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Strawbeary - there is an ADA issues of only having stairs in the gym- she'll need to find space for an elevator to make the upper floor accessible without leaving the health center (this really may exist in the local code regulating health clubs, or make it up).

Dec 12, 06 9:56 pm  · 

bL- HI!

Dec 12, 06 9:57 pm  · 
liberty bell
We have had a million similar conversations, dealing in every topic known to man, smog, Lent, care of houseplants, corn nuts, pronunciation of foreign words....

This string of topics made me giddy with delight. Let's continue it, shall we? decorations, wool carpeting, compasses, band names, fizzy water.....

Strawbeary, it is a rough situation, and I'm glad you are airing it here because I hope it helps you cope with it. While dammson suggests ignoring it, which is valid, my understanding of working with people who always have to be right is that they exhaust you and sap the joy out of your work. This can be a serious problem if it affects your ability tog et work done - easier to take a sick day when you feel just a little lousy if you can't bear to see the face of the person at the desk next to you, eh?

Welcome, barry.

I have a funny story to post, but I need to take a quick break.

Dec 12, 06 10:01 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yes, there is the elevator serving only within the suite. it IS code compliant.

Dec 12, 06 10:06 pm  · 

more VE ammo for axing the upper level- tee hee hee!

Dec 12, 06 10:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

So I went to the Indianapolis City-County building today to drop off some slate samples for one of our projects to the Historic Commission. I was fuming furious because I walked 1.5 blocks in the rain only to be turned away at the security checkpoint because I had - get this - a tape measure in my bag! And tape measures are not allowed in the building, for reasons I can't fathom, though I was close to strangling the security guard with it when I was told I had to take it back to my car - they aren't allowed to hold things for us at the security desk. I swear I'm ready to move to another country.

So I remove the dangerous weapons from my bag (cameras aren't' allowed either) and return to take my samples in. Dropped the samples at the Preservation office, where the people are very nice, and got back into the elevator, which stopped a floor down to take on a new passenger. This woman walks in the elevator with me, looks at me, turns and points at me and says "Channel 16?" I must have looked confused because then she said "The Board meeting? You were speaking at the podium?" She recognized me from the cable public access broadcast of the Historic Preservation Commission Meeting I was at last week!!! I'm a local television star!!!!!

If you're awake at 2:30 AM tomorrow morning in the Philadelphia area you can catch a rebroadcast. And do take note that I had both a camera and a deadly tape measure in my bag at the time I presented - I'm such a criminal!

Dec 12, 06 10:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oops, I mean Indianapolis area - I still have a mental block about living in the midwest, I see.

Dec 12, 06 10:17 pm  · 
vado retro

the show is so good it has been picked up in philly!!! way to go Miss Liberty!!!

Dec 12, 06 10:31 pm  · 

i'll have to dig through my stuff. i might ALREADY have your autograph.

like before you sold out and everything.

Dec 12, 06 10:41 pm  · 

...commercial grade adhesives, floral arrangements, pet snakes, mail, sea salt, laxatives...

Dec 12, 06 10:56 pm  · 

(most of which probably wouldn't have made it through security)

Dec 12, 06 10:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

...lipstick, Spiderman song lyrics, down pillows, midwestern water mammals, Tang...

Dec 12, 06 10:58 pm  · 
Ms Beary

...baking powder, fenders, continental draining, curry, heel height, dumpsters...

Dec 12, 06 11:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

liberty bell- it isn't called indianastan for no reason. it's obvious that you're harboring terrorist over there with deadly tape measures...probably in metric units too. you should be thankful all the american troops are tied up elsewhere.

don't know if i'm a celebrity, but the owners of a local bar are talking about naming a hamburger after me. is that "legend status" or what? be sure to ask for the "puddles" next time you order.

Dec 12, 06 11:02 pm  · 

puddles burger?! eww.

