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Steven, just this morning I was recalling fondly when the brilliant architect Judith Chafee soothed my design crisis by telling me "Well, the profession also needs spec writers." I should have followed her advice!

I'm sorry, all, I know this is kind of an "in-joke" for people who've been on Archinect for at least five years but seriously, rfuller: Cool story, bro. What are your thoughts on 3DH? This made me laugh so hard!  I actually miss per.

Dec 4, 13 11:19 am  · 

Donna, he's here!  He posted about 3dh on the thread about Poly panels just this morning!  Also, I'm facebook friends with him, so I get updates on his artistic progress at least weekly.  Not much mention of 3dh on facebook, but I genuinely enjoy watching his progress.  

Dec 4, 13 11:30 am  · 

Soothed a design crisis by saying what now?


Damn, I hope it was a lot more friendly than it reads, because that is harsh for a school setting.

Dec 4, 13 11:35 am  · 

Pete, it was *really* fucking harsh and therefore one of the most memorable and educational moments of my schooling, because it was harsh in the way that is fully intended to be constructive criticism.  Judith was a TOUGH woman and fierce architect.  I'm just fortunate to have had any interaction with her at all.

rfuller, I saw per! He's still the same, love it!

Dec 4, 13 11:41 am  · 


Explain to us the etymology of your handle.  Is it reality, either per your view of things or feedback you've received, or is it wishful thinking?  The "yo" part needs no explanation.

Dec 4, 13 11:42 am  · 

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say HandsumCa$hMoneyYo is both handsome and always has plenty of "walking around money" on hand.  I've never met them, so I cannot verify or deny.  But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.  

I have noticed one thing in the past 24 hours.  In the 6 years since I completed school and pursued a career in the construction field, my vocabulary has suffered greatly.  I had better spend some more time here to get my verbiage back on track.

Dec 4, 13 11:51 am  · 

Well, CM grads are often "corn fed" jocks who bark orders and grunt.  I've met some with whom it's an arm wrestling thing.  Some.  Others are just more business oriented types who aren't particularly creative and don't want to be. Fortunately, it's only metaphoric thing, because they'd win if it was the physical event described.  As for vocabulary, architects use words like fabric, tenuous, hierarchy, ethereal, circumscribe, and more, so hanging out with a-types can enhance the flowery nature of your vocabulary.

Dec 4, 13 12:06 pm  · 

Yeah, I'ma post MTVraps flaneur!  Or maybe I just inspired by Wu-tang finance.  Serisly, I wish I was responsible for that shit. ha ha.

For realz, it started with a quest for truth.  A journey to find how the world works.  At first, I thought it was money and I decided to share my truth knowledge here on forum (drug free) so I call myself the Hand sum Ca$h Money because I thought it was the supreme truth.  But I keep digging and find that power is more powerful than money.  So I dig into power & find it's a completely fucked up world & few of us are seeing the reality (whatever it is).

It started with Omaha Nebraska.   And it's a dark road, man.  but if you go down it then you'll understand why some are seriously considering the idea that the earth is ruled by interdimensional, shapeshifting repltile aliens.  f'ed up!! manz!

If I had realz foursight, I'mighta been BeautifulBit¢oinYo!

Dec 4, 13 12:06 pm  · 

Judith Chafee soothed my design crisis by telling me "Well, the profession also needs spec writers."

that Judith is such a fucking peach, isn't she.

Dec 4, 13 12:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feel like this is where Observant's sex joke is supposed to go.


And I NEVER read your name as Hand some cash; always thought it was an adjective, not a verb.  Whole new meaning!

And I love peaches.  Yum.....

Dec 4, 13 1:12 pm  · 

Rusty, Judith rocked! snooker will tell you the same. She probably took a bite out of him once or twice, too.

And you know that what I really mean is I want to be as cool (and valuable) as you.

Dec 4, 13 1:40 pm  · 

what happened in omaha?  i know some people from there.  i think warren buffet is about as decent as rich people can get (i haven't actually met him in real life, but i did see him open a jimmy buffet concert).  some other people in omaha are rich, but not so decent.

i have not seen anyone with reptile eyes in real life.  the you tube videos look like cheap editing or bad compression.  i'm holding out belief until i meet a real reptilian.

