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curt, wake up.  In the spirit of the season, I was thinking about that term you used a time or two - "special snowflake."  I think it's current vernacular, just like in pop psych there are words like "checked out" or "boundaries."  Do you really believe people think they are "special snowflakes" or, rather, do you think their cumulative life experiences are seldom like another person's such that the way they process things will be different from the way another person will?  So, maybe it's more about specificity and uniqueness rather than feeling special.  I know lots of "special flakes," but few "special snowflakes."  To me, "special snowflake" carries a sense of being entitled and high maintenance.

Dec 23, 13 6:57 pm  · 

you are not special

you are not a beautiful or unique snowflake

you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else

for more information

Dec 23, 13 7:22 pm  · 

Dec 23, 13 7:23 pm  · 

Donna,  I guess there must be to much, "Shaking going on !"

Dec 23, 13 7:39 pm  · 

I'm working away at trying to Be Santa for a Client....I don't know it it is a good thing or bad thing.... few more beers and I will not give a hum bug....or was that Ba Hum Butt?

Dec 23, 13 7:41 pm  · 

what an angry place TC is becoming.

women usually clean the men's washrooms here.  Also usually it is older ladies who couldn't give a flying fkuc, and definitely will not close the WC while cleaning. It used to be weird to me, but now I just think my god what a horrible job, cuz men are disgusting. The older men can't hit the urinal and if its late at night or a party part of the city (most of Tokyo truth be told), then neither can the young men cuz their all hammered. The old public urinals that are basically troughs make much more sense to me.

That women can be as bad is now shocking me all over again. Humans are so weird.

But at least its Christmas! I am totally ditching work tomorrow.

Dec 23, 13 10:03 pm  · 
I know I've told this story before, but I was once at a private party for the local fancy-schmancy lawyer's club and a bunch of the guys were caught peering in the indoor potted palms. Lawyers. Jerks. But I repeat myself badum-dum.

I spend an inordinate amount of my day considering whether my actions will cause some other innocent person to have to clean up my mess.

Just whipped up three new batches of Christmas cookies, including a sugar-free batch that I hope my MIL can eat. Tomorrow is gift-wrap-o-rama as I haven't wrapped a single thing yet!

snook you'd make an awesome Santa.
Dec 23, 13 10:10 pm  · 
Oops, that should be "peeing" of course, not peering. Phone.
Dec 23, 13 10:10 pm  · 

what an angry place TC is becoming.

It's angry, to some extent, because people can't agree to disagree and when something is said that, across cyberspace, piques someone's own issues and sensibilities, people get riled up.  Some people lurk ... and then pounce, rather than duking it out.  That's passive-aggressive.

Humans are so weird.

Yes they are.  That's why dogs are superior to humans.

But at least its Christmas!

How do you phonetically say Christmas in Japanese?  Another word I like:  "nokori" ~ leftovers.  Just don't have nokori on Christmas.

Dec 23, 13 10:12 pm  · 

I don't think it's right to say brad pitt you tube videos are angry if that's included in what you're saying.  more like wise sage advice.  Much perspective to be gained by those willing to listen. 

Dec 23, 13 10:32 pm  · 

So many beers later.    Lets stop peeing on one another and just enjoy life.   We are a good bunch of people and  enjoy one  the others company.  Things have been a bit snarky lately with all parties.  Nothing to do with Christmas, just a good judgement comment.  Maybe it is the lack of sun light, but we have turned the corner.  Please be more positive...and no more  Oh Hum Bug!  If you don't  then I will get out my big fire hose and spray ya down.

Dec 23, 13 10:40 pm  · 

^ Fine.  I then suggest a reunion of sorts, possibly for the Epiphany, January 6, on which some Europeans receive their holiday gifts.  I recommend KC.  Central to everyone ... in North America, anyway.  I wonder how that would go over.  And since we'd be expending the energy and money to get there, curt can pop for the catering.  Succulent barbeque slathered in a tangy sauce, please.  Vegetarians and vegans, stay home.  Well, you can come, too, and pant.