Dec 12, 06 11:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski electric bill, innocence & romance, brunch, the peace sign, maybe a dollop of chunky peanut butter...

Dec 12, 06 11:05 pm  · 

every bit of the hardware with which they're talking about holding together their portfolios on the grad school app thread must be dangerous.

Dec 12, 06 11:08 pm  · 

...Chinese sea ports, wardrobes, food processors, road widening policies, citronella, smallgoods...

Dec 12, 06 11:13 pm  · 

on another note, barry made his first post in this thread, sweet.

Dec 12, 06 11:19 pm  · 

fucking citronella.

Dec 12, 06 11:21 pm  · 


Dec 12, 06 11:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Seven, is the laffy taffy why you are up so late?!?

I'm giggling at all these random topic strings - thanks you guys.

Dec 12, 06 11:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

I mean Steven, not Seven, That's George Costanza's baby's name.

Dec 12, 06 11:23 pm  · 

what's this about? is this real? or is it in your head?

i'm only hearing one side...

Dec 12, 06 11:24 pm  · 

beer and shepherd's pie.

Dec 12, 06 11:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ya, that'll keep me up late too.

Dec 12, 06 11:25 pm  · 

g'night john boy.

Dec 12, 06 11:27 pm  · 

Strawbeary- yep. Just a bit. It feels like you're not only on display to the world, but you're their entertainment in your skimpy swimwear with your big fatty thighs flubbering everywhere when you kick, and your arms flapping when you do the backstrock, not to mention getting in and out of the pool..... anyway, anybody who NEEDS to be there working out is discouraged from doing so by this configuration.

Just my 2 cents, it's a topic I've always felt strongly about.

Dec 12, 06 11:28 pm  · 

congrats on joining the editorial team.

Dec 12, 06 11:31 pm  · 

damn there are a lot of people on here right now.

Dec 12, 06 11:32 pm  · 

ya, tk. where's your picture? and the bio. the people need to know more about their celebrities' lives.

Dec 12, 06 11:33 pm  · 

beary, look her stone dead in the face and say this to her - "It must be a terrible burden to be 100% correct all the time." Then just walk away.

let me cue you in on something, liberty is right, this will exhaust you, you will quit, get fired, or worse languish in an office where you are underappreciated and taken advantage of. do one of two things; either take a deep breath and let her "win" or put this namby-pampy bitch in her place. this principal does not have the sack to deal with this like an adult, so he deals with it like a man, and makes two professionals fight it out for his own personal masturbatory pleasures.


Dec 12, 06 11:36 pm  · 

oh, before i hit the hay, i wanted to tell everyone that i am looking at surgical technology programs in the twin cities. 60 credits i do believe and hoping to get into an orthpedic position.

Dec 12, 06 11:40 pm  · 

Christ almighty, I take one teeny weeny little 3-hour break to work on my train wreck of a personal statement and now I'm 50 posts behind.

I like to use the whole box!!!! Going to go catch up now.....

Dec 12, 06 11:41 pm  · 

ooh ooh fun, OK lemme try.....

....elephants, tacks, skimpy bathing suits, German, heavy metal, hormones, licorice, poop....

I'm late to the party aren't I? Damn it!

.....and liberty bell

Dec 12, 06 11:54 pm  · 
Louisville Architect

Liberty Bell (It's Time to Ring Again)

You have rest-ed, Lib-er-ty Bell, for a hun-dred years and more,
End your slum-ber Lib-er-ty Bell, ring as you did be-fore,
It's time to wake 'em up, it's time to shake 'em up,
It's a cause worth ring-ing for:

Lib-er-ty Bell, it's time to ring a-gain,
Lib-er-ty Bell, it's time to swing a-gain,
We're in the same sort of fix, we were in sev-en-ty-six,
And we are read-y to mix and ral-ly 'round you like we did be-fore, oh!
Lib-er-ty Bell, your voice is need-ed now,
Lib-er-ty Bell, we'll hear your call, one and all,
Though you're old and there's a crack in you
Don't for-get Old Glor-y's back-in' you,
Oh! Lib-er-ty Bell, it's time to ring a-gain.

