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Plain and simple kids, I'm a corporate whore.

This whole thread has made me reconsider my current job.

Apr 6, 07 2:55 pm  · 

blah blah blah

Apr 6, 07 3:08 pm  · 

ill keep my mouth shut ;)

Apr 6, 07 3:21 pm  · 

I was wondering how long it would take everyone to go there.....mdler's got the trunk all up in a bunch.....

elvischyld, do your christian coworkers check your MySpace page, or is it fair game?!?

Apr 6, 07 3:23 pm  · 

you are all full of not;)

Apr 6, 07 3:27 pm  · 

It's fair game.

I'll probably get fired soon.

Apr 6, 07 3:29 pm  · 

I doubt they'd fire you before trying to save you.

You know evangelicals give the God-fearing a bad name. Whatever happened to just being my brother's keeper instead of trying to homogenise them into what you think is right....(one could argue that it falls under vanity one of the deadly sins)

anyway folks bible study will be held in archinect conference room a, that's conference room a. Please don't be late

Apr 6, 07 5:53 pm  · 

^k_k: you have all 4's up there. 4 : 444 = 1 : 111

that's kinda cool. maybe you should not post anything for a while and let the ratio ride out...

we have an office intercom (corporate firm, 50 people). we had a receptionist when i first started here that had the perfect intercom voice: pleasant to hear, so consistent that at first i wasn't sure if it was computer generated voice. she moved away and her replacement was quite clumsy for the first few months, stuttering, making various mistakes, mis-pronouncing things, accidentally using words that don't exist... she's finally coming in to her own...too bad, 'cause her lack of intercom skill was entertaining.


for boring day at work entertainment, i submit to you the archive for This American Life:


(happy friday afternoon everyone)

Apr 6, 07 6:23 pm  · 


Apr 6, 07 6:25 pm  · 

mdler....grab a liquid lunch....six pack of micro-beer....yummmmm!

Apr 6, 07 6:31 pm  · 


I have been fasting for the past 5 days...have only had liquid

Apr 6, 07 6:38 pm  · 
vado retro

friday evening was gonna go to some art openings 2nite but have had an on again off again headache. so instead im gonna do a leo double feature of the dearly departed and bloody diamond. actually the movie 2 watch 2nite should be the excellent flick "the long good friday" but i seen it several times. and no kristin i am not gemini but am ThIsSiGnpeace...

Apr 6, 07 6:39 pm  · 

vado! Brilliant! That scene cracks me up.....
My BFF in LA turns 29 today. She's an Aries.

Apr 6, 07 6:47 pm  · 

mdler grab a sports drink like powerade

Apr 6, 07 6:48 pm  · 

wait mdler is in that video that vado recommended - i'm so sure of it

Apr 6, 07 6:57 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke
George Washington
Apr 6, 07 7:08 pm  · 

i've just realised that i'm more of a geek that i let on...I've been watching bmw & star wars fan films on youtube for the last hour

Apr 6, 07 7:56 pm  · 

strangely enough, i am looking at the Unitarian Universalist church in Saint Paul.

Apr 6, 07 7:58 pm  · 

I seem to have stepped on some very insecure academic toes over at bldgblog with some (harsh) criticism of IwamotoScott's projects. Pretty pictures are only pretty picture, or what I called a gratuitous act of 'architectural masturbation'.

how is this a building??? I'd be happy to ooo and ahhh overthis if this was sculpture, but I'm feeling the weight of gravity and climate change too heavily to endorse this sort work. Like what sort of material is this supposed to be built of?

If it can't exist outside of a computer, then STOP WASTING your students time and tuition money.

It comes back to why are you doing what you are doing??? corb, meis, and kahn had an answer. Even gehry can grunt out a semi-literate justification for his work. SO WHY ARE BLOBS AND THIS SORT OF MACHINE DRIVEN IMAGERY STILL BEING TAUGHT AS 'ARCHITECURE' AND NOT IN THE COMPUTER ANIMATION SCHOOLS?????

Detlef never could say why and I asked him, kipnis (who has never built a thing in his life) doesn't know that this is architecture either.

