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Ms Beary

and chili davis is mine

Jan 9, 07 9:38 am  · 

WonderK, I have to disagree. Look in their 'recent activity' and see how people responded to them, back when they were someone else.

Jan 9, 07 10:46 am  · 

Oh, and I was 'Don't be a Dick', but archinect deleted that name.

Jan 9, 07 10:46 am  · 

Liberty Bell: I feel much welcomed love from the archinect family!

LivinginGin: So WHAT are you wearing for the date?

Speaking of dates, anyone actually ever have a date where you were filmed for a show, and had to actually 'act' as though you were no a date, but felt bleeping uncomfortable because there was 4-5 people watching you have a "date".

not that it's happened to me, but just wondering!

Jan 9, 07 11:14 am  · 

I could have sworn that "every inch a gentleman" had a post on the portfolio thread at the same time that "Frank O. Goldberg" has a post above, which led me to think they were different people.....until I remembered that some people have *multiple* screen names, and I went back to the Land of Confusion.

Although I find myself now straying into the Land of Futility, where I don't venture very often, so I'll be trying to do something productive with the rest of my morning....

I apologize. We ran out of coffee. I think I'm still asleep actually.

Jan 9, 07 11:17 am  · 
Living in Gin

Somebody mistakenly put decaf in our office coffee maker today.

can't..... continue....... much...... longer........ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Jan 9, 07 11:20 am  · 

no no no DubK....I think that FAFSA knocked the bleep outta you and now you're seeing things/imagining scenarios that don't exist.

maybe coffee will bring you back to your senses...but that means you might have to go for a walk out of the office (assuming you're nowhere where it's bleeping cold as hell outside).

Jan 9, 07 11:22 am  · 

I hate all my names.

Jan 9, 07 11:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

i've got an alias...actually, i've got at least two of them. have also considered adding another registration under my real name. the trouble is that it becomes rather difficult to remember all the passwords.

AP- nice that you'll check out the towering inferno. it is entertaining but i'll warn you that since it was made in the 1970's its pacing feels really slow by today's standards. other than that, i love it.

Jan 9, 07 12:54 pm  · 

you can use the same password for each one, but you have to have a different email address.

Jan 9, 07 1:00 pm  · 
Ms Beary

The holidays must be over, I've got like a million panicky e-mails, phone calls, and faxes on each and every job yesterday, and today is pretty much a repeat. Makes the day go by fast.

Jan 9, 07 1:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

same password, different emails, gets confusing as hell with all my disguises & costumes.

i'm going to go away now...

...only to return shortly as someone else. guess who?

Jan 9, 07 1:21 pm  · 

I am also addicted to multiple personalities on archinect....

AP- I feel your pain...

puddles- glad to hear your still alive. when you're not wearing pants, are you wearing a dress?

GOOD NEWS- the wedding band has been returned (see TC on 1/1). this may be an 'only in minnesota' experience... the findee told me that the vultures with metal detectors where out in force looking for debris from sledding collisions including my ring. I got very lucky that an honest family found it first.

Jan 9, 07 1:49 pm  · 

puddles, the pacing thing I've gotten used to - A Street Car Named Desire got me over the hump a year or so ago (when I started getting into older Hollywood films). Now I don't mind the slowness so much. I prefer 60's/70's Italian film vs. Hollywood...they're more successful with the slowness, imo.

Also, your post of Swimming Pool on the pool thread caught my attention. I saw it a couple of years ago with an erstwhile GF (on a recommendation)...we both loved it. oh so sultry.

Jan 9, 07 1:52 pm  · 

tk, the ring returned!?! awesome. only in the midwest, for sure.

Jan 9, 07 1:55 pm  · 

Okay... can any of you share stories of employment offers you declined, for whatever reason, and why you might have declined them? particularly if you didn't have anything else lined up at the time. tk, i know you just went through this. share!

Jan 9, 07 2:12 pm  · 

Jim Jarmusch has some great slow-paced films, like Mystery Train, or Down By Law.

and y'all need to get outta the city more, there are lots of honest, item-returning people all over the place out here......

Jan 9, 07 2:19 pm  · 

i returned a wallet we found on the sidewalk just yesterday. even dried it out for the guy, as it had been laying in a puddle.

Jan 9, 07 2:28 pm  · 

manta- I posted quite a bit about my job search adventures in november. If I find the original thread (though a bunch were to TC), I'll post the link here....

I had two offers and could only accept one without cloning.

Jan 9, 07 2:34 pm  · 

i remember you picking between what seemed like "corporate" type and what seemed like "design" type but maybe i'm wrong. also wasn't one landscape and one architecture?

Jan 9, 07 2:39 pm  · 

i'm afraid to take a promising job partly because i feel it will continue to box in my portfolio (in design style and type). not sure if that's a legitimate fear. it's probably too personal and complicated to ask advice on, anyway. just thought i'd find out how others had made their decisions.