Once you rang out, Lib-er-ty Bell, as we watched Old Glor-y wave,
You have made us, Lib-er-ty Bell, Land of the Free and Brave,
It's time to sing a-gain, it's time to ring a-gain,
For the cause you've got to save:

Lib-er-ty Bell, it's time to ring a-gain,
Lib-er-ty Bell, it's time to swing a-gain,
We're in the same sort of fix, we were in sev-en-ty-six,
And we are read-y to mix and ral-ly 'round you like we did be-fore, oh!
Lib-er-ty Bell, your voice is need-ed now,
Lib-er-ty Bell, we'll hear your call, one and all,
Though you're old and there's a crack in you
Don't for-get Old Glor-y's back-in' you,
Oh! Lib-er-ty Bell, it's time to ring a-gain.

Dec 12, 06 11:56 pm  · 

hairclips, icicle lights, vonnegut, the number of planets, migration patterns of large predatory birds, toilet paper softness, and liberty bell

Dec 13, 06 12:07 am  · 

strawbeary, I related your story to my family over the dinner table tonight, using the names Suzie, Cutesy-Jane, and Princple Bob, of course. My sis runs HR for a large company and my mums is a teacher and very diplomatic. Both said the same thing, right away:

"She needs to get out."

I said, let's assume she can't--it's a place where there aren't many other firms, and she likes the work at the one she's at. They answered,

"Her problem isn't with Cutesy-Jane. Her problem is with Principle Bob."

With which I whole-heartedly agree.

Maybe think about that and it might help. You're right that you're not going to change Jane. And you shouldn't have to, because she's not a problem.

Every office and every project team has a Jane. But other offices and other project teams have a leader who manages Jane (and you) and gets the best product and the most happiness out of each of you.

Take it up with Principle Bob, ASAP! ...or leave.

Dec 13, 06 12:12 am  · 


i really don't mean to be a jackass or sound like one....but (hah) suggestion is for you to exploit this "knowledge" that she has (she might just be that kind of know it all person and doesn't really mean to make you feel boss is like that)...look at them objectively and be able to present the good and the bad of her solutions to the PM in an objective way...that is how i see your role: The person who collects ideas and puts them on the table for discussion so the PM can see what the hell is going on with the should be the one to communicate all the possible solutions to the PM (according to how you described your position in the office)...fuck the competition or getting hurt because "head designer" got her ways...don't go to her level...exploit her good ideas (incorporate it in the project if you really feel it's right) and analyse the advantages and the disadvantages of it...then present it to the PM...

rise up and be the collector of ideas from your open to all that honest on what you think is good and plain wack...maybe pride is getting in the way because you do have 5 years more experience than her...

see her ideas as YOUR team's ideas...

Dec 13, 06 1:31 am  · 

just my opinion...

Dec 13, 06 1:33 am  · 

just to add...

be cool with your the one to communicate problems and good news to him in a cool manner...that way, he'll see you as his so called "right hand person" should build the relationship with the PM instead of focusing on the bullshit this "head designer" is giving you...i'm just thinking that once you've gain the trust of the PM, sees you as his extension into the team...he might start laying down the law on your underlings and be like "alright, i want y'all to present your ideas to Ms. Beary so she can report it to me"...i'm just dreaming...

Dec 13, 06 1:44 am  · 

one more...last one i swear...don't hit up your PM as if he's the complaint department...the idea is for your PM to see that you are taking some of the work and stress off of him...don't add to that shit...

