thy Virtue so easily broken, into a Number divisible, - penetrable! – by six others!” At each of Maskelyne’s dismal Apostrophes, the Merriment in the Room takes another step up in Loudness, tho’ muffled in Cake.

From Mason and Dixon by Thomas Pynchon

Apr 12, 07 10:05 am  · 

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