Dec 4, 13 2:33 pm  · 

I feel like this is where Observant's sex joke is supposed to go.

I make a lot of jokes about sex, but not on here.  As for the one I think you're referring to, it was an observation about a person and what they might be like.  But let's not get people riled up.  LOL.

some other people in omaha are rich, but not so decent.

I like looking those MLS real estate websites for cities, and KC metro seems to have nicer housing stock (both in KS and MO) than Omaha does.  Of course, I put parameters around the searches, so I don't see the housing inventory rich people might be looking at.  I've always thought the old Mutual of Omaha tower had this austere art-decoish appeal when I was a kid.  They underwrote the health policies when in undergrad, from reading the fine print.  They're still around.  They haven't merged with anybody.  I wonder if that building is still up.  Surely, they have needed to add on a newer wing.  Old buildings are cool to look at and evaluate.  Having to work inside one would be depressing.  Spoken like a true suburbanite.

Dec 4, 13 2:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I hope I'm an awesome, kick-ass old lady when I grow up.  I want hair like Emmylou Harris, and a this is how it's done attitude.

Dec 4, 13 3:16 pm  · 
How do all of you handle specs? Full time spec writers, write them yourself, rely on product reps and manufacturers, MasterSpec, ...?
Dec 4, 13 3:28 pm  · 

It seems the bestest way is to put it off until the week before the documents are due, then toss the hot potato to an intern or a Designer I, who then juggles learning MasterWorks (taking 2 days just to install it), deciphering and cribbing specs from previous jobs (done in a similar manner), collecting all of the data for the selected items from the team members, and making stabs in the dark when it comes to glazing and sealants.


Full time spec writers are good in theory, but I have yet to meet one. I think they're the Architectural Unicorn.


I write them myself when tasked to, and think that even if they don't write them, it behooves a PM to keep a hard eye on them. Relying on reps can backfire if you're trying to do a non-proprietary spec.

Dec 4, 13 4:15 pm  · 

the only person who feels obligated to do the specs does them. from my experience, this isn't necessarily the project manager. most often a principal who's not doing anything important - just trying to get the next job, going to meetings, keeping up with CA, writing letters, etc - and is apparently less good at looking too busy.

in other words, if it weren't for the consistent sense of guilt and obligation that my childhood catechism etched into my soul, our projects might go out without specs.  

Dec 4, 13 4:51 pm  · 
vado retro

judith chafee "lectured" at unm circa 1997. she showed all these great deset houses but said nothing. she had a soundtrack of southern arizona songbirds accompanying the slide show.

Dec 4, 13 4:58 pm  · 
vado retro

many spec writers were born that night.

Dec 4, 13 5:00 pm  · 

What happened in Omaha?  One of the most scandalous stories in American history and seemingly nobody knows about it (either out of ignorance or fear-induced denial). The Franklin cover-up.  Two excellent detailed books written about it:

The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by Nebraska Senator John De Camp

The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal byi investigative jurnalist Nick Bryant

And if you don't have time to read the books then try or watch the mysteriously unaired yorkshire documentarty (about an hour) on youtube titled conspiracy of silence.

Waren Bufett may appear decent to have a homey image (same old house in little old omaha) but it's bit of a mirage.

Sorry there's no proof of reptiles in the franklin story.  no real proof of that anywhere yet.  but you've got to start somewher & franklin is the place.  IF you research it, it will start to blow your mind.

Dec 4, 13 5:42 pm  · 

Also, while not directly related to franklin, the story of dillon read investment bank by catrin fits give excellent first-hand insight into the predatory nature of both wall street and wash dc. (bi-partisan too as she worked with both bush & clinton administrations).  It's lenghty read & heavily footnoted to boot.

Dec 4, 13 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I love the word behoove.
Dec 4, 13 7:08 pm  · 

Health and state run exchanges are seeing increases in people enrolling for health plans.

Didn't we all know it wouldn't exactly be seamless?  It's a big effort.  I'm sure that launching Social Security, in a non-digital environment, wasn't seamless either.

Governments of other countries who have better health care provisions for their people applaud the new law and think the U.S. did the right thing.  They've thought our health care system which punished the lower middle class (above Medicaid threshold) crowd and those with small employers or preexisting conditions was neanderthal.  Yet, I've also seen polls that young people are pissed at Obama and wouldn't mind if he was out of office.  So, then, would Romney/Ryan have fit the bill for these people?  How is it that those of hipster and granola age could be mad at the President, and I'm not?

