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good afternoon TC!

seem like things have got a bit hot in here...

As for Thanksgiving obviously indigenous Americans don't like what it represents but as jla-x indicated what's not to like about the food...


Nam to the rescue and clearly among the most normal of the people here.  I think he sees all sides and keeps quiet, observing.  Nam, I'd bet that if you took yesterday's test for the enneagram, your type would be the "peacemaker."   Discussing Meyers-Briggs, astrology, and enneagrams was certainly more interesting than cultural and political conflicts and differences of opinion thereon.  Who's up for graphology - the study of one's handwriting?  HR departments also employed that in the selection of employees at one time.

Nov 26, 13 2:37 pm  · 

Aids is a scam.  yet how many of you beleives it?  Dose it kill anybody anymore?  Even Magick Johnson still lives.

Nov 26, 13 2:52 pm  · 

observant, what did you mean by Also, Cranbrook would have a force field around it for me.? Did you miss me asking, or did I miss your explanation?

Nov 26, 13 3:06 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Aids a scam?

sure, it is... sure it is. wait, why are there black vans pulling up next to me?

Handsum, I trust you jest, but one cannot be stupid enough to think this and yet be able to operate a web-browser. Suri being one exception though.

Nov 26, 13 3:06 pm  · 

Sarah, I agree. East Texas women are crazy.  I'm married to one (ducks).

Mashed Potatoes are awesome, especially with gravy and those split top rolls to dip in them.

Nov 26, 13 3:20 pm  · 

observant, what did you mean by Also, Cranbrook would have a force field around it for me.? Did you miss me asking, or did I miss your explanation?

I didn't miss it.  Since you feel I should be ignored, shouldn't I reciprocate in kind?

I once surveyed Cranbrook's curricula and "feel" via their website.  Even if they offer architecture, it's too steeped in the arts for my taste, from what I could deduce.  Not my thing.  Hence the force field.

Nov 26, 13 3:24 pm  · 

Brilliant animated film.

Nov 26, 13 4:21 pm  · 

well, if ones been drinking water with fluoride there entire life then the probbably would be stupid.  stupid enough to even believe the propaganda about diseases like aids.

Nov 26, 13 4:31 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Handsum, yes, the fluoride issue, of-course... careful, paranoia is a highly transmittable disease. Try not to spread it.

Nov 26, 13 4:34 pm  · 

truth is not paranoia.  once you understand who actually runs this little world then a lot of things make more sense.

Nov 26, 13 5:35 pm  · 

so what do you do while surrounded by reptile aliens and such?  just go to work everyday like a normal person, or are you camped out in a fortified bunker or something like that?

Nov 26, 13 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Hey, I'm not saying mashed potatoes are bad, I think they're great, but for thanksgiving? They're just so boring and normal.

Handsome, do you really believe that stuff? My dad keeps making me watch some guy's YouTube channel about solar flares and weather patterns tied to mass shootings and the like.

Ha! I just sounded like Tony the Tiger and some 1940's lounge girl in the same post.
Nov 26, 13 6:24 pm  · 

lol sarah

TC has gotten a tad weird.  A wee bit even.

AIDS is a scam? I have dead people I would like back in that case. That's pretty hurtful thing to assert.

Fluoride is awesome. I say this as a person living without it in the water for decades now.


With all apologies Tammuz, I find you just as racist as those you rail against. I guess you know that but will be angered regardless, which is a pity since you often bring up self honesty.

As far as it goes I put the practices of thanksgiving in the same place as easter and christmas, which are both obviously pagan but practiced by religiously devout people. That is, they are a cultural non sequitur. It is weird, but does not quite condemn those who practice the holiday to the pits of evil-ness.  I should think it would be easier to wean us all off that stuff with less anger in any case. More Lincoln, less Beck...

anyway, back to work.

Nov 26, 13 6:46 pm  · 

sarah, is that because weather effects people, or because people effect weather?  or is there a third party involved?

this thing is awesome, and your dad might enjoy it too:

Nov 26, 13 6:56 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Will galloway,

no, i don't know that. I'm not angered and you do not need to apologize (have a backbone and don't mutter apologies when your sentiment is antithetical to apologizing). and I have not been racist towards anyone here. If I ever criticized, it was not with an ethnic or racial background  in mind. I have gone to some length in pointing out exactly how and where observant and Miles Jaffe were racist; you, however, have so easily thrown an unjustified and indeed unjustifiable accusation. Perhaps because we have "tangoed" before (and not on the basis of your race).

Yes, I have something against puritan protestantism, as I have something against islamic wahabism  (and i dislike political islam as with political religion) , ultra orthodox judaism... and ertainly czionism...but none of those are to do with race and indeed, i hate them because they incite hatred against others. now , mind your business. I did not attack you or any one of you on the basis of your race. 

Anyway, having come across your way, I am not surprised that you are ready to throw in libels because you confuse rationality with some sort of subjective dislike . I don't need a clearance from you about this issue. 

Nov 26, 13 7:21 pm  · 
Wow. TC is fraught. I'll check back in after a few fun days with family. Cheers!
Nov 26, 13 8:18 pm  · 

This is for all those people throwing dung at one another:  It gives me hope about humanity and being thankful just like the cave man the day he found fire.