Apr 6, 07 8:45 pm  · 

killa i got your back.

alright there peeps, have a good holiday or weekend. i'll talk to you in about a month. time to jump into the last two exams, 4/30 and 5/12 and hopefully i can go from registered to licensed.

oh yeah, and GO METS! BRAVES SUCK!

Apr 6, 07 9:41 pm  · 

thanks! good to see beta is back in da house!

I like masturbation like most people, it feels gooood, reallly good. But other then providing temporary relief from being horny, there isn't much purpose to doing it. Ok there are a few performance artists who were able to shock the petty bourgeoisie back in the 60's and 70's, and I'm sure there are a few actors/actresses in the valley making a living diddling to a webcam or onto tape. But why is it being taught in architecture schools?????

Apr 6, 07 9:47 pm  · 

WonderK, my sister turns 29 today and she lives in LA. Wait, is she your BFF?

Apr 6, 07 11:08 pm  · 

Um, unless you are named Amy and you live in Kentucky, then no, your sister is not my BFF. :o)

That's pretty cool though. We should hook them up for some April 6 birthday fun. Er, platonic of course, she likes men.

Apr 7, 07 12:13 am  · 

is there a difference between being registered and licensed in the US? Am I misreading the post above or was it just architectural masturbation?

Heh heh

Apr 7, 07 1:21 am  · 

5 days to go, feeling that need for a drink. Badly Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to toast the occasion (30th birthday) without so much as a glass of champagne.

The options so far are:

sparkling water
non-alcoholic champagne

this really sucks because i really dont do sugar

Apr 7, 07 1:25 am  · 

that prayer meeting thing way up above would be so weird for me...

my children don't know adam and eve from frank and steve, and are so much the better for it (actually, i don't believe more'n a handful of Japanese people understand the difference between protestant and catholic and islam, so that ain't hard to achieve).

treekiller, not certain why you hate that building so much. cuz it is experimental? cuz it might be bad for the environment (am curious to know how exactly)?

funny....lots of bright folk used to think synthetic chemistry was a waste of time too (perhap even of the masturbatory persuasion). wasn't really til the 1930's when a very bright group of men worked out that they could make cool stuff from soybeans...leading to all kinds of crap, but also all kinds of amazing things, like medication for debilitating arthritis and hormonal suplements that changed society and improved the lives of millions...what is so astounding is that NONE of those results, good and bad, were predictable at the outset...ESPECIALLY at the outset.

whatever iwamoto is up to, i am convinced it isn't a waste of time. Maybe we should wait a few decades before deciding it is intrinsically crapitudinal...i find myself quite impressed with the project whether it is ever built or not.

Fuck, if we are honest with ourselves we will have to admit that Mies didn't build the first 5 buildings that made his career, either...and in fact probably no one could have built his glass skyscraper in 1921 (when he designed it) either...should we hold that against him?

Apr 7, 07 2:10 am  · 
vado retro

y were there four hundred archinect emails in my inbox this morning? when theres maybe ten new posts since last night???

Apr 7, 07 10:00 am  · 
vado retro

oh and another movie character architect: not stourley krackpipe but zack braffs character in crisis in "the last kiss"

Apr 7, 07 10:03 am  · 

WonderK -

Natalie from Tennessee. Similar to Amy from Kentucky but not quite.

We should get them together for a platonic Happy 30th Birthday Extravaganza next year in LA. We, of course, would be the out-of-town guest of honors.

Apr 7, 07 10:31 am  · 

Also, I just saw the movie "The Namesake" last night and Kal Penn's character in that movie was an architect as well. Some trivia: the love interest in both "The Namesake" and "The Last Kiss" was played by Jacinda Barrett.....guess she likes her architects.....

elvischyld.....that sounds like a great idea! By then I will be an in-town guest of honor, however :o)

Apr 7, 07 10:42 am  · 

jump- I was just shaking a wasp nest and got stung. My biggest issue is the lack of dialog over how all the generative stuff is architecture. I may be old school decon, but at least eisenmann was talking about architecture when he did his stuff. There is a generation of students being taught to make fancy graphics without any critical basis for what they are doing... that is why it is 'masturbation'. Detlef is obsessed with Mies and so has let the fox into the hen house - in all the lectures I attended at Penn (by all the usual suspects when it comes to fancy computer graphics), they never explored what the implications are to the built environment, beyond waving a hand towards rapid prototyping. So where is the debate and intellectual justification for doing this stuff????