Jan 9, 07 2:40 pm  · 

mantaray -

I say follow your heart and or your planned goals. In other words, I am sure you have in mind what you think is best and where you wish to be heading in your career. I have been thinking about that lately alot, even though i am where I am (a small firm with a boss whose making every attempt to break out of his old habits and move in a better direction, design and project wise). In any event, do what's going to bring you the best results and hope that your decisions are the right ones!

best wishes mate.

Jan 9, 07 2:58 pm  · 

weirdness. waiting at the printer for a document to come out and i look down and see a rendering that i did about ten years ago, when i was at a different firm. a landscape architecture firm with whom we're putting together a proposal included it as part of one of their project portfolio sheets.

Jan 9, 07 3:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i have only me. but with five email addresses i could really go sybil on you all.

Jan 9, 07 3:34 pm  · 


I choose between a small landscape office and a mid-sized arch/int practice that is emphasizing sustainability. landscape may be grounded in sustainability, and a few of the projects were exploring biodynamic plantings, but I wanted more institional support for my personal agenda so I went with the arch/int firm.

email me and I'll give you the names of the two places if you care or are in the twin cities.

Jan 9, 07 4:08 pm  · 

just heard the news that howard stern was given an $83m bonus for his shows performing above expectations. that's on top of the approximately $50,000 per HOUR that he was already getting as part of his regular pay.

the world is ending.

Jan 9, 07 5:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Stuff like that gives me a whole new understanding of the French Revolution.

Jan 9, 07 5:12 pm  · 

Dear treekiller,

please take the picture down.

your friend,

Jan 9, 07 6:59 pm  · 

Actual conversation regarding me reviewing my first set of steel shop drawings yesterday:

PM: "So, you this note refers to this page.... oops. Wait, where IS that page? Well, we'll try this one. Well where the heck is that one?"

Me: "Anyway... once I've found the right page for the right member, what is it I'll be checking for?"

PM: "Well, that they're in the right place, and just make sure they look all right."

Me: "What exactly is it that I'm looking for though? That they're the right length? That they are at the right height? That they are the right size? (PM: "no, structural checks that") That they're BLUE with yellow polka dots?"

PM: ummmmmm, let me get back to you on that later in the day.

One of the most uninformative conversations I've ever had. Two hours later, it comes out that what I'm supposed to be checking for is that the big fatty gusset plates for the cross bracing don't get in the way of doors or windows, and that the bent beams for the roof look right. Now, was that really so hard to say? Needless to say, I'm back in steel shop drawing hell.

Jan 9, 07 7:36 pm  · 

oh, but that reminds me: CADguy is GONE! His last day was last week. The office is so quiet now, it's like working at a whole different place!

Jan 9, 07 7:37 pm  · 

What I wouldn't give to review a set of steel shop drawings! Seriously. Instead I'm busy with proposals and code reviews :o(

Jan 9, 07 8:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i adore shop drawings. actually i adore anything that pulls me away from the computer screen.

Jan 9, 07 8:35 pm  · 

Dearest AP-

I have tried my best to kill that offending image and it no longer resides on my flickr page. But that doesn't seem to do the trick anymore...

Please accept this appology for using your photo without your permision. I can only hope that we can move on to the next TC page quick enough. I truely regret that in my haste to make a quick joke, i didn't just use my own shirt photo.



Jan 9, 07 8:44 pm  · 

I'm in the middle of trying to develop an as built drawing of a bank which started out as one building and now incoporates 3 buildings, which were all built at different times and nothing is square so I discovered the hard way. Kept looking at my dimensions and saying....this sure doesn't look right.... just discovered one of the walls is 58 minutes off of 90 degrees. Found it on an old linen drawing from 1926. So I'm once again trying to tackle this job.
Also trying to make up for lost time.....

Jan 9, 07 8:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

An imminent vado "The Dude" refernece notwithstanding, I have to admit that tonight while I was playing Lincoln Logs with my son I thoroughly enjoyed all of The Eagles Greatest Hits.

Jan 9, 07 8:49 pm  · 

thanks for trying tk...moving on...

rationalist - i enjoy shop drawings, and CA in general. However, I've responded to less than a dozen submitals, and they've been on the same small project (a 10k sqft addition - the one i've posted on the jobsite pic thread)...

Jan 9, 07 9:00 pm  · 
some person

rationalist: Just remember that it is not your responsibility to check each-and-every detail of the shop drawings. Review for design intent and general conformance with the contract documents. (You can waste a lot of time by checking everything, when it is really the GC's and sub-contractor's responsibility to do so.) A good GC will have already reviewed and coordinated the shop drawings with other trades.

Read your shop drawing stamp to understand your firm's philosophy. For example, we don't have a "Revise and resubmit" but we do have a "Reject. Work may not proceed as shown. Resubmit changes as noted." We are also very careful when it comes to "Approved" versus "Reviewed" (which both mean "work may proceed as shown", but "approved" gives the impression that everything is correct.) We only use "approved" when required by a certain jurisdiction.