Dec 23, 13 11:10 pm  · 

i just wanted to interject, with my appreciation for gruen's comment here. It is... 

that is all.

Merry Christmas Eve (almost, at least in my time zone) TC!

Dec 23, 13 11:21 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Nobody's a beautiful snowflake 'cept all you guys. Each and every one of you

Dec 24, 13 7:31 am  · 

Cause the whole world's an angry place so better get used to it cause shti is hitting fans soon.  Mery fucking christmas assholes :)

Dec 24, 13 8:44 am  · 

hey, diogenes dogs are not superior to people.  so fuck you and you're fuckin cynics!

Dec 24, 13 8:46 am  · 

Santa update, he's in japan right now.

let's hope he desnt catch thyroid cancer.!

Dec 24, 13 8:49 am  · 

hey, diogenes dogs are not superior to people.  so fuck you and you're fuckin cynics!

Haven't you heard?  DOG is GOD spelled backwards.  *currently awaiting a lighting bolt*

Dec 24, 13 12:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Snook, we already know the size of your fire hose; we saw you in the locker room.
Dec 24, 13 2:08 pm  · 

Sending you all a little Christmas Cheer.  Little thinks crafted like this send shivers up and down my back, Enjoy!

Dec 24, 13 2:55 pm  · 

Sarah,  Ya I need a drying rack for my Hose...

Dec 24, 13 4:03 pm  · 
Once I told a girl that she was not a special snowflake. She insisted she was: cold, dirty and melting.

Merry Christmas TC!

My 2014 resolutions:

- more reggae
- ?
- ?
Dec 24, 13 8:11 pm  · 

More reggae would make tc a more awesome-er place.

Santa came to tookyo, but its a school day so the presents will not be opened til after school is out. ahahah.  Man my kids have ridiculous self control. Its off the hook.  They also get their grades for the semester today, just to make the day all that more festive.

brad pitt never is angry making. I'm refering to all the hosers.

Dec 25, 13 1:27 am  · 

Don't call me a hoser....I'm not from Indiana!

bring on de Reggae it is better than Cow Bella!

Dec 25, 13 10:55 am  · 

brad pitt never is angry making.

Brad Pitt is sort of like Tom Cruise.  He peaked as the dude who grinded his hips in "Thelma and Louise," the same way Tom Cruise peaked in "Risky Business" as the high school senior with a silver spoon and his dad's borrowed Porsche.

At any rate:

Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noel - Feliz Navidad - Buon Natale - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten (had to look that up) - Happikurisimasu (had to look that up, just for Will)

Dec 25, 13 11:13 am  · 
What is a Hoosier? Being a michigangster, a dim view of those south of the border (max love though :)

Hoser , isn't that a Canadian fireman?

Merry Christmas, I'm going to be sharing Happikurisimasu w everyone today!
Dec 25, 13 11:33 am  · 

what?  thelma and louise sucked.  fight club was awesome, and came later

risky business was awesome, but top gun was better.

brad pitt didn't marry katie holmes or become scientology.  nothing alike.  that's just crazy talk.

Dec 25, 13 11:34 am  · 
PS: Donna, my dad is an IU grad and I really like Bloomington, so it's all in good fun.
Dec 25, 13 11:36 am  · 

what?  thelma and louise sucked.  fight club was awesome, and came later

risky business was awesome, but top gun was better.

brad pitt didn't marry katie holmes or become scientology.  nothing alike.  that's just crazy talk.

"Thelma and Louise" sucked in a big way.  For all the women who felt empowered by it, they were mistaken.  Bug-eyed Susan Sarandon along with Geena Davis effectively committed suicide in the end, so they didn't win, but they just had a wild ride, in more ways than one.  I avoid Brad Pitt movies.  I also saw "Seven," but Kevin Spacey was the only one in that movie who was compelling.  What an actor.  I was once driving cross country on I-70 and got gas at one of the exits in Lawrence, KS.  One of the gas station jockeys was a Brad Pitt-alike, so that's what I think of when Brad Pitt is mentioned.