If they don't really know what they are doing, please just say so instead of obfuscating behind technique...

Apr 7, 07 10:48 am  · 
vado retro

well i got this last kiss movie on cuz its due back to the libary and it definitely sucks.

Apr 7, 07 10:51 am  · 

have they arrived at the roller coaster yet?

Apr 7, 07 10:53 am  · 

I didn't think it was that bad.

Apr 7, 07 10:58 am  · 
vado retro

its making me throw up a little.

Apr 7, 07 11:04 am  · 
vado retro

its like a tv show. only not as good.

Apr 7, 07 11:05 am  · 

apartment zero...that is a great flick that almost no one has seen.

That and UHF.

Apr 7, 07 11:11 am  · 
vado retro

the funny part of that movie was when they are at the architecture office and zack braffs character is standing over a finished model with little trees and everything and says "i have this idea. if we move the garage here then we will be able to have the atrium go all the way to here and then the people inside will be able to look at the trees." some coffee went up my nose.

Apr 7, 07 11:50 am  · 

sounds like a great idea, lets print it on our 3d printer

Apr 7, 07 2:07 pm  · 

architechno- on the subject of alcohol-free toasting, I suggest that sparkling apple cider stuff. It's the common substitution at Mormon weddings.

Apr 7, 07 5:51 pm  · 

I would suggest Poland Spring Water from goes down smooth. God only knows what they put in the stuff.....

Apr 7, 07 6:06 pm  · 

thanks all

i will look into those

Apr 7, 07 6:22 pm  · 

gotcha treekiller. agree about obfuscation through archi-babble.

eisenmann certainly qualified on that end too. back in school him and then greg lynn both drove me nuts with their captivating graphics and rubbish textuals. my solution has been to stop reading and only look at pictures.

Apr 7, 07 8:01 pm  · 

greg lynn is wack.

but liberty bell is back!


Apr 8, 07 1:38 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm actually not back until Tuesday, DubK, but thanks for making me feel missed. I'll have lots of fun stories to regale TC with when I get back. Signed in now on my mom's computer so I'm watching my language ha!

I'll say this: Time with parents after a certain age becomes not so much "discovering" things about your past but reconfirming things you already know. For example, my father and I are exactly alike when drunk: happy, making ridiculously dirty jokes, and extremely affectionate to everyone.

Apr 8, 07 2:00 am  · 
some person

It's impossible to catch-up on two weeks of TC on a Sunday morning. I give up. I trust that you all discussed some very important and humorous matters while I was away.

My husband and I just spent a week in chilly Boston (slightly too long, if you ask me). I dragged him to the ICA, which was probably my favorite part of the trip. That and the good food.

The week prior to my vacation was hellacious as I was trying to close a number of items. (Mid-week my husband asked, "Can you come home earlier tonight? Like 10 pm?") The stress made me re-think the idea of taking a vacation. However, the week away from the office was a good refresher, and I'm ready to dive back in, surprisingly.

Anyways, Happy Easter, everyone! (I would say "Happy Holidays" to be inclusive, but that phrase is reserved for the end of December. What is the PC term for the early spring holidays?)

Apr 8, 07 10:18 am  · 

taxes blow. That is my only coherent thought for the morning.

Apr 8, 07 5:08 pm  · 

I apologize to anyone I may have offended on any threads lately. Frankly some people are p*ssing me off though, and if you couldn't tell by my post count, I'm not the type to just around and not say something.

Happy chilly mid-April Sunday.

Apr 8, 07 5:47 pm  · 
some person
Let me get this straight.... you modeled that in Rhino? You actually modeled a pig in 3dh.....

I literally laughed out loud at this comment, WonderK. It was as if I could hear you speaking. Brilliant.

Apr 8, 07 6:05 pm  · 
some person

oops...Please excuse my lack of top-of-page etiquette. 88 is rather significant.

Apr 8, 07 6:14 pm  · 

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