Dec 4, 13 7:26 pm  · 

handsum, i did know a guy on that list, and i don't think warren buffet was friends with them.  it's certainly possible that i'm wrong, but my reasoning behind thinking warren buffet is probably more or less a decent person is that he would have had ample opportunity and reason to mingle with that crowd, but he didn't.  at least as far as i could tell, which was obvoiusly from a distant position in the peripherial vision.  i honestly don't believe warren buffet is a reptilian, or from one of the 13 families, or anything like that.

Dec 4, 13 7:52 pm  · 

At the firm I used to work at when we did a big project we would hire a spec writer, just another consultant like M/E/P.  I have also, once, hired a spec writer myself for a small but public project I was doing.  Those guys have serious expertise, and a rigor with vocabulary that makes me giddy.

But for residential jobs I've always just used a self-written spec that was very basic - a few pages long at most.

Dec 4, 13 8:13 pm  · 

I had no idea I was transforming into a unicorn. 

Dec 4, 13 10:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Brian, you have it backwards. The last unicorn turns into a human. It's the only way to save her kind!
Dec 4, 13 10:54 pm  · 

Sarah Palin was termed a "world class idiot" by reporter Martin Bashir.  And how exactly is that inaccurate reporting?

Dec 5, 13 1:06 am  · 

maybe because she's not 'world class?' 

Dec 5, 13 7:25 am  · 

Brian, that was intended as a compliment. Unicorns are beautiful and rare.

Dec 5, 13 8:49 am  · 

ok, forget the reptile tihng for now.  That's much more theory than fact.  The frankln case is loaded with facts, even court cases on the public record.

chapter 12 of the decamp book focuses on "the omaha business community".  the amazon link above includes a "search inside" feature and you can easily look up the name "buffett" to see how he is interconnected with the others .  of particular interest is on pages 149-150, where the buffets suposedly hosted a 10th anniversary party for lary king (a central figure in the pedophilia & ritual sacrifice scandal) and also makes the unconfirmed report that when lary king was crowned queen at The Max (an omaha gay bar) his escort was bufett.

Warren Buffet escort queens' at a gay bar doesn't exactly fit his image.  And although he is quite private, he appears to be a bit of a libertine as it has been reported (in the Wall Street Journal) that he & his wife lived apart for 13 years while he kept a mistress at home "alternating his time between the two women" acoording to the wsj.

There's nothing inherently wrong with gay bars & mulilovers, but doesn't exactly fit the folksly image either, does it? Moreover, the books details buffets invlovement with other omaha corporations borad of directors, et such.  but that shit is too lengthy & boring to re-type here.  Buffett is not accused of anything criminal himself bu t he was certainly part of an elite community that wroked to scandalously protect its own innterrests.

Dec 5, 13 9:49 am  · 

The other Brian Henry!  I did undergrad with the one who jumped off the building in Beverly Hills.  I remember lots of people getting worried about you. Sad I lost MY Brian Henry, but glad to encounter another!

Dec 5, 13 10:11 am  · 

SneakyPete, I wouldn't have taken it any other way. Who wouldn't want to be a unicorn!? 

rfuller, such a sad story. It was very strange reading the articles about Brian. 

Dec 5, 13 10:17 am  · 

i couldn't find the 'search inside' link.

still though, i think the link between buffet and these people is tenuous.  i think warren buffet's wife might have had a connection to larry king.  other than that, these are rich people in a fairly small city.  their circles crossed often, and all rich people in omaha were either invovled with berkshire, or regretted not being involved in berkshire.  also, the buffets supported the democratic party in omaha, which larry king was obviously a big part of.  those connections don't make him a pedophile or part of a national child prostitution ring.

Dec 5, 13 10:18 am  · 

AArrrggghhhh!!!!  X-REFS I hate them!!

Dec 5, 13 10:44 am  · 

oops, i was wrong.  you've got to click on the image of the book's cover "look inside" first and then you get an option to search the book.

Larry King was big in the gop, not democrats.  He sang the national anthem at the 1984 convention. Buffett's wife was a volunteer at King's bank.