Dec 13, 06 1:53 am  · 

Also, haha, I laughed out loud when I read her idea for the pool. Here's why. It does seem like a great idea... on the table. BUT, this EXACT DESIGN was implemented in the student center of my alma mater, and provoked ENORMOUS and UNPRECEDENTED levels of student hatred. It SUCKS. It's very pretty for the lucky people above looking down, but it makes the pool area HORRIDLY FORBIDDING. And I am a swimmer and am happy with my body--but even I hate being watched while I swim. The worst thing is that it's really distracting to constantly feel--even unjustifiably--that someone's eyes are on you--the key to swimming laps is to be able to reach a level of complete zen wherein you take no note of your surroundings whatsoever. The reason is that you have to quietly concentrate on your breathing, stroke, and kick, as well as time and counting laps. It takes a very special kind of zen, and having people watch you distinctly makes it more difficult.

Please take it from a swimmer. I bet others can back me up (AcfA?)--even the presence of the lifeguard can be annoyingly distracting depending on the situation. (Like if he talks to his buddy during his shift, or god forbid, practices his opera singing in the tiled pool area. Not that I've ever experienced that. At the Boston YMCA.)

Dec 13, 06 2:43 am  · 

I want to see:

Rim Joist

comment on Strawbeary's thing....

Dec 13, 06 4:25 am  · 

So I'm on vado 5000 watch, how about you guys?

Also after this post, I am on dubK 2000 watch. I'd like to think that I will use this post for something special but I have a feeling I'm going to screw it up.

myriam and dammson, keep fighting the good fight. I can't deal with it anymore, I might hurt myself.

Oh god. I'm exhausted today. Being at work is about the last thing I wanted to do. I'm bored AND I don't feel so great. What a waste of my time. Coffee!!!

Dec 13, 06 8:27 am  · 
liberty bell
Though you're old and there's a crack in you
Don't for-get Old Glor-y's back-in' you,

That wins most unpredictable rhyme of the day!

So I watched myself on TV. Oh my. I've got to get this hair under control. And I think it's time for new glasses. And the head of the Historic Commission seemed to be giggling to himself the entire time I was speaking. Also, I use too many "ums" and "uhs", which is a common problem.

betadinesutures, I'm nervous to hear you talking about moving into the medical field - what's up with your exams? Did you finish, or aren't you very close?

Dec 13, 06 8:37 am  · 
Ms Beary

a friend of mine looked into surgical tech. seems like the people who go into this field are happy and well paid. are you serious though?

dammson, thanks for questioning me. I think I do try to see the good in her ideas, like the 2 level fitness area, I never liked it from the beginning, but totally let it go. I wrote out the story here about questioning it yesterday and the principal agreeing with me. But it is IN THE PLANS, this is what I mean by head designer. The additude of "you can't change that because I already drew it in, look, it's right there in the plans, can't you see?"

myriam, good story. lots of truth in there. You are right.

I have plenty of other things to work on, sadly, so am going to try to keep myself busy on other things and let her do all the plans herself. We'll see what happens. I wish I wasn't so emotional about it, I will have to detach from it. Thanks all.

Dec 13, 06 9:05 am  · 

liberty, i am close, in fact i have BP this weekend and will take MEP and retake SP next month - unfortunately i guess by virtue of the format change for the MEP exam in february, i will take structures last - was trying to avoid that.

i have been interested in the surgical for a long time, so i thought i could perhaps try to incorporate the process, materials, tools, etc into a critical dialogue with architecture - hopefully something i can take to grad school??

Dec 13, 06 9:09 am  · 

yeah pretty serious, will take some anatomy/physiology classes and get a sense of what i am in for. what is really cool is the practical classes you take towards the end - a whole day in a surgical suite, sweet!!

Dec 13, 06 9:10 am  · 

beta- prothetics and slicing is so 1991. I can see eisenman bounding up and down in his seat chortling about his 'latest' idea to cut buildings...

just pass the damn tests and suck up to being called 'architect'

hey, what are you up to this weekend- the wife and I are thinking 'bout an evening at that old speakeasy in St. Paul. You game?

Dec 13, 06 9:19 am  · 

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