(okay, I know you didn't ask for input. Shop drawing review is just near and dear to me right now.)

Jan 9, 07 9:24 pm  · 

count one;
guilty for beating her up. felony charge. serious.
count two;
criminal intent (a more serious charge)
not guilty. not enough evidence due to sloppy work by police dept.
remember you can only go by the evidence presented.

i feel freed from the justice duty and feel guilt free (funny that a jury member has to deal with these feelings on somebody elses crime).

back to reality and normal life. i made 4 x 15 = 60$ + 36 cents per mile which comes to +,- 25$ total earnings = 85 bucks or so.
justice pays well...


i juried three pritzker winners in my lunch breakes which i will make my verdict available shortly after i sort the photos and add some text.
under a different alias.

Jan 9, 07 9:55 pm  · 

hilarious abra. justice and lunch for all, wife beater and starchitect alike!

Jan 9, 07 9:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Damn, page 67 already. That was fast.

Jan 9, 07 10:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yes...thread central is definitely picking up speed. i'm afraid that maybe we're nearing some kind of tipping point where everyboyd starts posting so fast that thwy can't even reasonalby keep up with the converstion...or even spell check for that matter and hte whole just sort of implodes from the singularity of its own "moment"...crashing into a kind of noise place...and taking puddles down with it...fear...fear...too much fear here

Jan 9, 07 10:14 pm  · 

puddles- are you wearing pants?

Jan 9, 07 10:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

At that point I think it just becomes a chat room with a really awkward interface.

Has there ever been any discussion of an Archinect live chat room? As if I don't have enough ways to waste my time already.

Jan 9, 07 10:28 pm  · 

DCA- we've got "Approved", "Approved As Noted", "Revise and Resubmit", "Rejected", and "Reviewed". I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out when to use "Reviewed".

And the reminder was actually good for me, as I spent a whole year of my life in a cubicle at a contractor's office, blocked in by drawings that it was my job to coordinate. At my peak I generated 30 quality RFI's a day (only two days a week during the school year though), and was told, "It doesn't matter how much we pay you, you're worth it. You probably saved us $2mil on that site lighting thing yesterday." I felt valued, skilled, and was paid well for my efforts... But I was bored out of my mind, deprived of human contact, and anything that reminds me of that time really depresses me.

Anyway, the place I was going with that little walk down memory lane was that it's really, really easy for me to get caught up in coordination and making sure that every little thing works together. So the reminder was not as out of place as you think.

On Archinect... I like the interface, because we're all in so many different time zones and constantly popping in and out, so it lets people carry on a more continuous conversation than email, but more convenient than chat.

Jan 9, 07 11:14 pm  · 
Has there ever been any discussion of an Archinect live chat room? As if I don't have enough ways to waste my time already.

How funny, LIG. Earlier I was looking at old images of a web site that i used to run and update daily....and I started to think about how lazy I've become since I found archinect....oh well.

Jan 9, 07 11:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I would envision a live chat feature being complimentary to, not in place of, the main discussion forum. I'm active on a couple other boards with that arrangement, and it seems to work well.

I blame Archinect for the fact that my Christmas decorations are still up, although I hope to finally remedy that this evening... If I'm not too busy surfing Archinect. I implore all of you not to start any interesting threads until after about 8:00 this evening Central Time.

Jan 10, 07 7:42 am  · 

shit shit shit shit... I sent an unsolicited resume email to this firm I like, and managed to overflow their email account limit. I had sent my work samples page with is 6 megs. Every time I checked the size with a firm before they were like, "whatever, up to 10 megs is fine, we send large files back and forth all the time" so I had stopped asking if it was ok, first. Dammit. Way to make a good impression, myriam.

WWTCD???? Should I email an apology or just let them deal with it? I guess the apology wouldn't go through now, anyway. Shit shit shit. Maybe I should call?

Jan 10, 07 3:15 pm  · 

Thanks treekiller. I figure if I can't make a decision on it, there's probably a reason. If I'm going to be working at a place for awhile I should at least be pretty sure about it.

Jan 10, 07 4:03 pm  · 

manta- a few ways of making the decision.

-flip a coin - 50% chance of making the right choice.

- make a pros and cons list for both firms, and either go with the one with the longer pros list or shorter list of cons

- follow your instincts on which is a better _______. but you first have to figure out what you value the most.

see my post in the green office thread for some of the things that won me over to the current gig. I valued greenness of culture/professional development opportunities over green projects. it was a tough choice, especially when the principals make a hard sale pitch to join their firm.

Jan 10, 07 6:00 pm  · 

myriam- I would give them a day or so to deal with it, then call and ask what email address you should send it to and what file size is acceptable.

Jan 10, 07 6:57 pm  · 

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