The point about buffet was not that he is a pedophile.  Nobody is saying that he is.  But you described him as a decent person who didn't mingle with these people.  It's understandable that Buffet would downpaly any connections with that crowd but evidence suggests taht he clearly did mingle with them.  As to being a decent person, I only suggest that images can be deceptive.

Anyhow, buffet is merrly a side note.  It't the rest of the story that 's of interest and makes the books worth reading.

Dec 5, 13 12:36 pm  · 

All this buffet talk is making me hungry.

Dec 5, 13 12:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Dec 5, 13 1:36 pm  · 
Most of the places I've worked had a combination of PMs writing specs (more likely editing specs from product reps and manufacturers) and recycling those from project to project. Small projects might not even get specs save for a sheet in the drawing set.

I have seen specs by full-time spec writers and they are a thing of beauty. Makes CA so much easier. I would hope contractors appreciate it too, but I'm not convinced they look at them to begin with.
Dec 5, 13 4:25 pm  · 
What happened to the thread(s) about a certain Penn person building a project without permits? Must have been gossip.
Dec 5, 13 8:07 pm  · 
That's the thing, Everyday Intern: well-written specs *are* a beauty to behold. Airtight. Which is why eventually Judith Chafee's admonition that I should consider doing it didn't seem so harsh.
Dec 5, 13 8:10 pm  · 

Rusty, Judith rocked! snooker will tell you the same. She probably took a bite out of him once or twice, too.


Actually I don't  have any great Judith Chafee  biting ass stories, however I know there are plenty of them out there. 

I never had any interaction with her closest I came was a dinner party at a professor's house think she missed it cause it was to late in the day.  Thinking you might know what my veiled comment might be. 

However the party was a smashing good time.  Bob Nevins I will always say knew how to throw a grand party in his home just off campus.

I  rented a desk in an office where  I worked his station being adjacent to mine so we became friends before I went back to school.  He had Paul Edwards and Dominique Bounamor working for him at the time.  I can say we all became fast friends. Paul being the dare devil, Dominique being the super creative one with the dangling cigarette and me the guy in amazement , Bob being the outlandish one. Me being the guy  amazed to be able to hang with a great group of people.  Paul is gone Dominique is gone and I have no idea about Bob. It sucks getting old.  Oh ya think Judith is biting someones  ass where ever she might be.

Dec 5, 13 8:59 pm  · 

I have what could be a nice project in the works.  It is an 1860  four story brick masonry, heavy timber framed  commercial building in a sweet little New England town.  Doing some facade updating, new retail space and office space with two apartments all on the same floor. 4,000 sf.  We are going back to the wood...good bye  acoustical ceilings.  Every time I go there the more I fall in Love with the Space.  The other Plus is the owner gets we should have a good time on a limited budget. We are hoping local government will  join us in this project in a positive way.

Dec 5, 13 9:05 pm  · 

Bob is still going strong, as far as I know.  I had dinner with him about four years ago, and my good friend from school sees him several times a year when he goes back to Tucson to visit.  Sadly Bob had to sell that gorgeous house near campus - loved that place.  Architecture professors know how to live, I tell ya.

Dec 5, 13 9:46 pm  · 

People think they're cute ... or so ugly that they're cute.  And you can buy them as stuffed animals for kids to cuddle up with.  However, inhabitants of and tourists to Africa can attest to the fact that they are not cute.

Dec 6, 13 12:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
But I want one for Christmas!!
Dec 6, 13 1:04 pm  · 

Two unicorns (hand fed since birth) for sale  but you must buy them as a pair.

Dec 10, 13 8:37 am  · 

Good morning TC!

Nice too see Rusty! and rfuller around these parts.

Things have been busy with a big software upgrade coming this week at work.

@Sarah nice Last of The Unicorns reference!

Dec 10, 13 9:10 am  · 

Here, we need look no further than on our own turf to see some weird buildings that resemble objects.  These are only 4, and are they ever tacky, but I know there are others in the U.S.

Dec 10, 13 10:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
So we finally returned to school after the GREAT ICE STORM OF 2013. I'm guarding the doors during my lunch duty, and they have this poor man outside breaking up 2" ice off the stairs with a hoe and pipe. Seems he'd come up with a better way.
Dec 10, 13 1:29 pm  · 

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