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Go Saints!

Jan 19, 07 5:11 pm  · 


Jan 19, 07 6:47 pm  · 

see, myriam's with me, if only because Reggie Bush's butt looks cute in those spandex pants. No love for your new home team?

Jan 19, 07 7:09 pm  · 
brian buchalski

go pats

Jan 19, 07 8:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Go White Sox!

Jan 19, 07 8:54 pm  · 

no love for da bears, despite the superbowl shuffle, which remains about the greatest thing i've ever seen a football team do.

the people who taught me about football are all Saints fans, so the hopeless love got transferred to me. But #25 ain't a bad reason to watch... :)

So, I'm in Chicago now... it's so weird to walk around this city and think I live here now, this is my city now, I'm not going back anywhere, I'm a resident of Chicago

For so long I've been visiting and leaving--I know exactly how this city feels as a visitor--and it's so hard to shake that feeling now!

Jan 20, 07 10:43 am  · 
some person

myriam, I hope that you find the same delight of visiting Chicago as you begin to make it your home. Of Chicago, I've often wondered if it would be the same to live there as it is to visit. I lived in Milwaukee for 21 years, and I often regret that I didn't take as many opportunities to visit Chicago (only an hour and a half away).

Please continue to update us on your adventure :)

And, pace yourself on the authentic deep dish pizza, okay?

Jan 20, 07 11:02 am  · 

Ha ha ha, lucky for me I *hate* deep-dish pizza! We went out for pizza last night and instead I got warmed goat cheese with tomato sauce and little bits of toasted and buttered bread.... mmm.... in fact, I think I shall prepare the leftovers now.

I did get drunk at a bowling alley last night. Not sure yet if that's a "citizen" thing to do. Will keep you posted. ;)

I forgot to mention, I interviewed with a place that I absolutely loved, but for fear of jinxing it I'm not going to say much more than that. Cross your fingers for me though.

Now if only I could find a decent apartment...!

Jan 20, 07 11:07 am  · 
Living in Gin

Heh... I remember having the same feeling when I first moved to NYC. I had visited NYC about a million times before (especially while living just down the road in Philly since 2002), and it took a while to get used to the fact that I actually lived there. I remember walking around Manhattan soon after my move and thinking, "Hey, I don't have to drive or catch a train back home anymore... This is home!"

(My next few months in NYC didn't turn out to be so pleasant, but the city still found a way of getting under my skin, and I hope to move back there after grad school.)

Welcome to Chicago! Are you going to lletdownl's party this evening?

Jan 20, 07 1:31 pm  · 

I don't think so, actually. My boyfriend has some Saints fans in town and he wants to take them around for drinks. Although we will be in Wicker Park, so if it gets boring with them I suppose I could always wander off to letdown's...

Jan 20, 07 4:01 pm  · 

you guys, I am so psyched to be in a town where there are lots of lectures and exhibits and stuff on architecture (and art, and music, etc etc!) and you don't have to be involved with a SCHOOL to go to them! (or feel comfortable at them)... Boston was like one big archi-frat party for GSD grads. MIT was friendly to the community but it's kind of cut off from things in a weird way. And the lectures/films at the MFA were filled with older uber-rich people who looked at you crossways and kept to themselves.

So far, I am happy to report that people in Chicago are FRIENDLY! In a pleasant natural way, not an aggressive way. Ahhh. I feel like I can breathe deeply. I thought of the perfect word to describe how I feel about this town: it's very welcoming. Boston, on the other hand, was almost openly hostile to new people coming to their town--it's a fascinating difference that I keep remarking on. Here, when I tell people I've just moved to the city, they invariably grin and say, "Oh you'll love it! Have you been to such-and-such yet??" and they share things they love about their town with me. (The mere fact that these conversations even occur--with people like the cafe owner up the street, shopkeepers, the supermarket checkout lady, etc--is fascinating to me, as only a handful of times can I remember similar chit-chatty conversations occurring in the 3 years I lived in Boston.) In Boston, when people found out you had just moved there, they would just be like, "Oh." And when they found out I was from California they would sorta... oh, I can't put a finger on it, as nothing was ever actually spoken--but it felt distinctly like the wrong thing to say. Ahh, weird.