"Risky Business" was indeed great!  So was the music by Tangerine Dream.  Where else would you hear a line like "I've got a trig test tomorrow and I'm being chased by Guido the killer pimp?"  And, based on his mother's prized glass egg, the word "artsy-fartsy" made its way into mainstream America's lexicon, courtesy of that hooker.  But, I agree, Cruise is a mess.  And he also needs to go through puberty.  I remember watching "The Firm" and thinking he was not credibly cast as a Harvard Law grad, as in "wet behind the ears."

Dec 25, 13 12:39 pm  · 

cheers, y'all! 

Dec 25, 13 5:32 pm  · 

Make fun of Hoosiers all you want - I'm not one.  I mean by definition I guess I am but I'll never be one in my heart.

In the last week I've listened to Bob and Doug MacKenzie's Twelve Days of Christmas at least a dozen times.  It's never not funny, you hosers.

Dec 26, 13 10:41 am  · 

i didn't hit a dozen donna, but i did make a few you-tube requests. . .

it just doesn't feel like christmas without a beer.  in a tree.  i wonder why those guys haven't made a couple more movies? 

Dec 26, 13 10:53 am  · 

happy post-Christmas cheer y'all. I am back at work but just working on wrapping up end of year.

Will be taking a day or two off next week though.

also in light of gruen et al's., request for more reggae see this link for Greensleeves dub (basically reggae right?)...

plus observant, I have to agree with curtkram, Brad is awesome took me a while for him to grow on me post Legends of Fall but i mean come on (7 Years in Tibet, Seven, 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Snatch, Burn after Reading, Inglourious Basterds the list just goes on...)

and speaking of Brad Pitt (the photo is grainy but) did you see this Donna?

Dec 26, 13 11:05 am  · 

those phootos are really grainy.  the paparazzi are slipping.  They used to be able to catch the Pittster in all his glory (and yes it is link to totally naked man so u ar warned).  too bad the're not lockerroms photos :(

Adn the king of kings...

...wishes you much irie!

Dec 26, 13 11:51 am  · 

Oh I've seen all the pics of the Pitt-Jolies.  I feel bad looking at them, it's really an invasion of their privacy, but they're such a beautiful family and it makes me smile to look at them, so I do. Even though I hate it as a common activity of our media culture.

We watched Casablanca on Christmas Day.  What a beautifully made movie.

Dec 26, 13 11:52 am  · 

Pitt looks like he fell off a turnip truck.  She was really flip about admitting she swings both ways on an interview.  I wonder how their marriage is set up so she can satisfy that need.  He is merely an ok actor.  In "Seven," Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman carried that movie.  At least he doesn't play himself, like George Clooney.  When Cindy Crawford was in our face 24/7, a chick I know also got irked with it and said "Too much of a good thing."  Since Pitt looks like such white trash, as did/does Billy Bob Thornton, it was obvious he has been packaged for America's not very bright and pedestrian women, of which there are many, who slam dunk Oreos on their couches while watching soap operas.  I don't know any intelligent and attractive women who think much of him.  Interestingly enough, I was reading an article in the doctor's or dentist's office on Kevin Kline a while back, which dubbed him "the thinking woman's man."  Now, he comes across as both intelligent and a versatile actor.

Bleh to the following:

Angelina can't get enough of the limelight, always doing crazy things to make headlines.  There was something kind of sleazy about her from the very beginning.  I think I remember her best in "The Bone Collector."

Dec 26, 13 12:51 pm  · 

You might think they have nothing in common but their on-trend beards. But no. The author of My Booky Wook and the philosopher behind Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism are both critics of modern society. Which, then, of 2013's leading penseurs said the following?

After all the Russell brand love a few pages back, try taking the Who Said It: Brand or Zizek? quiz! I got 7 out of 10.

Dec 26, 13 1:00 pm  · 

first of all, angelina jolie's best film was hackers.

second, there is something very wrong with you observant.

i missed #3 and #6

Dec 26, 13 2:00 pm  · 

hackers WAS a classic!

Dec 26, 13 2:53 pm  · 

second, there is something very wrong with you observant.