Nov 26, 13 8:21 pm  · 

click on katichia  the colorful lil boxes....for a delightful adventure.

Nov 26, 13 8:23 pm  · 
I love the word "fraught".

I for one have to work tomorrow.
Nov 26, 13 8:28 pm  · 

so what do you do while surrounded by reptile

I am excited about the thought of being able to pass through New Orleans for 2 days for the first time.  I've got my itinerary sort of planned out and the food choices are not to impress - Harrah's $15.99 lunch buffet, Cafe du Monde, Camellia Grill, Johnny Po Boys, and Central Grocery.  I'll be on my own and I can't see doing fine dining, so places like Cafe Amelie and Cochon aren't in the cards, but thanks for the upscale tips.  However, I'm wondering if I'll be able to spot an alligator in City Park, which is as big as Central Park, and the critters are supposedly in there, but rarely seen.  I would be happy to see the head of one or two peering around as they swim and get a couple of photos, from a distance. This video cracks me up on various levels, and that N'Awlins accent on some of the locals is crusty, clearly its own entity, and not very Southern ...

Nov 26, 13 8:31 pm  · 

Fluoride may be fine for your teeth and it makes sense to use it in toothpaste, but why in the world would you ingest it everytime you drink a glass of water?  It's a dubious form of mass medication that is illegal in much of the world.  Flouride alert adds more info.

Most likely those who died of aids died of the highly toxic aids drugs they were given, not the disease itself.  Much like the huge cancer racket too.

What to do if surronded by alien reptiles?  I don't know.  Probably your unlikely to e "surrounded" by them unless you are highly successfu and in that case you are probably working for them.  The silly yets surreally sublime movie They Live  (starring Rowdy Roddy Pipper!)gives a pretty good idea of how to ldeal with the reptiles.

Nov 27, 13 10:18 am  · 

Did you look into lunch at Herbsaint?  I recall lunch being very reasonable (and of course have a Sazerac there).

Nov 27, 13 11:13 am  · 

Most likely those who died of aids died of the highly toxic aids drugs they were given, not the disease itself.

Handsum, how old are you? I visited with a man in New York in 1990 who died three months later of AIDS.  He didn't die of drugs, he died of complications - mainly pneumonia - due to AIDS.

You have no idea what you're talking about. None.

Nov 27, 13 11:39 am  · 

Seriouly? Are stupid?  You say yourself that he died of pneumonia.

Nov 27, 13 12:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Handsome, you and my dad could talk for hours. If you ask him, he doesn't have cancer from years of smoking, he simply had insurance, so the doctors started experimenting.

My head hurts. I hate that my body is so dependent on caffeine that if I don't get at LEAST the required amount I have to medicate with Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I did try giving it up for 6 months. I even went cold turkey with no meds. My body never got over it. Sucks.
Nov 27, 13 12:28 pm  · 

Handsum, (first of all, your handle is funny), most Americans don't drink tap water anymore.  I just bought a 35 pack of bottled water for $3.49.  A bottle of water now costs us around 10 cents.  And you can refrigerate it to make it cooler.  Water can be a rip-off, though.  At a coffeehouse, it's almost as much as coffee or tea.  In a convenience store in Europe or at a transit station, they soak you there, too.  I once walked into Continente, a "hyper-market" in PT, and picked up 1.5 or 2 L for around .33 Euro, and I believe it was cold.  Keeping it cold at the beach is not easy, though.

AIDS is still around?  Actually, you periodically see billboards saying that "It's still here," to remind people.  The final way people expire differs for people.  I had a cousin overseas who got in with the wrong crowd from one of the major urban centers and got into drugs ...  and it took his life.  He came from Euros, so money didn't buy happiness in his case.  I wouldn't mind finding out whether money can buy me (more) happiness.  He was a second cousin and I remember not having the best chemistry with him.  Is it bad to not feel much when someone you're indifferent to dies?  However, for the kids who expired within a decade after high school or college, pneumonia was reported to be the cause.  Back then, you said "oh, ok."  Now, you know better.  Still, that's more of a fact than a judgment.  A properly functioning immune system is always at work successfully fighting agents that would cause different forms of pneumonia.  Not that it's important - the disease was first identified at UCLA Medical Center through ER admits.  One would have thought it would have been UCSF Medical Center, but that was not the case.

Nov 27, 13 12:44 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Science and critical thinking is hard for some it seems.

btw, I refuse to consume bottled water (or soda, unless it contain Rye or Gin and no Guinness be present). I only drink tap water.

Nov 27, 13 1:01 pm  · 

Aids/cancer/whatevr, it's all similar racket.  Thy do a "test", then start drugging to death (while draining you wallet).  It's huge money buisness & they buy off all the pop stars, & plant stories in the press to dupe 99% of the population.

here's the thing that people need to understand, the reptile elite (whether they are really reptiles are not even I'm not fully conviced ytet) are not the same as you & me.  The difference?  They will kill to get what they want.  That's worht dwelling on.  Would you kill to ge what you  want?  Would you kill to be a successful architect?  Would you kill to become a billionaire?  How many lives would you destroy?  1?  2?  half your communtiy?  would you sacrifce a child?  No, you probably wouldn't but they wold.