Ok, enough of the two towns. Hopefully my warm fuzzy Chicago feelings will endure the cold!

I can't *wait* to have coworkers once again and to be tapped into the architecture scene here... I can't *wait* to have people to go to lectures with!

Jan 20, 07 4:08 pm  · 

bongo room, Wicker Park, over the holiday break.

Jan 20, 07 4:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i met the concretes in pictures...but here's a quick, inebriated sketch of per, ludvig, and maria before the show at a joint called martyr's

Jan 20, 07 4:38 pm  · 
some person

myriam: I chuckled at your commentary about being drunk at a bowling alley. That's awesome.

The midwestern hospitality (?) has probably been discussed here many times, but I'm glad to hear that you are getting to experience it first-hand. In the midwest, people will go out of their way to make you feel at home. I miss that about the East Coast, where everyone is in it for themselves. I find myself becoming cold-hearted here, and I hate it. (But enough about me.)

I hope the job pans out for you and that you get to enjoy the architecture scene. And Merchandise Mart...droool.

Jan 20, 07 8:39 pm  · 

Surprise! I woke up to this view outside my bedroom window this morning (ahem, actually this afternoon):

I guess this is what happens when you don't pay attention to the weather report for a few days.

Jan 21, 07 1:59 pm  · 

Nice! Go play!

Jan 21, 07 2:03 pm  · 
vado retro

i just got back to indy from chicago about the same amount of snow here as you have wondler. ours is good snowball packing consistency. now im gonna be a football freak!!!

Jan 21, 07 2:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Let me state for the record that lletdownl throws a pretty damn good party.

In early April, I'll be faced with one of the following three scenarios:

1) I get accepted into my top pick for grad school and am offered a ton of scholarship money.
2) I get accepted into grad school but with little or no scholarship money, ensuring that I'll be paying off student loans for the rest of my life.
3) I don't get accepted into any of the grad schools I've applied to.

Regardless of which of the three scenarios happen, I'll be in the mood for some heavy drinking with friends. That point on the calendar also happens to roughly coincide with my birthday, the end of my winter quarter, and (hopefully) my paying off over $12,000 in debt over the past year.

In celebration of all the above, I'll most likely be throwing some sort of party at my place. Stay tuned for details. And of course, that doesn't preclude Chicago archinectors getting together for drinks in the meantime.

Jan 21, 07 4:18 pm  · 

go bears.

Jan 21, 07 7:13 pm  · 
brian buchalski

bears suck...go pats

Jan 21, 07 8:25 pm  · 

ya puddles. according to you, the gators and the SEC suck too. thanks for sharing your opinion though...

(and, for the record, i think the pats are the best team left, and the likey super bowl 41 champions)...

Jan 21, 07 8:43 pm  · 

AP and puddles, this is one of the few times I am glad to see you both wrong.

YAY! Go Colts! Going to the Super Bowl!

(This is mainly because I hate the Patriots)

Jan 21, 07 10:22 pm  · 
vado retro

as my dad used to say, "always root for the midwestern team." colts/bears. screw the coasts.

Jan 21, 07 10:48 pm  · 
vado retro
Jan 21, 07 10:50 pm  · 

congrats colts, vado, wk, whomever else likes 'em, and lb by proxy.

dubK, i'm glad i ended up wrong. i think the bears face up better to the colts than they would've against the pats...hope i'm not wrong about that ;-)...

Jan 21, 07 11:07 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Am I allowed to call in with a case of the Mondays?

Jan 22, 07 8:55 am  · 
liberty bell

I sugget the movie "Primer: What if it really Works?" for people with a geeky interest in time travel.

I'm still in Phoenix. Saw a bunch of new stuff at ASU yesterday - Gould Evans, Machado Silvetti - but it's been pouring rain since I got here so we actually just did drivebys. Back to Indy tomorrow, where I have to deal with a zoning misinterpretation that came up an hour before I left.

Spa was heaven, BTW.

Jan 22, 07 9:03 am  · 

Just redid my website from scratch over the weekend, wondering if I could get some feedback/testing to make sure it works properly in everyone's browser, or even general compliments to inflate my ego would be great too! ;-).

eventually it will make itself to just once i'm convinced that it's 100%.