I don't follow Brangelina.  I also dislike Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, and thank God they've sort of hit the wall and have moved on.  A lot of stars are decadent trash.  I know.  I grew up in Tinseltown.

Here's another thought, only slightly off topic:

Women get involved with a man hoping to change (mold) him.

Men get involved with a woman hoping she'll stay the same.

The fact that some guys ultimately become recalcitrant to the "honey do" list and some women double in size is why couples part ways.

Dec 26, 13 3:11 pm  · 


I hope your watching these movies from you  electra-glide  easy chair and not in a movie theater.  I can only visualize you standing up and booing and tossing  things at the screen.

Now for a little down time, off to go watch something on the tube.

Dec 26, 13 8:13 pm  · 


Hate to break it to you.  Most of the time, it was in a movie theater with friends.  And I was quiet, unless something funny happened. 

Older ones on DVD because they call for being watched again and again and again, and we know the lines.  Think 007 movies.

The toughest ones to watch were "Shawshank Redemption" and "Primal Fear."  Everyone is forewarned that "Primal Fear" will have a difficult scene to watch.  And when the archbishop was taking off those elaborate rings to go to bed, I knew something was going to go down.  The filming of that scene, including showing the bay window breaking from outside those elaborate Chicago digs, was really intense.

Dec 26, 13 9:19 pm  · 

A lot of stars are not only decadent trash, they are also illuminati mind control slaves.  That is why so many of them die young under strange circumstances.  They start thinking for themselves and, poof, then they are ritually sacrificed.

Dec 27, 13 9:15 am  · 
I thought they are lizards?
Dec 27, 13 9:32 am  · 

is brad pitt a mind control slave?  didn't he run away from america to live in africa or something like that?

how about tom cruise and john travolta?  is there an option to be promoted from mind control slave to mind controller?

Dec 27, 13 9:33 am  · 

Ya John Cage came to mind for me....

Michael Douglas

Robert Downey Junior

Dec 27, 13 10:58 am  · 

hollywood stars are most likely human slaves.  the pure reptillians hide either deep underground or in other dimensions alltogher.  But speculation is that hybrids reptile/humans control the most important things above ground.

oh, yes, mind control handlers are often from the ranks of the mind control slaves.

Dec 27, 13 11:11 am  · 

curt, no need to place nice or defend "these people." 

Grow up in NYC, people aspire to Wall Street, corporate, fashion world, or ad agency mucky muck status.  Grow up in L.A., people aspire to stardom.  It's an unhealthy frame of reference, just as it is for kids in the poor parts of cities who look up to professional athletes as "the way out" and are then severely disappointed.

I don't know what Pitt's shtick is all about, nor do I care.  I know Angelina is all about adopting kids in a bleeding heart sort of way.  She is or was also some kind of ambassador.  As if she's qualified.  At any rate, the next time you're in Lawrence KS, at the off-ramps, and you get gas, ask if "Brad" is still working there.  It was a brick gas station.  I remember because we don't have brick ones out this way.

As for the others, well, I'm not touching the Cruise and Travolta issue, or issues.  However, when the Cory Monteiths, Kurt Cobains, Anna Nicole Smiths, and Paul Walkers do what they do (drugs, speeding) and America mourns them almost more than the way it mourns the Michael Landons and Patrick Swayzes who succumbed to cancer, something is wrong.  Really wrong.

Dec 27, 13 11:37 am  · 

I'm feeling like the "What's the deal with naked old dudes in the gym?" question needs to be a reality TV show so that we can all fully observe and properl decode this phenomenon.

Dec 27, 13 2:54 pm  · 

What?  And I thought these cheetahs had hopped over into yet another exhibit to snack on this deer.  No.  This deer, probably a resident of Washington DC's Rock Creek Park, sort of hopped on in to the cheetah pen.  And what was this deer expecting to find?  Are deer generally dumb?

This doesn't quite hit the gravity of that kid from San Jose' who went to the SF Zoo who took up a dare from his friends to scale the fence at the tiger exhibit and hang around the top of the enclosure, and from which the tiger then pulled him into the pen.  Tragic and needlessly risky.

Dec 28, 13 12:45 pm  · 

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