Nov 27, 13 1:13 pm  · 

Would you spike the bread supply of a small town with LSD just to see what happens?

Nov 27, 13 1:20 pm  · 

Woudl you poison the alcohol supply thus likely putting thouzands of architects at risk?

Nov 27, 13 1:24 pm  · 

The Illuminati are going to eventually kill us all.

Nov 27, 13 1:26 pm  · 

Or how about the mckultra program in which citizens were unwittingly forced to suffer sensory deprivation, isolation, sexual abuse and tortue in an effort to mind control them?

Nov 27, 13 1:26 pm  · 

If most of us are dumb enough to not realize that the alien illuminati lizard people are actually running things, then I say we deserve to be destroyed by them.  Bring on the apocalypse.

Nov 27, 13 1:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Handsum, your paranoia knows no bounds. I've seen dried-up coffee stains more informative than you, more convincing too.

Nov 27, 13 1:30 pm  · 

people would rathre die than think.  Sad but true :(

Nov 27, 13 1:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

true only in your mind, not in reality.

Nov 27, 13 1:39 pm  · 

And you give no credit to the possibility that we HAVE thought about and summarily dismissed these theories as paranoia? For someone with a supposedly open mind you're incredible closed minded.

Nov 27, 13 1:39 pm  · 

Sarah I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist or anything but why medicate with Tylenol when you can just have a cup of coffee or better yet tea?

I was fine on no caffeine while I was pregnant and breastfeeding but I never intended to give it up forever, for heaven's sake why would I?! Coffee is one of life's great pleasures.  Pretty much all I ever drink is coffee, booze, and tap water (I use a Sodastream to carbonate it).

Nov 27, 13 2:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Donna, it's not that simple for me. It seems to go like this:

1 cup of coffee at breakfast, 1 glass of tea at lunch. Say I decide to indulge on a Tuesday, and have 2 cups of coffee over a lingering breakfast. I still need to have a glass if tea at lunch, or my head will pound by 3:30. Worse yet, come Wednesday, if I go back to my 1 cup if coffee in the morning, my head will start to swim come 11:30 or so.

I usually regulate it pretty well, but when I'm in a new location, it can get rough. I'm at my dad's this week, and his coffee isn't the same as ours. I also substituted my homemade tea yesterday for McDs tea.

It totally sucks. The withdrawal affects my vision, critical thinking, and even non-critical thinking skills. And if I have caffeine past 3pm, I can't sleep! Eff my life.

On the other hand, my physical and chemical dependency is fascinating. I wish I had scientist/doctor friends that could study me for free.
Nov 27, 13 2:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Interestingly, I CAN substitute liquor for caffiene, and I'm just fine. Maybe I should switch.
Nov 27, 13 2:58 pm  · 
I love how TC can switch from pointing the finger at maybe racist to discussing reptile conspiracy theory in 24 hours. My family arrives in 1 hour. I am drinking whiskey in advance. My strux engineer promised drawings today and dropped the ball. Clients grouchy. More whiskey!!
Nov 27, 13 3:17 pm  · 

Sadly having my non-drinking husband all the way around the world curtails my drinking activities - because now *I* have to be the responsible one.

1.5 more hours of work.

Nov 27, 13 3:36 pm  · 

I love how TC can switch from pointing the finger at maybe racist to discussing reptile conspiracy theory in 24 hours.

Thank you for your inclusion of the word "maybe" in front of racist, since we really don't know someone's real level of racism from this forum and, to some extent, everyone has their own prejudices of one kind or another.  AIDS being a conspiracy to make big medical money was also thrown into the mix.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Sadly having my non-drinking husband all the way around the world curtails my drinking activities

Well, then, your husband is cool by my book.  Doesn't sound like he conforms to a list of societal "shoulds."

Nov 27, 13 3:42 pm  · 

Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream! 

Nov 27, 13 4:37 pm  · 

I'm more concerned about the metal eating  stuff that isn't salt they are tossing on the roads here in New England.  Everyone (politicals) says oh it is a lot better than salt.  Yet when I talk to Truckers and people in the business they are seeing some scary stuff out there.  I think about it every time I'm driving down the highway a couple days after a storm and the roads are all white from the residue left behind. 

Nov 27, 13 8:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Ha, we still use sand. Then again, we also cancel life if there's 1/2" of snow or ice.
Nov 27, 13 9:28 pm  · 

we use salt and sand. salt doesn't do shit when temps get 20 below and lower.

Nov 28, 13 8:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Beta, you should be the expert. I don't know how anyone can live willingly in that frozen tundra. It's been in the low 40s and 30s the past few days, and I don't want to leave the house!
Nov 28, 13 9:06 am  · 
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for am internet full of dancing Tom Hiddleston gifs.

Happy Thanksgiving, TC! Or happy calm day full of yummy food and people you enjoy being around for those who don't celebrate it!
Nov 28, 13 12:31 pm  · 

Turkey enzymes reliably made for a nap.

Nov 28, 13 11:52 pm  · 

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