Jan 22, 07 10:27 am  · 

So after I'm done with the grad apps, I'm going to be looking in earnest for some freelance gigs. The ripped oilpan and death of my laptop came at a terrible time, and my budget's so tight that I had to ask my bf if we could forgo anniversary gifts this year (6 years! eek!). That makes me sad.... I make a very, very decent salary, but the cost of life in LA is just killing me. Any tips on the whole freelance thing? As in how to get it? I'm even considering tutoring kids who are scared of their SATs in writing.

Jan 22, 07 12:05 pm  · 

craigslist or any online avenue gives you exposure w/o much effort...

Jan 22, 07 12:18 pm  · 


Jan 22, 07 12:23 pm  · 

yeah, maybe I need to search more stealthily on coroflot. I'm a member, and plan to update my page directly after I'm done with apps, but the fact is that I never get promising leads from them. Any freelance stuff I find through them is either a)modelmaking, which I BLOW at. Not good craft at all, or b) graphics stuff that they want 5-10 years experience for, so I'm totally unqualified.... = (

Jan 22, 07 12:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's already a proven fact that the sec and especially the gators are homw to a bunch of inbread, booger-eating morons who suck...just like the colts do

having said that, i must admit that i was so confident of the pats winning that i retired to bed at halftime...imagine my surprise this morning to find that indianapolis actually won the game...must have cheated somehow.

besides...everyone knows that notre dame is truly the best team. all hail charlie weis...if only he were still with new england, then they definitely wouldn't have tired of winning super bowls full of gravy...yes

in the meantime, go blow you nose...and use a handkerchief

Jan 22, 07 1:19 pm  · 

sbd- simple, clean, nice... just would like to see some thumbs of the pics/projects, not just a name/link to click on...

so does this means that we can call you andrew?

Jan 22, 07 1:24 pm  · 

sbd- there's just one interface problem that really bugs me. Once you've clicked into the architecture or photography section, on the left you've got subcategories like "academic", "techniques", etc., and below each category several links. These appear as several columns of centered links, and visually it's just not working. Left or right justify them, because having multiple columns of centered text in such close proximity is too jarring for the eyes. All that jaggedness is hard to read. Spacing those links out a little bit more vertically would be nice, too, but not as absolutely necessary as the other change.

Your infrared photography is gorgeous.

Jan 22, 07 1:40 pm  · 
vado retro

just got back from the lot-ek lecture in downtown indy. i was quite impressed with duchampian inspired solutions using a vocabulary of regional/cultural industrial detritus.

Jan 22, 07 2:19 pm  · 

Ooh. I know the couple on this site's homepage today. Well, I know Eva.

Jan 22, 07 6:20 pm  · 

hmm, i'm surprised that you were impressed with lot/ek, vado. can you say more about what they talked about/what you liked?

Jan 22, 07 7:02 pm  · 
vado retro

well, myriam besides the elephant thongs they wore around their necks, there was a duchamp/readymade aspect to their work that appealed to me as well as a use of vernacular appropriateness that i mentioned earlier.

Jan 22, 07 7:53 pm  · 


just when my friend went into uncouncious state for a week, he snapped out of it couple days ago and i spend whole day yesterday in the hospital room with him conversing all along.
just the day before we have arranged his daughters and ex wife to come to his studio and carry out some of his recent unfinished sculptures and some other artwork that was there. it was an emotionally difficult day for everybody but we made it allright.

he was very lucid in the hospital room and we talked about a line that he said was a perfect line to start a book.
"then she cried", he said after telling me why 'y. wand' started crying in his apartment after they checked the south east wall with a level.
she was a visiting german artist, staying with him at the time. and he recalled her name meant wall in german and could be the centuries of accumulation of disciplined german ordering. i said "gimme a fuckin' break', then we laughed and he said i was right. i knew long time ago why she really cried; because he told her that her work needed a lot of work. he never kept the truth, secret.
anyway, we decided the rest of the book was not necessary and it should be the shortest book in history with just one short sentence and one long afterword.
this conversation is taking a place with my friend whose days are numbered, mind you.

i stayed on as other friends came and gone. and i kept feeding him with a spoon and sneaked him shots of water as if it was booze. he is not supposed to drink too much water, so i treat him as we are sneaking some liquor shots. at one point the nurse saw us doing it and reprimented both of us like a school principal and we both said yes maam at the same time. we are both much older than the nurse you know.. but, soon after we contacted with a more forgiving nurse and she said it was okay, so i fillered 'er up. it is very hard to refuse two drops of water to your terminally ill friend, but i learned to strech it out with shots.

he is the only one with his private room in that floor. 3w room14 a.
his room is easly distinguishable from the others with orchids, sketch and poetry books, and daily dose of established fine artists and close friends visiting. like, he is going out in style.

his work probably be in a museum retrospective some day. his studio was like brancusi's when he used to work. it was a stopping place of many los angeles artists. i have small but important samples of his work given to me for being his friend which was a long rocky road.
the only things keeping us getting into arguments now are the fucking tubes attached to his ass and elsewhere.;.)
we are really like brothers and used to fight over words a lot. he is a superior version of me and i am his in some ways.

damn. sometimes you want to strech a minute to a whole year. and one day to a life. we are learning it in that hospital room.

Jan 23, 07 2:05 am  · 

i am lucky, orhan.

everyone i love who has died, did so suddenly. except one, and in that case i was on other side of ocean without reprieve, so missed the slow drawn out pain of ending... still fucks one up to deal with family when they are going, fast or slow.

am not sure what i am saying really, just that reading above brought back melancholy of my pa dieing, and all the (too many) others...reminds me that a good death is as important as a good life (although i will take the former over the latter if a choice must be made, truth be told)...sounds from above that maybe your buddy gets both.


(btw, those fucking tubes in places they do not belong drives me gods damned nuts...i know the astronauts had to go through it, but why us damaged goods on the gound?)

Jan 23, 07 7:59 am  · 

treekiller and rationalist, thanks for the info. I updated the site a bit more, and it's on alone. I thought about adding images to the project descriptions, but i wanted to keep it simple and easy to load. As far as the centering, that's an interesting point. I don't know if i'll get to trying it out this week, but i will change it on of the of the pages and see what i think.

BTW, sorry I missed that party in LA. WonderK showed me the pics and it looked like a lot of fun. Rationalist, don't touch that banana thong, you don't know where that's been!

Jan 23, 07 11:23 am  · 

last night i checked out squirrely's pics from the archinecter LA get-together...that elephant thong was all over the place. i recall a pic with it draped around myriam's neck...

Jan 23, 07 11:30 am  · 

AP, yes. Thus vado's post above. And as mentioned previously, I think the problem with the elephant thong is that we DO know where it's been.

Jan 23, 07 12:00 pm  · 

oh lord, I haven't seen squirrely's pics yet....

yeah, SBD, centering is a tricky thing, esp. w/ webpages. Because it's the webpage default, it's one of the biggest "look, I'm a beginner!" flags, and several rows of centered text side by side never work.

Jan 23, 07 12:23 pm  · 

oh, NOW I see what picture you're talking about. Someone tossed that in there right before the snap.

On another note, do not feed the fancy graphics lovers thread! People are now in there commenting "I can't believe this is still going on!", well the easiest way to stop that is to not post to it.

Jan 23, 07 12:36 pm  · 

Tried to find the pool luck! So I'm sharing it here.
I think I'm sharing it here: fingers and toes crossed!

Jan 23, 07 7:02 pm  · 

I need out of here NOW. This place is driving me crazy today, moreso than usual. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry because I hate it so much. Again working with the most difficult person in the office, getting into arguements about absolutely nothing/anything, end up made to work in a way which is not precise at all and hard to do on top of it, and just feeling like it's a real waste of my time. Plus I'm broke so I can't/shouldn't even get drunk tonight to numb it.

Jan 23, 07 7:24 pm  · 
Ms Beary

there's always a way to get drunk on nothing, or next to nothing... be creative!

Jan 23, 07 7:56 pm  · 

$0.99 a quart (here in FL the 40oz. is not legal)...a couple of these should do the trick...

Jan 23, 07 8:27 pm  · 

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